using System;
using System.Text;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARSubsystems;
namespace UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation.Samples
/// This component tests getting the latest camera image
/// and converting it to RGBA format. If successful,
/// it displays the image on the screen as a RawImage
/// and also displays information about the image.
/// This is useful for computer vision applications where
/// you need to access the raw pixels from camera image
/// on the CPU.
/// This is different from the ARCameraBackground component, which
/// efficiently displays the camera image on the screen. If you
/// just want to blit the camera texture to the screen, use
/// the ARCameraBackground, or use Graphics.Blit to create
/// a GPU-friendly RenderTexture.
/// In this example, we get the camera image data on the CPU,
/// convert it to an RGBA format, then display it on the screen
/// as a RawImage texture to demonstrate it is working.
/// This is done as an example; do not use this technique simply
/// to render the camera image on screen.
public class TestDepthImage : MonoBehaviour
/// Name of the texture rotation property in the shader.
const string k_TextureRotationName = "_TextureRotation";
/// ID of the texture rotation property in the shader.
static readonly int k_TextureRotationId = Shader.PropertyToID(k_TextureRotationName);
/// A string builder for construction of strings.
readonly StringBuilder m_StringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
[Tooltip("The AROcclusionManager which will produce frame events.")]
AROcclusionManager m_OcclusionManager;
/// Get or set the AROcclusionManager.
public AROcclusionManager occlusionManager
get { return m_OcclusionManager; }
set { m_OcclusionManager = value; }
RawImage m_RawImage;
/// The UI RawImage used to display the image on screen.
public RawImage rawImage
get { return m_RawImage; }
set { m_RawImage = value; }
Text m_ImageInfo;
/// The UI Text used to display information about the image on screen.
public Text imageInfo
get { return m_ImageInfo; }
set { m_ImageInfo = value; }
/// The current screen orientation remembered so that we are only updating the raw image layout when it changes.
ScreenOrientation m_CurrentScreenOrientation;
/// The current texture aspect ratio remembered so that we can resize the raw image layout when it changes.
float m_TextureAspectRatio = 1.0f;
void OnEnable()
m_CurrentScreenOrientation = Screen.orientation;
void Update()
Debug.Assert(m_OcclusionManager != null, "no occlusion manager");
if ((m_OcclusionManager.descriptor?.supportsHumanSegmentationStencilImage == false)
&& (m_OcclusionManager.descriptor?.supportsHumanSegmentationDepthImage == false)
&& (m_OcclusionManager.descriptor?.supportsEnvironmentDepthImage == false))
if (m_ImageInfo != null)
m_ImageInfo.text = "Depth functionality is not supported on this device.";
Texture2D humanStencil = m_OcclusionManager.humanStencilTexture;
Texture2D humanDepth = m_OcclusionManager.humanDepthTexture;
Texture2D envDepth = m_OcclusionManager.environmentDepthTexture;
Texture2D displayTexture = envDepth;
LogTextureInfo(m_StringBuilder, "stencil", humanStencil);
LogTextureInfo(m_StringBuilder, "depth", humanDepth);
LogTextureInfo(m_StringBuilder, "env", envDepth);
if (m_ImageInfo != null)
m_ImageInfo.text = m_StringBuilder.ToString();
Debug.Assert(m_RawImage != null, "no raw image");
m_RawImage.texture = displayTexture;
float textureAspectRatio = (displayTexture == null) ? 1.0f : ((float)displayTexture.width / (float)displayTexture.height);
if ((m_CurrentScreenOrientation != Screen.orientation)
|| !Mathf.Approximately(m_TextureAspectRatio, textureAspectRatio))
m_CurrentScreenOrientation = Screen.orientation;
m_TextureAspectRatio = textureAspectRatio;
void LogTextureInfo(StringBuilder stringBuilder, string textureName, Texture2D texture)
stringBuilder.AppendFormat("texture : {0}\n", textureName);
if (texture == null)
stringBuilder.AppendFormat(" \n");
stringBuilder.AppendFormat(" format : {0}\n", texture.format.ToString());
stringBuilder.AppendFormat(" width : {0}\n", texture.width);
stringBuilder.AppendFormat(" height : {0}\n", texture.height);
stringBuilder.AppendFormat(" mipmap : {0}\n", texture.mipmapCount);
void LayoutRawImage()
Debug.Assert(m_RawImage != null, "no raw image");
float minDimension = 480.0f;
float maxDimension = Mathf.Round(minDimension * m_TextureAspectRatio);
Vector2 rectSize;
float rotation;
switch (m_CurrentScreenOrientation)
case ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight:
rectSize = new Vector2(maxDimension, minDimension);
rotation = 180.0f;
case ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft:
rectSize = new Vector2(maxDimension, minDimension);
rotation = 0.0f;
case ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown:
rectSize = new Vector2(minDimension, maxDimension);
rotation = 90.0f;
case ScreenOrientation.Portrait:
rectSize = new Vector2(minDimension, maxDimension);
rotation = 270.0f;
m_RawImage.rectTransform.sizeDelta = rectSize;
m_RawImage.material.SetFloat(k_TextureRotationId, rotation);