The goals are checking the associated `ARTrackableManager` number of trackables count. One thing to note is this is just looking for a trackable to be added, it does not check the tracking state of said trackable.
The script [UIManager.cs]( is used to configure the Instructional Goals, secondary instructional goals and holds references to the different trackable managers.
The script [`UIManager.cs`]( is used to configure the Instructional Goals, secondary instructional goals and holds references to the different trackable managers.
The script [ARUXAnimationManager.cs]( holds references to all the videos, controls all the logic for fading the UI in and out, managing the video swapping and swapping the associated text with each video / UI.
The script [`ARUXAnimationManager.cs`]( holds references to all the videos, controls all the logic for fading the UI in and out, managing the video swapping and swapping the associated text with each video / UI.