主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符
320 行
12 KiB
320 行
12 KiB
using Unity.Animations.SpringBones.GameObjectExtensions;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor.Localization.Editor;
namespace Unity.Animations.SpringBones
public class FindGameObjectsWindow : EditorWindow
private static class Styles
public static readonly string editorWindowTitle = Localization.Tr("Name Selector Tool");
public static readonly string textName = Localization.Tr("Name");
public static readonly string textIgnore = Localization.Tr("Ignore");
public static readonly string textComponent = Localization.Tr("Component");
public static readonly string textSelect = Localization.Tr("Select");
public static readonly string textSelectingMultipleObjectFormat = Localization.Tr("Selecting {0} objects");
[MenuItem("Window/Animation/SpringBone/Name Selector Tool")]
public static void ShowWindow()
var window = GetWindow<FindGameObjectsWindow>(Styles.editorWindowTitle);
public static IEnumerable<GameObject> FindObjectsByComponent
string componentPattern,
IEnumerable<string> ignorePatterns = null
var gameObjects = GameObjectUtil.GetAllGameObjects();
var matchingObjects = FindObjectsWithComponentByPattern(gameObjects, componentPattern);
if (ignorePatterns != null)
foreach (var ignorePattern in ignorePatterns)
matchingObjects = RemoveObjectsByPattern(matchingObjects, ignorePattern);
return matchingObjects;
public static IEnumerable<GameObject> FindObjectsByPattern
IEnumerable<string> namePatterns,
IEnumerable<string> ignorePatterns,
string componentPattern
if (namePatterns == null || !namePatterns.Any())
return !System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(componentPattern)
? FindObjectsByComponent(componentPattern, ignorePatterns)
: new List<GameObject>();
// The first pattern is required
// If there any patterns after the first, then at least one must match
var requiredPattern = "*" + namePatterns.First() + "*";
var additionalPatterns = namePatterns.Skip(1)
.Select(pattern => "*" + pattern + "*")
System.Func<string, bool> isNameAMatch = (name) =>
return StringUtil.GlobMatch(name, requiredPattern)
&& (additionalPatterns.Length == 0
|| additionalPatterns.Any(pattern => StringUtil.GlobMatch(name, pattern)));
var matchingObjects = GameObjectUtil.GetAllGameObjects()
.Where(gameObject => isNameAMatch(gameObject.name));
if (ignorePatterns != null)
foreach (var ignorePattern in ignorePatterns)
matchingObjects = RemoveObjectsByPattern(matchingObjects, ignorePattern);
if (!System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(componentPattern))
matchingObjects = FindObjectsWithComponentByPattern(matchingObjects, componentPattern);
return matchingObjects;
// private
private const int SearchFrameCount = 2;
private const string SearchNameField = "SearchNameField";
private string objectPattern = "";
private string ignorePattern = "";
private string componentPattern = "";
private int searchCountdown;
private bool isInitialShow;
private static bool HasExactComponentMatch(GameObject gameObject, string componentTypeToFind)
var componentTypes = gameObject.GetComponents<Component>()
.Where(component => component != null)
.Select(component => component.GetType().ToString().ToLowerInvariant());
var dottedComponentTypeToFind = "." + componentTypeToFind;
return componentTypes.Any(type =>
type == componentTypeToFind
|| type.EndsWith(dottedComponentTypeToFind));
private static IEnumerable<GameObject> FindObjectsWithComponentByPattern
IEnumerable<GameObject> sourceObjects,
string componentPattern
// Remove all whitespace
string[] whitespaceList = { " ", "\t", " ", "\r", "\n" };
foreach (var whitespaceString in whitespaceList)
componentPattern = componentPattern.Replace(whitespaceString, "");
// For components, if there are any objects whose components match exactly (whole word),
// then only return those
componentPattern = componentPattern.ToLowerInvariant();
var exactMatches = sourceObjects.Where(gameObject =>
HasExactComponentMatch(gameObject, componentPattern));
if (exactMatches.Any())
return exactMatches;
// Otherwise do a find-anywhere search
componentPattern = "*" + componentPattern + "*";
return sourceObjects
.Where(gameObject => gameObject.GetComponents<Component>().Any(
component => component != null && StringUtil.GlobMatch(component.GetType().ToString(), componentPattern)));
private static IEnumerable<GameObject> RemoveObjectsByPattern
IEnumerable<GameObject> sourceObjects,
string removePattern
removePattern = "*" + removePattern + "*";
return sourceObjects
.Where(gameObject => !StringUtil.GlobMatch(gameObject.name, removePattern));
private void ReacquireData()
if (objectPattern == null) { objectPattern = ""; }
if (ignorePattern == null) { ignorePattern = ""; }
if (componentPattern == null) { componentPattern = ""; }
private void FindAndSelectObjects()
const string WhitespaceString = " \t\r\n ";
var whitespaceList = WhitespaceString.ToCharArray();
var objectPatterns = objectPattern.Split(whitespaceList, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var ignorePatterns = ignorePattern.Split(whitespaceList, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
Selection.objects = FindObjectsByPattern(objectPatterns, ignorePatterns, componentPattern).ToArray();
searchCountdown = 0;
private void RestartSearchCountdown()
searchCountdown = SearchFrameCount;
private static void SetRectYPositions(IList<Rect> rects, float yPosition)
for (var rectIndex = 0; rectIndex < rects.Count; ++rectIndex)
var rect = rects[rectIndex];
rect.y = yPosition;
rects[rectIndex] = rect;
private static void DoTextFieldWithClearButton
ref TextFieldPositions fieldPositions,
string label,
ref string textItem,
System.Action onTextChanged,
string textFieldControlName = null
GUI.Label(fieldPositions.GetLabelRect(), label);
if (textFieldControlName != null)
var newText = GUI.TextField(fieldPositions.GetFieldRect(), textItem);
if (newText != textItem)
textItem = newText;
if (GUI.Button(fieldPositions.GetButtonRect(), "×") && textItem.Length > 0)
textItem = "";
private void OnSelectionChange()
private void OnInspectorUpdate()
if (searchCountdown > 0)
if (searchCountdown == 0)
private static Rect[] GetRowRects(float x, float y, IList<float> widths, float height, float spacing)
var rectCount = widths.Count;
var rects = new Rect[rectCount];
for (int rectIndex = 0; rectIndex < rectCount; rectIndex++)
rects[rectIndex] = new Rect(x, y, widths[rectIndex], height);
x += widths[rectIndex] + spacing;
return rects;
private struct TextFieldPositions
public float x;
public float y;
public float labelWidth;
public float fieldWidth;
public float buttonWidth;
public float height;
public float spacing;
public Rect GetLabelRect() { return new Rect(x, y, labelWidth, height); }
public Rect GetFieldRect() { return new Rect(x + labelWidth + spacing, y, fieldWidth, height); }
public Rect GetButtonRect() { return new Rect(x + labelWidth + fieldWidth + spacing * 2f, y, buttonWidth, height); }
private static TextFieldPositions GetTextFieldPositions(float x, float y, float rowWidth, float rowHeight, float spacing)
const int LabelMinWidth = 40;
const int LabelMaxWidth = 120;
const float ButtonWidth = 20f;
var labelWidth = Mathf.Clamp(rowWidth * 0.25f, LabelMinWidth, LabelMaxWidth);
return new TextFieldPositions
x = x,
y = y,
labelWidth = labelWidth,
fieldWidth = rowWidth - labelWidth - ButtonWidth - spacing * 2f,
buttonWidth = ButtonWidth,
height = rowHeight,
spacing = spacing
private void OnGUI()
const float RowHeight = 30f;
const float Spacing = 8f;
const float RowOffset = RowHeight + Spacing;
var rowWidth = position.width - Spacing * 2f;
var fieldPositions = GetTextFieldPositions(Spacing, Spacing, rowWidth, RowHeight, Spacing);
DoTextFieldWithClearButton(ref fieldPositions, Styles.textName, ref objectPattern, RestartSearchCountdown, SearchNameField);
fieldPositions.y += RowOffset;
DoTextFieldWithClearButton(ref fieldPositions, Styles.textIgnore, ref ignorePattern, RestartSearchCountdown);
fieldPositions.y += RowOffset;
DoTextFieldWithClearButton(ref fieldPositions, Styles.textComponent, ref componentPattern, RestartSearchCountdown);
fieldPositions.y += RowOffset;
var rowRect = new Rect(fieldPositions.x, fieldPositions.y, rowWidth, RowHeight);
if (GUI.Button(rowRect, Styles.textSelect)) { FindAndSelectObjects(); }
rowRect.y += RowOffset;
var message = string.Format(Styles.textSelectingMultipleObjectFormat, Selection.objects.Length);
GUI.Label(rowRect, message);
if (isInitialShow)
isInitialShow = false;
private void OnShow()
searchCountdown = 0;
isInitialShow = true;