在此项目中,您能够访问使用 Visual Effect Graph 制作的示例场景和效果。
您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

9451 行
320 KiB

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and GPU events to drive a huge pack of multicolored trails around. Each trail
is driven by an invisible particle which spawns into the trail system at
a fixed rate.
Trails are then rendered with bent normals, transmission
and ambient occlusion.'
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Each buterfly is one simulated element that revolves around a central point
with a particular orbit.
Every simulated point is then rendered
as two quads (one for each wing), and a mesh body. These are animated using
math (sine/cosine) operators in the Output Context using the position and
the angle of the elements.'
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materials and decals, but is also a great example of Vertex Animation Texture
(VAT) in VFX Graph using Shader Graph. \n\nThis sample uses mesh outputs
with shaders using refraction and HDRP decals based on depth normals."
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movie, made of a circling ring of particles around a distortion portal. \n\nParticles
are spawned based on a circle and categorized to have two distinct behaviors
: long living discrete particles that can bounce on the ground, and intense-burning
particles with shorter life and much more velocity."
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Some controls are displayed onscreen to manipulate the height of the terrain
and the water elevation.
While these are not actual voxels, it
displays a grid of 256x256 cubes that are scaled vertically in order to reach
the actual position. Scaling is made so the height is snappeed to a voxel
size, making the animation a bit more chunky.'
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as a wormhole vaccuum made of lines and displays some space clouds and asteroids.
sequence is animated through Timeline with one deploy parameter for the radar
grid, clouds and asteroids and one animated Vector position for the Blue
dot at the center. Spaceships are spawned using Timeline VFX Activation Tracks.'
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around a bonfire. The scene focuses on the use of Shader Graph to animate
and render the effects.\n\n - Wind in the trees is using a custom ShaderGraph
to bend the trunks\n - Fire uses unlit VFX ShaderGraphs with noise shredding
and alpha erosion.\n - Smoke uses unlit VFX ShaderGraph with Flipbook Blending
and UV Swirl."
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based on Visual Effect Graph. Grass reacts to the movement of the player
and will bend to the ground, then get back to its position after a while.
point is spawned based on a point cache then simulated individually based
on the position and the velocity of the player. Already bent crops do not
interact until they are unbending. Slight wind turbulence is also applied
to all.
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value: 'This sample contains a full diorama with environmental VFX and a principal
Meteorite provoking environmental behaviors. It presents a case of a master
visual effect that outputs events in order to synchronize other effects in
the scene. A Timeline is also used for additional environmental effects.
this scene, you will find use cases of VFX output events handlers and Timeline
for effects done in VFX graph.'
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some of the effects you can find in this series. \n\n"
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effect with many systems that work and are seqeunced together.
are driven using a 4-point Bezier segement that is manipulated through game
objects in the scene.
Sequencing and camera animation are made
using Timeline.'
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an alpha erosion effect for the burning pages. The simulation is then controlled
from within the Visual Effect Graph.
Some of the other effects
in the scene utilize Particle Strips (Trails VFX), Motion Vectors (FireEmbers
VFX), and Subgraphs (FloatingRock VFX).'
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of Blobby-Lit sprites interacting with the High Definition Render Pipeline
Volumetric Fog and lights. \n\nParticles cast shadows that produce lightshafts.
They also recieve lighting that is propagated to the backfaces using the
diffuse transmission model.\n\n"
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value: 'This Sample demonstrates one of the Unity Spaceship Demo''s most famous
effects : the Holographic Table Pin-Screen. This sample presents a Heightfield
displayed on a homogenous grid of pins, rendered on a glass table. Every
pin reacts to a height field, scan wave animation, noise and glitches.
every point is simulated once, it is rendered as a pin body, pin cap and
an additional ray of light coming from an upper source.'
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cache asset and react to a vertical scrolling mask. The Particle System is
initialized first then rendered, and does not contain an update context.
scrolling mask alters the size, orientation and the PBR material properties
of each small cube element.'
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3D Game Kit in an on-stage demonstration of their abilities. Next to them
is an holographic projection of their performance at a different frame rate.
simplified HDRP Camera reconds only the characters into a lower resolution
buffer and is used to spawn particles based on what the camera records. Particles
are then offset, and aligned to a grid in order to simulate a 3D pixelated
holographic effect.'
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