Moved workshop related folders into the AnimationRiggingWorkshop folder. Also deleted a lot of unnecessary animation content from the Ninja folder. This is my final change in this git repo, ready for it to be moved to the new location.
Moved workshop related folders into the AnimationRiggingWorkshop folder. Also deleted a lot of unnecessary animation content from the Ninja folder. This is my final change in this git repo, ready for it to be moved to the new location.
Dave Hunt
6 年前
共有 124 个文件被更改,包括 3170 次插入 和 32815 次删除
1001Assets/TestNinja/Content/Characters/Ninja/Animations/Navigation/ninja_idle_freeform 1.anim
8Assets/TestNinja/Content/Characters/Ninja/Animations/Navigation/ninja_idle_freeform 1.anim.meta
1001Assets/TestNinja/Content/Characters/Ninja/Models/NinjaAvatar 1.asset
8Assets/TestNinja/Content/Characters/Ninja/Models/NinjaAvatar 1.asset.meta
1001Assets/TestNinja/Content/Characters/Ninja/Models/NinjaAvatar 2.asset
8Assets/TestNinja/Content/Characters/Ninja/Models/NinjaAvatar 2.asset.meta
1001Assets/TestNinja/Content/Characters/Ninja/Models/NinjaAvatar 3.asset
8Assets/TestNinja/Content/Characters/Ninja/Models/NinjaAvatar 3.asset.meta
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--- !u!1102 &3435343393231221872 |
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%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: |
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--- !u!91 &9100000 |
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--- !u!1102 &3345652588465221756 |
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--- !u!1102 &5948520299439532604 |
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--- !u!1107 &8941694087208653827 |
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%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: |
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--- !u!1107 &-462446646152645540 |
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Assets/TestNinja/Content/Characters/Ninja/Animations/Navigation/ninja_idle_freeform 1.anim
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1: 100000 |
second: Chest |
- first: |
1: 100002 |
second: Head |
- first: |
1: 100004 |
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- first: |
1: 100006 |
second: Hips |
- first: |
1: 100008 |
second: joint1 |
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1: 100010 |
second: LeftElbow |
- first: |
1: 100012 |
second: LeftFoot |
- first: |
1: 100014 |
second: LeftHand |
- first: |
1: 100016 |
second: LeftHandGrip |
- first: |
1: 100018 |
second: LeftIndexDistal |
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1: 100020 |
second: LeftIndexDistalEnd |
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1: 100022 |
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1: 100024 |
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1: 100026 |
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1: 100028 |
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1: 100030 |
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1: 100032 |
second: LeftLowerArmTwist2 |
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1: 100034 |
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1: 100036 |
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1: 100038 |
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1: 100040 |
second: LeftMiddleDistalEnd |
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1: 100042 |
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1: 100044 |
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1: 100046 |
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1: 100048 |
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1: 100050 |
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1: 100052 |
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1: 100054 |
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- first: |
1: 100056 |
second: LeftRingDistalEnd |
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1: 100058 |
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1: 100060 |
second: LeftRingProximal |
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1: 100062 |
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1: 100064 |
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1: 100066 |
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1: 100068 |
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1: 100070 |
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1: 100072 |
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1: 100074 |
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1: 100076 |
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1: 100078 |
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1: 100080 |
second: LeftUpperArmTwist2 |
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1: 100082 |
second: LeftUpperArmTwist3 |
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1: 100084 |
second: LeftUpperLeg |
- first: |
1: 100086 |
second: LeftUpperLegTwist1 |
- first: |
1: 100088 |
second: LeftUpperLegTwist2 |
- first: |
1: 100090 |
second: LeftUpperLegTwist3 |
- first: |
1: 100092 |
second: Neck |
- first: |
1: 100094 |
second: //RootNode |
- first: |
1: 100096 |
second: RightElbow |
- first: |
1: 100098 |
second: RightFoot |
- first: |
1: 100100 |
second: RightHand |
- first: |
1: 100102 |
second: RightHandGrip |
- first: |
1: 100104 |
second: RightIndexDistal |
- first: |
1: 100106 |
second: RightIndexDistalEnd |
- first: |
1: 100108 |
second: RightIndexIntermediate |
- first: |
1: 100110 |
second: RightIndexProximal |
- first: |
1: 100112 |
second: RightLowerArm |
- first: |
1: 100114 |
second: RightLowerArmTwist1 |
- first: |
1: 100116 |
second: RightLowerArmTwist2 |
- first: |
1: 100118 |
second: RightLowerArmTwist3 |
- first: |
1: 100120 |
second: RightLowerLeg |
- first: |
1: 100122 |
second: RightMiddleDistal |
- first: |
1: 100124 |
second: RightMiddleDistalEnd |
- first: |
1: 100126 |
second: RightMiddleIntermediate |
- first: |
1: 100128 |
second: RightMiddleProximal |
- first: |
1: 100130 |
second: RightPinkyDistal |
- first: |
1: 100132 |
second: RightPinkyDistalEnd |
- first: |
1: 100134 |
second: RightPinkyIntermediate |
- first: |
1: 100136 |
second: RightPinkyProximal |
- first: |
1: 100138 |
second: RightRingDistal |
- first: |
1: 100140 |
second: RightRingDistalEnd |
- first: |
1: 100142 |
second: RightRingIntermediate |
- first: |
1: 100144 |
second: RightRingProximal |
- first: |
1: 100146 |
second: RightShoulder |
- first: |
1: 100148 |
second: RightThumbDistal |
- first: |
1: 100150 |
second: RightThumbDistalEnd |
- first: |
1: 100152 |
second: RightThumbIntermediate |
- first: |
1: 100154 |
second: RightThumbProximal2 |
- first: |
1: 100156 |
second: RightToes |
- first: |
1: 100158 |
second: RightToesEnd |
- first: |
1: 100160 |
second: RightUpperArm |
- first: |
1: 100162 |
second: RightUpperArmTwist1 |
- first: |
1: 100164 |
second: RightUpperArmTwist2 |
- first: |
1: 100166 |
second: RightUpperArmTwist3 |
- first: |
1: 100168 |
second: RightUpperLeg |
- first: |
1: 100170 |
second: RightUpperLegTwist1 |
- first: |
1: 100172 |
second: RightUpperLegTwist2 |
- first: |
1: 100174 |
second: RightUpperLegTwist3 |
- first: |
1: 100176 |
second: Root |
- first: |
1: 100178 |
second: Spine |
- first: |
1: 100180 |
second: UpperChest |
- first: |
4: 400000 |
second: Chest |
- first: |
4: 400002 |
second: Head |
- first: |
4: 400004 |
second: Head_null |
- first: |
4: 400006 |
second: Hips |
- first: |
4: 400008 |
second: joint1 |
- first: |
4: 400010 |
second: LeftElbow |
- first: |
4: 400012 |
second: LeftFoot |
- first: |
4: 400014 |
second: LeftHand |
- first: |
4: 400016 |
second: LeftHandGrip |
- first: |
4: 400018 |
second: LeftIndexDistal |
- first: |
4: 400020 |
second: LeftIndexDistalEnd |
- first: |
4: 400022 |
second: LeftIndexIntermediate |
- first: |
4: 400024 |
second: LeftIndexProximal |
- first: |
4: 400026 |
second: LeftKnee |
- first: |
4: 400028 |
second: LeftLowerArm |
- first: |
4: 400030 |
second: LeftLowerArmTwist1 |
- first: |
4: 400032 |
second: LeftLowerArmTwist2 |
- first: |
4: 400034 |
second: LeftLowerArmTwist3 |
- first: |
4: 400036 |
second: LeftLowerLeg |
- first: |
4: 400038 |
second: LeftMiddleDistal |
- first: |
4: 400040 |
second: LeftMiddleDistalEnd |
- first: |
4: 400042 |
second: LeftMiddleIntermediate |
- first: |
4: 400044 |
second: LeftMiddleProximal |
- first: |
4: 400046 |
second: LeftPinkyDistal |
- first: |
4: 400048 |
second: LeftPinkyDistalEnd |
- first: |
4: 400050 |
second: LeftPinkyIntermediate |
- first: |
4: 400052 |
second: LeftPinkyProximal |
- first: |
4: 400054 |
second: LeftRingDistal |
- first: |
4: 400056 |
second: LeftRingDistalEnd |
- first: |
4: 400058 |
second: LeftRingIntermediate |
- first: |
4: 400060 |
second: LeftRingProximal |
- first: |
4: 400062 |
second: LeftShoulder |
- first: |
4: 400064 |
second: LeftThumbDistal |
- first: |
4: 400066 |
second: LeftThumbDistalEnd |
- first: |
4: 400068 |
second: LeftThumbIntermediate |
- first: |
4: 400070 |
second: LeftThumbProximal2 |
- first: |
4: 400072 |
second: LeftToes |
- first: |
4: 400074 |
second: LeftToesEnd |
- first: |
4: 400076 |
second: LeftUpperArm |
- first: |
4: 400078 |
second: LeftUpperArmTwist1 |
- first: |
4: 400080 |
second: LeftUpperArmTwist2 |
- first: |
4: 400082 |
second: LeftUpperArmTwist3 |
- first: |
4: 400084 |
second: LeftUpperLeg |
- first: |
4: 400086 |
second: LeftUpperLegTwist1 |
- first: |
4: 400088 |
second: LeftUpperLegTwist2 |
- first: |
4: 400090 |
second: LeftUpperLegTwist3 |
- first: |
4: 400092 |
second: Neck |
- first: |
4: 400094 |
second: //RootNode |
- first: |
4: 400096 |
second: RightElbow |
- first: |
4: 400098 |
second: RightFoot |
- first: |
4: 400100 |
second: RightHand |
- first: |
4: 400102 |
second: RightHandGrip |
- first: |
4: 400104 |
second: RightIndexDistal |
- first: |
4: 400106 |
second: RightIndexDistalEnd |
- first: |
4: 400108 |
second: RightIndexIntermediate |
- first: |
4: 400110 |
second: RightIndexProximal |
- first: |
4: 400112 |
second: RightLowerArm |
- first: |
4: 400114 |
second: RightLowerArmTwist1 |
- first: |
4: 400116 |
second: RightLowerArmTwist2 |
- first: |
4: 400118 |
second: RightLowerArmTwist3 |
- first: |
4: 400120 |
second: RightLowerLeg |
- first: |
4: 400122 |
second: RightMiddleDistal |
- first: |
4: 400124 |
second: RightMiddleDistalEnd |
- first: |
4: 400126 |
second: RightMiddleIntermediate |
- first: |
4: 400128 |
second: RightMiddleProximal |
- first: |
4: 400130 |
second: RightPinkyDistal |
- first: |
4: 400132 |
second: RightPinkyDistalEnd |
- first: |
4: 400134 |
second: RightPinkyIntermediate |
- first: |
4: 400136 |
second: RightPinkyProximal |
- first: |
4: 400138 |
second: RightRingDistal |
- first: |
4: 400140 |
second: RightRingDistalEnd |
- first: |
4: 400142 |
second: RightRingIntermediate |
- first: |
4: 400144 |
second: RightRingProximal |
- first: |
4: 400146 |
second: RightShoulder |
- first: |
4: 400148 |
second: RightThumbDistal |
- first: |
4: 400150 |
second: RightThumbDistalEnd |
- first: |
4: 400152 |
second: RightThumbIntermediate |
- first: |
4: 400154 |
second: RightThumbProximal2 |
- first: |
4: 400156 |
second: RightToes |
- first: |
4: 400158 |
second: RightToesEnd |
- first: |
4: 400160 |
second: RightUpperArm |
- first: |
4: 400162 |
second: RightUpperArmTwist1 |
- first: |
4: 400164 |
second: RightUpperArmTwist2 |
- first: |
4: 400166 |
second: RightUpperArmTwist3 |
- first: |
4: 400168 |
second: RightUpperLeg |
- first: |
4: 400170 |
second: RightUpperLegTwist1 |
- first: |
4: 400172 |
second: RightUpperLegTwist2 |
- first: |
4: 400174 |
second: RightUpperLegTwist3 |
- first: |
4: 400176 |
second: Root |
- first: |
4: 400178 |
second: Spine |
- first: |
4: 400180 |
second: UpperChest |
- first: |
74: 7400000 |
second: jump_up |
- first: |
74: 7400002 |
second: jump_fall |
- first: |
74: 7400004 |
second: fall |
- first: |
74: 7400006 |
second: jump_land |
- first: |
95: 9500000 |
second: //RootNode |
- first: |
74: 5631516573877651608 |
second: jumping |
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materials: |
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transformMask: [] |
maskType: 3 |
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- serializedVersion: 16 |
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takeName: Take 001 |
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lastFrame: 36 |
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transformMask: [] |
maskType: 3 |
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- serializedVersion: 16 |
name: jump_land |
takeName: Take 001 |
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legStretch: 0.05 |
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rootMotionBoneName: |
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ModelImporter: |
serializedVersion: 25 |
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- first: |
74: 1827226128182048838 |
second: jump_up_forward |
- first: |
74: 1313094473752099319 |
second: jump_fall_forward |
- first: |
74: -1504929105726005784 |
second: fall_forward |
- first: |
74: -1183927508941911679 |
second: jump_land_forward |
- first: |
74: 5631516573877651608 |
second: jumping_forward |
externalObjects: {} |
materials: |
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motionNodeName: |
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animationImportWarnings: |
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transformMask: |
- path: |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/LeftUpperLeg |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/LeftUpperLeg/LeftLowerLeg |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/LeftUpperLeg/LeftLowerLeg/LeftFoot |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/LeftUpperLeg/LeftLowerLeg/LeftFoot/LeftToes |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/LeftUpperLeg/LeftLowerLeg/LeftFoot/LeftToes/LeftToesEnd |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/LeftUpperLeg/LeftLowerLeg/LeftKnee |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/LeftUpperLeg/LeftUpperLegTwist1 |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/LeftUpperLeg/LeftUpperLegTwist2 |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/LeftUpperLeg/LeftUpperLegTwist3 |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/RightUpperLeg |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/RightUpperLeg/RightLowerLeg |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/RightUpperLeg/RightLowerLeg/joint1 |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/RightUpperLeg/RightLowerLeg/RightFoot |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/RightUpperLeg/RightLowerLeg/RightFoot/RightToes |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/RightUpperLeg/RightLowerLeg/RightFoot/RightToes/RightToesEnd |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/RightUpperLeg/RightUpperLegTwist1 |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/RightUpperLeg/RightUpperLegTwist2 |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/RightUpperLeg/RightUpperLegTwist3 |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/LeftShoulder |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/LeftShoulder/LeftUpperArm |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/LeftShoulder/LeftUpperArm/LeftLowerArm |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/LeftShoulder/LeftUpperArm/LeftLowerArm/LeftElbow |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/LeftShoulder/LeftUpperArm/LeftLowerArm/LeftHand |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/LeftShoulder/LeftUpperArm/LeftLowerArm/LeftHand/LeftHandGrip |
weight: 1 |
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weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/LeftShoulder/LeftUpperArm/LeftLowerArm/LeftHand/LeftIndexProximal/LeftIndexIntermediate |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/LeftShoulder/LeftUpperArm/LeftLowerArm/LeftHand/LeftIndexProximal/LeftIndexIntermediate/LeftIndexDistal |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/LeftShoulder/LeftUpperArm/LeftLowerArm/LeftHand/LeftIndexProximal/LeftIndexIntermediate/LeftIndexDistal/LeftIndexDistalEnd |
weight: 1 |
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weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/LeftShoulder/LeftUpperArm/LeftLowerArm/LeftHand/LeftMiddleProximal/LeftMiddleIntermediate |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/LeftShoulder/LeftUpperArm/LeftLowerArm/LeftHand/LeftMiddleProximal/LeftMiddleIntermediate/LeftMiddleDistal |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/LeftShoulder/LeftUpperArm/LeftLowerArm/LeftHand/LeftMiddleProximal/LeftMiddleIntermediate/LeftMiddleDistal/LeftMiddleDistalEnd |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/LeftShoulder/LeftUpperArm/LeftLowerArm/LeftHand/LeftPinkyProximal |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/LeftShoulder/LeftUpperArm/LeftLowerArm/LeftHand/LeftPinkyProximal/LeftPinkyIntermediate |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/LeftShoulder/LeftUpperArm/LeftLowerArm/LeftHand/LeftPinkyProximal/LeftPinkyIntermediate/LeftPinkyDistal |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/LeftShoulder/LeftUpperArm/LeftLowerArm/LeftHand/LeftPinkyProximal/LeftPinkyIntermediate/LeftPinkyDistal/LeftPinkyDistalEnd |
weight: 1 |
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weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/LeftShoulder/LeftUpperArm/LeftLowerArm/LeftHand/LeftRingProximal/LeftRingIntermediate |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/LeftShoulder/LeftUpperArm/LeftLowerArm/LeftHand/LeftRingProximal/LeftRingIntermediate/LeftRingDistal |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/LeftShoulder/LeftUpperArm/LeftLowerArm/LeftHand/LeftRingProximal/LeftRingIntermediate/LeftRingDistal/LeftRingDistalEnd |
weight: 1 |
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weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/LeftShoulder/LeftUpperArm/LeftLowerArm/LeftHand/LeftThumbProximal2/LeftThumbIntermediate |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/LeftShoulder/LeftUpperArm/LeftLowerArm/LeftHand/LeftThumbProximal2/LeftThumbIntermediate/LeftThumbDistal |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/LeftShoulder/LeftUpperArm/LeftLowerArm/LeftHand/LeftThumbProximal2/LeftThumbIntermediate/LeftThumbDistal/LeftThumbDistalEnd |
weight: 1 |
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weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/LeftShoulder/LeftUpperArm/LeftLowerArm/LeftLowerArmTwist2 |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/LeftShoulder/LeftUpperArm/LeftLowerArm/LeftLowerArmTwist3 |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/LeftShoulder/LeftUpperArm/LeftUpperArmTwist1 |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/LeftShoulder/LeftUpperArm/LeftUpperArmTwist2 |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/LeftShoulder/LeftUpperArm/LeftUpperArmTwist3 |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/Neck |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/Neck/Head |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/Neck/Head/Head_null |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/RightShoulder |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/RightShoulder/RightUpperArm |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/RightShoulder/RightUpperArm/RightLowerArm |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/RightShoulder/RightUpperArm/RightLowerArm/RightElbow |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/RightShoulder/RightUpperArm/RightLowerArm/RightHand |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/RightShoulder/RightUpperArm/RightLowerArm/RightHand/RightHandGrip |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/RightShoulder/RightUpperArm/RightLowerArm/RightHand/RightIndexProximal |
weight: 1 |
- path: Root/Hips/Spine/Chest/UpperChest/RightShoulder/RightUpperArm/RightLowerArm/RightHand/RightIndexProximal/RightIndexIntermediate |
weight: 1 |
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using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEngine; |
public class ClipSelector : StateMachineBehaviour |
{ |
// OnStateEnter is called when a transition starts and the state machine starts to evaluate this state
//override public void OnStateEnter(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex)
// OnStateUpdate is called on each Update frame between OnStateEnter and OnStateExit callbacks
override public void OnStateUpdate(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex) |
{ |
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightArrow)) |
{ |
animator.SetTrigger("NextClip"); |
} |
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow)) |
{ |
animator.SetTrigger("PreviousClip"); |
} |
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow)) |
{ |
animator.SetTrigger("Walk"); |
} |
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow)) |
{ |
animator.SetTrigger("Lunge"); |
} |
} |
// OnStateExit is called when a transition ends and the state machine finishes evaluating this state
//override public void OnStateExit(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex)
// OnStateMove is called right after Animator.OnAnimatorMove()
//override public void OnStateMove(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex)
// // Implement code that processes and affects root motion
// OnStateIK is called right after Animator.OnAnimatorIK()
//override public void OnStateIK(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex)
// // Implement code that sets up animation IK (inverse kinematics)
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Reference in new issue