AR Foundation演示项目,使用 AR Foundation 4.1.7 并围绕某些功能演示更高级功能。
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real SampleShadowmapDirect(TEXTURE2D_SHADOW_PARAM(ShadowMap, sampler_ShadowMap), SamplerState PointClamp, float4 shadowCoord, ShadowSamplingData samplingData, bool isPerspectiveProjection = true)
// Compiler will optimize this branch away as long as isPerspectiveProjection is known at compile time
if (isPerspectiveProjection) /= shadowCoord.w;
real distance;
// Instead of getting a value of 0 or 1 depending on a shadowmap comparison, we want to actually sample the shadowmap's values
distance = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_LOD(ShadowMap, PointClamp, shadowCoord.xy, 0);
//int smWidth, smHeight;
//ShadowMap.GetDimensions(smWidth, smHeight);
//shadowCoord = saturate(shadowCoord);
//distance = ShadowMap[int2(smWidth * shadowCoord.x, smHeight * shadowCoord.y)];
return distance;
void MainLightBlurShadow_half(half rand, half fadeTightness, SamplerState pointClamp, half blurRadius, half3 worldPos, out half shadowAtten)
shadowAtten = 1;
const int NUM_STEPS = 40;
float oneDivNumSteps = 1.0 / NUM_STEPS;
Light mainLight = GetMainLight();
shadowAtten = 1;
ShadowSamplingData shadowSamplingData = GetMainLightShadowSamplingData();
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STEPS; i++)
//Instead of sampling the position of the current pixel, sample a point that's a i steps away, in a semi-randomized direction
//the starting direction is randomized and then the direction is rotated by "i" radians every iteration
half3 newWorldPos = worldPos + half3(sin(rand + i), 0, cos(rand + i)) * i * oneDivNumSteps * blurRadius;
half4 clipPos = TransformWorldToHClip(newWorldPos);
half4 shadowCoord = ComputeScreenPos(clipPos);
half4 shadowCoord = TransformWorldToShadowCoord(newWorldPos);
half cascadeIndex = ComputeCascadeIndex(newWorldPos);
half cascadeIndex = 0;
float shadowScale = pow(_MainLightWorldToShadow[cascadeIndex], 0.7) * 20; // Some "Magic Math" to try to make transitions between cascades smoother
//float shadowMapSample = SampleShadowmapDirect(TEXTURE2D_ARGS(_MainLightShadowmapTexture, sampler_MainLightShadowmapTexture), pointClamp, shadowCoord, shadowSamplingData, false);
float shadowMapSample = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_LOD(_MainLightShadowmapTexture, pointClamp, shadowCoord.xy, 0);
#if defined(SHADER_API_GLES3) || defined(SHADER_API_GLES) || defined(SHADER_API_GLCORE)
shadowMapSample = 1 - shadowMapSample;
shadowCoord.z = 1 - shadowCoord.z;
float shadowCoordPos = shadowCoord.z / shadowScale; //Divide by shadowScale to get transitions more close-ish when using shadow cascades
float shadowMapPos = shadowMapSample / shadowScale;
//blurAmount is a value between 0 and 1 expressing how much to blur
float blurAmount = max(0.01, ((shadowMapPos - shadowCoordPos) * fadeTightness));
float oneDivBlurAmount = 1 / saturate(blurAmount);
//0 or 1 depending on whether a shadow is being cast
float isInShadow = step(shadowCoord.z, shadowMapSample);
// reduce the influence of higher iterations (further out samples) if the sampled shadowmap value is close to our position
float tightenCloseShadows = clamp((NUM_STEPS - i * oneDivBlurAmount), 0, oneDivBlurAmount * 2);
// reduce the influence of lower iterations (closer in samples) if the sampled shadowmap value is far way from our position
float reduceInnerIterations = max(step(saturate(blurAmount) * NUM_STEPS / 4, i + 1), 0.3);
shadowAtten -= isInShadow * oneDivNumSteps * tightenCloseShadows * reduceInnerIterations;
// If the position is out of shadow distance, just return 1
shadowAtten = BEYOND_SHADOW_FAR(shadowCoord) ? 1.0 : saturate(shadowAtten);