using RosSharp; |
using RosSharp.Control; |
using RosSharp.Urdf.Editor; |
using Unity.EditorCoroutines.Editor; |
using UnityEditor; |
using UnityEngine; |
using Unity.Robotics.ROSTCPConnector; |
{ |
EditorApplication.LockReloadAssemblies(); |
SetupScene(); |
SetupRos(); |
CreateTrajectoryPlannerPubliser(); |
AddRosMessages(); |
ImportRobot(); |
CreateRosConnection(); |
CreateTrajectoryPlannerPublisher(); |
} |
void Update() |
private void SetupScene() |
{ |
// Instantiate the table, target, and target placement
GameObject table = InstantiatePrefab(tableName); |
GameObject target = InstantiatePrefab(targetName); |
GameObject targetPlacement = InstantiatePrefab(targetPlacementName); |
InstantiatePrefab(tableName); |
InstantiatePrefab(targetName); |
InstantiatePrefab(targetPlacementName); |
// Import Niryo One with URDF importer
string urdfFilepath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, urdfRelativeFilepath); |
ImportRobot(urdfFilepath, ImportSettings.convexDecomposer.unity); |
// Adjust robot parameters
Controller controller = GameObject.Find(niryoOneName).GetComponent<Controller>(); |
controller.stiffness = controllerStiffness; |
controller.damping = controllerDamping; |
controller.forceLimit = controllerForceLimit; |
controller.speed = controllerSpeed; |
controller.acceleration = controllerAcceleration; |
GameObject.Find(baseLinkName).GetComponent<ArticulationBody>().immovable = true; |
private void SetupRos() |
private void AddRosMessages() |
{ |
if (generateRosMessages) |
{ |
scripts.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(rosMessagesDirectory, scriptPattern, SearchOption.AllDirectories)); |
scripts.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(externalScriptsDirectory)); |
RecompileScripts(scripts.ToArray()); |
// Create RosConnect
GameObject rosConnect = new GameObject(rosConnectName); |
rosConnection = rosConnect.AddComponent<ROSConnection>(); |
rosConnection.rosIPAddress = hostIP; |
rosConnection.rosPort = hostPort; |
rosConnection.overrideUnityIP = overrideUnityIP; |
rosConnection.unityPort = unityPort; |
rosConnection.awaitDataMaxRetries = awaitDataMaxRetries; |
rosConnection.awaitDataSleepSeconds = awaitDataSleepSeconds; |
private void CreateTrajectoryPlannerPubliser() |
private void CreateTrajectoryPlannerPublisher() |
{ |
GameObject publisher = new GameObject(publisherName); |
dynamic planner = publisher.AddComponent(assembly.GetType(trajectoryPlannerType)); |
return gameObject; |
} |
private void ImportRobot(string urdfFilepath, ImportSettings.convexDecomposer convexDecomposer) |
private void CreateRosConnection() |
{ |
// Create RosConnect
GameObject rosConnect = new GameObject(rosConnectName); |
rosConnection = rosConnect.AddComponent<ROSConnection>(); |
rosConnection.rosIPAddress = hostIP; |
rosConnection.rosPort = hostPort; |
rosConnection.overrideUnityIP = overrideUnityIP; |
rosConnection.unityPort = unityPort; |
rosConnection.awaitDataMaxRetries = awaitDataMaxRetries; |
rosConnection.awaitDataSleepSeconds = awaitDataSleepSeconds; |
} |
private void ImportRobot() |
// Import Niryo One by URDF Importer
ImportSettings settings = new ImportSettings |
ImportSettings urdfImportSettings = new ImportSettings |
convexMethod = convexDecomposer, |
convexMethod = ImportSettings.convexDecomposer.unity |
UrdfRobotExtensions.Create(urdfFilepath, settings); |
// Import Niryo One with URDF importer
string urdfFilepath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, urdfRelativeFilepath); |
// Create is a coroutine that would usually run only in EditMode, so we need to force its execution here
var robotImporter = UrdfRobotExtensions.Create(urdfFilepath, urdfImportSettings, false); |
while (robotImporter.MoveNext()) {} |
// Adjust robot parameters
Controller controller = GameObject.Find(niryoOneName).GetComponent<Controller>(); |
controller.stiffness = controllerStiffness; |
controller.damping = controllerDamping; |
controller.forceLimit = controllerForceLimit; |
controller.speed = controllerSpeed; |
controller.acceleration = controllerAcceleration; |
GameObject.Find(baseLinkName).GetComponent<ArticulationBody>().immovable = true; |
} |
// Credit to https://www.codeproject.com/Tips/715891/Compiling-Csharp-Code-at-Runtime