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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using NUnit.Framework;
using RosSharp;
using RosSharp.Control;
using RosSharp.Urdf;
using Unity.Robotics.PickAndPlace;
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Robotics.ROSTCPConnector;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.TestTools;
namespace IntegrationTests
[TestFixture, Explicit, Category("IntegrationTests")]
// IMPORTANT: In order for this category of tests to run correctly, MessageGeneration must be run first and the
// INTEGRATION_TEST script define must be set
public class RosIntegrationTests
#region Parameters
// Testing parameters
const float k_TestTimeoutSeconds = 20f;
const string k_NamePackageNiryoMoveIt = "niryo_moveit";
const string k_NameNiryoOne = "niryo_one";
const string k_NameBaseLink = "base_link";
// Prefabs that get instantiated into scene
const string k_NameTable = "Table";
const string k_NameTarget = "Target";
const string k_NameTargetPlacement = "TargetPlacement";
// GameObjects that hold important components
const string k_NameCamera = "Main Camera";
const string k_NameRosConnect = "ROSConnect";
const string k_NamePublisher = "Publisher";
// Parameters for robot joint controller
const float k_ControllerStiffness = 10000f;
const float k_ControllerDamping = 100f;
const float k_ControllerForceLimit = 1000f;
const float k_ControllerSpeed = 30f;
const float k_ControllerAcceleration = 10f;
// Parameters for ROS connection
const string k_IpAddressLoopback = "";
const int k_HostPort = 10000;
const int k_UnityPort = 5005;
const int k_NumAwaitDataRetries = 10;
const int k_NumAwaitDataSleepSeconds = 1;
const string k_PrefabSuffix = ".prefab";
readonly string k_DirectoryPrefabs = Path.Combine("Assets", "Prefabs");
readonly string k_PathUrdf = Path.Combine("URDF", "niryo_one", "niryo_one.urdf");
readonly string k_PathTestScene = Path.Combine("Assets", "Scenes", "EmptyScene.unity");
readonly Vector3 k_CameraPosition = new Vector3(0, 1.4f, -0.7f);
readonly Quaternion k_CameraRotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(45, 0, 0));
readonly ImportSettings k_UrdfImportSettings = new ImportSettings
choosenAxis = ImportSettings.axisType.yAxis,
convexMethod = ImportSettings.convexDecomposer.unity
float m_TimeElapsedSeconds;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
ROSConnection m_RosConnection;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector]
TargetPlacement m_TargetPlacement;
// NOTE: This check could be made more robust by checking the gripper state of the arm to confirm it has
// released the Target
bool DidPlacementSucceed => m_TargetPlacement.CurrentState == TargetPlacement.PlacementState.InsidePlaced;
public IEnumerator TrajectoryPublisher_PickAndPlaceDemo_CompletesTask()
// TODO: This test could be made a PlayMode test once ImportRobot can use the PlayMode URDF import
yield return new EnterPlayMode();
m_TargetPlacement = GameObject.Find(k_NameTargetPlacement).GetComponent<TargetPlacement>();
Assert.IsNotNull(m_TargetPlacement, $"Unable to find {nameof(TargetPlacement)} attached to a " +
$"GameObject called {k_NameTargetPlacement} in scene.");
var publisher = GameObject.Find(k_NamePublisher).GetComponent<TrajectoryPlanner>();
while(!DidPlacementSucceed && m_TimeElapsedSeconds < k_TestTimeoutSeconds)
m_TimeElapsedSeconds += Time.deltaTime;
yield return null;
Assert.IsTrue(DidPlacementSucceed, "Pick and Place did not complete before test timed out.");
yield return new ExitPlayMode();
void SetUpScene()
var camera = GameObject.Find(k_NameCamera);
camera.transform.position = k_CameraPosition;
camera.transform.rotation = k_CameraRotation;
void CreateTrajectoryPlannerPublisher()
var planner = new GameObject(k_NamePublisher).AddComponent<TrajectoryPlanner>();
planner.rosServiceName = k_NamePackageNiryoMoveIt;
planner.niryoOne = GameObject.Find(k_NameNiryoOne);
planner.target = GameObject.Find(k_NameTarget);
planner.targetPlacement = GameObject.Find(k_NameTargetPlacement);
GameObject InstantiatePrefabFromName(string name)
var filepath = Path.Combine(k_DirectoryPrefabs, $"{name}{k_PrefabSuffix}");
var gameObject = (GameObject) PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(
gameObject.name = name;
return gameObject;
void CreateRosConnection()
m_RosConnection = new GameObject(k_NameRosConnect).AddComponent<ROSConnection>();
m_RosConnection.RosIPAddress = k_IpAddressLoopback;
m_RosConnection.RosPort = k_HostPort;
//m_RosConnection.overrideUnityIP = k_IpAddressLoopback;
//m_RosConnection.unityPort = k_UnityPort;
//m_RosConnection.awaitDataMaxRetries = k_NumAwaitDataRetries;
//m_RosConnection.awaitDataSleepSeconds = k_NumAwaitDataSleepSeconds;
void ImportRobot()
var urdfFullPath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, k_PathUrdf);
var robotImporter = UrdfRobotExtensions.Create(urdfFullPath, k_UrdfImportSettings, false);
// Create is a coroutine that would usually run only in EditMode, so we need to force its execution here
while (robotImporter.MoveNext())
// Ensure parameters are set to reasonable values
var controller = GameObject.Find(k_NameNiryoOne).GetComponent<Controller>();
controller.stiffness = k_ControllerStiffness;
controller.damping = k_ControllerDamping;
controller.forceLimit = k_ControllerForceLimit;
controller.speed = k_ControllerSpeed;
controller.acceleration = k_ControllerAcceleration;
GameObject.Find(k_NameBaseLink).GetComponent<ArticulationBody>().immovable = true;
throw new NotImplementedException(
"This integration test can only be executed with the INTEGRATION_TEST scripting define set. " +
"The dependencies of this test are not guaranteed to exist in the Project by default.");