## Image Tracking — also available on the asset store [here](https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/templates/ar-foundation-demos-image-tracking-164880)
A sample app showing off how to use Image Tracking to track multiple unique images and spawn unique prefabs for each image.
The script [`ImageTrackingObjectManager.cs`](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-demos/blob/master/Assets/ImageTracking/Scripts/ImageTrackingObjectManager.cs). handles storing prefabs and updating them based on found images. It links into the `ARTrackedImageManager.trackedImagesChanged` callback to spawn prefabs for each tracked image, update their position, show a visual on the prefab depending on it's tracked state and destroy it if removed.
the script [`NumberManager.cs`](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-demos/blob/master/Assets/ImageTracking/Scripts/NumberManager.cs) handles setting up a [`contraint`](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/Constraints.html) (in this case used to billboard the model) on the 3D number objects and provides a function to enable and disabling the rendering of the 3D model.
A UI / UX framework for providing guidance to the user for a variety of different types of mobile AR apps.
The framework adopts the idea of having instructional UI shown with an instructional goal in mind. One common use of this is UI instructing the user to move their device around with the goal of the user to find a plane. Once the goal is reached the UI fades out. There is also a secondary instruction UI and an API that allows developers to add any number of additional UI and goals that will go into a queue and be processed one at a time.
The script [`DisableTrackedVisuals`](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-demos/blob/master/Assets/UX/Scripts/DisableTrackedVisuals.cs) holds a reference to the ARPlaneManger and ARPointCloudManager to allow for disabling both the spawned objects from the managers and the managers themselves, preventing further plane tracking or feature point (point clouds) tracking.