
Briefly explain what each sample does

Tim Mowrer 5 年前
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# AR Foundation Samples
Example projects that use [*AR Foundation 3.0*](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.xr.arfoundation@3.0/manual/index.html) and demonstrate its functionality with sample assets and components.
This set of samples relies on five Unity packages:

3. Open your choice of sample scene.
4. See the [AR Foundation Documentation](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.xr.arfoundation@latest?preview=1) for usage instructions and more information.
# Samples
## SimpleAR
This is a good starting sample that enables point cloud visualization and plane detection. There are buttons on screen that let you pause, resume, reset, and reload the ARSession.
When a plane is detected, you can tap on the detected plane to place a cube on it. This uses the `ARRaycastManager` to perform a raycast against the plane.
| Action | Meaning |
| ------ | ------- |
| Pause | Pauses the ARSession, meaning device tracking and trackable detection (e.g., plane detection) is temporarily paused. While paused, the ARSession does not consume CPU resources. |
| Resume | Resumes a paused ARSession. The device will attempt to relocalize and previously detected objects may shift around as tracking is reestablished. |
| Reset | Clears all detected trackables and effectively begins a new ARSession. |
| Reload | Completely destroys the ARSession GameObject and re-instantiates it. This simulates the behavior you might experience during scene switching. |
## Check Support
Demonstrates checking for AR support and logs the results to the screen. The relevant script is [`SupportChecker.cs`](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/SupportChecker.cs).
## LightEstimation
Demonstrates light estimation information from the camera frame. You should see values for "Brightness", "Color Temp", and "Color Correct" on screen. Most devices only support a subset of these 3, so some will be listed as "unavailable."
The relevant scripts are on the "Directional Light" GameObject.
## ReferencePoints
This sample shows how to create reference points as the result of a raycast hit. The "Clear Reference Points" button removes all created reference points. See the [`ReferencePointCreator.cs`](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/ReferencePointCreator.cs) script.
## Scale
This sample shows how to adjust the apparent scale of content in an AR scene. It does this by moving, rotating, and scaling the `ARSessionOrigin` instead of the content. Complex scenes often can't be moved after creation (e.g., terrain), and scale can negatively affect other systems such as physics, particle effects, and AI navigation. The `ARSessionOrigin`'s scale feature is useful if you want to make your content "appear" at a position on a detected plane and to scale, for example, a building sized object to a table-top miniature.
To use this sample, first move the device around until a plane is detected, then tap on the plane. Content will appear at the touch point. After the content is placed, you can adjust its rotation and scale using the on-screen sliders. Note that the content itself is never moved, rotated, or scaled.
The relevant script is [`MakeAppearOnPlane.cs`](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/MakeAppearOnPlane.cs).
## CameraImage
This samples shows how to manipulate the camera textures on the CPU. The video feed for pass through cameras involves GPU-only textures, and manipulating them on the CPU (e.g., for computer vision algorithms) would require an expensive GPU read. Fortunately, ARFoundation provides an API for obtaining the camera image on the CPU for further processing.
The relevant script is [`TestCameraImage.cs`](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/TestCameraImage.cs).
The resolution of the CPU image is affected by the camera's configuration. The current configuration is indicated at the bottom left of the screen inside a dropdown box which lets you select one of the supported camera configurations. The [`CameraConfigController.cs`](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/CameraConfigController.cs) demonstrates enumerating and selecting a camera configuration. It is on the `CameraConfigs` GameObject.
## TogglePlaneDetection
This sample shows how to toggle plane detection on and off. When off, it will also hide all previously detected planes by disabling their GameObjects. See [`PlaneDetectionController.cs`](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/PlaneDetectionController.cs).
## FeatheredPlanes
This sample demonstrates basic plane detection, but uses a better looking prefab for the `ARPlane`. Rather than being drawn as exactly defined, the plane fades out towards the edges.
## PlaneOcclusion
This sample demonstrates basic plane detection, but uses an occlusion shader for the plane's material. This makes the plane appear invisible, but virtual objects behind the plane are culled. This provides an additional level of realism when, for example, when placing objects on a table.
Move the device around until a plane is detected (its edges are still drawn) and then tap on the plane to place/move content.
## UX
This sample demonstrates some UI that may be useful when guiding new users through an AR application. It uses the script [`UIManager.cs`](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/UX/UIManager.cs) to trigger different UI animations based on events (e.g., a plane being detected).
The functionality demonstrated here is conceptually similar to the `ARKitCoachingOverlay` sample.
## EnvironmentProbes
This sample demonstrates environment probes, a feature which attempts to generate a 3D texture from the real environment and applies it to reflection probes in the scene. The scene includes several spheres which start out completely black, but will change to shiny spheres which reflect the real environment when possible.
Note: environment probes are currently only supported on iOS.
## ARWorldMap
An `ARWorldMap` is an ARKit-specific feature which lets you save a scanned area. ARKit can optionally relocalize to a saved world map at a later time. This can be used to synchronize multiple devices to a common space, or for curated experiences specific to a location, such as a museum exhibition or other special installation. Read more about world maps [here](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/arkit/arworldmap). A world map will store most types of trackables, such as reference points and planes.
The [`ARWorldMapController.cs`](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/ARWorldMapController.cs) performs most of the logic in this sample.
This sample requires iOS 12.
## ARCollaborationData
Similar to an `ARWorldMap`, a "collaborative session" is an ARKit-specific feature which allows multiple devices to share session information in real time. Each device will periodically produce `ARCollaborationData` which should be sent to all other devices in the collaborative session. ARKit will share each participant's pose and all reference points. Other types of trackables, such as detected planes, are not shared.
See [`CollaborativeSession.cs`](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/blob/master/Assets/Scenes/ARCollaborationData/CollaborativeSession.cs). Note there are two types of collaboration data: "Critical" and "Optional". "Critical" data is available periodically and should be sent to all other devices reliably. "Optional" data is available nearly every frame and may be sent unreliably. Data marked as "optional" includes data about the device's location, which is why it is produced very frequently (i.e., every frame).
Note that ARKit's support for collaborative sessions does not include any networking; it is up to the developer to manage the connection and send data to other participants in the collaborative session. For this sample, we used Apple's [MultipeerConnectivity Framework](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/multipeerconnectivity). Our implementation can be found [here](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/tree/master/Assets/Scripts/Multipeer).
You can create reference points by tapping on the screen. Reference points are created when the tap results in a raycast which hits a point in the point cloud.
This sample requires iOS 13.
## ARKitCoachingOverlay
The coaching overlay is an ARKit-specific feature which will overlay a helpful UI guiding the user to perform certain actions to achieve some "goal", such as finding a horizontal plane.
The coaching overlay can be activated automatically or manually, and you can set its goal. In this sample, we've set the goal to be "Any plane", and for it to activate automatically. This will display a special UI on the screen until a plane is found. There is also a button to activate it manually.
The sample includes a MonoBehavior to define the settings of the coaching overlay. See [`ARKitCoachingOverlay.cs`](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/blob/master/Assets/Scenes/ARKitCoachingOverlay/ARKitCoachingOverlay.cs).
This sample requires iOS 13.
## ImageTracking
This sample demonstrates image tracking. Image tracking is supported on ARCore and ARKit. To enable image tracking, you must first create an `XRReferenceImageLibrary`. This is the set of images to look for in the environment. [Click here](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.xr.arsubsystems@3.0/manual/image-tracking.html) for instructions on creating one.
At runtime, ARFoundation will generate an `ARTrackedImage` for each detected reference image. This sample uses the [`TrackedImageInfoManager.cs`](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/blob/master/Assets/Scenes/ImageTracking/TrackedImageInfoManager.cs) script to overlay the original image on top of the detected image, along with some meta data.
Run the sample on an ARCore or ARKit-capable device and point your device at one of the images in [`Assets/Scenes/ImageTracking/Images`](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/tree/master/Assets/Scenes/ImageTracking/Images). They can be displayed on a computere monitor; they do not need to be printed out.
## ObjectTracking
Similar to the image tracking sample, this sample detects a 3D object from a set of reference objects in an `XRReferenceObjectLibrary`. [Click here](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.xr.arsubsystems@3.0/manual/object-tracking.html) for instructions on creating one.
To use this sample, you must have a physical object the device can recognize. The sample's reference object library is built using two reference objects. The sample includes [printable templates](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/tree/master/Assets/Scenes/Object%20Tracking/Printable%20Templates) which can be printed on 8.5x11 inch paper and folded into a cube and cylinder.
Alternatively, you can [scan your own objects](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/arkit/scanning_and_detecting_3d_objects) and add them to the reference object library.
This sample requires iOS 12 and is not supported on Android.
## Face Tracking
There are several samples showing different face tracking features. Some are ARCore specific and some are ARKit specific.
### FacePose
This is the simplest face tracking sample and simply draws an axis at the detected face's pose.
This sample uses the front-facing (i.e., selfie) camera.
### FaceMesh
This sample instantiates and updates a mesh representing the detected face. Information about the device support (e.g., number of faces that can be simultaneously tracked) is displayed on the screen.
This sample uses the front-facing (i.e., selfie) camera.
### ARKitFaceBlendShapes
"Blend shapes" are an ARKit-specific feature which provides information about various facial features on a scale of 0..1. For instance, "wink" and "frown". In this sample, blend shapes are used to puppet a cartoon face which is displayed over the detected face. See the [`ARKitBlendShapeVisualizer.cs`](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/ARKitBlendShapeVisualizer.cs).
This sample uses the front-facing (i.e., selfie) camera.
### ARCoreFaceRegions
"Face regions" are an ARCore-specific feature which provides pose information for specific "regions" on the detected face, e.g., left eyebrow. In this example, axes are drawn at each face region. See the [`ARCoreFaceRegionManager.cs`](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/ARCoreFaceRegionManager.cs).
This sample uses the front-facing (i.e., selfie) camera.
### EyeLasers, EyePoses, FixationPoint
These samples demonstrate eye and fixation point tracking. Eye tracking produces a pose (position and rotation) for each eye in the detected face, and the "fixation point" is the point the face is looking at (i.e., fixated upon). `EyeLasers` uses the eye pose to draw laser beams emitted from the detected face.
This sample uses the front-facing (i.e., selfie) camera.
### RearCameraWithFrontCameraFaceMesh
iOS 13 adds support for face tracking while the rear camera is active. This sample does not show much other than number of currently tracked faces. To enable this mode in ARFoundation, you must enable both an `ARFaceManager` and at least one other manager which requires the rear camera. This sample enables both the `ARFaceManager` and `ARPlaneManager` to achieve this.
This feature requires a device with a TrueDepth camera and an A12 bionic chip running iOS 13.
## HumanBodyTracking2D
This sample demonstrates 2D screen space body tracking. A 2D skeleton is generated when a person is detected. See the [`ScreenSpaceJointVisualizer.cs`](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/ScreenSpaceJointVisualizer.cs) script.
This sample requires a device with an A12 bionic chip running iOS 13.
## HumanBodyTracking3D
This sample demonstrates 3D world space body tracking. A 3D skeleton is generated when a person is detected. See the [`HumanBodyTracker.cs`](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/HumanBodyTracker.cs) script.
This sample requires a device with an A12 bionic chip running iOS 13.
## HumanSegmentationImages
This sample demonstrates "people occlusion", which can produce stencil and depth textures for detected persons. This sample is very primitive and simply displays the raw texture on the screen. We are currently working on a better sample.
This sample requires a device with an A12 bionic chip running iOS 13.