We definitely plan to support ROS 2 in the future. Let us know more about your use case in order to prioritize our work by reaching out to us at [unity-robotics@unity3d.com](mailto:unity-robotics@unity3d.com).
How does your Unity integration compare to [ROS#](https://github.com/siemens/ros-sharp)?
How does your Unity integration compare to ROS#?
Two of the Unity Robotics repos (URDF Importer and TCP Connector) have been forked from the Siemens ROS# repo.
Two of the Unity Robotics repos (URDF Importer and TCP Connector) have been forked from the [Siemens ROS# repo](https://github.com/siemens/ros-sharp).
You can find more details about the differences between our implementation and ROS#, along with some of their future plans, in the [ROS# project](https://github.com/siemens/ros-sharp/wiki/Ext_RosSharp_RoboticsHub#differences-between-unity-robotics-hub-and-ros).
How can I install the Unity Packages without starting from a template project?