To visualize and understand the different classified surfaces we are using a modified version of the [MeshFracking]( script available in AR Foundaiton Samples. We've added an additional helper method to modify the alpha color of the generated meshes [ToggleVisability().]( This is all driven by a Toggle UI button in the scene and changes the shared material color on each material on the generated prefabs. By default they are configured to be completely transparent.
To visualize and understand the different classified surfaces we are using a modified version of the [MeshFracking]( script available in AR Foundaiton Samples. We've added an additional helper method to modify the alpha color of the generated meshes [ToggleVisability().]( This is all driven by a Toggle UI button in the scene and changes the shared material color on each material on the generated prefabs. By default they are configured to be completely transparent.
## DOTween is available on the Unity Asset store [here](