GitHub Enterprise
4 年前
共有 58 个文件被更改,包括 5984 次插入 和 2227 次删除
using UnityEngine; |
using System; |
using System.Text; |
using UnityEngine.Rendering; |
/// A simple UI controller to display light estimation information.
/// A simple UI controller to display basic light estimation information.
[RequireComponent(typeof(LightEstimation))] |
public class LightEstimationUI : MonoBehaviour |
[RequireComponent(typeof(BasicLightEstimation))] |
public class BasicLightEstimationUI : MonoBehaviour |
[Tooltip("The UI Text element used to display the estimated brightness in the physical environment.")] |
[Tooltip("The UI Text element used to display the estimated ambient intensity in the physical environment.")] |
Text m_BrightnessText; |
Text m_AmbientIntensityText; |
/// The UI Text element used to display the estimated brightness value.
/// The UI Text element used to display the estimated ambient intensity value.
public Text brightnessText |
public Text ambientIntensityText |
get { return m_BrightnessText; } |
set { m_BrightnessText = brightnessText; } |
get { return m_AmbientIntensityText; } |
set { m_AmbientIntensityText = ambientIntensityText; } |
[Tooltip("The UI Text element used to display the estimated color temperature in the physical environment.")] |
[Tooltip("The UI Text element used to display the estimated ambient color in the physical environment.")] |
Text m_ColorTemperatureText; |
Text m_AmbientColorText; |
/// The UI Text element used to display the estimated color temperature in the scene.
/// The UI Text element used to display the estimated ambient color in the scene.
public Text colorTemperatureText |
public Text ambientColorText |
get { return m_ColorTemperatureText; } |
set { m_ColorTemperatureText = value; } |
} |
[Tooltip("The UI Text element used to display the estimated color correction value for the physical environment.")] |
[SerializeField] |
Text m_ColorCorrectionText; |
[Tooltip("The UI Text element used to display the estimated direction of the main light for the physical environment.")] |
[SerializeField] |
Text m_MainLightDirectionText; |
public Text mainLightDirectionText |
{ |
get => m_MainLightDirectionText; |
set => m_MainLightDirectionText = value; |
} |
[Tooltip("The UI Text element used to display the estimated intensity in lumens of the main light for the physical environment.")] |
[SerializeField] |
Text m_MainLightIntensityLumens; |
public Text mainLightIntensityLumens |
{ |
get => m_MainLightIntensityLumens; |
set => m_MainLightIntensityLumens = value; |
} |
[Tooltip("The UI Text element used to display the estimated color of the main light for the physical environment.")] |
[SerializeField] |
Text m_MainLightColor; |
public Text mainLightColorText |
{ |
get => m_MainLightColor; |
set => m_MainLightColor = value; |
} |
[Tooltip("The UI Text element used to display the estimated spherical harmonics coefficients for the physical environment.")] |
[SerializeField] |
Text m_SphericalHarmonicsText; |
public Text ambientSphericalHarmonicsText |
{ |
get => m_SphericalHarmonicsText; |
set => m_SphericalHarmonicsText = value; |
} |
StringBuilder m_SphericalHarmonicsStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(""); |
/// <summary>
/// The UI Text element used to display the estimated color correction value for the scene.
/// </summary>
public Text colorCorrectionText |
{ |
get { return m_ColorCorrectionText; } |
set { m_ColorCorrectionText = value; } |
get { return m_AmbientColorText; } |
set { m_AmbientColorText = value; } |
m_LightEstimation = GetComponent<LightEstimation>(); |
m_LightEstimation = GetComponent<BasicLightEstimation>(); |
SetUIValue(m_LightEstimation.brightness, brightnessText); |
SetUIValue(m_LightEstimation.colorTemperature, colorTemperatureText); |
SetUIValue(m_LightEstimation.colorCorrection, colorCorrectionText); |
SetUIValue(m_LightEstimation.mainLightDirection, mainLightDirectionText); |
SetUIValue(m_LightEstimation.mainLightColor, mainLightColorText); |
SetUIValue(m_LightEstimation.mainLightIntensityLumens, mainLightIntensityLumens); |
SetSphericalHarmonicsUIValue(m_LightEstimation.sphericalHarmonics, ambientSphericalHarmonicsText); |
} |
void SetSphericalHarmonicsUIValue(SphericalHarmonicsL2? maybeAmbientSphericalHarmonics, Text text) |
{ |
if (text != null) |
{ |
if (maybeAmbientSphericalHarmonics.HasValue) |
{ |
m_SphericalHarmonicsStringBuilder.Clear(); |
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) |
{ |
if (i == 0) |
m_SphericalHarmonicsStringBuilder.Append("R:["); |
else if (i == 1) |
m_SphericalHarmonicsStringBuilder.Append("G:["); |
else |
m_SphericalHarmonicsStringBuilder.Append("B:["); |
SetUIValue(m_LightEstimation.brightness, ambientIntensityText); |
for (int j = 0; j < 9; ++j) |
{ |
m_SphericalHarmonicsStringBuilder.Append(j != 8 ? $"{maybeAmbientSphericalHarmonics.Value[i, j]}, " : $"{maybeAmbientSphericalHarmonics.Value[i, j]}]\n"); |
} |
} |
text.text = m_SphericalHarmonicsStringBuilder.ToString(); |
} |
else |
{ |
text.text = k_UnavailableText; |
} |
} |
//Display color temperature or color correction if supported
if (m_LightEstimation.colorTemperature != null) |
SetUIValue(m_LightEstimation.colorTemperature, ambientColorText); |
else if (m_LightEstimation.colorCorrection != null) |
SetUIValue(m_LightEstimation.colorCorrection, ambientColorText); |
else |
SetUIValue<float>(null, ambientColorText); |
text.text = displayValue.HasValue ? displayValue.Value.ToString(): k_UnavailableText; |
text.text = displayValue.HasValue ? displayValue.Value.ToString(): "Unavailable"; |
const string k_UnavailableText = "Unavailable"; |
LightEstimation m_LightEstimation; |
BasicLightEstimation m_LightEstimation; |
} |
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using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEngine; |
using UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation; |
namespace UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation.Samples |
{ |
/// <summary>
/// This script enables face tracking with user facing camera and disables it otherwise.
/// It enables the world space object with world facing camera and disables it otherwise.
/// </summary>
[RequireComponent(typeof(ARSessionOrigin))] |
[RequireComponent(typeof(ARFaceManager))] |
[RequireComponent(typeof(ARCameraManager))] |
public class FacingDirectionManager : MonoBehaviour |
{ |
[SerializeField] |
GameObject m_WorldSpaceObject; |
public GameObject worldSpaceObject |
{ |
get => m_WorldSpaceObject; |
set => m_WorldSpaceObject = value; |
} |
CameraFacingDirection m_CurrentCameraFacingDirection; |
ARCameraManager m_CameraManager; |
void OnEnable() |
{ |
m_CameraManager = GetComponentInChildren<ARCameraManager>(); |
m_CurrentCameraFacingDirection = m_CameraManager.currentFacingDirection; |
} |
void Update() |
{ |
var updatedCameraFacingDirection = m_CameraManager.currentFacingDirection; |
if (updatedCameraFacingDirection != CameraFacingDirection.None && updatedCameraFacingDirection != m_CurrentCameraFacingDirection) |
{ |
if (updatedCameraFacingDirection == CameraFacingDirection.User) |
{ |
m_CurrentCameraFacingDirection = updatedCameraFacingDirection; |
GetComponent<ARFaceManager>().enabled = true; |
worldSpaceObject.SetActive(false); |
Application.onBeforeRender -= OnBeforeRender; |
} |
else if (updatedCameraFacingDirection == CameraFacingDirection.World) |
{ |
m_CurrentCameraFacingDirection = updatedCameraFacingDirection; |
GetComponent<ARFaceManager>().enabled = false; |
worldSpaceObject.SetActive(true); |
Application.onBeforeRender += OnBeforeRender; |
} |
} |
} |
void OnDisable() |
{ |
GetComponent<ARFaceManager>().enabled = false; |
Application.onBeforeRender -= OnBeforeRender; |
} |
void OnBeforeRender() |
{ |
var camera = GetComponent<ARSessionOrigin>().camera; |
if (camera && worldSpaceObject) |
{ |
worldSpaceObject.transform.position = camera.transform.position + camera.transform.forward; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
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