Mike Durand
7 年前
共有 45 个文件被更改,包括 3731 次插入 和 2 次删除
127Assets/Prefabs/AR Placed Cube.prefab
8Assets/Prefabs/AR Placed Cube.prefab.meta
219Assets/Prefabs/AR Plane Debug Visualizer.prefab
8Assets/Prefabs/AR Plane Debug Visualizer.prefab.meta
1001Assets/Prefabs/AR Point Cloud Debug Visualizer.prefab
8Assets/Prefabs/AR Point Cloud Debug Visualizer.prefab.meta
# arfoundation-samples |
Example content for Unity projects based on AR Foundation |
# AR Foundation Samples |
Example projects that utilize *AR Foundation* and demonstrates its functionality with sample assets and components. |
Requires Unity version 2018.1+ |
Requires the AR Foundation package |
## Instructions for installing AR Foundation |
1. Download the latest version of Unity 2018.1 or 2018.2 |
2. Open Unity and load the project at the root of the *arfoundation-samples* repository |
3. Open your choice of sample scenes. |
4. See the documentation for the AR Foundation for usage instructions and more information |
See the [AR Foundation Documentation](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.xr.arutilities@1.0/manual/index.html) to learn how to get started with the core components. |
[Ll]ibrary/ |
[Tt]emp/ |
[Oo]bj/ |
[Bb]uild/ |
[Bb]uilds/ |
Assets/AssetStoreTools* |
# Visual Studio 2015 cache directory |
/.vs/ |
# Ignore manually added packages |
com.* |
# Autogenerated VS/MD/Consulo solution and project files |
ExportedObj/ |
.consulo/ |
*.csproj |
*.unityproj |
*.sln |
*.suo |
*.tmp |
*.user |
*.userprefs |
*.pidb |
*.booproj |
*.svd |
*.pdb |
# Unity3D generated meta files |
*.pidb.meta |
*.pdb.meta |
# Unity3D Generated File On Crash Reports |
sysinfo.txt |
# Builds |
*.apk |
*.unitypackage |
.DS_Store |
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--- !u!196 &4 |
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Light: |
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m_ShadowAngle: 0 |
--- !u!4 &1015722067 |
Transform: |
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--- !u!1 &1335839533 |
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m_Layer: 0 |
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m_Icon: {fileID: 0} |
m_NavMeshLayer: 0 |
m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 |
m_IsActive: 1 |
--- !u!114 &1335839534 |
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--- !u!4 &1335839535 |
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using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEngine; |
using UnityEngine.Experimental.XR; |
using UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation; |
[RequireComponent(typeof(ARSessionOrigin))] |
public class PlaceOnPlane : MonoBehaviour |
{ |
[SerializeField] |
[Tooltip("Instantiates this prefab on a plane at the touch location.")] |
GameObject m_PlacedPrefab; |
/// <summary>
/// The prefab to instantiate on touch.
/// </summary>
public GameObject placedPrefab |
{ |
get { return m_PlacedPrefab; } |
set { m_PlacedPrefab = value; } |
} |
/// <summary>
/// The object instantiated as a result of a successful raycast intersection with a plane.
/// </summary>
public GameObject placedObject { get; private set; } |
void Awake() |
{ |
m_SessionOrigin = GetComponent<ARSessionOrigin>(); |
} |
void Update() |
{ |
if (Input.touchCount == 0) |
return; |
var touch = Input.GetTouch(0); |
var hits = s_RaycastHits; |
if (!m_SessionOrigin.Raycast(touch.position, hits, TrackableType.PlaneWithinPolygon)) |
return; |
placementHit = hits[0]; |
} |
ARSessionOrigin m_SessionOrigin; |
ARRaycastHit m_PlacementHit; |
ARRaycastHit placementHit |
{ |
get { return m_PlacementHit; } |
set |
{ |
m_PlacementHit = value; |
if (placedObject == null && m_PlacedPrefab != null) |
{ |
placedObject = Instantiate(m_PlacedPrefab); |
} |
if (placedObject != null) |
{ |
var pose = m_PlacementHit.pose; |
placedObject.transform.position = pose.position; |
placedObject.transform.rotation = pose.rotation; |
} |
} |
} |
List<ARRaycastHit> s_RaycastHits = new List<ARRaycastHit>(); |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 7d5359d5f13250e4485741ed685a32be |
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"com.unity.xr.arkit": "1.0.0-preview.9" |
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"registry": "https://staging-packages.unity.com" |
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%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: |
--- !u!11 &1 |
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axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
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m_Name: Fire3 |
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dead: 0.001 |
sensitivity: 1000 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
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m_Name: Jump |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
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altPositiveButton: |
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m_Name: Jump |
descriptiveName: |
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gravity: 1000 |
dead: 0.001 |
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axis: 0 |
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m_Name: Submit |
descriptiveName: |
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joyNum: 0 |
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m_Name: Cancel |
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altPositiveButton: joystick button 1 |
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cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
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cost: 1 |
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cost: 1 |
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cost: 1 |
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cost: 1 |
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cost: 1 |
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cost: 1 |
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cost: 1 |
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cost: 1 |
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cost: 1 |
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cost: 1 |
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cost: 1 |
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cost: 1 |
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cost: 1 |
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cost: 1 |
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Reference in new issue