using UnityEngine; using System.Linq; using System; namespace UnityEditor.Experimental.VFX.Toolbox.ImageSequencer { /// /// A VFXToolboxCanvas component used in Image Sequencer /// public class ImageSequencerCanvas : VFXToolboxCanvas { internal bool showExtraInfo { get { return m_bShowExtraInfo; } set { m_bShowExtraInfo = value; } } internal int numFrames { get { return m_PreviewSequence.length; } } internal ProcessingFrameSequence sequence { get { return m_PreviewSequence; } set { m_PreviewSequence = value; } } internal ProcessingFrame currentFrame { get { return m_ProcessingFrame; } set { m_ProcessingFrame = value; if(value != null) InvalidateRenderTarget(); } } internal int currentFrameIndex { get { return m_CurrentFrame; } set { if (m_CurrentFrame != value) { m_CurrentFrame = value; UpdateCanvasSequence(); } } } internal bool isPlaying { get { return m_IsPlaying; } } private bool m_bShowExtraInfo = false; private int m_CurrentFrame = 0; private ProcessingFrameSequence m_PreviewSequence; private ProcessingFrame m_ProcessingFrame; private Rect m_PlayControlsRect; private ImageSequencer m_ImageSequencerWindow; private bool m_IsPlaying = false; private float m_PlayFramerate = 30.0f; private float m_PlayTime = 0.0f; private double m_EditorTime; private bool m_IsScrobbing; internal ImageSequencerCanvas(Rect displayRect, ImageSequencer editorWindow) :base(displayRect) { m_ImageSequencerWindow = editorWindow; m_IsScrobbing = false; m_PlayControlsRect = new Rect(16, 16, 420, 26); } internal override void Invalidate(bool needRedraw) { base.Invalidate(needRedraw); m_ImageSequencerWindow.Invalidate(); } /// /// As texture display is handled by the processing stack, this function is not used. /// /// A texture protected override sealed void SetTexture(Texture tex) { // Should Never Happen throw new NotImplementedException(); } /// /// Gets the current frame from the current processing node in the processing stack. /// /// Currently displayed texture protected override sealed Texture GetTexture() { if (currentFrame != null) { return currentFrame.texture; } else return null; } /// /// Returns how many mip-maps are stored in the currently displayed texture object. /// /// mip map count protected override sealed int GetMipMapCount() { if (currentFrame != null) return currentFrame.mipmapCount; else return 0; } /// /// Handles all the Common VFXToolboxCanvas Keyboard events plus all required ones from Image Sequencer /// protected override sealed void HandleKeyboardEvents() { base.HandleKeyboardEvents(); if(Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown) { switch(Event.current.keyCode) { // Viewport Toggles case KeyCode.H: showExtraInfo = !showExtraInfo; break; // Play Controls case KeyCode.Space: TogglePlaySequence(); break; case KeyCode.LeftArrow: if (Event.current.shift) FirstFrame(); else PreviousFrame(); break; case KeyCode.RightArrow: if (Event.current.shift) LastFrame(); else NextFrame(); break; default: return; // Return without using event. } Invalidate(false); Event.current.Use(); } } /// /// Draws the grid around the texture, and all Flipbook frame subdivisions /// protected override sealed void DrawGrid() { int GridNumU = m_PreviewSequence.numU; int GridNumV = m_PreviewSequence.numV; Vector2 src, dst; float v; Texture texture = currentFrame.texture; if(BackgroundBrightness < 0.5f) Handles.color = new Color(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,0.33333f); else Handles.color = new Color(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.66666f); for(int i = 0; i <= GridNumV; i++) { v = -(texture.height * 0.5f) + (float)i / GridNumV * texture.height; src = CanvasToScreen(new Vector2(-texture.width * 0.5f, v)); dst = CanvasToScreen(new Vector2(texture.width * 0.5f, v)); Handles.DrawLine(src, dst); } for(int j = 0; j <= GridNumU; j++) { v = -(texture.width * 0.5f) + (float)j / GridNumU * texture.width; src = CanvasToScreen(new Vector2(v,-texture.height * 0.5f)); dst = CanvasToScreen(new Vector2(v, texture.height * 0.5f)); Handles.DrawLine(src, dst); } Handles.color = Color.white; } internal void OnGUI(ImageSequencer editor) { OnGUI(); // Processor extra info GUI.BeginGroup(displayRect); if (editor.currentProcessingNode != null && editor.currentProcessingNode.Enabled && m_bShowExtraInfo && editor.sidePanelViewMode == ImageSequencer.SidePanelMode.Processors) editor.currentProcessingNode.OnCanvasGUI(this); GUI.EndGroup(); // Everytime text string procName = (editor.sidePanelViewMode == ImageSequencer.SidePanelMode.Export) ? "Export" : (sequence.processingNode == null ? "Input Frames" : sequence.processingNode.ToString()); GUI.Label(new RectOffset(24,24,24,24).Remove(displayRect), procName , styles.largeLabel); GUI.Label(new RectOffset(24,24,64,24).Remove(displayRect), GetDebugInfoString() , styles.label); //EditorGUI.DrawRect(m_Rect,; // Play Controls if(sequence != null && sequence.length > 1) { DrawSequenceControls(displayRect, editor); } if (m_IsPlaying) UpdatePlay(); } private GUIContent GetDebugInfoString() { string output = ""; if(m_ProcessingFrame != null) { output += "Frame Size : " + m_ProcessingFrame.texture.width + " x " + m_ProcessingFrame.texture.height; output += "\nMipMaps : " + m_ProcessingFrame.mipmapCount; } return new GUIContent(output); } internal void DrawSequenceControls(Rect ViewportArea, ImageSequencer editor) { m_PlayControlsRect = new Rect(ViewportArea.x , (ViewportArea.y + ViewportArea.height), ViewportArea.width , 100); using (new GUILayout.AreaScope(m_PlayControlsRect, GUIContent.none, ImageSequencer.styles.playbackControlWindow)) { Rect area = new Rect(16,16,m_PlayControlsRect.width-32,m_PlayControlsRect.height-32); //GUILayout.BeginArea(area); using (new GUILayout.VerticalScope()) { // TRACKBAR int count = sequence.length; GUILayout.Space(16); // Reserve Layout for labels Rect bar_rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(area.width, 16); EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(bar_rect, MouseCursor.ResizeHorizontal); if(Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && bar_rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { m_IsScrobbing = true; } if(Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp || Event.current.rawType == EventType.MouseUp) { m_IsScrobbing = false; } if(m_IsScrobbing && (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag || Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown)) { float pos = (Event.current.mousePosition.x - bar_rect.x) / bar_rect.width; int frame = (int)Mathf.Round(pos * numFrames); if (frame != currentFrameIndex) { currentFrameIndex = frame; Invalidate(true); } } EditorGUI.DrawRect(bar_rect, ImageSequencer.styles.CookBarDirty); float width = bar_rect.width / count; Rect textpos; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if(!sequence.frames[i].dirty) { Rect cell = new Rect(bar_rect.x + i * width, bar_rect.y, width, bar_rect.height); EditorGUI.DrawRect(cell, ImageSequencer.styles.CookBarCooked); } if(i == currentFrameIndex) { Rect cursor = new Rect(bar_rect.x + i * width, bar_rect.y, width, bar_rect.height); EditorGUI.DrawRect(cursor, new Color(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,0.5f)); } // Labels : Every multiple of 10 based on homemade formula int step = 10 * (int)Mathf.Max(1,Mathf.Floor(8*(float)count / bar_rect.width)); if( ((i+1) % step) == 0 ) { textpos = new Rect(bar_rect.x + i * width, bar_rect.y - 16, 32, 16); GUI.Label(textpos, (i+1).ToString(), EditorStyles.largeLabel); Rect cursor = new Rect(bar_rect.x + i * width, bar_rect.y, 1, bar_rect.height); EditorGUI.DrawRect(cursor, new Color(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,0.2f)); } } // Labels : First textpos = new Rect(bar_rect.x, bar_rect.y - 16, 32, 16); GUI.Label(textpos, VFXToolboxGUIUtility.Get("1"), EditorStyles.largeLabel); GUILayout.Space(16); // PLAY CONTROLS bool lastplay; using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope(EditorStyles.toolbar)) { lastplay = m_IsPlaying; if(GUILayout.Button(ImageSequencer.styles.iconFirst, VFXToolboxStyles.toolbarButton, GUILayout.Width(32))) { FirstFrame(); } if(GUILayout.Button(ImageSequencer.styles.iconBack, VFXToolboxStyles.toolbarButton, GUILayout.Width(24))) { PreviousFrame(); } bool playing = GUILayout.Toggle(m_IsPlaying,ImageSequencer.styles.iconPlay, VFXToolboxStyles.toolbarButton, GUILayout.Width(24)); if(m_IsPlaying != playing) { TogglePlaySequence(); } if(GUILayout.Button(ImageSequencer.styles.iconForward, VFXToolboxStyles.toolbarButton, GUILayout.Width(24))) { NextFrame(); } if(GUILayout.Button(ImageSequencer.styles.iconLast, VFXToolboxStyles.toolbarButton, GUILayout.Width(32))) { LastFrame(); } if (lastplay != m_IsPlaying) { m_EditorTime = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Label(VFXToolboxGUIUtility.GetTextAndIcon("Frame : ","Profiler.Record"), VFXToolboxStyles.toolbarButton); m_CurrentFrame = Mathf.Clamp(EditorGUILayout.IntField(m_CurrentFrame+1, VFXToolboxStyles.toolbarTextField, GUILayout.Width(42))-1,0,numFrames-1); GUILayout.Label(" on " + numFrames + " ( TCR : " + GetTCR(m_CurrentFrame, (int)m_PlayFramerate) + " ) " , VFXToolboxStyles.toolbarButton); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); ShowFrameratePopup(); } } //GUILayout.EndArea(); } } internal void UpdateCanvasSequence() { int length; if (sequence.processingNode != null) length = sequence.processingNode.GetProcessorSequenceLength(); else length = sequence.length; if (length > 0) { currentFrameIndex = Mathf.Clamp(currentFrameIndex, 0, length - 1); currentFrame = sequence.RequestFrame(currentFrameIndex); } else currentFrame = null; } #region PLAY CONTROLS private void TogglePlaySequence() { if(m_IsPlaying) StopSequence(); else PlaySequence(); } private void PlaySequence() { m_IsPlaying = true; m_PlayTime = currentFrameIndex / m_PlayFramerate; m_EditorTime = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; } private void StopSequence() { m_IsPlaying = false; } private void NextFrame() { int frame = currentFrameIndex + 1; if (frame >= numFrames) frame = 0; currentFrameIndex = frame; } private void PreviousFrame() { int frame = currentFrameIndex - 1; if (frame < 0) frame = numFrames - 1; currentFrameIndex = frame; } private void FirstFrame() { currentFrameIndex = 0; m_PlayTime = 0; } private void LastFrame() { currentFrameIndex = numFrames - 1; m_PlayTime = (numFrames - 1) / m_PlayFramerate ; } private string GetTCR(int frame, int framerate) { int frames = frame % framerate; int seconds = frame / framerate; int minutes = seconds / 60; seconds %= 60; minutes %= 60; int numbering = (int)Mathf.Max(2,Mathf.Floor(Mathf.Log10(framerate))+1); // Minimum 2 digits return minutes.ToString("D2") + ":" + seconds.ToString("D2") + ":" + frames.ToString("D"+numbering); } private void ShowFrameratePopup() { if(GUILayout.Button(VFXToolboxGUIUtility.GetTextAndIcon("Speed","SpeedScale"),EditorStyles.toolbarDropDown)) { GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu(); menu.AddItem(VFXToolboxGUIUtility.Get("5 fps"),false, () =>{ m_PlayFramerate = 5; }); menu.AddItem(VFXToolboxGUIUtility.Get("10 fps"),false, () =>{ m_PlayFramerate = 10; }); menu.AddItem(VFXToolboxGUIUtility.Get("15 fps"),false, () =>{ m_PlayFramerate = 15; }); menu.AddItem(VFXToolboxGUIUtility.Get("20 fps"),false, () =>{ m_PlayFramerate = 20; }); menu.AddItem(VFXToolboxGUIUtility.Get("24 fps (Cine)"),false, () =>{ m_PlayFramerate = 24; }); menu.AddItem(VFXToolboxGUIUtility.Get("25 fps (PAL)"),false, () =>{ m_PlayFramerate = 25; }); menu.AddItem(VFXToolboxGUIUtility.Get("29.97 fps (NTSC)"),false, () =>{ m_PlayFramerate = 29.97f; }); menu.AddItem(VFXToolboxGUIUtility.Get("30 fps"),false, () =>{ m_PlayFramerate = 30; }); menu.AddItem(VFXToolboxGUIUtility.Get("50 fps"),false, () =>{ m_PlayFramerate = 50; }); menu.AddItem(VFXToolboxGUIUtility.Get("60 fps"),false, () =>{ m_PlayFramerate = 60; }); menu.ShowAsContext(); } m_PlayFramerate = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(m_PlayFramerate, VFXToolboxStyles.toolbarTextField,GUILayout.Width(24)); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(VFXToolboxGUIUtility.Get("fps"),GUILayout.Width(24)); } private void UpdatePlay() { double deltaTime = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup - m_EditorTime; m_PlayTime += (float)deltaTime; m_PlayTime = m_PlayTime % ((1.0f / m_PlayFramerate) * numFrames); currentFrameIndex = (int)Mathf.Floor(m_PlayTime*m_PlayFramerate); m_EditorTime = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; } #endregion #region STYLES internal new class Styles { public GUIStyle miniLabel { get { return m_Canvas.BackgroundBrightness < 0.5f ? m_ViewportMiniLabel : m_ViewportMiniLabelDark; } } public GUIStyle miniLabelRight { get { return m_Canvas.BackgroundBrightness < 0.5f ? m_ViewportMiniLabelRight : m_ViewportMiniLabelRightDark; } } public GUIStyle miniLabelCenter { get { return m_Canvas.BackgroundBrightness < 0.5f ? m_ViewportMiniLabelCenter : m_ViewportMiniLabelCenterDark; } } public GUIStyle label { get { return m_Canvas.BackgroundBrightness < 0.5f ? m_ViewportLabel : m_ViewportLabelDark; } } public GUIStyle largeLabel { get { return m_Canvas.BackgroundBrightness < 0.5f ? m_ViewportLargeLabel : m_ViewportLargeLabelDark; } } public Color backgroundPanelColor { get { return m_Canvas.BackgroundBrightness < 0.5f ? m_BackgroundPanelColor : m_BackgroundPanelColorDark; } } public Color red { get { return m_Canvas.BackgroundBrightness < 0.5f ? new Color(1, 0, 0, 1) : new Color(0.7f, 0, 0, 1); } } public Color green { get { return m_Canvas.BackgroundBrightness < 0.5f ? new Color(0, 1, 0, 1) : new Color(0, 0.5f, 0, 1); } } public Color blue { get { return m_Canvas.BackgroundBrightness < 0.5f ? new Color(0, 0, 1, 1) : new Color(0, 0, 0.5f, 1); } } public Color white { get { return m_Canvas.BackgroundBrightness < 0.5f ? new Color(1, 1, 1, 1) : new Color(0, 0, 0, 1); } } public Color black { get { return m_Canvas.BackgroundBrightness < 0.5f ? new Color(0, 0, 0, 1) : new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); } } public Color yellow { get { return m_Canvas.BackgroundBrightness < 0.5f ? new Color(1.0f, 0.8f, 0.25f) : new Color(0.5f, 0.4f, 0.1f); } } public Color cyan { get { return m_Canvas.BackgroundBrightness < 0.5f ? new Color(0.25f, 0.8f, 1.0f) : new Color(0.1f, 0.4f, 0.5f); } } public Color fadewhite { get { return m_Canvas.BackgroundBrightness < 0.5f ? new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.25f) : new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.25f); } } private GUIStyle m_ViewportMiniLabel; private GUIStyle m_ViewportMiniLabelDark; private GUIStyle m_ViewportMiniLabelRight; private GUIStyle m_ViewportMiniLabelRightDark; private GUIStyle m_ViewportMiniLabelCenter; private GUIStyle m_ViewportMiniLabelCenterDark; private GUIStyle m_ViewportLabel; private GUIStyle m_ViewportLabelDark; private GUIStyle m_ViewportLargeLabel; private GUIStyle m_ViewportLargeLabelDark; private ImageSequencerCanvas m_Canvas; private Color m_BackgroundPanelColor; private Color m_BackgroundPanelColorDark; public Styles(ImageSequencerCanvas canvas) { m_Canvas = canvas; Color lightGray = new Color(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f); Color darkGray = new Color(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f); m_ViewportMiniLabel = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.miniLabel); m_ViewportMiniLabel.normal.textColor = lightGray; m_ViewportMiniLabelDark = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.miniLabel); m_ViewportMiniLabelDark.normal.textColor = darkGray; m_ViewportMiniLabelRight = new GUIStyle(m_ViewportMiniLabel); m_ViewportMiniLabelRight.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleRight; m_ViewportMiniLabelRightDark = new GUIStyle(m_ViewportMiniLabelDark); m_ViewportMiniLabelRightDark.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleRight; m_ViewportMiniLabelCenter = new GUIStyle(m_ViewportMiniLabel); m_ViewportMiniLabelCenter.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; m_ViewportMiniLabelCenterDark = new GUIStyle(m_ViewportMiniLabelDark); m_ViewportMiniLabelCenterDark.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; m_ViewportLabel = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.largeLabel); m_ViewportLabel.normal.textColor = lightGray; m_ViewportLabelDark = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.largeLabel); m_ViewportLabelDark.normal.textColor = darkGray; m_ViewportLargeLabel = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.largeLabel); m_ViewportLargeLabel.fontSize = 24; m_ViewportLargeLabel.normal.textColor = lightGray; m_ViewportLargeLabelDark = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.largeLabel); m_ViewportLargeLabelDark.fontSize = 24; m_ViewportLargeLabelDark.normal.textColor = darkGray; m_BackgroundPanelColor = new Color(0.02f, 0.02f, 0.02f, 0.85f); m_BackgroundPanelColorDark = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); } } #endregion } }