一款基于卡牌的塔防游戏,类似于 Supercell 的《皇室战争》的游戏玩法(简化形式), 可以与“非智能”AI 进行比赛。
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.SceneManagement;
namespace UnityEngine.AI
public enum CollectObjects
All = 0,
Volume = 1,
Children = 2,
[AddComponentMenu("Navigation/NavMeshSurface", 30)]
public class NavMeshSurface : MonoBehaviour
int m_AgentTypeID;
public int agentTypeID { get { return m_AgentTypeID; } set { m_AgentTypeID = value; } }
CollectObjects m_CollectObjects = CollectObjects.All;
public CollectObjects collectObjects { get { return m_CollectObjects; } set { m_CollectObjects = value; } }
Vector3 m_Size = new Vector3(10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f);
public Vector3 size { get { return m_Size; } set { m_Size = value; } }
Vector3 m_Center = new Vector3(0, 2.0f, 0);
public Vector3 center { get { return m_Center; } set { m_Center = value; } }
LayerMask m_LayerMask = ~0;
public LayerMask layerMask { get { return m_LayerMask; } set { m_LayerMask = value; } }
NavMeshCollectGeometry m_UseGeometry = NavMeshCollectGeometry.RenderMeshes;
public NavMeshCollectGeometry useGeometry { get { return m_UseGeometry; } set { m_UseGeometry = value; } }
int m_DefaultArea;
public int defaultArea { get { return m_DefaultArea; } set { m_DefaultArea = value; } }
bool m_IgnoreNavMeshAgent = true;
public bool ignoreNavMeshAgent { get { return m_IgnoreNavMeshAgent; } set { m_IgnoreNavMeshAgent = value; } }
bool m_IgnoreNavMeshObstacle = true;
public bool ignoreNavMeshObstacle { get { return m_IgnoreNavMeshObstacle; } set { m_IgnoreNavMeshObstacle = value; } }
bool m_OverrideTileSize;
public bool overrideTileSize { get { return m_OverrideTileSize; } set { m_OverrideTileSize = value; } }
int m_TileSize = 256;
public int tileSize { get { return m_TileSize; } set { m_TileSize = value; } }
bool m_OverrideVoxelSize;
public bool overrideVoxelSize { get { return m_OverrideVoxelSize; } set { m_OverrideVoxelSize = value; } }
float m_VoxelSize;
public float voxelSize { get { return m_VoxelSize; } set { m_VoxelSize = value; } }
// Currently not supported advanced options
bool m_BuildHeightMesh;
public bool buildHeightMesh { get { return m_BuildHeightMesh; } set { m_BuildHeightMesh = value; } }
// Reference to whole scene navmesh data asset.
NavMeshData m_NavMeshData;
public NavMeshData navMeshData { get { return m_NavMeshData; } set { m_NavMeshData = value; } }
// Do not serialize - runtime only state.
NavMeshDataInstance m_NavMeshDataInstance;
Vector3 m_LastPosition = Vector3.zero;
Quaternion m_LastRotation = Quaternion.identity;
static readonly List<NavMeshSurface> s_NavMeshSurfaces = new List<NavMeshSurface>();
public static List<NavMeshSurface> activeSurfaces
get { return s_NavMeshSurfaces; }
void OnEnable()
void OnDisable()
public void AddData()
var isInPreviewScene = EditorSceneManager.IsPreviewSceneObject(this);
var isPrefab = isInPreviewScene || EditorUtility.IsPersistent(this);
if (isPrefab)
//Debug.LogFormat("NavMeshData from {0}.{1} will not be added to the NavMesh world because the gameObject is a prefab.",
// gameObject.name, name);
if (m_NavMeshDataInstance.valid)
if (m_NavMeshData != null)
m_NavMeshDataInstance = NavMesh.AddNavMeshData(m_NavMeshData, transform.position, transform.rotation);
m_NavMeshDataInstance.owner = this;
m_LastPosition = transform.position;
m_LastRotation = transform.rotation;
public void RemoveData()
m_NavMeshDataInstance = new NavMeshDataInstance();
public NavMeshBuildSettings GetBuildSettings()
var buildSettings = NavMesh.GetSettingsByID(m_AgentTypeID);
if (buildSettings.agentTypeID == -1)
Debug.LogWarning("No build settings for agent type ID " + agentTypeID, this);
buildSettings.agentTypeID = m_AgentTypeID;
if (overrideTileSize)
buildSettings.overrideTileSize = true;
buildSettings.tileSize = tileSize;
if (overrideVoxelSize)
buildSettings.overrideVoxelSize = true;
buildSettings.voxelSize = voxelSize;
return buildSettings;
public void BuildNavMesh()
var sources = CollectSources();
// Use unscaled bounds - this differs in behaviour from e.g. collider components.
// But is similar to reflection probe - and since navmesh data has no scaling support - it is the right choice here.
var sourcesBounds = new Bounds(m_Center, Abs(m_Size));
if (m_CollectObjects == CollectObjects.All || m_CollectObjects == CollectObjects.Children)
sourcesBounds = CalculateWorldBounds(sources);
var data = NavMeshBuilder.BuildNavMeshData(GetBuildSettings(),
sources, sourcesBounds, transform.position, transform.rotation);
if (data != null)
data.name = gameObject.name;
m_NavMeshData = data;
if (isActiveAndEnabled)
public AsyncOperation UpdateNavMesh(NavMeshData data)
var sources = CollectSources();
// Use unscaled bounds - this differs in behaviour from e.g. collider components.
// But is similar to reflection probe - and since navmesh data has no scaling support - it is the right choice here.
var sourcesBounds = new Bounds(m_Center, Abs(m_Size));
if (m_CollectObjects == CollectObjects.All || m_CollectObjects == CollectObjects.Children)
sourcesBounds = CalculateWorldBounds(sources);
return NavMeshBuilder.UpdateNavMeshDataAsync(data, GetBuildSettings(), sources, sourcesBounds);
static void Register(NavMeshSurface surface)
var isInPreviewScene = EditorSceneManager.IsPreviewSceneObject(surface);
var isPrefab = isInPreviewScene || EditorUtility.IsPersistent(surface);
if (isPrefab)
//Debug.LogFormat("NavMeshData from {0}.{1} will not be added to the NavMesh world because the gameObject is a prefab.",
// surface.gameObject.name, surface.name);
if (s_NavMeshSurfaces.Count == 0)
NavMesh.onPreUpdate += UpdateActive;
if (!s_NavMeshSurfaces.Contains(surface))
static void Unregister(NavMeshSurface surface)
if (s_NavMeshSurfaces.Count == 0)
NavMesh.onPreUpdate -= UpdateActive;
static void UpdateActive()
for (var i = 0; i < s_NavMeshSurfaces.Count; ++i)
void AppendModifierVolumes(ref List<NavMeshBuildSource> sources)
var myStage = StageUtility.GetStageHandle(gameObject);
if (!myStage.IsValid())
// Modifiers
List<NavMeshModifierVolume> modifiers;
if (m_CollectObjects == CollectObjects.Children)
modifiers = new List<NavMeshModifierVolume>(GetComponentsInChildren<NavMeshModifierVolume>());
modifiers.RemoveAll(x => !x.isActiveAndEnabled);
modifiers = NavMeshModifierVolume.activeModifiers;
foreach (var m in modifiers)
if ((m_LayerMask & (1 << m.gameObject.layer)) == 0)
if (!m.AffectsAgentType(m_AgentTypeID))
if (!myStage.Contains(m.gameObject))
var mcenter = m.transform.TransformPoint(m.center);
var scale = m.transform.lossyScale;
var msize = new Vector3(m.size.x * Mathf.Abs(scale.x), m.size.y * Mathf.Abs(scale.y), m.size.z * Mathf.Abs(scale.z));
var src = new NavMeshBuildSource();
src.shape = NavMeshBuildSourceShape.ModifierBox;
src.transform = Matrix4x4.TRS(mcenter, m.transform.rotation, Vector3.one);
src.size = msize;
src.area = m.area;
List<NavMeshBuildSource> CollectSources()
var sources = new List<NavMeshBuildSource>();
var markups = new List<NavMeshBuildMarkup>();
List<NavMeshModifier> modifiers;
if (m_CollectObjects == CollectObjects.Children)
modifiers = new List<NavMeshModifier>(GetComponentsInChildren<NavMeshModifier>());
modifiers.RemoveAll(x => !x.isActiveAndEnabled);
modifiers = NavMeshModifier.activeModifiers;
foreach (var m in modifiers)
if ((m_LayerMask & (1 << m.gameObject.layer)) == 0)
if (!m.AffectsAgentType(m_AgentTypeID))
var markup = new NavMeshBuildMarkup();
markup.root = m.transform;
markup.overrideArea = m.overrideArea;
markup.area = m.area;
markup.ignoreFromBuild = m.ignoreFromBuild;
if (!EditorApplication.isPlaying)
if (m_CollectObjects == CollectObjects.All)
null, m_LayerMask, m_UseGeometry, m_DefaultArea, markups, gameObject.scene, sources);
else if (m_CollectObjects == CollectObjects.Children)
transform, m_LayerMask, m_UseGeometry, m_DefaultArea, markups, gameObject.scene, sources);
else if (m_CollectObjects == CollectObjects.Volume)
Matrix4x4 localToWorld = Matrix4x4.TRS(transform.position, transform.rotation, Vector3.one);
var worldBounds = GetWorldBounds(localToWorld, new Bounds(m_Center, m_Size));
worldBounds, m_LayerMask, m_UseGeometry, m_DefaultArea, markups, gameObject.scene, sources);
if (m_CollectObjects == CollectObjects.All)
NavMeshBuilder.CollectSources(null, m_LayerMask, m_UseGeometry, m_DefaultArea, markups, sources);
else if (m_CollectObjects == CollectObjects.Children)
NavMeshBuilder.CollectSources(transform, m_LayerMask, m_UseGeometry, m_DefaultArea, markups, sources);
else if (m_CollectObjects == CollectObjects.Volume)
Matrix4x4 localToWorld = Matrix4x4.TRS(transform.position, transform.rotation, Vector3.one);
var worldBounds = GetWorldBounds(localToWorld, new Bounds(m_Center, m_Size));
NavMeshBuilder.CollectSources(worldBounds, m_LayerMask, m_UseGeometry, m_DefaultArea, markups, sources);
if (m_IgnoreNavMeshAgent)
sources.RemoveAll((x) => (x.component != null && x.component.gameObject.GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>() != null));
if (m_IgnoreNavMeshObstacle)
sources.RemoveAll((x) => (x.component != null && x.component.gameObject.GetComponent<NavMeshObstacle>() != null));
AppendModifierVolumes(ref sources);
return sources;
static Vector3 Abs(Vector3 v)
return new Vector3(Mathf.Abs(v.x), Mathf.Abs(v.y), Mathf.Abs(v.z));
static Bounds GetWorldBounds(Matrix4x4 mat, Bounds bounds)
var absAxisX = Abs(mat.MultiplyVector(Vector3.right));
var absAxisY = Abs(mat.MultiplyVector(Vector3.up));
var absAxisZ = Abs(mat.MultiplyVector(Vector3.forward));
var worldPosition = mat.MultiplyPoint(bounds.center);
var worldSize = absAxisX * bounds.size.x + absAxisY * bounds.size.y + absAxisZ * bounds.size.z;
return new Bounds(worldPosition, worldSize);
Bounds CalculateWorldBounds(List<NavMeshBuildSource> sources)
// Use the unscaled matrix for the NavMeshSurface
Matrix4x4 worldToLocal = Matrix4x4.TRS(transform.position, transform.rotation, Vector3.one);
worldToLocal = worldToLocal.inverse;
var result = new Bounds();
foreach (var src in sources)
switch (src.shape)
case NavMeshBuildSourceShape.Mesh:
var m = src.sourceObject as Mesh;
result.Encapsulate(GetWorldBounds(worldToLocal * src.transform, m.bounds));
case NavMeshBuildSourceShape.Terrain:
// Terrain pivot is lower/left corner - shift bounds accordingly
var t = src.sourceObject as TerrainData;
result.Encapsulate(GetWorldBounds(worldToLocal * src.transform, new Bounds(0.5f * t.size, t.size)));
case NavMeshBuildSourceShape.Box:
case NavMeshBuildSourceShape.Sphere:
case NavMeshBuildSourceShape.Capsule:
case NavMeshBuildSourceShape.ModifierBox:
result.Encapsulate(GetWorldBounds(worldToLocal * src.transform, new Bounds(Vector3.zero, src.size)));
// Inflate the bounds a bit to avoid clipping co-planar sources
return result;
bool HasTransformChanged()
if (m_LastPosition != transform.position) return true;
if (m_LastRotation != transform.rotation) return true;
return false;
void UpdateDataIfTransformChanged()
if (HasTransformChanged())
bool UnshareNavMeshAsset()
// Nothing to unshare
if (m_NavMeshData == null)
return false;
// Prefab parent owns the asset reference
var isInPreviewScene = EditorSceneManager.IsPreviewSceneObject(this);
var isPersistentObject = EditorUtility.IsPersistent(this);
if (isInPreviewScene || isPersistentObject)
return false;
// An instance can share asset reference only with its prefab parent
var prefab = UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.GetCorrespondingObjectFromSource(this) as NavMeshSurface;
if (prefab != null && prefab.navMeshData == navMeshData)
return false;
// Don't allow referencing an asset that's assigned to another surface
for (var i = 0; i < s_NavMeshSurfaces.Count; ++i)
var surface = s_NavMeshSurfaces[i];
if (surface != this && surface.m_NavMeshData == m_NavMeshData)
return true;
// Asset is not referenced by known surfaces
return false;
void OnValidate()
if (UnshareNavMeshAsset())
Debug.LogWarning("Duplicating NavMeshSurface does not duplicate the referenced navmesh data", this);
m_NavMeshData = null;
var settings = NavMesh.GetSettingsByID(m_AgentTypeID);
if (settings.agentTypeID != -1)
// When unchecking the override control, revert to automatic value.
const float kMinVoxelSize = 0.01f;
if (!m_OverrideVoxelSize)
m_VoxelSize = settings.agentRadius / 3.0f;
if (m_VoxelSize < kMinVoxelSize)
m_VoxelSize = kMinVoxelSize;
// When unchecking the override control, revert to default value.
const int kMinTileSize = 16;
const int kMaxTileSize = 1024;
const int kDefaultTileSize = 256;
if (!m_OverrideTileSize)
m_TileSize = kDefaultTileSize;
// Make sure tilesize is in sane range.
if (m_TileSize < kMinTileSize)
m_TileSize = kMinTileSize;
if (m_TileSize > kMaxTileSize)
m_TileSize = kMaxTileSize;