
Merge pull request #72 from unity/light-estimation

Re-refactor light estimation
GitHub Enterprise 4 年前
共有 5 个文件被更改,包括 429 次插入26 次删除
  1. 357
  2. 14
  3. 45
  4. 37
  5. 2


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void Awake()
m_LightEstimation = GetComponent<BasicLightEstimation>();
m_BasicLightEstimation = GetComponent<BasicLightEstimation>();
SetUIValue(m_LightEstimation.brightness, ambientIntensityText);
SetUIValue(m_BasicLightEstimation.brightness, ambientIntensityText);
if (m_LightEstimation.colorTemperature != null)
SetUIValue(m_LightEstimation.colorTemperature, ambientColorText);
else if (m_LightEstimation.colorCorrection != null)
SetUIValue(m_LightEstimation.colorCorrection, ambientColorText);
if (m_BasicLightEstimation.colorTemperature != null)
SetUIValue(m_BasicLightEstimation.colorTemperature, ambientColorText);
else if (m_BasicLightEstimation.colorCorrection != null)
SetUIValue(m_BasicLightEstimation.colorCorrection, ambientColorText);
SetUIValue<float>(null, ambientColorText);

text.text = displayValue.HasValue ? displayValue.Value.ToString(): "Unavailable";
BasicLightEstimation m_LightEstimation;
BasicLightEstimation m_BasicLightEstimation;


/// <summary>
/// The estimated brightness of the physical environment, if available.
/// </summary>
public float? brightness { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// The estimated color temperature of the physical environment, if available.
/// </summary>
public float? colorTemperature { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// The estimated color correction value of the physical environment, if available.
/// </summary>
public Color? colorCorrection { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// The estimated direction of the main light of the physical environment, if available.
/// </summary>
public Vector3? mainLightDirection { get; private set; }

void FrameChanged(ARCameraFrameEventArgs args)
if (args.lightEstimation.averageBrightness.HasValue)
brightness = args.lightEstimation.averageBrightness.Value;
m_Light.intensity = brightness.Value;
brightness = null;
if (args.lightEstimation.averageColorTemperature.HasValue)
colorTemperature = args.lightEstimation.averageColorTemperature.Value;
m_Light.colorTemperature = colorTemperature.Value;
colorTemperature = null;
if (args.lightEstimation.colorCorrection.HasValue)
colorCorrection = args.lightEstimation.colorCorrection.Value;
m_Light.color = colorCorrection.Value;
colorCorrection = null;
if (args.lightEstimation.mainLightDirection.HasValue)
mainLightDirection = args.lightEstimation.mainLightDirection;


public class HDRLightEstimationUI : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("The UI Text element used to display the estimated ambient intensity in the physical environment.")]
Text m_AmbientIntensityText;
/// <summary>
/// The UI Text element used to display the estimated ambient intensity value.
/// </summary>
public Text ambientIntensityText
get { return m_AmbientIntensityText; }
set { m_AmbientIntensityText = ambientIntensityText; }
[Tooltip("The UI Text element used to display the estimated ambient color in the physical environment.")]
Text m_AmbientColorText;
/// <summary>
/// The UI Text element used to display the estimated ambient color in the scene.
/// </summary>
public Text ambientColorText
get { return m_AmbientColorText; }
set { m_AmbientColorText = value; }
[Tooltip("The UI Text element used to display the estimated direction of the main light for the physical environment.")]
Text m_MainLightDirectionText;

void Update()
//Display basic light estimation info
SetUIValue(m_HDRLightEstimation.brightness, ambientIntensityText);
//Display color temperature or color correction if supported
if (m_HDRLightEstimation.colorTemperature != null)
SetUIValue(m_HDRLightEstimation.colorTemperature, ambientColorText);
else if (m_HDRLightEstimation.colorCorrection != null)
SetUIValue(m_HDRLightEstimation.colorCorrection, ambientColorText);
SetUIValue<float>(null, ambientColorText);
//Display HDR only light estimation info
SetUIValue(m_HDRLightEstimation.mainLightDirection, mainLightDirectionText);
SetUIValue(m_HDRLightEstimation.mainLightColor, mainLightColorText);
SetUIValue(m_HDRLightEstimation.mainLightIntensityLumens, mainLightIntensityLumens);


Demonstrates basic light estimation information from the camera frame. You should see values for "Ambient Intensity" and "Ambient Color" on screen. The relevant script is [`BasicLightEstimation.cs`](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/BasicLightEstimation.cs) script.
### HDRLightEstimation
This sample attempts to read HDR lighting information. You should see values for "Main Light Direction", "Main Light Intensity Lumens", "Main Light Color", and "Spherical Harmonics". Most devices only support a subset of these 4, so some will be listed as "unavailable." The relevant script is [`HDRLightEstimation.cs`](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/HDRLightEstimation.cs) script.
This sample attempts to read HDR lighting information. You should see values for "Ambient Intensity", "Ambient Color", "Main Light Direction", "Main Light Intensity Lumens", "Main Light Color", and "Spherical Harmonics". Most devices only support a subset of these 6, so some will be listed as "Unavailable." The relevant script is [`HDRLightEstimation.cs`](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/HDRLightEstimation.cs) script.
On iOS, this is only available when face tracking is enabled and requires a device that supports face tracking (such as an iPhone X, XS or 11). When available, a virtual arrow appears in front of the camera which indicates the estimated main light direction. The virtual light direction is also updated, so that virtual content appears to be lit from the direction of the real light source.
