# Pose-Estimation-Demo Tutorial: Troubleshooting
**Table of Contents**
- [Part 1: Create Unity scene with imported URDF](#part-1-create-unity-scene-with-imported-urdf)
- [Package Installation](#package-installation)
- [Assets, Materials](#assets-materials)
- [URDF Importer](#urdf-importer)
- [Part 3: Data Collection and model training](#part-3-data-collection-and-model-training)
- [Docker, Environment](#docker-environment)
- [Part 4: Pick-and-Place](#part-4-pick-and-place)
- [Unity Scene](#unity-scene)
- [Docker, ROS-TCP Connection](#docker-ros-tcp-connection)
- [Ubuntu](#ubuntu)
## Part 1: Create Unity scene with imported URDF
### Package Installation
- If you are receiving a `[Package Manager Window] Unable to add package ... xcrun: error: invalid developer path...`, you may need to install the [Command Line Tools](https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/technotes/tn2339/_index.html) package for macOS via `xcode-select --install`.
### Assets, Materials
- Upon import, the cube and floor materials may appear to be bright pink (i.e. missing texture).
- Cube: Go to `Assets > TutorialAssets > Materials`. Select the `AlphabetCubeMaterial`. There is a section called `Surface Inputs`. If the Base Map is not assigned, select the circle next to this field. Click on it and start typing `NonsymmetricCubeTexture` and select it when it appears. Apply this updated `AlphabetCubeMaterial` to the Cube. Your Inspector view should look like the following:
- Floor: Assign the `NavyFloor` material to the Floor object.
- If all of the project materials appear to have missing textures, ensure you have created the project using the Universal Render Pipeline.
- If the UR3 arm's base has some missing textures (e.g. pink ovals), in the Project window, navigate to `Assets/TutorialAssets/URDFs/ur3_with_gripper/ur_description/meshes/ur3/visual/base.dae`. Select the base, and in the Inspector window, open the `Materials` tab. If the `Material_001` and `_002` fields are blank, assign them to `Assets/TutorialAssets/URDFs/ur3_with_gripper/ur_description/Materials/Material_001` and `_002`, respectively.
### URDF Importer
- If you are not seeing `Import Robot from URDF` in the `Assets` menu, check the console for compile errors. The project must compile correctly before the editor tools become available.
- If the robot appears loose/wiggly or is not moving with no console errors, ensure on the Controller script of the `ur3_with_gripper` that the `Stiffness` is **10000**, the `Damping` is **1000** and the `Force Limit` is **1000**.
- Note that the world-space origin of the robot is defined in its URDF file. In this sample, we have assigned it to sit on top of the table, which is at `(0, 0.77, 0)` in Unity coordinates. Moving the robot from its root position in Unity will require a change to its URDF definition.
### Docker, ROS-TCP Connection - Building the Docker image may throw an `Could not find a package configuration file provided by...` exception if one or more of the directories in ROS/ appears empty. Ensure you have run the `submodule.sh` script to populate the ROS packages. - `...failed because unknown error handler name 'rosmsg'` This is due to a bug in an outdated package version. Try running `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade` to upgrade packages. - `Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?` The system-independent `docker info` command can verify whether or not Docker is running. This command will throw a `Server: ERROR` if the Docker daemon is not currently running, and will print the appropriate [system-wide information](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/info/) otherwise. - Occasionally, not having enough memory allocated to the Docker container can cause the `server_endpoint` to fail. This may cause unexpected behavior during the pick-and-place task, such as constantly predicting the same pose. If this occurs, check your Docker settings. You may need to increase the `Memory` to 8GB. - This can be found in Docker Desktop settings, under the gear icon. - `Exception Raised: unpack requires a buffer of 4 bytes`: This may be caused by a mismatch in the expected Service Request formatting. Ensure that the [srv definition](../ROS/src/ur3_moveit/srv/MoverService.srv) matches the [generated C# script](../PoseEstimationDemoProject/Assets/TutorialAssets/RosMessages/Ur3Moveit/srv/MoverServiceRequest.cs), and that you have not modified these files since the last push to your ROS workspace. ### Ubuntu - Running Unity and Docker on Ubuntu may throw a `System.Net.SocketException: Address already in use` error when using the loopback address. If this is the case, in your Unity Editor, under Robotics > ROS Settings, leave the `Override Unity IP Address` blank to let Unity automatically determine the address. Change the `ROS IP Address` to the IP of your Docker container, most likely `172.17.0.X`. You may need to modify these settings based on your unique network setup.