using System.Text; |
using RosSharp; |
using RosSharp.Control; |
using RosSharp.Urdf; |
using Unity.EditorCoroutines.Editor; |
using UnityEditor; |
using UnityEngine; |
using Unity.Robotics.ROSTCPConnector; |
// Create RosConnect
GameObject rosConnect = new GameObject(rosConnectName); |
rosConnection = rosConnect.AddComponent<ROSConnection>(); |
rosConnection.RosIPAddress = hostIP; |
rosConnection.RosPort = hostPort; |
rosConnection.rosIPAddress = hostIP; |
rosConnection.rosPort = hostPort; |
rosConnection.overrideUnityIP = overrideUnityIP; |
rosConnection.unityPort = unityPort; |
rosConnection.awaitDataMaxRetries = awaitDataMaxRetries; |
rosConnection.awaitDataSleepSeconds = awaitDataSleepSeconds; |
} |
private void ImportRobot() |
string urdfFilepath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, urdfRelativeFilepath); |
// Create is a coroutine that would usually run only in EditMode, so we need to force its execution here
var robotImporter = UrdfRobotExtensions.Create(urdfFilepath, urdfImportSettings, false); |
while (robotImporter.MoveNext()) { } |
while (robotImporter.MoveNext()) {} |
// Adjust robot parameters
Controller controller = GameObject.Find(niryoOneName).GetComponent<Controller>(); |
controller.stiffness = controllerStiffness; |
parameters.GenerateExecutable = false; |
string[] texts = new string[filepaths.Length]; |
for (int i = 0; i < filepaths.Length; i++) |
for (int i = 0; i < filepaths.Length; i ++) |
texts[i] = File.ReadAllText(filepaths[i]); |
texts[i] = File.ReadAllText(filepaths[i]); |
} |
CompilerResults results = provider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(parameters, texts); |
checkCompileErrors(results); |