using System.Collections.Generic; using Unity.Collections; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation; /// /// Populates a drop down UI element with all the supported /// camera configurations and changes the active camera /// configuration when the user changes the selection in the dropdown. /// /// The camera configuration affects the resolution (and possibly framerate) /// of the hardware camera during an AR session. /// [RequireComponent(typeof(Dropdown))] public class CameraConfigController : MonoBehaviour { List m_ConfigurationNames; Dropdown m_Dropdown; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("The ARCameraManager which will produce frame events.")] ARCameraManager m_CameraManager; /// /// Get or set the ARCameraManager. /// public ARCameraManager cameraManager { get { return m_CameraManager; } set { m_CameraManager = value; } } /// /// Callback invoked when changes. This /// lets us change the camera configuration when the user changes /// the selection in the UI. /// /// The Dropdown which changed. public void OnValueChanged(Dropdown dropdown) { if ((cameraManager == null) || (cameraManager.subsystem == null) || !cameraManager.subsystem.running) { return; } var configurationIndex = dropdown.value; // Check that the value makes sense using (var configurations = cameraManager.GetConfigurations(Allocator.Temp)) { if (configurationIndex >= configurations.Length) { return; } // Get that configuration by index var configuration = configurations[configurationIndex]; // Make it the active one cameraManager.currentConfiguration = configuration; } } void Awake() { m_Dropdown = GetComponent(); m_Dropdown.ClearOptions(); m_ConfigurationNames = new List(); } void PopulateDropdown() { if ((cameraManager == null) || (cameraManager.subsystem == null) || !cameraManager.subsystem.running) return; // No configurations available probably means this feature // isn't supported by the current device. using (var configurations = cameraManager.GetConfigurations(Allocator.Temp)) { if (!configurations.IsCreated || (configurations.Length <= 0)) { return; } // There are two ways to enumerate the camera configurations. // 1. Use a foreach to iterate over all the available configurations foreach (var config in configurations) { m_ConfigurationNames.Add(config.ToString()); } m_Dropdown.AddOptions(m_ConfigurationNames); // 2. Use a normal for...loop var currentConfig = cameraManager.currentConfiguration; for (int i = 0; i < configurations.Length; ++i) { // Find the current configuration and update the drop down value if (currentConfig == configurations[i]) { m_Dropdown.value = i; } } } } void Update() { if (m_ConfigurationNames.Count == 0) PopulateDropdown(); } }