## Tutorials |
- [ROS–Unity Integration: Initial Setup](setup.md) - ROS-Unity Initial Setup |
- [ROS–Unity Integration: Network Description](network.md) - Description of network settings and troubleshooting |
- [ROS–Unity Integration: UnityService](unity_service.md) - Adding a Service that runs in a Unity Scene |
- [ROS–Unity Integration: Server Endpoint](server_endpoint.md) - How to write a Server Endpoint |
## Example Unity Scripts |
- `unity_scripts/RosPublisherExample.cs` |
- Publishes the position of a GameObject every 0.5 seconds. |
- `unity_scripts/RosSubscriberExample.cs` |
- Subscribes to a topic that accepts color messages and uses them to change the color of a GameObject in the Unity scene. |
- `unity_scripts/RosUnityServiceExample.cs` |
- Runs a service in the Unity scene that takes a GameObject's name and responds with the Pose of that object. |
- `unity_scripts/RosSubscriberExample.cs` |
- Subscribes to a topic that accepts color messages and uses them to change the color of a GameObject in the Unity scene. |