主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符
319 行
12 KiB
319 行
12 KiB
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityEditor.Experimental.VFX.Toolbox.ImageSequencer
[Processor("Texture Sheet", "Assemble Flipbook")]
internal class AssembleProcessor : ProcessorBase
public enum AssembleMode
FullSpriteSheet = 0,
VerticalSequence = 1
public int FlipbookNumU;
public int FlipbookNumV;
public AssembleMode Mode;
bool hasChanged = false;
public override string shaderPath => "Packages/com.unity.vfx-toolbox/Editor/ImageSequencer/Shaders/AssembleBlit.shader";
public override string processorName => "Assemble Flipbook";
public override string label
string numU = (Mode == AssembleMode.VerticalSequence) ? "*" : FlipbookNumU.ToString();
string numV = FlipbookNumV.ToString();
return $"{processorName} ({numU}x{numV})";
public override int numU
switch (Mode)
case AssembleMode.FullSpriteSheet:
return FlipbookNumU * inputSequenceNumU;
case AssembleMode.VerticalSequence:
return inputSequenceNumU;
public override int numV => FlipbookNumV * inputSequenceNumV;
public override int sequenceLength
switch (Mode)
case AssembleMode.FullSpriteSheet:
return 1;
case AssembleMode.VerticalSequence:
return inputSequenceLength / FlipbookNumV;
public override void Default()
FlipbookNumU = 5;
FlipbookNumV = 5;
Mode = AssembleMode.FullSpriteSheet;
public override void UpdateOutputSize()
switch (Mode)
case AssembleMode.FullSpriteSheet:
SetOutputSize(inputSequenceWidth * FlipbookNumU, inputSequenceHeight * FlipbookNumV);
case AssembleMode.VerticalSequence:
SetOutputSize(inputSequenceWidth, inputSequenceHeight * FlipbookNumV);
public override bool OnCanvasGUI(ImageSequencerCanvas canvas)
if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint)
return false;
Vector2 topRight;
Vector2 bottomLeft;
topRight = canvas.CanvasToScreen(new Vector2(-canvas.currentFrame.texture.width / 2, canvas.currentFrame.texture.height / 2));
bottomLeft = canvas.CanvasToScreen(new Vector2(canvas.currentFrame.texture.width / 2, -canvas.currentFrame.texture.height / 2));
// Texts
GUI.color = canvas.styles.green;
for (int i = 0; i < FlipbookNumU; i++)
float cw = (topRight.x - bottomLeft.x) / FlipbookNumU;
GUI.Label(new Rect(bottomLeft.x + i * cw, topRight.y - 16, cw, 16), (i + 1).ToString(), canvas.styles.miniLabelCenter);
for (int i = 0; i < FlipbookNumV; i++)
float ch = (bottomLeft.y - topRight.y) / FlipbookNumV;
VFXToolboxGUIUtility.GUIRotatedLabel(new Rect(bottomLeft.x - 8, topRight.y + i * ch, 16, ch), (i + 1).ToString(), -90.0f, canvas.styles.miniLabelCenter);
GUI.color = Color.white;
return false;
public override bool Process(int frame)
int length = inputSequenceLength;
RenderTexture backup = RenderTexture.active;
switch (Mode)
case AssembleMode.FullSpriteSheet:
// Blit Every Image inside output
for (int i = 0; i < (FlipbookNumU * FlipbookNumV); i++)
int u = i % FlipbookNumU;
int v = (FlipbookNumV - 1) - (int)Mathf.Floor((float)i / FlipbookNumU);
Vector2 size = new Vector2(1.0f / FlipbookNumU, 1.0f / FlipbookNumV);
int idx = Mathf.Clamp(i, 0, length - 1);
Texture currentTexture = RequestInputTexture(idx);
Vector4 ClipCoordinates = new Vector4(u * size.x, v * size.y, size.x, size.y);
material.SetTexture("_MainTex", currentTexture);
material.SetVector("_CC", ClipCoordinates);
Graphics.Blit(currentTexture, (RenderTexture)RequestOutputTexture(0), material);
RenderTexture.active = backup;
case AssembleMode.VerticalSequence:
// Blit Every N'th Image inside output
int cycleLength = inputSequenceLength / FlipbookNumV;
for (int i = 0; i < FlipbookNumV; i++)
int u = 0;
int v = FlipbookNumV - 1 - i;
Vector2 size = new Vector2(1.0f, 1.0f / FlipbookNumV);
int idx = Mathf.Clamp((i * cycleLength) + frame, 0, length - 1);
Texture currentTexture = RequestInputTexture(idx);
Vector4 ClipCoordinates = new Vector4(u * size.x, v * size.y, size.x, size.y);
material.SetTexture("_MainTex", currentTexture);
material.SetVector("_CC", ClipCoordinates);
Graphics.Blit(currentTexture, (RenderTexture)RequestOutputTexture(frame), material);
RenderTexture.active = backup;
return true;
public override bool OnInspectorGUI(bool changed, SerializedObject serializedObject)
var flipbookNumU = serializedObject.FindProperty("FlipbookNumU");
var flipbookNumV = serializedObject.FindProperty("FlipbookNumV");
var mode = serializedObject.FindProperty("Mode");
var assembleMode = (AssembleMode)mode.intValue;
assembleMode = (AssembleMode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(VFXToolboxGUIUtility.Get("Assemble Mode"), assembleMode);
if (assembleMode != (AssembleMode)mode.intValue)
mode.intValue = (int)assembleMode;
hasChanged = true;
switch (assembleMode)
case AssembleMode.FullSpriteSheet:
int newU = EditorGUILayout.IntField(VFXToolboxGUIUtility.Get("Columns (U) : "), flipbookNumU.intValue);
int newV = EditorGUILayout.IntField(VFXToolboxGUIUtility.Get("Rows (V) : "), flipbookNumV.intValue);
if (inputSequenceLength > 0)
using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope())
GUILayout.Label(VFXToolboxGUIUtility.Get("Find Best Ratios"), GUILayout.Width(EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth));
if (GUILayout.Button(VFXToolboxGUIUtility.Get("Get")))
float frameRatio = (float)inputSequenceWidth / (float)inputSequenceHeight;
int length = inputSequenceLength;
List<int> ratios = new List<int>();
SortedDictionary<int, float> coeffs = new SortedDictionary<int, float>();
float rad = Mathf.Sqrt(length);
for (int i = (int)rad; i >= 1; i--)
if (((float)length / (float)i) % 1.0f == 0.0f)
float pageRatio = (float)i / (length / i);
float fullRatio = frameRatio * pageRatio;
float divergence = Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Log(fullRatio, 2.0f) % 1.0f);
if (!ratios.Contains(i))
coeffs.Add(i, divergence);
fullRatio = frameRatio / pageRatio;
divergence = Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Log(fullRatio, 2.0f) % 1.0f);
if (!ratios.Contains(length / i))
ratios.Add(length / i);
coeffs.Add((length / i), divergence);
GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu();
var sortedValues = coeffs.OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Value);
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, float> kvp in sortedValues)
int value = kvp.Key;
menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(value + " x " + (length / value) + ((kvp.Value == 0.0f) ? " (PERFECT)" : "")), false,
(o) => {
var seq_length = inputSequenceLength;
var seq_numU = (int)o;
var seq_numV = seq_length / seq_numU;
var seq_flipbookNumU = serializedObject.FindProperty("FlipbookNumU");
var seq_flipbookNumV = serializedObject.FindProperty("FlipbookNumV");
seq_flipbookNumU.intValue = seq_numU;
seq_flipbookNumV.intValue = seq_numV;
, value);
if (menu.GetItemCount() > 0)
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Find Best Ratios will try to find matching possibilities for the current sequence, ordered by ratio pertinence, meaning that first results will have less stretch when resized to power-of-two textures.", MessageType.Info);
if (newU != flipbookNumU.intValue)
newU = Mathf.Clamp(newU, 1, inputSequenceLength / newV);
flipbookNumU.intValue = newU;
if (newV != flipbookNumV.intValue)
newV = Mathf.Clamp(newV, 1, inputSequenceLength / newU);
flipbookNumV.intValue = newV;
case AssembleMode.VerticalSequence:
int numRows = EditorGUILayout.IntField(VFXToolboxGUIUtility.Get("Rows (V) : "), flipbookNumV.intValue);
if (numRows != flipbookNumV.intValue)
numRows = Mathf.Clamp(numRows, 1, inputSequenceLength);
flipbookNumV.intValue = numRows;
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
hasChanged = true;
return hasChanged;