[SerializeField] |
ARRaycastManager m_RaycastManager; |
ARMeshManager m_MeshManager; |
public ARMeshManager m_MeshManager; |
Camera m_MainCamera; |
public Camera m_MainCamera; |
Vector2 m_ScreenCenter; |
List<MeshFilter> m_AddedSubmeshes = new List<MeshFilter>(); |
List<MeshFilter> m_UpdatedSubmeshes = new List<MeshFilter>(); |
List<MeshFilter> m_RemovedSubmeshes = new List<MeshFilter>(); |
Dictionary<TrackableId, NativeArray<ARMeshClassification>> m_MeshDictionary; |
readonly Dictionary<TrackableId, NativeArray<ARMeshClassification>> m_MeshDictionary = new Dictionary<TrackableId, NativeArray<ARMeshClassification>>(); |
void OnEnable() |
{ |
m_MeshDictionary = new Dictionary<TrackableId, NativeArray<ARMeshClassification>>(); |
m_MeshManager.meshesChanged += MeshManagerOnmeshesChanged; |
} |
//m_DebugTextTwo.text = GetClassificationName(m_CurrentClassification);
} |
} |
m_AddedSubmeshes = obj.added; |
m_UpdatedSubmeshes = obj.updated; |
m_RemovedSubmeshes = obj.removed; |
foreach (MeshFilter mesh in m_AddedSubmeshes) |
foreach (MeshFilter mesh in obj.added) |
m_CurrentTrackableID = ExtractTrackableId(mesh.name); |
m_MeshDictionary.Add(m_CurrentTrackableID, m_MeshSubsystem.GetFaceClassifications(m_CurrentTrackableID, Allocator.Persistent)); |
TrackableId trackableId = ExtractTrackableId(mesh.name); |
m_MeshDictionary.Add(trackableId, m_MeshSubsystem.GetFaceClassifications(trackableId, Allocator.Persistent)); |
foreach (MeshFilter mesh in m_UpdatedSubmeshes) |
foreach (MeshFilter mesh in obj.updated) |
m_CurrentTrackableID = ExtractTrackableId(mesh.name); |
m_MeshDictionary[m_CurrentTrackableID] = m_MeshSubsystem.GetFaceClassifications(m_CurrentTrackableID, Allocator.Persistent); |
TrackableId trackableId = ExtractTrackableId(mesh.name); |
// Must dispose of the memory allocated for the previous native array in the entry, before setting a new one.
if (m_MeshDictionary[trackableId].IsCreated) |
{ |
m_MeshDictionary[trackableId].Dispose(); |
} |
m_MeshDictionary[trackableId] = m_MeshSubsystem.GetFaceClassifications(trackableId, Allocator.Persistent); |
foreach (MeshFilter mesh in m_RemovedSubmeshes) |
foreach (MeshFilter mesh in obj.removed) |
m_CurrentTrackableID = ExtractTrackableId(mesh.name); |
m_MeshDictionary.Remove(m_CurrentTrackableID); |
TrackableId trackableId = ExtractTrackableId(mesh.name); |
// Must dispose of the memory allocated for the native array, before deleting the entry in the dictionary.
if (m_MeshDictionary[trackableId].IsCreated) |
{ |
m_MeshDictionary[trackableId].Dispose(); |
} |
m_MeshDictionary.Remove(trackableId); |
Debug.Assert(m_MeshDictionary.ContainsKey(meshID), $"Mesh ID [{meshID}] does not exist in the dictionary"); |
Debug.Assert(triangleIndex < m_MeshDictionary[meshID].Length, $"Mesh ID [{meshID}] does have a triangle classification with index {triangleIndex}"); |
m_CurrentClassification = m_MeshDictionary[meshID][triangleIndex]; |
} |
} |
return retVal; |
} |
TrackableId ExtractTrackableId(string meshFilterName) |
{ |
string[] nameSplit = meshFilterName.Split(' '); |