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using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityEditor.VFXToolbox.ImageSequencer
class BreakFlipbookProcessor : GPUFrameProcessor<BreakFilpbookProcessorSettings>
private bool m_BypassSecurityCheck = false;
public BreakFlipbookProcessor(FrameProcessorStack stack, ProcessorInfo info)
: base("Packages/com.unity.vfx-toolbox/ImageSequencer/Editor/Shaders/GetSubUV.shader", stack, info)
{ }
protected override void UpdateOutputSize()
int width = (int) Mathf.Ceil((float)InputSequence.RequestFrame(0).texture.width / settings.FlipbookNumU);
int height = (int) Mathf.Ceil((float)InputSequence.RequestFrame(0).texture.height / settings.FlipbookNumV);
SetOutputSize(width, height);
public override string GetLabel()
return string.Format("{0} ({1}x{2}): {3} frame(s).",GetName(), settings.FlipbookNumU,settings.FlipbookNumV, settings.FlipbookNumU * settings.FlipbookNumV);
public override string GetName()
return "Break Flipbook";
public override int GetProcessorSequenceLength()
return Mathf.Min(settings.FlipbookNumU,InputSequence.width) * Mathf.Min(settings.FlipbookNumV,InputSequence.height);
public override bool OnCanvasGUI(ImageSequencerCanvas canvas)
return false;
public override bool Process(int frame)
Texture texture = InputSequence.RequestFrame(0).texture;
m_Material.SetTexture("_MainTex", texture);
Vector4 rect = new Vector4();
int u = Mathf.Min(settings.FlipbookNumU,texture.width);
int v = Mathf.Min(settings.FlipbookNumV,texture.height);
int x = frame % settings.FlipbookNumU;
int y = (int)Mathf.Floor((float)frame / u);
rect.x = (float)x;
rect.y = (float)(v-1) - y;
rect.z = 1.0f / u;
rect.w = 1.0f / v;
m_Material.SetVector("_Rect", rect);
ExecuteShaderAndDump(frame, texture);
return true;
protected override bool DrawSidePanelContent(bool hasChanged)
var flipbookNumU = m_SerializedObject.FindProperty("FlipbookNumU");
var flipbookNumV = m_SerializedObject.FindProperty("FlipbookNumV");
int newU = Mathf.Clamp(EditorGUILayout.IntField(VFXToolboxGUIUtility.Get("Columns (U) : "),flipbookNumU.intValue),1,InputSequence.width);
int newV = Mathf.Clamp(EditorGUILayout.IntField(VFXToolboxGUIUtility.Get("Rows (V) : "), flipbookNumV.intValue),1,InputSequence.height);
if (newU != flipbookNumU.intValue || flipbookNumV.intValue != newV)
GUI.changed = true;
if (m_BypassSecurityCheck)
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Warning: you are currently bypassing frame count limits. Proceed with caution when entering values, as it can take a long time to process and stall your editor.", MessageType.Warning);
if(newU * newV <= 4096)
flipbookNumU.intValue = newU;
flipbookNumV.intValue = newV;
if (!m_BypassSecurityCheck && EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("VFX Toolbox", "CAUTION : You are going to generate a sequence of "+newU * newV+" frames. This could take a long time to process, stall your editor, and consume a large amount of memory. Are you SURE you want to Continue?", "I know what I am doing, proceed", "Cancel"))
m_BypassSecurityCheck = true;
flipbookNumU.intValue = newU;
flipbookNumV.intValue = newV;
hasChanged = true;
return hasChanged;
protected override int GetNumU()
return 1;
protected override int GetNumV()
return 1;