Unity Chan 工程分享 - URP渲染实现 Unity版本:2019.4
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//toshiyuki@unity3d.com (Univerasl RP/HDRP)
//(C)Unity Technologies Japan/UCL
# endif
# endif
# endif
//# endif
# endif
# endif
# endif
uniform float _utsTechnique;
uniform sampler2D _MainTex; uniform float4 _MainTex_ST;
uniform float4 _BaseColor;
uniform float4 _Color;
uniform fixed _Use_BaseAs1st;
uniform fixed _Use_1stAs2nd;
uniform fixed _Is_LightColor_Base;
uniform sampler2D _1st_ShadeMap; uniform float4 _1st_ShadeMap_ST;
uniform float4 _1st_ShadeColor;
uniform fixed _Is_LightColor_1st_Shade;
uniform sampler2D _2nd_ShadeMap; uniform float4 _2nd_ShadeMap_ST;
uniform float4 _2nd_ShadeColor;
uniform fixed _Is_LightColor_2nd_Shade;
uniform sampler2D _NormalMap; uniform float4 _NormalMap_ST;
uniform fixed _Is_NormalMapToBase;
uniform fixed _Set_SystemShadowsToBase;
uniform float _Tweak_SystemShadowsLevel;
uniform float _BaseColor_Step;
uniform float _BaseShade_Feather;
uniform sampler2D _Set_1st_ShadePosition; uniform float4 _Set_1st_ShadePosition_ST;
uniform float _ShadeColor_Step;
uniform float _1st2nd_Shades_Feather;
uniform sampler2D _Set_2nd_ShadePosition; uniform float4 _Set_2nd_ShadePosition_ST;
// ShadingGradeMap
uniform sampler2D _ShadingGradeMap; uniform float4 _ShadingGradeMap_ST;
uniform float _Tweak_ShadingGradeMapLevel;
uniform fixed _BlurLevelSGM;
uniform float _1st_ShadeColor_Step;
uniform float _1st_ShadeColor_Feather;
uniform float _2nd_ShadeColor_Step;
uniform float _2nd_ShadeColor_Feather;
// ShadingGradeMap
uniform float4 _HighColor;
uniform sampler2D _HighColor_Tex; uniform float4 _HighColor_Tex_ST;
uniform fixed _Is_LightColor_HighColor;
uniform fixed _Is_NormalMapToHighColor;
uniform float _HighColor_Power;
uniform fixed _Is_SpecularToHighColor;
uniform fixed _Is_BlendAddToHiColor;
uniform fixed _Is_UseTweakHighColorOnShadow;
uniform float _TweakHighColorOnShadow;
uniform sampler2D _Set_HighColorMask; uniform float4 _Set_HighColorMask_ST;
uniform float _Tweak_HighColorMaskLevel;
uniform fixed _RimLight;
uniform float4 _RimLightColor;
uniform fixed _Is_LightColor_RimLight;
uniform fixed _Is_NormalMapToRimLight;
uniform float _RimLight_Power;
uniform float _RimLight_InsideMask;
uniform fixed _RimLight_FeatherOff;
uniform fixed _LightDirection_MaskOn;
uniform float _Tweak_LightDirection_MaskLevel;
uniform fixed _Add_Antipodean_RimLight;
uniform float4 _Ap_RimLightColor;
uniform fixed _Is_LightColor_Ap_RimLight;
uniform float _Ap_RimLight_Power;
uniform fixed _Ap_RimLight_FeatherOff;
uniform sampler2D _Set_RimLightMask; uniform float4 _Set_RimLightMask_ST;
uniform float _Tweak_RimLightMaskLevel;
uniform fixed _MatCap;
uniform sampler2D _MatCap_Sampler; uniform float4 _MatCap_Sampler_ST;
uniform float4 _MatCapColor;
uniform fixed _Is_LightColor_MatCap;
uniform fixed _Is_BlendAddToMatCap;
uniform float _Tweak_MatCapUV;
uniform float _Rotate_MatCapUV;
uniform fixed _Is_NormalMapForMatCap;
uniform sampler2D _NormalMapForMatCap; uniform float4 _NormalMapForMatCap_ST;
uniform float _Rotate_NormalMapForMatCapUV;
uniform fixed _Is_UseTweakMatCapOnShadow;
uniform float _TweakMatCapOnShadow;
uniform sampler2D _Set_MatcapMask; uniform float4 _Set_MatcapMask_ST;
uniform float _Tweak_MatcapMaskLevel;
uniform fixed _Is_Ortho;
uniform float _CameraRolling_Stabilizer;
uniform fixed _BlurLevelMatcap;
uniform fixed _Inverse_MatcapMask;
uniform float _BumpScale;
uniform float _BumpScaleMatcap;
uniform sampler2D _Emissive_Tex; uniform float4 _Emissive_Tex_ST;
uniform float4 _Emissive_Color;
uniform fixed _Is_ViewCoord_Scroll;
uniform float _Rotate_EmissiveUV;
uniform float _Base_Speed;
uniform float _Scroll_EmissiveU;
uniform float _Scroll_EmissiveV;
uniform fixed _Is_PingPong_Base;
uniform float4 _ColorShift;
uniform float4 _ViewShift;
uniform float _ColorShift_Speed;
uniform fixed _Is_ColorShift;
uniform fixed _Is_ViewShift;
uniform float3 emissive;
uniform float _Unlit_Intensity;
uniform fixed _Is_Filter_HiCutPointLightColor;
uniform fixed _Is_Filter_LightColor;
uniform float _StepOffset;
uniform fixed _Is_BLD;
uniform float _Offset_X_Axis_BLD;
uniform float _Offset_Y_Axis_BLD;
uniform fixed _Inverse_Z_Axis_BLD;
uniform sampler2D _ClippingMask; uniform float4 _ClippingMask_ST;
uniform float _Clipping_Level;
uniform fixed _Inverse_Clipping;
uniform sampler2D _ClippingMask; uniform float4 _ClippingMask_ST;
uniform fixed _IsBaseMapAlphaAsClippingMask;
uniform float _Clipping_Level;
uniform fixed _Inverse_Clipping;
uniform float _Tweak_transparency;
#elif defined(_IS_CLIPPING_OFF) || defined(_IS_TRANSCLIPPING_OFF)
// RaytracedHardShadow
#define UNITY_PROJ_COORD(a) a
#define UNITY_SAMPLE_SCREEN_SHADOW(tex, uv) tex2Dproj( tex, UNITY_PROJ_COORD(uv) ).r
// TEXTURE2D_SHADOW(_RaytracedHardShadow);
// SAMPLER_CMP(sampler__RaytracedHardShadow);
#define TEXTURE2D_SAMPLER2D(textureName, samplerName) Texture2D textureName; SamplerState samplerName
TEXTURE2D_SAMPLER2D(_RaytracedHardShadow, sampler_RaytracedHardShadow);
// uniform sampler2D _RaytracedHardShadow;
float4 _RaytracedHardShadow_TexelSize;
uniform int UtsUseRaytracingShadow;
// UV回転をする関数:RotateUV()
//float2 rotatedUV = RotateUV(i.uv0, (_angular_Verocity*3.141592654), float2(0.5, 0.5), _Time.g);
float2 RotateUV(float2 _uv, float _radian, float2 _piv, float _time)
float RotateUV_ang = _radian;
float RotateUV_cos = cos(_time*RotateUV_ang);
float RotateUV_sin = sin(_time*RotateUV_ang);
return (mul(_uv - _piv, float2x2( RotateUV_cos, -RotateUV_sin, RotateUV_sin, RotateUV_cos)) + _piv);
fixed3 DecodeLightProbe( fixed3 N ){
return ShadeSH9(float4(N,1));
inline void InitializeStandardLitSurfaceDataUTS(float2 uv, out SurfaceData outSurfaceData)
// half4 albedoAlpha = SampleAlbedoAlpha(uv, TEXTURE2D_ARGS(_BaseMap, sampler_BaseMap));
half4 albedoAlpha = half4(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0);
outSurfaceData.alpha = Alpha(albedoAlpha.a, _BaseColor, _Cutoff);
half4 specGloss = SampleMetallicSpecGloss(uv, albedoAlpha.a);
outSurfaceData.albedo = albedoAlpha.rgb * _BaseColor.rgb;
outSurfaceData.metallic = 1.0h;
outSurfaceData.specular = specGloss.rgb;
outSurfaceData.metallic = specGloss.r;
outSurfaceData.specular = half3(0.0h, 0.0h, 0.0h);
outSurfaceData.smoothness = specGloss.a;
outSurfaceData.normalTS = SampleNormal(uv, TEXTURE2D_ARGS(_BumpMap, sampler_BumpMap), _BumpScale);
outSurfaceData.occlusion = SampleOcclusion(uv);
outSurfaceData.emission = SampleEmission(uv, _EmissionColor.rgb, TEXTURE2D_ARGS(_EmissionMap, sampler_EmissionMap));
half3 GlobalIlluminationUTS(BRDFData brdfData, half3 bakedGI, half occlusion, half3 normalWS, half3 viewDirectionWS)
half3 reflectVector = reflect(-viewDirectionWS, normalWS);
half fresnelTerm = Pow4(1.0 - saturate(dot(normalWS, viewDirectionWS)));
half3 indirectDiffuse = bakedGI * occlusion;
half3 indirectSpecular = GlossyEnvironmentReflection(reflectVector, brdfData.perceptualRoughness, occlusion);
return EnvironmentBRDF(brdfData, indirectDiffuse, indirectSpecular, fresnelTerm);
uniform float _GI_Intensity;
uniform fixed _AngelRing;
uniform sampler2D _AngelRing_Sampler; uniform float4 _AngelRing_Sampler_ST;
uniform float4 _AngelRing_Color;
uniform fixed _Is_LightColor_AR;
uniform float _AR_OffsetU;
uniform float _AR_OffsetV;
uniform fixed _ARSampler_AlphaOn;
#endif //#if defined(_SHADINGGRADEMP)
struct VertexInput {
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float3 normal : NORMAL;
float4 tangent : TANGENT;
float2 texcoord0 : TEXCOORD0;
float2 lightmapUV : TEXCOORD1;
float2 texcoord1 : TEXCOORD1;
float2 lightmapUV : TEXCOORD2;
struct VertexOutput {
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float2 uv0 : TEXCOORD0;
float4 posWorld : TEXCOORD1;
float3 normalDir : TEXCOORD2;
float3 tangentDir : TEXCOORD3;
float3 bitangentDir : TEXCOORD4;
float mirrorFlag : TEXCOORD5;
DECLARE_LIGHTMAP_OR_SH(lightmapUV, vertexSH, 6);
half4 fogFactorAndVertexLight : TEXCOORD7; // x: fogFactor, yzw: vertex light
float4 positionCS : TEXCOORD8;
int mainLightID : TEXCOORD9;
# else
float4 shadowCoord : TEXCOORD8;
float4 positionCS : TEXCOORD9;
int mainLightID : TEXCOORD10;
# endif
float2 uv1 : TEXCOORD1;
float4 posWorld : TEXCOORD2;
float3 normalDir : TEXCOORD3;
float3 tangentDir : TEXCOORD4;
float3 bitangentDir : TEXCOORD5;
float mirrorFlag : TEXCOORD6;
DECLARE_LIGHTMAP_OR_SH(lightmapUV, vertexSH, 7);
half4 fogFactorAndVertexLight : TEXCOORD8; // x: fogFactor, yzw: vertex light
float4 positionCS : TEXCOORD9;
int mainLightID : TEXCOORD10;
# else
float4 shadowCoord : TEXCOORD9;
float4 positionCS : TEXCOORD10;
int mainLightID : TEXCOORD11;
# endif
// Abstraction over Light shading data.
struct UtsLight
float3 direction;
float3 color;
float distanceAttenuation;
real shadowAttenuation;
int type;
// Light Abstraction //
real MainLightRealtimeShadowUTS(float4 shadowCoord, float4 positionCS)
return 1.0h;
ShadowSamplingData shadowSamplingData = GetMainLightShadowSamplingData();
half4 shadowParams = GetMainLightShadowParams();
float4 screenPos = ComputeScreenPos(positionCS/ positionCS.w);
return SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_RaytracedHardShadow, sampler_RaytracedHardShadow, screenPos);
return SampleShadowmap(TEXTURE2D_ARGS(_MainLightShadowmapTexture, sampler_MainLightShadowmapTexture), shadowCoord, shadowSamplingData, shadowParams, false);
real AdditionalLightRealtimeShadowUTS(int lightIndex, float3 positionWS, float4 positionCS)
float4 screenPos = ComputeScreenPos(positionCS / positionCS.w);
return SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_RaytracedHardShadow, sampler_RaytracedHardShadow, screenPos);
return 1.0h;
ShadowSamplingData shadowSamplingData = GetAdditionalLightShadowSamplingData();
lightIndex = _AdditionalShadowsIndices[lightIndex];
// We have to branch here as otherwise we would sample buffer with lightIndex == -1.
// However this should be ok for platforms that store light in SSBO.
if (lightIndex < 0)
return 1.0;
float4 shadowCoord = mul(_AdditionalShadowsBuffer[lightIndex].worldToShadowMatrix, float4(positionWS, 1.0));
float4 shadowCoord = mul(_AdditionalLightsWorldToShadow[lightIndex], float4(positionWS, 1.0));
half4 shadowParams = GetAdditionalLightShadowParams(lightIndex);
return SampleShadowmap(TEXTURE2D_ARGS(_AdditionalLightsShadowmapTexture, sampler_AdditionalLightsShadowmapTexture), shadowCoord, shadowSamplingData, shadowParams, true);
UtsLight GetMainUtsLight()
UtsLight light;
light.direction = _MainLightPosition.xyz;
// unity_LightData.z is 1 when not culled by the culling mask, otherwise 0.
light.distanceAttenuation = unity_LightData.z;
// unity_ProbesOcclusion.x is the mixed light probe occlusion data
light.distanceAttenuation *= unity_ProbesOcclusion.x;
light.shadowAttenuation = 1.0;
light.color = _MainLightColor.rgb;
light.type = _MainLightPosition.w;
return light;
UtsLight GetMainUtsLight(float4 shadowCoord, float4 positionCS)
UtsLight light = GetMainUtsLight();
light.shadowAttenuation = MainLightRealtimeShadowUTS(shadowCoord, positionCS);
return light;
// Fills a light struct given a perObjectLightIndex
UtsLight GetAdditionalPerObjectUtsLight(int perObjectLightIndex, float3 positionWS,float4 positionCS)
// Abstraction over Light input constants
float4 lightPositionWS = _AdditionalLightsBuffer[perObjectLightIndex].position;
half3 color = _AdditionalLightsBuffer[perObjectLightIndex].color.rgb;
half4 distanceAndSpotAttenuation = _AdditionalLightsBuffer[perObjectLightIndex].attenuation;
half4 spotDirection = _AdditionalLightsBuffer[perObjectLightIndex].spotDirection;
half4 lightOcclusionProbeInfo = _AdditionalLightsBuffer[perObjectLightIndex].occlusionProbeChannels;
float4 lightPositionWS = _AdditionalLightsPosition[perObjectLightIndex];
half3 color = _AdditionalLightsColor[perObjectLightIndex].rgb;
half4 distanceAndSpotAttenuation = _AdditionalLightsAttenuation[perObjectLightIndex];
half4 spotDirection = _AdditionalLightsSpotDir[perObjectLightIndex];
half4 lightOcclusionProbeInfo = _AdditionalLightsOcclusionProbes[perObjectLightIndex];
// Directional lights store direction in lightPosition.xyz and have .w set to 0.0.
// This way the following code will work for both directional and punctual lights.
float3 lightVector = lightPositionWS.xyz - positionWS * lightPositionWS.w;
float distanceSqr = max(dot(lightVector, lightVector), HALF_MIN);
half3 lightDirection = half3(lightVector * rsqrt(distanceSqr));
half attenuation = DistanceAttenuation(distanceSqr, distanceAndSpotAttenuation.xy) * AngleAttenuation(spotDirection.xyz, lightDirection, distanceAndSpotAttenuation.zw);
UtsLight light;
light.direction = lightDirection;
light.distanceAttenuation = attenuation;
light.shadowAttenuation = AdditionalLightRealtimeShadowUTS(perObjectLightIndex, positionWS, positionCS);
light.color = color;
light.type = lightPositionWS.w;
// In case we're using light probes, we can sample the attenuation from the `unity_ProbesOcclusion`
// First find the probe channel from the light.
// Then sample `unity_ProbesOcclusion` for the baked occlusion.
// If the light is not baked, the channel is -1, and we need to apply no occlusion.
// probeChannel is the index in 'unity_ProbesOcclusion' that holds the proper occlusion value.
int probeChannel = lightOcclusionProbeInfo.x;
// lightProbeContribution is set to 0 if we are indeed using a probe, otherwise set to 1.
half lightProbeContribution = lightOcclusionProbeInfo.y;
half probeOcclusionValue = unity_ProbesOcclusion[probeChannel];
light.distanceAttenuation *= max(probeOcclusionValue, lightProbeContribution);
return light;
// Fills a light struct given a loop i index. This will convert the i
// index to a perObjectLightIndex
UtsLight GetAdditionalUtsLight(uint i, float3 positionWS,float4 positionCS)
int perObjectLightIndex = GetPerObjectLightIndex(i);
return GetAdditionalPerObjectUtsLight(perObjectLightIndex, positionWS, positionCS);
half3 GetLightColor(UtsLight light)
return light.color * light.distanceAttenuation;
#define INIT_UTSLIGHT(utslight) \
utslight.direction = 0; \
utslight.color = 0; \
utslight.distanceAttenuation = 0; \
utslight.shadowAttenuation = 0; \
utslight.type = 0
int DetermineUTS_MainLightIndex(float3 posW, float4 shadowCoord, float4 positionCS)
UtsLight mainLight;
int mainLightIndex = -2;
UtsLight nextLight = GetMainUtsLight(shadowCoord, positionCS);
if (nextLight.distanceAttenuation > mainLight.distanceAttenuation && nextLight.type == 0)
mainLight = nextLight;
mainLightIndex = -1;
int lightCount = GetAdditionalLightsCount();
for (int ii = 0; ii < lightCount; ++ii)
nextLight = GetAdditionalUtsLight(ii, posW, positionCS);
if (nextLight.distanceAttenuation > mainLight.distanceAttenuation && nextLight.type == 0)
mainLight = nextLight;
mainLightIndex = ii;
return mainLightIndex;
UtsLight GetMainUtsLightByID(int index,float3 posW, float4 shadowCoord, float4 positionCS)
UtsLight mainLight;
if (index == -2)
return mainLight;
if (index == -1)
return GetMainUtsLight(shadowCoord, positionCS);
return GetAdditionalUtsLight(index, posW, positionCS);
VertexOutput vert (VertexInput v) {
VertexOutput o = (VertexOutput)0;
o.uv0 = v.texcoord0;
o.uv1 = v.texcoord1;
o.normalDir = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(v.normal);
o.tangentDir = normalize( mul( unity_ObjectToWorld, float4( v.tangent.xyz, 0.0 ) ).xyz );
o.bitangentDir = normalize(cross(o.normalDir, o.tangentDir) * v.tangent.w);
o.posWorld = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, v.vertex);
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos( v.vertex );
//v.2.0.7 鏡の中判定(右手座標系か、左手座標系かの判定)o.mirrorFlag = -1 なら鏡の中.
float3 crossFwd = cross(UNITY_MATRIX_V[0], UNITY_MATRIX_V[1]);
o.mirrorFlag = dot(crossFwd, UNITY_MATRIX_V[2]) < 0 ? 1 : -1;
float3 positionWS = TransformObjectToWorld(v.vertex);
float4 positionCS = TransformWorldToHClip(positionWS);
half3 vertexLight = VertexLighting(o.posWorld, o.normalDir);
half fogFactor = ComputeFogFactor(positionCS.z);
OUTPUT_LIGHTMAP_UV(v.lightmapUV, unity_LightmapST, o.lightmapUV);
OUTPUT_SH(o.normalDir.xyz, o.vertexSH);
o.fogFactorAndVertexLight = half4(fogFactor, vertexLight);
o.positionCS = positionCS;
#if defined(_MAIN_LIGHT_SHADOWS) && !defined(_RECEIVE_SHADOWS_OFF)
o.shadowCoord = ComputeScreenPos(positionCS);
o.shadowCoord = TransformWorldToShadowCoord(o.posWorld);
o.mainLightID = DetermineUTS_MainLightIndex(o.posWorld, o.shadowCoord, positionCS);
o.mainLightID = DetermineUTS_MainLightIndex(o.posWorld, 0, positionCS);
return o;
#include "UniversalToonBodyShadingGradeMap.hlsl"
#else //#if defined(_SHADINGGRADEMAP)
#include "UniversalToonBodyDoubleShadeWithFeather.hlsl"
#endif //#if defined(_SHADINGGRADEMAP)
float4 frag(VertexOutput i, fixed facing : VFACE) : SV_TARGET
return fragShadingGradeMap(i, facing);
return fragDoubleShadeFeather(i, facing);