
Update readme with details on WorldCameraWithUserFacingFaceTracking

Tim Mowrer 5 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 5 次插入1 次删除
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### WorldCameraWithUserFacingFaceTracking
iOS 13 adds support for face tracking while the world-facing (i.e., rear) camera is active. This means the user-facing (i.e., front) camera is used for face tracking, but the pass through video uses the world-facing camera. To enable this mode in ARFoundation, you must enable an `ARFaceManager`, set the `ARSession` tracking mode to "Position and Rotation", and set the `ARCameraManager`'s facing direction to "World". Tap the screen to toggle between the user-facing and world-facing cameras.
iOS 13 adds support for face tracking while the world-facing (i.e., rear) camera is active. This means the user-facing (i.e., front) camera is used for face tracking, but the pass through video uses the world-facing camera. To enable this mode in ARFoundation, you must enable an `ARFaceManager`, set the `ARSession` tracking mode to "Position and Rotation" or "Don't Care", and set the `ARCameraManager`'s facing direction to "World". Tap the screen to toggle between the user-facing and world-facing cameras.
The sample code in `DisplayFaceInfo.OnEnable` shows how to detect support for these face tracking features.
When using the world-facing camera, a cube is displayed in front of the camera whose orientation is driven by the face in front of the user-facing camera.
This feature requires a device with a TrueDepth camera and an A12 bionic chip running iOS 13.
