主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符
140 行
3.4 KiB
140 行
3.4 KiB
Shader "VFXToolbox/ImageSequencer/HeightToNormal"
[Enum(Red,0,Green,1,Blue,2,Alpha,3)] _HeightSource("Input Channel for Height Source", Int) = 3
[Enum(Red,0,Green,1,Blue,2,Alpha,3,None,4)] _AlphaChannel("Input Channel for Alpha Output", Int) = 3
_HeightScale("Height Scale", Range(0.0,150.0)) = 25
_Radius("Radius", Range(1.0,5.0)) = 1.0
_Spherize("Spherize", Range(0.0,1.0)) = 0.0
[Enum(Low,4,Medium,8,High,16)] _NumSamples("Sample Count", Int) = 8
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }
LOD 100
// No culling or depth
Cull Off ZWrite Off ZTest Always
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
struct appdata
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
struct v2f
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
float4 vertex : SV_POSITION;
// ImageSequencer CustomMaterial uniforms
// ======================================
// sampler2D _InputFrame; // Input Frame (from previous sequence)
// float4 _FrameData; // Frame Data
// // x, y : width (x) and height (y) in pixels
// // z, w : sequence index (z) and length (w)
// float4 _FlipbookData; // Flipbook Data
// // x, y : number of columns (x) and rows (y)
// // z, w : (unused)
sampler2D _InputFrame;
float4 _FrameData;
float4 _FlipbookData;
int _HeightSource;
int _AlphaChannel;
int _NumSamples;
float _HeightScale;
float _Radius;
float _Spherize;
v2f vert (appdata v)
v2f o;
o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
o.uv = v.uv;
return o;
half3 position(sampler2D s, float2 t)
half4 w = tex2D(s,t);
float h;
if(_HeightSource == 0) h = w.r;
if(_HeightSource == 1) h = w.g;
if(_HeightSource == 2) h = w.b;
if(_HeightSource == 3) h = w.a;
float x = t.x *_FrameData.x;
float y = t.y *_FrameData.y;
float z = h *_HeightScale;
// Spherize
float2 ssc = float2(t.x - 0.5f , t.y - 0.5f) * 1.414213562373095f;
z += _Spherize * (1.0f - dot(ssc, ssc)) * 200;
return float3(x, y, z);
half3 normal(sampler2D s, float2 t, float r)
float2 invSize = 1.0f/_FrameData.xy;
float3 pos = position(s,t);
float3 nrm = float3(0,0,0);
float step = UNITY_PI*2*(1.0/(_NumSamples*2));
int numRings = ceil(r);
for(int j = 1; j <= numRings ; j++)
float rad = r * ((float)j/numRings);
for(int i = 0; i < (_NumSamples*2); i+=2)
float angle = i*step;
float2 offset = float2(cos(angle),sin(angle)) * invSize * rad;
float3 sampleA = position(s, t+offset);
angle = (i+1)*step;
offset = float2(cos(angle),sin(angle)) * invSize * rad;
float3 sampleB = position(s, t+offset);
nrm += normalize(cross(sampleA-pos, sampleB-pos));
nrm = normalize(nrm);
//nrm += float3(_Spherize * pow(float2(t - 0.5f)*2.0f,5.0f),0.0f);
return nrm;
half4 frag (v2f input) : SV_Target
float alpha;
half4 col = tex2D(_InputFrame,input.uv);
if(_AlphaChannel == 0) alpha = col.r;
if(_AlphaChannel == 1) alpha = col.g;
if(_AlphaChannel == 2) alpha = col.b;
if(_AlphaChannel == 3) alpha = col.a;
if(_AlphaChannel == 4) alpha = 1.0f;
half3 nrml = normal(_InputFrame, input.uv, _Radius);
return half4((nrml * 0.5)+0.5,alpha);