一款基于卡牌的塔防游戏,类似于 Supercell 的《皇室战争》的游戏玩法(简化形式), 可以与“非智能”AI 进行比赛。
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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using DG.Tweening;
using System;
namespace UnityRoyale
public class CardManager : MonoBehaviour
public Camera mainCamera; //public reference
public LayerMask playingFieldMask;
public GameObject cardPrefab;
public DeckData playersDeck;
public MeshRenderer forbiddenAreaRenderer;
public UnityAction<CardData, Vector3, Placeable.Faction> OnCardUsed;
[Header("UI Elements")]
public RectTransform backupCardTransform; //the smaller card that sits in the deck
public RectTransform cardsDashboard; //the UI panel that contains the actual playable cards
public RectTransform cardsPanel; //the UI panel that contains all cards, the deck, and the dashboard (center aligned)
private Card[] cards;
private bool cardIsActive = false; //when true, a card is being dragged over the play field
private GameObject previewHolder;
private Vector3 inputCreationOffset = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f); //offsets the creation of units so that they are not under the player's finger
private void Awake()
previewHolder = new GameObject("PreviewHolder");
cards = new Card[3]; //3 is the length of the dashboard
public void LoadDeck()
DeckLoader newDeckLoaderComp = gameObject.AddComponent<DeckLoader>();
newDeckLoaderComp.OnDeckLoaded += DeckLoaded;
private void DeckLoaded()
Debug.Log("Player's deck loaded");
//setup initial cards
for(int i=0; i<cards.Length; i++)
StartCoroutine(PromoteCardFromDeck(i, .4f + i));
StartCoroutine(AddCardToDeck(.8f + i));
//moves the preview card from the deck to the active card dashboard
private IEnumerator PromoteCardFromDeck(int position, float delay = 0f)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(delay);
backupCardTransform.SetParent(cardsDashboard, true);
//move and scale into position
backupCardTransform.DOAnchorPos(new Vector2(210f * (position+1) + 20f, 0f),
.2f + (.05f*position)).SetEase(Ease.OutQuad);
backupCardTransform.localScale = Vector3.one;
//store a reference to the Card component in the array
Card cardScript = backupCardTransform.GetComponent<Card>();
cardScript.cardId = position;
cards[position] = cardScript;
//setup listeners on Card events
cardScript.OnTapDownAction += CardTapped;
cardScript.OnDragAction += CardDragged;
cardScript.OnTapReleaseAction += CardReleased;
//adds a new card to the deck on the left, ready to be used
private IEnumerator AddCardToDeck(float delay = 0f) //TODO: pass in the CardData dynamically
yield return new WaitForSeconds(delay);
//create new card
backupCardTransform = Instantiate<GameObject>(cardPrefab, cardsPanel).GetComponent<RectTransform>();
backupCardTransform.localScale = Vector3.one * 0.7f;
//send it to the bottom left corner
backupCardTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(180f, -300f);
backupCardTransform.DOAnchorPos(new Vector2(180f, 0f), .2f).SetEase(Ease.OutQuad);
//populate CardData on the Card script
Card cardScript = backupCardTransform.GetComponent<Card>();
private void CardTapped(int cardId)
forbiddenAreaRenderer.enabled = true;
private void CardDragged(int cardId, Vector2 dragAmount)
//raycasting to check if the card is on the play field
RaycastHit hit;
Ray ray = mainCamera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
bool planeHit = Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, playingFieldMask);
cardIsActive = true;
previewHolder.transform.position = hit.point;
cards[cardId].ChangeActiveState(true); //hide card
//retrieve arrays from the CardData
PlaceableData[] dataToSpawn = cards[cardId].cardData.placeablesData;
Vector3[] offsets = cards[cardId].cardData.relativeOffsets;
//spawn all the preview Placeables and parent them to the cardPreview
for(int i=0; i<dataToSpawn.Length; i++)
GameObject newPlaceable = GameObject.Instantiate<GameObject>(dataToSpawn[i].associatedPrefab,
hit.point + offsets[i] + inputCreationOffset,
//temporary copy has been created, we move it along with the cursor
previewHolder.transform.position = hit.point;
cardIsActive = false;
cards[cardId].ChangeActiveState(false); //show card
private void CardReleased(int cardId)
//raycasting to check if the card is on the play field
RaycastHit hit;
Ray ray = mainCamera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, playingFieldMask))
if(OnCardUsed != null)
OnCardUsed(cards[cardId].cardData, hit.point + inputCreationOffset, Placeable.Faction.Player); //GameManager picks this up to spawn the actual Placeable
Destroy(cards[cardId].gameObject); //remove the card itself
StartCoroutine(PromoteCardFromDeck(cardId, .2f));
cards[cardId].GetComponent<RectTransform>().DOAnchorPos(new Vector2(220f * (cardId+1), 0f),
forbiddenAreaRenderer.enabled = false;
//happens when the card is put down on the playing field, and while dragging (when moving out of the play field)
private void ClearPreviewObjects()
//destroy all the preview Placeables
for(int i=0; i<previewHolder.transform.childCount; i++)