Thomas Iché
6 年前
共有 63 个文件被更改,包括 7318 次插入 和 0 次删除
@echo off |
ECHO Installing SRP/HDRP/VFX Editor... |
md LocalPackages |
git clone -b release/2018.3 ./LocalPackages |
pause |
@echo off |
ECHO Updating SRP/HDRP/VisualEffectGraph... |
cd LocalPackages |
git reset --hard |
git pull origin release/2018.3 |
pause |
#Visual Effect Graph - Samples |
In this project you will be able to access sample scenes and effects made with the Visual Effect Graph. |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
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scatteringDistance: {r: 7.2784314, g: 7.2784314, b: 7.2784314, a: 1} |
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- name: Smoke Fake Scattering |
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lerpWeight: 1 |
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lerpWeight: 1 |
- name: Profile 10 |
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texturingMode: 0 |
transmissionMode: 1 |
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lerpWeight: 1 |
- name: Profile 13 |
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