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您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符
Dan b8f77399 ported over scripts from body recording demo, updated unity version 4 年前
Android ported over scripts from body recording demo, updated unity version 4 年前
Editor ported over scripts from body recording demo, updated unity version 4 年前
iOS ported over scripts from body recording demo, updated unity version 4 年前
Android.meta ported over scripts from body recording demo, updated unity version 4 年前
Editor.meta ported over scripts from body recording demo, updated unity version 4 年前
NativeShare.cs ported over scripts from body recording demo, updated unity version 4 年前
NativeShare.cs.meta ported over scripts from body recording demo, updated unity version 4 年前
README.txt ported over scripts from body recording demo, updated unity version 4 年前
README.txt.meta ported over scripts from body recording demo, updated unity version 4 年前
iOS.meta ported over scripts from body recording demo, updated unity version 4 年前


= Native Share for Android & iOS =

Online documentation & example code available at:

This plugin helps you natively share files (images, videos, documents, etc.) and/or plain text on Android & iOS. A ContentProvider is used to share the media on Android.

2.1. Android Setup
NativeShare no longer requires any manual setup on Android. If you were using an older version of the plugin, you need to remove NativeShare's "<provider ... />" from your AndroidManifest.xml.

For reference, the legacy documentation is available at:

2.2. iOS Setup
There are two ways to set up the plugin on iOS:

a. Automated Setup for iOS
- change the value of PHOTO_LIBRARY_USAGE_DESCRIPTION in Plugins/NativeShare/Editor/NSPostProcessBuild.cs (optional)

b. Manual Setup for iOS
- set the value of ENABLED to false in NSPostProcessBuild.cs
- build your project
- enter a Photo Library Usage Description to Info.plist in Xcode (in case user decides to save the shared media to Photos)
- also enter a Photo Library Additions Usage Description to Info.plist in Xcode, if exists

3. FAQ
- I can't share image with text on X app
It is just not possible to share an image/file with text/subject on some apps (e.g. Facebook), they intentionally omit either the image or the text from the shared content. These apps require you to use their own SDKs for complex share actions. For best compatibility, I'd recommend you to share either only image or only text.

- Can't share, it says "Can't file ContentProvider, share not possible!" in Logcat
After building your project, verify that NativeShare's "<provider ... />" tag is inserted in-between the "<application>...</application>" tags of PROJECT_PATH/Temp/StagingArea/AndroidManifest.xml. If not, please contact me.

- Can't share, it says "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.yasirkula.unity.NativeShare" in Logcat
If your project uses ProGuard, try adding the following line to ProGuard filters: -keep class com.yasirkula.unity.* { *; }

Simply create a new NativeShare object and customize it by chaining the following functions as you like:

- SetSubject( string subject ): sets the subject (primarily used in e-mail applications)
- SetText( string text ): sets the shared text. Note that the Facebook app will omit text, if exists
- AddFile( string filePath, string mime = null ): adds the file at path to the share action. You can add multiple files of different types. The MIME of the file is automatically determined if left null; however, if the file doesn't have an extension and/or you already know the MIME of the file, you can enter the MIME manually. MIME has no effect on iOS
- SetTitle( string title ): sets the title of the share dialog on Android platform. Has no effect on iOS
- SetTarget( string androidPackageName, string androidClassName = null ): shares content on a specific application on Android platform. If androidClassName is left null, list of activities in the share dialog will be narrowed down to the activities in the specified androidPackageName that can handle this share action (if there is only one such activity, it will be launched directly). Note that androidClassName, if provided, must be the full name of the activity (with its package). This function has no effect on iOS

Finally, calling the Share() function of the NativeShare object will do the trick!

- Gif files are shared as static images on iOS