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using System;
using Unity.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARSubsystems;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARKit;
// This custom ConfigurationChooser tells the ARKit XR Plugin to use an ARGeoTrackingConfiguration
// See https://developer.apple.com/documentation/arkit/argeotrackingconfiguration?language=objc
class ARGeoAnchorConfigurationChooser : ConfigurationChooser
static readonly ConfigurationChooser s_DefaultChooser = new DefaultConfigurationChooser();
static readonly ConfigurationDescriptor s_ARGeoConfigurationDescriptor = new ConfigurationDescriptor(
// On iOS, the "identifier" used by the ConfigurationDescriptor is the Objective-C metaclass for the type
// of configuration that should be used. In general, you should not create new ConfigurationDescriptors
// (you should pick one of the descriptors passed into ChooseConfiguration); however, this will do for this
// specific case.
// These are the "features" supported by the ARGeoTrackingConfiguration
Feature.WorldFacingCamera |
Feature.PositionAndRotation |
Feature.ImageTracking |
Feature.PlaneTracking |
Feature.ObjectTracking |
// Rank is meant to be used as a tie breaker in our implementation of ChooseConfiguration, but since we will
// always choose this descriptor, it doesn't matter what value we use here.
public override Configuration ChooseConfiguration(NativeSlice<ConfigurationDescriptor> descriptors, Feature requestedFeatures)
// If location services are running, then we can request an ARGeoTrackingConfiguration by its class pointer
return Input.location.status == LocationServiceStatus.Running
? new Configuration(s_ARGeoConfigurationDescriptor, requestedFeatures.Intersection(s_ARGeoConfigurationDescriptor.capabilities))
: s_DefaultChooser.ChooseConfiguration(descriptors, requestedFeatures);
public static extern IntPtr ARGeoTrackingConfigurationClass
[DllImport("__Internal", EntryPoint = "ARGeoTrackingConfiguration_class")]
public class EnableGeoAnchors : MonoBehaviour
// See https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.xr.arfoundation@4.0/manual/extensions.html
public struct NativePtrData
public int version;
public IntPtr sessionPtr;
// See https://developer.apple.com/documentation/corelocation/cllocationcoordinate2d?language=objc
public struct CLLocationCoordinate2D
public double latitude;
public double longitude;
// ARGeoAnchors requires location services
void Start() => Input.location.Start();
void OnGUI()
GUI.skin.label.fontSize = 50;
if (ARGeoAnchorConfigurationChooser.ARGeoTrackingConfigurationClass == IntPtr.Zero)
GUILayout.Label("ARGeoTrackingConfiguration is not supported on this device.");
switch (Input.location.status)
case LocationServiceStatus.Initializing:
GUILayout.Label("Waiting for location services...");
case LocationServiceStatus.Stopped:
GUILayout.Label("Location services stopped. Unable to use geo anchors.");
case LocationServiceStatus.Failed:
GUILayout.Label("Location services failed. Unable to use geo anchors.");
case LocationServiceStatus.Running:
GUILayout.Label("Tap screen to add a geo anchor.");
void Update()
// Can't do anything interesting until location services are running.
if (Input.location.status != LocationServiceStatus.Running)
if (GetComponent<ARSession>().subsystem is ARKitSessionSubsystem subsystem)
if (!(subsystem.configurationChooser is ARGeoAnchorConfigurationChooser))
// Replace the config chooser with our own
subsystem.configurationChooser = new ARGeoAnchorConfigurationChooser();
// We don't have to do this, but it will silence a warning message in Xcode
// since the ARGeoTrackingConfiguration can only use the GravityAndHeading value.
subsystem.requestedWorldAlignment = ARWorldAlignment.GravityAndHeading;
// Make sure we have a native ptr
if (subsystem.nativePtr == IntPtr.Zero)
// Get the session ptr from the native ptr data
var session = Marshal.PtrToStructure<NativePtrData>(subsystem.nativePtr).sessionPtr;
if (session == IntPtr.Zero)
var screenTapped = Input.touchCount > 0 && Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Ended;
if (screenTapped)
// Get last known location data
var locationData = Input.location.lastData;
// Add a geo anchor. See GeoAnchorsNativeInterop.m to see how this works.
AddGeoAnchor(session, new CLLocationCoordinate2D
latitude = locationData.latitude,
longitude = locationData.longitude
}, locationData.altitude);
static extern void DoSomethingWithSession(IntPtr session);
[DllImport("__Internal", EntryPoint = "ARSession_addGeoAnchor")]
static extern void AddGeoAnchor(IntPtr session, CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate, double altitude);