4 年前
共有 49 个文件被更改,包括 1583 次插入 和 207 次删除
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using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEngine; |
using FLU = ROSGeometry.FLU; |
using RVector3 = ROSGeometry.Vector3<ROSGeometry.FLU>; |
using static ROSGeometry.CoordinateSpaceExtensions; |
public class DebugDrawTest : MonoBehaviour |
{ |
public GameObject pivot; |
void Start() |
{ |
DebugDraw.Drawing drawing = DebugDraw.instance.CreateDrawing(); |
MessageVisualizations<FLU>.DrawQuaternion(drawing, pivot.transform.rotation.To<FLU>(), pivot.transform.position); |
} |
} |
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float4 vertex : SV_POSITION; |
fixed4 vertexColor : COLOR; |
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v2f vert (appdata v) |
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v2f o; |
o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex); |
o.vertexColor = v.color; |
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fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target |
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//Do not edit! This file was generated by Unity-ROS MessageGeneration.
using System; |
using System.Linq; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Text; |
using RosMessageGeneration; |
namespace RosMessageTypes.Moveit |
{ |
public class RobotTrajectory : Message |
{ |
public const string RosMessageName = "moveit_msgs/RobotTrajectory"; |
public Trajectory.JointTrajectory joint_trajectory; |
public Trajectory.MultiDOFJointTrajectory multi_dof_joint_trajectory; |
public RobotTrajectory() |
{ |
this.joint_trajectory = new Trajectory.JointTrajectory(); |
this.multi_dof_joint_trajectory = new Trajectory.MultiDOFJointTrajectory(); |
} |
public RobotTrajectory(Trajectory.JointTrajectory joint_trajectory, Trajectory.MultiDOFJointTrajectory multi_dof_joint_trajectory) |
{ |
this.joint_trajectory = joint_trajectory; |
this.multi_dof_joint_trajectory = multi_dof_joint_trajectory; |
} |
public override List<byte[]> SerializationStatements() |
{ |
var listOfSerializations = new List<byte[]>(); |
listOfSerializations.AddRange(joint_trajectory.SerializationStatements()); |
listOfSerializations.AddRange(multi_dof_joint_trajectory.SerializationStatements()); |
return listOfSerializations; |
} |
public override int Deserialize(byte[] data, int offset) |
{ |
offset = this.joint_trajectory.Deserialize(data, offset); |
offset = this.multi_dof_joint_trajectory.Deserialize(data, offset); |
return offset; |
} |
public override string ToString() |
{ |
return "RobotTrajectory: " + |
"\njoint_trajectory: " + joint_trajectory.ToString() + |
"\nmulti_dof_joint_trajectory: " + multi_dof_joint_trajectory.ToString(); |
} |
} |
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//Do not edit! This file was generated by Unity-ROS MessageGeneration.
using System; |
using System.Linq; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Text; |
using RosMessageGeneration; |
namespace RosMessageTypes.NiryoMoveit |
{ |
public class NiryoMoveitJoints : Message |
{ |
public const string RosMessageName = "niryo_moveit/NiryoMoveitJoints"; |
public double joint_00; |
public double joint_01; |
public double joint_02; |
public double joint_03; |
public double joint_04; |
public double joint_05; |
public Geometry.Pose pick_pose; |
public Geometry.Pose place_pose; |
public NiryoMoveitJoints() |
{ |
this.joint_00 = 0.0; |
this.joint_01 = 0.0; |
this.joint_02 = 0.0; |
this.joint_03 = 0.0; |
this.joint_04 = 0.0; |
this.joint_05 = 0.0; |
this.pick_pose = new Geometry.Pose(); |
this.place_pose = new Geometry.Pose(); |
} |
public NiryoMoveitJoints(double joint_00, double joint_01, double joint_02, double joint_03, double joint_04, double joint_05, Geometry.Pose pick_pose, Geometry.Pose place_pose) |
{ |
this.joint_00 = joint_00; |
this.joint_01 = joint_01; |
this.joint_02 = joint_02; |
this.joint_03 = joint_03; |
this.joint_04 = joint_04; |
this.joint_05 = joint_05; |
this.pick_pose = pick_pose; |
this.place_pose = place_pose; |
} |
public override List<byte[]> SerializationStatements() |
{ |
var listOfSerializations = new List<byte[]>(); |
listOfSerializations.Add(BitConverter.GetBytes(this.joint_00)); |
listOfSerializations.Add(BitConverter.GetBytes(this.joint_01)); |
listOfSerializations.Add(BitConverter.GetBytes(this.joint_02)); |
listOfSerializations.Add(BitConverter.GetBytes(this.joint_03)); |
listOfSerializations.Add(BitConverter.GetBytes(this.joint_04)); |
listOfSerializations.Add(BitConverter.GetBytes(this.joint_05)); |
listOfSerializations.AddRange(pick_pose.SerializationStatements()); |
listOfSerializations.AddRange(place_pose.SerializationStatements()); |
return listOfSerializations; |
} |
public override int Deserialize(byte[] data, int offset) |
{ |
this.joint_00 = BitConverter.ToDouble(data, offset); |
offset += 8; |
this.joint_01 = BitConverter.ToDouble(data, offset); |
offset += 8; |
this.joint_02 = BitConverter.ToDouble(data, offset); |
offset += 8; |
this.joint_03 = BitConverter.ToDouble(data, offset); |
offset += 8; |
this.joint_04 = BitConverter.ToDouble(data, offset); |
offset += 8; |
this.joint_05 = BitConverter.ToDouble(data, offset); |
offset += 8; |
offset = this.pick_pose.Deserialize(data, offset); |
offset = this.place_pose.Deserialize(data, offset); |
return offset; |
} |
public override string ToString() |
{ |
return "NiryoMoveitJoints: " + |
"\njoint_00: " + joint_00.ToString() + |
"\njoint_01: " + joint_01.ToString() + |
"\njoint_02: " + joint_02.ToString() + |
"\njoint_03: " + joint_03.ToString() + |
"\njoint_04: " + joint_04.ToString() + |
"\njoint_05: " + joint_05.ToString() + |
"\npick_pose: " + pick_pose.ToString() + |
"\nplace_pose: " + place_pose.ToString(); |
} |
} |
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//Do not edit! This file was generated by Unity-ROS MessageGeneration.
using System; |
using System.Linq; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Text; |
using RosMessageGeneration; |
namespace RosMessageTypes.NiryoMoveit |
{ |
public class NiryoTrajectory : Message |
{ |
public const string RosMessageName = "niryo_moveit/NiryoTrajectory"; |
public Moveit.RobotTrajectory[] trajectory; |
public NiryoTrajectory() |
{ |
this.trajectory = new Moveit.RobotTrajectory[0]; |
} |
public NiryoTrajectory(Moveit.RobotTrajectory[] trajectory) |
{ |
this.trajectory = trajectory; |
} |
public override List<byte[]> SerializationStatements() |
{ |
var listOfSerializations = new List<byte[]>(); |
listOfSerializations.Add(BitConverter.GetBytes(trajectory.Length)); |
foreach(var entry in trajectory) |
listOfSerializations.Add(entry.Serialize()); |
return listOfSerializations; |
} |
public override int Deserialize(byte[] data, int offset) |
{ |
var trajectoryArrayLength = DeserializeLength(data, offset); |
offset += 4; |
this.trajectory= new Moveit.RobotTrajectory[trajectoryArrayLength]; |
for(var i = 0; i < trajectoryArrayLength; i++) |
{ |
this.trajectory[i] = new Moveit.RobotTrajectory(); |
offset = this.trajectory[i].Deserialize(data, offset); |
} |
return offset; |
} |
public override string ToString() |
{ |
return "NiryoTrajectory: " + |
"\ntrajectory: " + System.String.Join(", ", trajectory.ToList()); |
} |
} |
} |
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//Do not edit! This file was generated by Unity-ROS MessageGeneration.
using System; |
using System.Linq; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Text; |
using RosMessageGeneration; |
namespace RosMessageTypes.NiryoMoveit |
{ |
public class MoverServiceRequest : Message |
{ |
public const string RosMessageName = "niryo_moveit/MoverService"; |
public NiryoMoveitJoints joints_input; |
public Geometry.Pose pick_pose; |
public Geometry.Pose place_pose; |
public MoverServiceRequest() |
{ |
this.joints_input = new NiryoMoveitJoints(); |
this.pick_pose = new Geometry.Pose(); |
this.place_pose = new Geometry.Pose(); |
} |
public MoverServiceRequest(NiryoMoveitJoints joints_input, Geometry.Pose pick_pose, Geometry.Pose place_pose) |
{ |
this.joints_input = joints_input; |
this.pick_pose = pick_pose; |
this.place_pose = place_pose; |
} |
public override List<byte[]> SerializationStatements() |
{ |
var listOfSerializations = new List<byte[]>(); |
listOfSerializations.AddRange(joints_input.SerializationStatements()); |
listOfSerializations.AddRange(pick_pose.SerializationStatements()); |
listOfSerializations.AddRange(place_pose.SerializationStatements()); |
return listOfSerializations; |
} |
public override int Deserialize(byte[] data, int offset) |
{ |
offset = this.joints_input.Deserialize(data, offset); |
offset = this.pick_pose.Deserialize(data, offset); |
offset = this.place_pose.Deserialize(data, offset); |
return offset; |
} |
public override string ToString() |
{ |
return "MoverServiceRequest: " + |
"\njoints_input: " + joints_input.ToString() + |
"\npick_pose: " + pick_pose.ToString() + |
"\nplace_pose: " + place_pose.ToString(); |
} |
} |
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//Do not edit! This file was generated by Unity-ROS MessageGeneration.
using System; |
using System.Linq; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Text; |
using RosMessageGeneration; |
namespace RosMessageTypes.NiryoMoveit |
{ |
public class MoverServiceResponse : Message |
{ |
public const string RosMessageName = "niryo_moveit/MoverService"; |
public Moveit.RobotTrajectory[] trajectories; |
public MoverServiceResponse() |
{ |
this.trajectories = new Moveit.RobotTrajectory[0]; |
} |
public MoverServiceResponse(Moveit.RobotTrajectory[] trajectories) |
{ |
this.trajectories = trajectories; |
} |
public override List<byte[]> SerializationStatements() |
{ |
var listOfSerializations = new List<byte[]>(); |
listOfSerializations.Add(BitConverter.GetBytes(trajectories.Length)); |
foreach(var entry in trajectories) |
listOfSerializations.Add(entry.Serialize()); |
return listOfSerializations; |
} |
public override int Deserialize(byte[] data, int offset) |
{ |
var trajectoriesArrayLength = DeserializeLength(data, offset); |
offset += 4; |
this.trajectories= new Moveit.RobotTrajectory[trajectoriesArrayLength]; |
for(var i = 0; i < trajectoriesArrayLength; i++) |
{ |
this.trajectories[i] = new Moveit.RobotTrajectory(); |
offset = this.trajectories[i].Deserialize(data, offset); |
} |
return offset; |
} |
public override string ToString() |
{ |
return "MoverServiceResponse: " + |
"\ntrajectories: " + System.String.Join(", ", trajectories.ToList()); |
} |
} |
} |
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using RosMessageGeneration; |
using RosMessageTypes.NiryoMoveit; |
using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEngine; |
using ROSGeometry; |
[VisualizeMessage(typeof(MoverServiceRequest))] |
public class MoverServiceRequest_Visualizer : MessageVisualizerDrawing<MoverServiceRequest> |
{ |
public override void DrawGUI(DebugDraw.Drawing drawing, MoverServiceRequest message) |
{ |
GUILayout.Label(message.ToString()); |
} |
public override void Draw(DebugDraw.Drawing drawing, MoverServiceRequest message) |
{ |
MessageVisualizations<FLU>.DrawPose(drawing, message.pick_pose, Color.cyan, "pick", 0.01f); |
MessageVisualizations<FLU>.DrawPose(drawing, message.place_pose,, "place", 0.01f); |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 8e13c05e4fab9f941b5b5a6640c877a4 |
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executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
using RosMessageGeneration; |
using RosMessageTypes.NiryoMoveit; |
using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEngine; |
using ROSGeometry; |
using RosMessageTypes.Moveit; |
using RosMessageTypes.Trajectory; |
[VisualizeMessage(typeof(MoverServiceResponse))] |
public class MoverServiceResponse_Visualizer : MessageVisualizerDrawing<MoverServiceResponse> |
{ |
public override void DrawGUI(DebugDraw.Drawing drawing, MoverServiceResponse message) |
{ |
base.DrawGUI(drawing, message); |
} |
public override void Draw(DebugDraw.Drawing drawing, MoverServiceResponse message) |
{ |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
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icon: {instanceID: 0} |
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using RosMessageTypes.Geometry; |
using RosMessageTypes.NiryoMoveit; |
using UnityEngine; |
using ROSGeometry; |
using Quaternion = UnityEngine.Quaternion; |
public class SourceDestinationPublisher : MonoBehaviour |
{ |
// ROS Connector
private ROSConnection ros; |
// Variables required for ROS communication
public string topicName = "SourceDestination_input"; |
public GameObject niryoOne; |
public GameObject target; |
public GameObject targetPlacement; |
private int numRobotJoints = 6; |
private readonly Quaternion pickOrientation = Quaternion.Euler(90, 90, 0); |
// Articulation Bodies
private ArticulationBody[] jointArticulationBodies; |
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
void Start() |
{ |
// Get ROS connection static instance
ros = ROSConnection.instance; |
jointArticulationBodies = new ArticulationBody[numRobotJoints]; |
string shoulder_link = "world/base_link/shoulder_link"; |
jointArticulationBodies[0] = niryoOne.transform.Find(shoulder_link).GetComponent<ArticulationBody>(); |
string arm_link = shoulder_link + "/arm_link"; |
jointArticulationBodies[1] = niryoOne.transform.Find(arm_link).GetComponent<ArticulationBody>(); |
string elbow_link = arm_link + "/elbow_link"; |
jointArticulationBodies[2] = niryoOne.transform.Find(elbow_link).GetComponent<ArticulationBody>(); |
string forearm_link = elbow_link + "/forearm_link"; |
jointArticulationBodies[3] = niryoOne.transform.Find(forearm_link).GetComponent<ArticulationBody>(); |
string wrist_link = forearm_link + "/wrist_link"; |
jointArticulationBodies[4] = niryoOne.transform.Find(wrist_link).GetComponent<ArticulationBody>(); |
string hand_link = wrist_link + "/hand_link"; |
jointArticulationBodies[5] = niryoOne.transform.Find(hand_link).GetComponent<ArticulationBody>(); |
} |
public void Publish() |
{ |
NiryoMoveitJoints sourceDestinationMessage = new NiryoMoveitJoints(); |
sourceDestinationMessage.joint_00 = jointArticulationBodies[0]; |
sourceDestinationMessage.joint_01 = jointArticulationBodies[1]; |
sourceDestinationMessage.joint_02 = jointArticulationBodies[2]; |
sourceDestinationMessage.joint_03 = jointArticulationBodies[3]; |
sourceDestinationMessage.joint_04 = jointArticulationBodies[4]; |
sourceDestinationMessage.joint_05 = jointArticulationBodies[5]; |
// Pick Pose
sourceDestinationMessage.pick_pose = new RosMessageTypes.Geometry.Pose |
{ |
position = target.transform.position.To<FLU>(), |
orientation = Quaternion.Euler(90, target.transform.eulerAngles.y, 0).To<FLU>() |
}; |
// Place Pose
sourceDestinationMessage.place_pose = new RosMessageTypes.Geometry.Pose |
{ |
position = targetPlacement.transform.position.To<FLU>(), |
orientation = pickOrientation.To<FLU>() |
}; |
// Finally send the message to running in ROS
ros.Send(topicName, sourceDestinationMessage); |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
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using System.Collections; |
using System.Linq; |
using RosMessageTypes.Geometry; |
using RosMessageTypes.NiryoMoveit; |
using UnityEngine; |
using ROSGeometry; |
using Quaternion = UnityEngine.Quaternion; |
using RosImage = RosMessageTypes.Sensor.Image; |
using Transform = UnityEngine.Transform; |
using Vector3 = UnityEngine.Vector3; |
public class TrajectoryPlanner : MonoBehaviour |
{ |
// ROS Connector
private ROSConnection ros; |
// Hardcoded variables
private int numRobotJoints = 6; |
private readonly float jointAssignmentWait = 0.1f; |
private readonly float poseAssignmentWait = 0.5f; |
private readonly Vector3 pickPoseOffset = Vector3.up * 0.1f; |
// Assures that the gripper is always positioned above the target cube before grasping.
private readonly Quaternion pickOrientation = Quaternion.Euler(90, 90, 0); |
// Variables required for ROS communication
public string rosServiceName = "niryo_moveit"; |
public GameObject niryoOne; |
public GameObject target; |
public GameObject targetPlacement; |
// Articulation Bodies
private ArticulationBody[] jointArticulationBodies; |
private ArticulationBody leftGripper; |
private ArticulationBody rightGripper; |
private Transform gripperBase; |
private Transform leftGripperGameObject; |
private Transform rightGripperGameObject; |
private enum Poses |
{ |
PreGrasp, |
Grasp, |
PickUp, |
Place |
}; |
/// <summary>
/// Close the gripper
/// </summary>
private void CloseGripper() |
{ |
var leftDrive = leftGripper.xDrive; |
var rightDrive = rightGripper.xDrive; |
||| = -0.01f; |
||| = 0.01f; |
leftGripper.xDrive = leftDrive; |
rightGripper.xDrive = rightDrive; |
} |
/// <summary>
/// Open the gripper
/// </summary>
private void OpenGripper() |
{ |
var leftDrive = leftGripper.xDrive; |
var rightDrive = rightGripper.xDrive; |
||| = 0.01f; |
||| = -0.01f; |
leftGripper.xDrive = leftDrive; |
rightGripper.xDrive = rightDrive; |
} |
/// <summary>
/// Get the current values of the robot's joint angles.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>NiryoMoveitJoints</returns>
NiryoMoveitJoints CurrentJointConfig() |
{ |
NiryoMoveitJoints joints = new NiryoMoveitJoints(); |
joints.joint_00 = jointArticulationBodies[0]; |
joints.joint_01 = jointArticulationBodies[1]; |
joints.joint_02 = jointArticulationBodies[2]; |
joints.joint_03 = jointArticulationBodies[3]; |
joints.joint_04 = jointArticulationBodies[4]; |
joints.joint_05 = jointArticulationBodies[5]; |
return joints; |
} |
/// <summary>
/// Create a new MoverServiceRequest with the current values of the robot's joint angles,
/// the target cube's current position and rotation, and the targetPlacement position and rotation.
/// Call the MoverService using the ROSConnection and if a trajectory is successfully planned,
/// execute the trajectories in a coroutine.
/// </summary>
public void PublishJoints() |
{ |
MoverServiceRequest request = new MoverServiceRequest(); |
request.joints_input = CurrentJointConfig(); |
// Pick Pose
request.pick_pose = new RosMessageTypes.Geometry.Pose |
{ |
position = (target.transform.position + pickPoseOffset).To<FLU>(), |
// The hardcoded x/z angles assure that the gripper is always positioned above the target cube before grasping.
orientation = Quaternion.Euler(90, target.transform.eulerAngles.y, 0).To<FLU>() |
}; |
// Place Pose
request.place_pose = new RosMessageTypes.Geometry.Pose |
{ |
position = (targetPlacement.transform.position + pickPoseOffset).To<FLU>(), |
orientation = pickOrientation.To<FLU>() |
}; |
ros.SendServiceMessage<MoverServiceResponse>(rosServiceName, request, TrajectoryResponse); |
} |
void TrajectoryResponse(MoverServiceResponse response) |
{ |
if (response.trajectories != null) |
{ |
Debug.Log("Trajectory returned."); |
StartCoroutine(ExecuteTrajectories(response)); |
} |
else |
{ |
Debug.LogError("No trajectory returned from MoverService."); |
} |
} |
/// <summary>
/// Execute the returned trajectories from the MoverService.
/// The expectation is that the MoverService will return four trajectory plans,
/// PreGrasp, Grasp, PickUp, and Place,
/// where each plan is an array of robot poses. A robot pose is the joint angle values
/// of the six robot joints.
/// Executing a single trajectory will iterate through every robot pose in the array while updating the
/// joint values on the robot.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="response"> MoverServiceResponse received from niryo_moveit mover service running in ROS</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private IEnumerator ExecuteTrajectories(MoverServiceResponse response) |
{ |
if (response.trajectories != null) |
{ |
// For every trajectory plan returned
for (int poseIndex = 0 ; poseIndex < response.trajectories.Length; poseIndex++) |
{ |
// For every robot pose in trajectory plan
for (int jointConfigIndex = 0 ; jointConfigIndex < response.trajectories[poseIndex].joint_trajectory.points.Length; jointConfigIndex++) |
{ |
var jointPositions = response.trajectories[poseIndex].joint_trajectory.points[jointConfigIndex].positions; |
float[] result = jointPositions.Select(r=> (float)r * Mathf.Rad2Deg).ToArray(); |
// Set the joint values for every joint
for (int joint = 0; joint < jointArticulationBodies.Length; joint++) |
{ |
var joint1XDrive = jointArticulationBodies[joint].xDrive; |
||| = result[joint]; |
jointArticulationBodies[joint].xDrive = joint1XDrive; |
} |
// Wait for robot to achieve pose for all joint assignments
yield return new WaitForSeconds(jointAssignmentWait); |
} |
// Close the gripper if completed executing the trajectory for the Grasp pose
if (poseIndex == (int)Poses.Grasp) |
CloseGripper(); |
// Wait for the robot to achieve the final pose from joint assignment
yield return new WaitForSeconds(poseAssignmentWait); |
} |
// All trajectories have been executed, open the gripper to place the target cube
OpenGripper(); |
} |
} |
/// <summary>
/// Find all robot joints in Awake() and add them to the jointArticulationBodies array.
/// Find left and right finger joints and assign them to their respective articulation body objects.
/// </summary>
void Start() |
{ |
// Get ROS connection static instance
ros = ROSConnection.instance; |
jointArticulationBodies = new ArticulationBody[numRobotJoints]; |
string shoulder_link = "world/base_link/shoulder_link"; |
jointArticulationBodies[0] = niryoOne.transform.Find(shoulder_link).GetComponent<ArticulationBody>(); |
string arm_link = shoulder_link + "/arm_link"; |
jointArticulationBodies[1] = niryoOne.transform.Find(arm_link).GetComponent<ArticulationBody>(); |
string elbow_link = arm_link + "/elbow_link"; |
jointArticulationBodies[2] = niryoOne.transform.Find(elbow_link).GetComponent<ArticulationBody>(); |
string forearm_link = elbow_link + "/forearm_link"; |
jointArticulationBodies[3] = niryoOne.transform.Find(forearm_link).GetComponent<ArticulationBody>(); |
string wrist_link = forearm_link + "/wrist_link"; |
jointArticulationBodies[4] = niryoOne.transform.Find(wrist_link).GetComponent<ArticulationBody>(); |
string hand_link = wrist_link + "/hand_link"; |
jointArticulationBodies[5] = niryoOne.transform.Find(hand_link).GetComponent<ArticulationBody>(); |
// Find left and right fingers
string right_gripper = hand_link + "/tool_link/gripper_base/servo_head/control_rod_right/right_gripper"; |
string left_gripper = hand_link + "/tool_link/gripper_base/servo_head/control_rod_left/left_gripper"; |
string gripper_base = hand_link + "/tool_link/gripper_base/Collisions/unnamed"; |
gripperBase = niryoOne.transform.Find(gripper_base); |
leftGripperGameObject = niryoOne.transform.Find(left_gripper); |
rightGripperGameObject = niryoOne.transform.Find(right_gripper); |
rightGripper = rightGripperGameObject.GetComponent<ArticulationBody>(); |
leftGripper = leftGripperGameObject.GetComponent<ArticulationBody>(); |
} |
public void DrawTrajectory(double[] positions, DebugDraw drawing) |
{ |
/* for (int Idx = 0; Idx < positions.Length; ++Idx) |
{ |
jointArticulationBodies[Idx].; |
}*/ |
} |
} |
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using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEngine; |
public class TrajectoryVisualizer : MonoBehaviour |
{ |
public static TrajectoryVisualizer instance; |
public GameObject niryoOne; |
private void Awake() |
{ |
instance = this; |
} |
public void DrawRobot(float[] joints, DebugDraw drawing) |
{ |
} |
} |
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