System.Management Describes the authentication level to be used to connect to WMI. This is used for the COM connection to WMI. The default COM authentication level. WMI uses the default Windows Authentication setting. No COM authentication. Connect-level COM authentication. Call-level COM authentication. Packet-level COM authentication. Packet Integrity-level COM authentication. Packet Privacy-level COM authentication. Authentication level should remain as it was before. Describes the possible CIM types for properties, qualifiers, or method parameters. A null value. A signed 8-bit integer. This value maps to the type. An unsigned 8-bit integer. This value maps to the type. A signed 16-bit integer. This value maps to the type. An unsigned 16-bit integer. This value maps to the type. A signed 32-bit integer. This value maps to the type. An unsigned 32-bit integer. This value maps to the type. A signed 64-bit integer. This value maps to the type. An unsigned 64-bit integer. This value maps to the type. A floating-point 32-bit number. This value maps to the type. A floating point 64-bit number. This value maps to the type. A Boolean. This value maps to the type. A string. This value maps to the type. A date or time value, represented in a string in DMTF date/time format: yyyymmddHHMMSS.mmmmmmsUUU, where yyyymmdd is the date in year/month/day; HHMMSS is the time in hours/minutes/seconds; mmmmmm is the number of microseconds in 6 digits; and sUUU is a sign (+ or -) and a 3-digit UTC offset. This value maps to the type. A reference to another object. This is represented by a string containing the path to the referenced object. This value maps to the type. A 16-bit character. This value maps to the type. An embedded object. Note that embedded objects differ from references in that the embedded object does not have a path and its lifetime is identical to the lifetime of the containing object. This value maps to the type. Defines the languages supported by the code generator. A value for generating C# code. A value for generating JScript code. A value for generating Visual Basic code. A value for generating Visual J# code. A value for generating managed C++ code. Describes the object comparison modes that can be used with . Note that these values may be combined. A mode that compares all elements of the compared objects. Value: 0. A mode that compares the objects, ignoring qualifiers. Value: 1. A mode that ignores the source of the objects, namely the server and the namespace they came from, in comparison to other objects. Value: 2. A mode that ignores the default values of properties. This value is only meaningful when comparing classes. Value: 4. A mode that assumes that the objects being compared are instances of the same class. Consequently, this value causes comparison of instance-related information only. Use this flag to optimize performance. If the objects are not of the same class, the results are undefined. Value: 8. A mode that compares string values in a case-insensitive manner. This applies to strings and to qualifier values. Property and qualifier names are always compared in a case-insensitive manner whether this flag is specified or not. Value: 16. A mode that ignores qualifier flavors. This flag still takes qualifier values into account, but ignores flavor distinctions such as propagation rules and override restrictions. Value: 32. Holds event data for the event. Gets the completion status of the operation. Returns a enumeration value. Gets additional status information within a WMI object. This may be null. Returns a that contains status information about the completion of an operation. Represents the method that will handle the event. The instance of the object for which to invoke this method. The that specifies the reason the event was invoked. Specifies all settings required to make a WMI connection. Initializes a new instance of the class for the connection operation, using default values. This is the default constructor. Initializes a new instance of the class to be used for a WMI connection, using the specified values. The locale to be used for the connection. The user name to be used for the connection. If null, the credentials of the currently logged-on user are used. The password for the given user name. If the user name is also null, the credentials used will be those of the currently logged-on user. The authority to be used to authenticate the specified user. The COM impersonation level to be used for the connection. The COM authentication level to be used for the connection. true to enable special user privileges; otherwise, false. This parameter should only be used when performing an operation that requires special Windows NT user privileges. A provider-specific, named value pairs object to be passed through to the provider. Reserved for future use. Gets or sets the COM authentication level to be used for operations in this connection. Returns an enumeration value indicating the COM authentication level used for a connection to the local or a remote computer. Gets or sets the authority to be used to authenticate the specified user. Returns a that defines the authority used to authenticate the specified user. Returns a copy of the object. The cloned object. Gets or sets a value indicating whether user privileges need to be enabled for the connection operation. This property should only be used when the operation performed requires a certain user privilege to be enabled (for example, a machine restart). Returns a value indicating whether user privileges need to be enabled for the connection operation. Gets or sets the COM impersonation level to be used for operations in this connection. Returns an enumeration value indicating the impersonation level used to connect to WMI. Gets or sets the locale to be used for the connection operation. Returns a value used for the locale in a connection to WMI. Sets the password for the specified user. Returns a value used for the password in a connection to WMI. Gets or sets the user name to be used for the connection operation. Returns a value used as the user name in a connection to WMI. Specifies options for deleting a management object. Initializes a new instance of the class for the delete operation, using default values. This is the default constructor. Initializes a new instance of the class for a delete operation, using the specified values. A provider-specific, named-value pairs object to be passed through to the provider. The length of time to let the operation perform before it times out. The default value is . Setting this parameter will invoke the operation semisynchronously. Returns a copy of the object. A cloned object. Provides a base class for query and enumeration-related options objects. Initializes a new instance of the class with default values (see the individual property descriptions for what the default values are). This is the default constructor. Initializes a new instance of the class to be used for queries or enumerations, allowing the user to specify values for the different options. The options context object containing provider-specific information that can be passed through to the provider. The time-out value for enumerating through the results. The number of items to retrieve at one time from WMI. true to show that the result set is rewindable (allows multiple traversal); otherwise, false. true to show that the operation should return immediately (semi-sync) or block until all results are available; otherwise, false. true to show that the returned objects should contain amended (locale-aware) qualifiers; otherwise, false. true to ensure all returned objects have valid paths; otherwise, false. true to return a prototype of the result set instead of the actual results; otherwise, false. true to retrieve objects of only the specified class or from derived classes as well; otherwise, false. true to use recursive enumeration in subclasses; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the block size for block operations. When enumerating through a collection, WMI will return results in groups of the specified size. Returns an value used for the block size in block operations. Returns a copy of the object. The cloned object. Gets or sets a value indicating whether direct access to the WMI provider is requested for the specified class, without any regard to its super class or derived classes. Returns a value indicating whether direct access to the WMI provider is requested for the specified class. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to the objects returned should have locatable information in them. This ensures that the system properties, such as __PATH, __RELPATH, and __SERVER, are non-NULL. This flag can only be used in queries, and is ignored in enumerations. Returns a value indicating whether the objects returned should have locatable information in them. Gets or sets a value indicating whether recursive enumeration is requested into all classes derived from the specified superclass. If false, only immediate derived class members are returned. Returns a value indicating whether recursive enumeration is requested into all classes derived from the specified superclass. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the query should return a prototype of the result set instead of the actual results. This flag is used for prototyping. Returns a value indicating whether the query should return a prototype of the result set instead of the actual results. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the invoked operation should be performed in a synchronous or semisynchronous fashion. If this property is set to true, the enumeration is invoked and the call returns immediately. The actual retrieval of the results will occur when the resulting collection is walked. Returns a value indicating whether the invoked operation should be performed in a synchronous or semisynchronous fashion. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the collection is assumed to be rewindable. If true, the objects in the collection will be kept available for multiple enumerations. If false, the collection can only be enumerated one time. Returns a value indicating whether the collection is assumed to be rewindable. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the objects returned from WMI should contain amended information. Typically, amended information is localizable information attached to the WMI object, such as object and property descriptions. Returns a value indicating whether the objects returned from WMI should contain amended information. Holds event data for the event. Gets the WMI event that was delivered. Returns a that contains the delivered WMI event. Represents the method that will handle the event. The instance of the object for which to invoke this method. The that specifies the reason the event was invoked. Represents a WMI event query. Initializes a new instance of the class. This is the default constructor. Initializes a new instance of the class for the specified query. A textual representation of the . Initializes a new instance of the class for the specified language and query. The language in which the query string is specified. The string representation of the query. Returns a copy of the object. The cloned object. Specifies options for management event watching. Initializes a new instance of the class for event watching, using default values. This is the default constructor. Initializes a new instance of the class with the given values. The options context object containing provider-specific information to be passed through to the provider. The time-out to wait for the next events. The number of events to wait for in each block. Gets or sets the block size for block operations. When waiting for events, this value specifies how many events to wait for before returning. Returns an value indicating the block size for a block of operations. Returns a copy of the object. The cloned object. Describes the impersonation level to be used to connect to WMI. Default impersonation. Anonymous COM impersonation level that hides the identity of the caller. Calls to WMI may fail with this impersonation level. Identify-level COM impersonation level that allows objects to query the credentials of the caller. Calls to WMI may fail with this impersonation level. Impersonate-level COM impersonation level that allows objects to use the credentials of the caller. This is the recommended impersonation level for WMI calls. Delegate-level COM impersonation level that allows objects to permit other objects to use the credentials of the caller. This level, which will work with WMI calls but may constitute an unnecessary security risk, is supported only under Windows 2000. Specifies options for invoking a management method. Initializes a new instance of the class for the operation, using default values. This is the default constructor. Initializes a new instance of the class for an invoke operation using the specified values. A provider-specific, named-value pairs object to be passed through to the provider. The length of time to let the operation perform before it times out. The default value is . Setting this parameter will invoke the operation semisynchronously. Returns a copy of the object. The cloned object. Contains the basic elements of a management object. It serves as a base class to more specific management object classes. Initializes a new instance of the class that is serializable. The to populate with data. The destination (see ) for this serialization. Gets the path to the management object's class. Returns a that contains the class path to the management object's class. Returns a copy of the object. The new cloned object. Compares this object to another, based on specified options. true if the objects compared are equal according to the given options; otherwise, false. The object to which to compare this object. Options on how to compare the objects. Compares two management objects. true if this is an instance of and represents the same object as this instance; otherwise, false. An object to compare with this instance. Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. A hash code for the current object. Populates a with the data necessary to deserialize the field represented by this instance. The to populate with data. The destination (see ) for this serialization. Returns the value of the specified property qualifier. The value of the specified qualifier. The name of the property to which the qualifier belongs. The name of the property qualifier of interest. Gets an equivalent accessor to a property's value. The value of the specified property. The name of the property of interest. Gets the value of the specified qualifier. The value of the specified qualifier. The name of the qualifier of interest. Returns a textual representation of the object in the specified format. The textual representation of the object in the specified format. The requested textual format. Gets access to property values through [] notation. This property is the indexer for the class. You can use the default indexed properties defined by a type, but you cannot explicitly define your own. However, specifying the expando attribute on a class automatically provides a default indexed property whose type is Object and whose index type is String. Returns an value that contains the management object for a specific class property. The name of the property of interest. Provides the internal WMI object represented by a . An representing the internal WMI object. The that references the requested WMI object. Gets a collection of objects describing the properties of the management object. Returns a that holds the properties for the management object. Gets the collection of objects defined on the management object. Each element in the collection holds information such as the qualifier name, value, and flavor. Returns a that holds the qualifiers for the management object. Sets the value of the specified property qualifier. The name of the property to which the qualifier belongs. The name of the property qualifier of interest. The new value for the qualifier. Sets the value of the named property. The name of the property to be changed. The new value for this property. Sets the value of the named qualifier. The name of the qualifier to set. This parameter cannot be null. The value to set. Implements the interface and returns the data needed to serialize the . A containing the information required to serialize the . A containing the source and destination of the serialized stream associated with the . is null. Gets the collection of WMI system properties of the management object (for example, the class name, server, and namespace). WMI system property names begin with "__". Returns a that contains the system properties for a management object. Represents a Common Information Model (CIM) management class. A management class is a WMI class such as Win32_LogicalDisk, which can represent a disk drive, and Win32_Process, which represents a process such as Notepad.exe. The members of this class enable you to access WMI data using a specific WMI class path. For more information, see "Win32 Classes" in the Windows Management Instrumentation documentation in the MSDN Library at Initializes a new instance of the class. This is the default constructor. Initializes a new instance of the class. The class represents a Common Information Model (CIM) management class from WMI such as Win32_LogicalDisk, which can represent a disk drive, and Win32_Process, which represents a process such as Notepad.exe. For more information, see "Win32 Classes" in the Windows Management Instrumentation documentation in the MSDN Library at A specifying the WMI class to which to bind. The parameter must specify a WMI class path. The class represents a CIM management class from WMI. CIM classes represent management information including hardware, software, processes, and so on. For more information about the CIM classes available in Windows, see "Win32 classes" in the Windows Management Instrumentation documentation in the MSDN Library at Initializes a new instance of the class initialized to the given WMI class path using the specified options. The class represents a Common Information Model (CIM) management class from WMI such as Win32_LogicalDisk, which can represent a disk drive, and Win32_Process, which represents a process such as Notepad.exe. For more information, see "Win32 Classes" in the Windows Management Instrumentation documentation in the MSDN Library at A instance representing the WMI class path. The class represents a CIM management class from WMI. CIM classes represent management information including hardware, software, processes, and so on. For more information about the CIM classes available in Windows, see "Win32 classes" in the Windows Management Instrumentation documentation in the MSDN Library at An representing the options to use when retrieving this class. Initializes a new instance of the class for the specified WMI class in the specified scope and with the specified options. The class represents a Common Information Model (CIM) management class from WMI such as Win32_LogicalDisk, which can represent a disk drive, and Win32_Process, which represents a process such as Notepad.exe. For more information, see "Win32 Classes" in the Windows Management Instrumentation documentation in the MSDN Library at A that specifies the scope (server and namespace) where the WMI class resides. A that represents the path to the WMI class in the specified scope. The class represents a CIM management class from WMI. CIM classes represent management information including hardware, software, processes, and so on. For more information about the CIM classes available in Windows, see "Win32 classes" in the Windows Management Instrumentation documentation in the MSDN Library at An that specifies the options to use when retrieving the WMI class. Initializes a new instance of the class from the specified instances of the and classes. An instance of the class containing the information required to serialize the new . An instance of the class containing the source of the serialized stream associated with the new . Initializes a new instance of the class initialized to the given path. The class represents a Common Information Model (CIM) management class from WMI such as Win32_LogicalDisk, which can represent a disk drive, and Win32_Process, which represents a process such as Notepad.exe. For more information, see "Win32 Classes" in the Windows Management Instrumentation documentation in the MSDN Library at The path to the WMI class. The class represents a CIM management class from WMI. CIM classes represent management information including hardware, software, processes, and so on. For more information about the CIM classes available in Windows, see "Win32 classes" in the Windows Management Instrumentation documentation in the MSDN Library at Initializes a new instance of the class initialized to the given WMI class path using the specified options. The class represents a Common Information Model (CIM) management class from WMI such as Win32_LogicalDisk, which can represent a disk drive, and Win32_Process, which represents a process such as Notepad.exe. For more information, see "Win32 Classes" in the Windows Management Instrumentation documentation in the MSDN Library at The path to the WMI class. The class represents a CIM management class from WMI. CIM classes represent management information including hardware, software, processes, and so on. For more information about the CIM classes available in Windows, see "Win32 classes" in the Windows Management Instrumentation documentation in the MSDN Library at An representing the options to use when retrieving the WMI class. Initializes a new instance of the class for the specified WMI class, in the specified scope, and with the specified options. The class represents a Common Information Model (CIM) management class from WMI such as Win32_LogicalDisk, which can represent a disk drive, and Win32_Process, which represents a process such as Notepad.exe. For more information, see "Win32 Classes" in the Windows Management Instrumentation documentation in the MSDN Library at The scope in which the WMI class resides. The path to the WMI class within the specified scope. The class represents a CIM management class from WMI. CIM classes represent management information including hardware, software, processes, and so on. For more information about the CIM classes available in Windows, see "Win32 classes" in the Windows Management Instrumentation documentation in the MSDN Library at An that specifies the options to use when retrieving the WMI class. Returns a copy of the object. The cloned object. Initializes a new instance of the WMI class. A that represents a new instance of the WMI class. Gets an array containing all WMI classes in the inheritance hierarchy from this class to the top of the hierarchy. A string collection containing the names of all WMI classes in the inheritance hierarchy of this class. Derives a new class from this class. A new that represents a new WMI class derived from the original class. The name of the new class to be derived. Returns the collection of all instances of the class. A collection of the objects representing the instances of the class. Returns the collection of all instances of the class using the specified options. A collection of the objects representing the instances of the class, according to the specified options. The additional operation options. Returns the collection of all instances of the class, asynchronously. The object to handle the asynchronous operation's progress. Returns the collection of all instances of the class, asynchronously, using the specified options. The object to handle the asynchronous operation's progress. The specified additional options for getting the instances. Populates a with the data necessary to deserialize the field represented by this instance. The object to be populated with serialization information. The location where serialized data will be stored and retrieved. Retrieves classes related to the WMI class. A collection of the or objects that represents WMI classes or instances related to the WMI class. Retrieves classes related to the WMI class, asynchronously. The object to handle the asynchronous operation's progress. Retrieves classes related to the WMI class, asynchronously, given the related class name. The object to handle the asynchronous operation's progress. The name of the related class. Retrieves classes related to the WMI class, asynchronously, using the specified options. Handler for progress and results of the asynchronous operation. The class from which resulting classes have to be derived. The relationship type which resulting classes must have with the source class. This qualifier must be present on the relationship. This qualifier must be present on the resulting classes. The resulting classes must have this role in the relationship. The source class must have this role in the relationship. The options for retrieving the resulting classes. Retrieves classes related to the WMI class. A collection of classes related to this class. The class from which resulting classes have to be derived. Retrieves classes related to the WMI class based on the specified options. A collection of classes related to this class. The class from which resulting classes have to be derived. The relationship type which resulting classes must have with the source class. This qualifier must be present on the relationship. This qualifier must be present on the resulting classes. The resulting classes must have this role in the relationship. The source class must have this role in the relationship. The options for retrieving the resulting classes. Retrieves relationship classes that relate the class to others. A collection of association classes that relate the class to any other class. Retrieves relationship classes that relate the class to others, asynchronously. The object to handle the asynchronous operation's progress. Retrieves relationship classes that relate the class to the specified WMI class, asynchronously. The object to handle the asynchronous operation's progress. The WMI class to which all returned relationships should point. Retrieves relationship classes that relate the class according to the specified options, asynchronously. The handler for progress and results of the asynchronous operation. The class from which all resulting relationship classes must derive. The qualifier which the resulting relationship classes must have. The role which the source class must have in the resulting relationship classes. The options for retrieving the results. Retrieves relationship classes that relate the class to others, where the endpoint class is the specified class. A collection of association classes that relate the class to the specified class. For more information about relationship classes, see "ASSOCIATORS OF Statement" in the Windows Management Instrumentation documentation in the MSDN Library at The endpoint class for all relationship classes returned. Retrieves relationship classes that relate this class to others, according to specified options. A collection of association classes that relate this class to others, according to the specified options. For more information about relationship classes, see "ASSOCIATORS OF Statement" in the Windows Management Instrumentation documentation in the MSDN Library at All resulting relationship classes must derive from this class. Resulting relationship classes must have this qualifier. The source class must have this role in the resulting relationship classes. Specifies options for retrieving the results. Generates a strongly-typed class for a given WMI class. A representing the declaration for the strongly-typed class. true to include the class for managing system properties; otherwise, false. true to have the generated class manage system properties; otherwise, false. Generates a strongly-typed class for a given WMI class. This function generates code for Visual Basic, C#, JScript, J#, or C++ depending on the input parameters. true, if the method succeeded; otherwise, false. The language of the code to be generated. This code language comes from the enumeration. The path of the file where the code is to be written. The.NET namespace into which the class should be generated. If this is empty, the namespace will be generated from the WMI namespace. Returns the collection of all subclasses for the class. A collection of the objects that represent the subclasses of the WMI class. Retrieves the subclasses of the class using the specified options. A collection of the objects representing the subclasses of the WMI class, according to the specified options. The specified additional options for retrieving subclasses of the class. Returns the collection of all classes derived from this class, asynchronously. The object to handle the asynchronous operation's progress. Retrieves all classes derived from this class, asynchronously, using the specified options. The object to handle the asynchronous operation's progress. The specified additional options to use in the derived class retrieval. Gets or sets a collection of objects that represent the methods defined in the WMI class. A representing the methods defined in the WMI class. Gets or sets the path of the WMI class to which the object is bound. The path of the object's class. Provides methods to convert DMTF datetime and time intervals to CLR-compliant and format and vice versa. Converts a given DMTF datetime to . The returned will be in the current time zone of the system. A that represents the given DMTF datetime. A string representing the datetime in DMTF format. Converts a given to DMTF datetime format. A string that represents the DMTF datetime for the given . A representing the datetime to be converted to DMTF datetime. Converts a given to DMTF time interval. A string that represents the DMTF time interval for the given . A representing the datetime to be converted to DMTF time interval. Converts a given DMTF time interval to a . A that represents the given DMTF time interval. A string representation of the DMTF time interval. Represents the virtual base class to hold event data for WMI events. Gets the operation context echoed back from the operation that triggered the event. Returns an value for an operation context. Subscribes to temporary event notifications based on a specified event query. Initializes a new instance of the class. For further initialization, set the properties on the object. This is the default constructor. Initializes a new instance of the class when given a WMI event query. An representing a WMI event query, which determines the events for which the watcher will listen. Initializes a new instance of the class that listens for events conforming to the given WMI event query. A representing the scope (namespace) in which the watcher will listen for events. An representing a WMI event query, which determines the events for which the watcher will listen. Initializes a new instance of the class that listens for events conforming to the given WMI event query, according to the specified options. For this variant, the query and the scope are specified objects. The options object can specify options such as time-out and context information. A representing the scope (namespace) in which the watcher will listen for events. An representing a WMI event query, which determines the events for which the watcher will listen. An representing additional options used to watch for events. Initializes a new instance of the class when given a WMI event query in the form of a string. A WMI event query, which defines the events for which the watcher will listen. Initializes a new instance of the class that listens for events conforming to the given WMI event query. For this variant, the query and the scope are specified as strings. The management scope (namespace) in which the watcher will listen for events. The query that defines the events for which the watcher will listen. Initializes a new instance of the class that listens for events conforming to the given WMI event query, according to the specified options. For this variant, the query and the scope are specified as strings. The options object can specify options such as a time-out and context information. The management scope (namespace) in which the watcher will listen for events. The query that defines the events for which the watcher will listen. An representing additional options used to watch for events. Occurs when a new event arrives. Ensures that outstanding calls are cleared. This is the destructor for the object. In C#, finalizers are expressed using destructor syntax. Gets or sets the options used to watch for events. Returns an that contains the event options used to watch for events. Gets or sets the criteria to apply to events. Returns an that contains the query to apply to events. Gets or sets the scope in which to watch for events (namespace or scope). Returns a that contains the scope the in which to watch for events. Subscribes to events with the given query and delivers them, asynchronously, through the event. Cancels the subscription whether it is synchronous or asynchronous. Occurs when a subscription is canceled. Waits for the next event that matches the specified query to arrive, and then returns it. A representing the newly arrived event. Represents management exceptions. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class that is serializable. The to populate with data. The destination for this serialization. Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified error message. The message that describes the error. Initializes an empty new instance of the class. If the parameter is not null, the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. The message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. Gets the error code reported by WMI, which caused this exception. Returns a enumeration value that contains the error code. Gets the extended error object provided by WMI. Returns a that contains extended error information. Populates the with the data needed to serialize the . The to populate with data. The destination for this serialization. Represents a collection of named values suitable for use as context information to WMI operations. The names are case-insensitive. Initializes a new instance of the class, which is empty. This is the default constructor. Initializes a new instance of the class that is serializable and uses the specified and . The to populate with data. The destination (see ) for this serialization. Adds a single-named value to the collection. The name of the new value. The value to be associated with the name. Creates a clone of the collection. Individual values are cloned. If a value does not support cloning, then a is thrown. The new copy of the collection. Gets the value associated with the specified name from this collection. In C#, this property is the indexer for the class. Returns an value that is associated with the specified name from this collection. The name of the value to be returned. Removes a single-named value from the collection. If the collection does not contain an element with the specified name, the collection remains unchanged and no exception is thrown. The name of the value to be removed. Removes all entries from the collection. Represents a WMI instance. Initializes a new instance of the class. This is the default constructor. Initializes a new instance of the class for the specified WMI object path. The path is provided as a . A that contains a path to a WMI object. Initializes a new instance of the class bound to the specified WMI path, including the specified additional options. A containing the WMI path. An containing additional options for binding to the WMI object. This parameter could be null if default options are to be used. Initializes a new instance of the class bound to the specified WMI path that includes the specified options. A representing the scope in which the WMI object resides. In this version, scopes can only be WMI namespaces. A representing the WMI path to the manageable object. An specifying additional options for getting the object. Initializes a new instance of the class that is serializable. The to populate with data. The destination (see ) for this serialization. Initializes a new instance of the class for the specified WMI object path. The path is provided as a string. A WMI path. Initializes a new instance of the class bound to the specified WMI path, including the specified additional options. In this variant, the path can be specified as a string. The WMI path to the object. An representing options to get the specified WMI object. Initializes a new instance of the class bound to the specified WMI path, and includes the specified options. The scope and the path are specified as strings. The scope for the WMI object. The WMI object path. An representing additional options for getting the WMI object. Gets or sets the path to the object's class. A representing the path to the object's class. Creates a copy of the object. The copied object. Copies the object to a different location, asynchronously. The object that will receive the results of the operation. A specifying the path to which the object should be copied. Copies the object to a different location, asynchronously. The object that will receive the results of the operation. The path to which the object should be copied. The options for how the object should be put. Copies the object to a different location, asynchronously. The object that will receive the results of the operation. The path to which the object should be copied. Copies the object to a different location, asynchronously. The object that will receive the results of the operation. The path to which the object should be copied. The options for how the object should be put. Copies the object to a different location. The new path of the copied object. The to which the object should be copied. Copies the object to a different location. The new path of the copied object. The to which the object should be copied. The options for how the object should be put. Copies the object to a different location. The new path of the copied object. The path to which the object should be copied. Copies the object to a different location. The new path of the copied object. The path to which the object should be copied. The options for how the object should be put. Deletes the object. Deletes the object. The options for how to delete the object. Deletes the object. The object that will receive the results of the operation. Deletes the object. The object that will receive the results of the operation. The options for how to delete the object. Binds WMI class information to the management object. Binds to the management object asynchronously. The object to receive the results of the operation as events. Returns a representing the list of input parameters for a method. A containing the input parameters to the method. The name of the method. Populates a with the data necessary to deserialize the field represented by this instance. The object to be populated with serialization information. The location where serialized data will be stored and retrieved. Gets a collection of objects related to the object (associators). A containing the related objects. Gets a collection of objects related to the object (associators) asynchronously. This call returns immediately, and a delegate is called when the results are available. The object to use to return results. Gets a collection of objects related to the object (associators). The object to use to return results. The class of related objects. Gets a collection of objects related to the object (associators). The object to use to return results. The class of the related objects. The relationship class of interest. The qualifier required to be present on the relationship class. The qualifier required to be present on the related class. The role that the related class is playing in the relationship. The role that this class is playing in the relationship. Return only class definitions for the instances that match the query. Extended options for how to execute the query. Gets a collection of objects related to the object (associators). A containing the related objects. A class of related objects. Gets a collection of objects related to the object (associators). A containing the related objects. The class of the related objects. The relationship class of interest. The qualifier required to be present on the relationship class. The qualifier required to be present on the related class. The role that the related class is playing in the relationship. The role that this class is playing in the relationship. When this method returns, it contains only class definitions for the instances that match the query. Extended options for how to execute the query. Gets a collection of associations to the object. A containing the association objects. Gets a collection of associations to the object. The object to use to return results. Gets a collection of associations to the object. The object to use to return results. The associations to include. Gets a collection of associations to the object. The object to use to return results. The type of relationship of interest. The qualifier to be present on the relationship. The role of this object in the relationship. When this method returns, it contains only the class definitions for the result set. The extended options for the query execution. Gets a collection of associations to the object. A containing the association objects. The associations to include. Gets a collection of associations to the object. A containing the association objects. The type of relationship of interest. The qualifier to be present on the relationship. The role of this object in the relationship. When this method returns, it contains only the class definitions for the result set. The extended options for the query execution. Invokes a method on the object, asynchronously. A used to handle the asynchronous execution's progress and results. The name of the method to be executed. A containing the input parameters for the method. An containing additional options used to execute the method. Invokes a method on the object, asynchronously. The object to receive the results of the operation. The name of the method to execute. An array containing parameter values. Invokes a method on the WMI object. The input and output parameters are represented as objects. A containing the output parameters and return value of the executed method. The name of the method to execute. A holding the input parameters to the method. An containing additional options for the execution of the method. Invokes a method on the object. The object value returned by the method. The name of the method to execute. An array containing parameter values. Gets or sets additional information to use when retrieving the object. An to use when retrieving the object. Gets or sets the object's WMI path. A representing the object's path. Commits the changes to the object. A containing the path to the committed object. Commits the changes to the object, asynchronously. A used to handle the progress and results of the asynchronous operation. Commits the changes to the object asynchronously and using the specified options. A used to handle the progress and results of the asynchronous operation. A used to specify additional options for the commit operation. Commits the changes to the object. A containing the path to the committed object. The options for how to commit the changes. Gets or sets the scope in which this object resides. A . Returns the full path of the object. This is an override of the default object implementation. The full path of the object. Represents different collections of management objects retrieved through WMI. The objects in this collection are of -derived types, including and . The collection can be the result of a WMI query executed through a , or an enumeration of management objects of a specified type retrieved through a representing that type. In addition, this can be a collection of management objects related in a specified way to a specific management object - in this case the collection would be retrieved through a method such as . The collection can be walked using the and objects in it can be inspected or manipulated for various management tasks. Copies the collection to an array. An array to copy to. The index to start from. Copies the items in the collection to a array. The target array. The index to start from. Gets a value indicating the number of objects in the collection. Returns an value indicating the number of objects in the collection. Releases resources associated with this object. After this method has been called, an attempt to use this object will result in an being thrown. Disposes of resources the object is holding. This is the destructor for the object. Finalizers are expressed using destructor syntax. Returns the enumerator for the collection. An that can be used to iterate through the collection. Gets a value indicating whether the object is synchronized. Returns a value indicating whether the object is synchronized. Gets the object to be used for synchronization. Returns an value that represents the object to be used for synchronization. Returns an that iterates through the . An for the . Represents the enumerator on the collection. Gets the current that this enumerator points to. The current object in the enumeration. Releases resources associated with this object. After this method has been called, an attempt to use this object will result in an exception being thrown. Disposes of resources the object is holding. This is the destructor for the object. Finalizers are expressed using destructor syntax. Indicates whether the enumerator has moved to the next object in the enumeration. true, if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. Resets the enumerator to the beginning of the collection. Gets the current object in the collection. Returns the current element in the collection. The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. Retrieves a collection of management objects based on a specified query. This class is one of the more commonly used entry points to retrieving management information. For example, it can be used to enumerate all disk drives, network adapters, processes and many more management objects on a system, or to query for all network connections that are up, services that are paused, and so on. When instantiated, an instance of this class takes as input a WMI query represented in an or its derivatives, and optionally a representing the WMI namespace to execute the query in. It can also take additional advanced options in an . When the method on this object is invoked, the executes the given query in the specified scope and returns a collection of management objects that match the query in a . Initializes a new instance of the class. After some properties on this object are set, the object can be used to invoke a query for management information. This is the default constructor. Initializes a new instance of the class used to invoke the specified query in the specified scope. A representing the scope in which to invoke the query. An representing the query to be invoked. Initializes a new instance of the class to be used to invoke the specified query in the specified scope, with the specified options. A specifying the scope of the query. An specifying the query to be invoked. An specifying additional options to be used for the query. Initializes a new instance of the class used to invoke the specified query for management information. An representing the query to be invoked by the searcher. Initializes a new instance of the class used to invoke the specified query for management information. The WMI query to be invoked by the object. Initializes a new instance of the class used to invoke the specified query in the specified scope. The scope in which to query. The query to be invoked. Initializes a new instance of the class used to invoke the specified query, in the specified scope, and with the specified options. The scope in which the query should be invoked. The query to be invoked. An specifying additional options for the query. Invokes the specified WMI query and returns the resulting collection. A containing the objects that match the specified query. Invokes the WMI query asynchronously, and binds to a watcher to deliver the results. The watcher that raises events triggered by the operation. Gets or sets the options for how to search for objects. Returns an that contains the options for searching for WMI objects. Gets or sets the query to be invoked in the searcher (that is, the criteria to be applied to the search for management objects). Returns an that contains the query to be invoked in the searcher. Gets or sets the scope in which to look for objects (the scope represents a WMI namespace). Returns a that contains the scope (namespace) in which to look for the WMI objects. Manages asynchronous operations and handles management information and events received asynchronously. Initializes a new instance of the class. This is the default constructor. Cancels all outstanding operations. Occurs when an operation has completed. Occurs when an object has been successfully committed. Occurs when a new object is available. Occurs to indicate the progress of an ongoing operation. Provides an abstract base class for all options objects. Returns a copy of the object. The cloned object. Gets or sets a WMI context object. This is a name-value pairs list to be passed through to a WMI provider that supports context information for customized operation. Returns a that contains WMI context information. Indicates that no timeout should occur. Gets or sets the time-out to apply to the operation. Note that for operations that return collections, this time-out applies to the enumeration through the resulting collection, not the operation itself (the property is used for the latter). This property is used to indicate that the operation should be performed semisynchronously. Returns a that defines the time-out time to apply to the operation. Provides a wrapper for parsing and building paths to WMI objects. Initializes a new instance of the class that is empty. This is the default constructor. Initializes a new instance of the class for the given path. The object path. Gets or sets the class portion of the path. Returns a value that holds the class portion of the path. Returns a copy of the . The cloned object. Gets or sets the default scope path used when no scope is specified. The default scope is \\.\root\cimv2, and can be changed by setting this property. Returns a that contains the default scope (namespace) path used when no scope is specified. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is a class path. Returns a value indicating whether this is a class path. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is an instance path. Returns a value indicating whether this is an instance path. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is a singleton instance path. Returns a value indicating whether this is a singleton instance path. Gets or sets the namespace part of the path. Note that this does not include the server name, which can be retrieved separately. Returns a value containing the namespace part of the path. Gets or sets the string representation of the full path in the object. Returns a value containing the full path. Gets or sets the relative path: class name and keys only. Returns a value containing the relative path. Gets or sets the server part of the path. Returns a value containing the server name. Sets the path as a new class path. This means that the path must have a class name but not key values. Sets the path as a new singleton object path. This means that it is a path to an instance but there are no key values. Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. A new object that is a copy of this instance. Returns the full object path as the string representation. A string containing the full object path represented by this object. This value is equivalent to the value of the property. Provides an abstract base class for all management query objects. Returns a copy of the object. The cloned object. Parses the query string and sets the property values accordingly. If the query is valid, the class name property and condition property of the query will be parsed. The query string to be parsed. Gets or sets the query language used in the query string, defining the format of the query string. Returns a value containing the format of the query string. Gets or sets the query in text format. Returns a value containing the query. Represents a scope (namespace) for management operations. Initializes a new instance of the class, with default values. This is the default constructor. Initializes a new instance of the class representing the specified scope path. A containing the path to a server and namespace for the . Initializes a new instance of the class representing the specified scope path, with the specified options. A containing the path to the server and namespace for the . The containing options for the connection. Initializes a new instance of the class representing the specified scope path. The server and namespace path for the . Initializes a new instance of the class representing the specified scope path, with the specified options. The server and namespace for the . A containing options for the connection. Returns a copy of the object. A new copy of the . Connects this to the actual WMI scope. Gets a value indicating whether the is currently bound to a WMI server and namespace. Returns a value indicating whether the scope is currently bound to a WMI server and namespace. Gets or sets options for making the WMI connection. Returns a that contains the options for making a WMI connection. Gets or sets the path for the . Returns a containing the path to the scope (namespace). Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. A new object that is a copy of this instance. Describes the enumeration of all WMI error codes that are currently defined. The operation was successful. This value is returned when no more objects are available, the number of objects returned is less than the number requested, or at the end of an enumeration. It is also returned when the method is called with a value of 0 for the parameter. An overridden property was deleted. This value is returned to signal that the original, non-overridden value has been restored as a result of the deletion. The compared items (such as objects and classes) are not identical. A call timed out. This is not an error condition; therefore, some results may have been returned. No more data is available from the enumeration; the user should terminate the enumeration. The operation was canceled. A request is still in progress; however, the results are not yet available. More than one copy of the same object was detected in the result set of an enumeration. The user did not receive all of the requested objects because of inaccessible resources (other than security violations). The call failed. The object could not be found. The current user does not have permission to perform the action. The provider failed after initialization. A type mismatch occurred. There was not enough memory for the operation. The context object is not valid. One of the parameters to the call is not correct. The resource, typically a remote server, is not currently available. An internal, critical, and unexpected error occurred. Report this error to Microsoft Technical Support. One or more network packets were corrupted during a remote session. The feature or operation is not supported. The specified superclass is not valid. The specified namespace could not be found. The specified instance is not valid. The specified class is not valid. A provider referenced in the schema does not have a corresponding registration. A provider referenced in the schema has an incorrect or incomplete registration. COM cannot locate a provider referenced in the schema. A component, such as a provider, failed to initialize for internal reasons. A networking error that prevents normal operation has occurred. The requested operation is not valid. This error usually applies to invalid attempts to delete classes or properties. The query was not syntactically valid. The requested query language is not supported. In a put operation, the wbemChangeFlagCreateOnly flag was specified, but the instance already exists. The add operation cannot be performed on the qualifier because the owning object does not permit overrides. The user attempted to delete a qualifier that was not owned. The qualifier was inherited from a parent class. The user attempted to delete a property that was not owned. The property was inherited from a parent class. The client made an unexpected and illegal sequence of calls. The user requested an illegal operation, such as spawning a class from an instance. There was an illegal attempt to specify a key qualifier on a property that cannot be a key. The keys are specified in the class definition for an object and cannot be altered on a per-instance basis. The current object is not a valid class definition. Either it is incomplete, or it has not been registered with WMI using (). Reserved for future use. Reserved for future use. The property that you are attempting to modify is read-only. The provider cannot perform the requested operation, such as requesting a query that is too complex, retrieving an instance, creating or updating a class, deleting a class, or enumerating a class. An attempt was made to make a change that would invalidate a derived class. An attempt has been made to delete or modify a class that has instances. Reserved for future use. A value of null was specified for a property that may not be null, such as one that is marked by a Key, Indexed, or Not_Null qualifier. The value provided for a qualifier was not a legal qualifier type. The CIM type specified for a property is not valid. The request was made with an out-of-range value, or is incompatible with the type. An illegal attempt was made to make a class singleton, such as when the class is derived from a non-singleton class. The CIM type specified is not valid. The requested method is not available. The parameters provided for the method are not valid. There was an attempt to get qualifiers on a system property. The property type is not recognized. An asynchronous process has been canceled internally or by the user. Note that because of the timing and nature of the asynchronous operation, the operation may not have been truly canceled. The user has requested an operation while WMI is in the process of closing. An attempt was made to reuse an existing method name from a superclass, and the signatures did not match. One or more parameter values, such as a query text, is too complex or unsupported. WMI is requested to retry the operation with simpler parameters. A parameter was missing from the method call. A method parameter has an invalid ID qualifier. One or more of the method parameters have ID qualifiers that are out of sequence. The return value for a method has an ID qualifier. The specified object path was invalid. There is not enough free disk space to continue the operation. The supplied buffer was too small to hold all the objects in the enumerator or to read a string property. The provider does not support the requested put operation. An object with an incorrect type or version was encountered during marshaling. A packet with an incorrect type or version was encountered during marshaling. The packet has an unsupported version. The packet is corrupted. An attempt has been made to mismatch qualifiers, such as putting [ManagementKey] on an object instead of a property. A duplicate parameter has been declared in a CIM method. Reserved for future use. The delivery of an event has failed. The provider may choose to re-raise the event. The specified flavor was invalid. An attempt has been made to create a reference that is circular (for example, deriving a class from itself). The specified class is not supported. An attempt was made to change a key when instances or derived classes are already using the key. An attempt was made to change an index when instances or derived classes are already using the index. An attempt was made to create more properties than the current version of the class supports. A property was redefined with a conflicting type in a derived class. An attempt was made in a derived class to override a non-overrideable qualifier. A method was redeclared with a conflicting signature in a derived class. An attempt was made to execute a method not marked with [implemented] in any relevant class. An attempt was made to execute a method marked with [disabled]. The refresher is busy with another operation. The filtering query is syntactically invalid. The FROM clause of a filtering query references a class that is not an event class. A GROUP BY clause was used without the corresponding GROUP WITHIN clause. A GROUP BY clause was used. Aggregation on all properties is not supported. Dot notation was used on a property that is not an embedded object. A GROUP BY clause references a property that is an embedded object without using dot notation. An event provider registration query (__EventProviderRegistration) did not specify the classes for which events were provided. An request was made to back up or restore the repository while WinMgmt.exe was using it. The asynchronous delivery queue overflowed from the event consumer being too slow. The operation failed because the client did not have the necessary security privilege. The operator is not valid for this property type. The user specified a user name, password, or authority on a local connection. The user must use an empty user name and password and rely on default security. The class was made abstract when its superclass is not abstract. An amended object was used in a put operation without the WBEM_FLAG_USE_AMENDED_QUALIFIERS flag being specified. The client was not retrieving objects quickly enough from an enumeration. The provider registration overlaps with the system event domain. A WITHIN clause was not used in this query. Contains information about a WMI method. Gets the input parameters to the method. Each parameter is described as a property in the object. If a parameter is both in and out, it appears in both the and properties. Returns a containing the input parameters to the method. Gets the name of the method. Returns a value containing the name of the method. Gets the name of the management class in which the method was first introduced in the class inheritance hierarchy. Returns a value containing the name of the class in which the method was first introduced in the class inheritance hierarchy. Gets the output parameters to the method. Each parameter is described as a property in the object. If a parameter is both in and out, it will appear in both the and properties. Returns a containing the output parameters for the method. Gets a collection of qualifiers defined in the method. Each element is of type and contains information such as the qualifier name, value, and flavor. Returns a containing the qualifiers for the method. Represents the set of methods available in the collection. Adds a to the . This overload will add a new method with no parameters to the collection. The name of the method to add. Adds a to the . This overload will add a new method with the specified parameter objects to the collection. The name of the method to add. The holding the input parameters to the method. The holding the output parameters to the method. Copies the into an array. The array to which to copy the collection. The index from which to start. Copies the to a specialized array. The destination array to which to copy the objects. The index in the destination array from which to start the copy. Gets the number of objects in the collection. Returns an value representing the number of objects in the collection. Returns an enumerator for the . An to enumerate through the collection. Gets a value that indicates whether the object is synchronized. Returns a value indicating whether the object is synchronized. Gets the specified from the . Returns a containing the method data for a specified method from the collection. The name of the method requested. Removes a from the . The name of the method to remove from the collection. Gets the object to be used for synchronization. Returns an value representing the object to be used for synchronization. Returns an that iterates through the . An for the . Represents the enumerator for objects in the . Returns the current in the enumeration. The current item in the collection. Moves to the next element in the enumeration. true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next method; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. Resets the enumerator to the beginning of the enumeration. Gets the current object in the collection. Returns the current element in the collection. The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. Specifies options for getting a management object. Initializes a new instance of the class for getting a WMI object, using default values. This is the default constructor. Initializes a new instance of the class for getting a WMI object, using the specified provider-specific context. A provider-specific, named-value pairs context object to be passed through to the provider. Initializes a new instance of the class for getting a WMI object, using the given options values. A provider-specific, named-value pairs context object to be passed through to the provider. The length of time to let the operation perform before it times out. The default is . true if the returned objects should contain amended (locale-aware) qualifiers; otherwise, false. Returns a copy of the object. The cloned object. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the objects returned from WMI should contain amended information. Typically, amended information is localizable information attached to the WMI object, such as object and property descriptions. Returns a value indicating whether the objects returned from WMI should contain amended information. Holds event data for the event. Gets the identity of the object that has been put. Returns a containing the path of the object that has been put. Represents the method that will handle the event. The instance of the object for which to invoke this method. The that specifies the reason the event was invoked. Represents a management query that returns instances or classes. Initializes a new instance of the class with no initialized values. This is the default constructor. Initializes a new instance of the class for a specific query string. The string representation of the query. Initializes a new instance of the class for a specific query string and language. The query language in which this query is specified. The string representation of the query. Returns a copy of the object. The cloned object. Holds event data for the event. Gets the newly-returned object. Returns a containing the newly-returned object. Represents the method that will handle the event. The instance of the object for which to invoke this method. The that specifies the reason the event was invoked. Holds event data for the event. Gets the current amount of work done by the operation. This is always less than or equal to . Returns an value representing the current amount of work already completed by the operation. Gets or sets optional additional information regarding the operation's progress. Returns a value containing information regarding the operation's progress. Gets the total amount of work required to be done by the operation. Returns an value representing the total amount of work to be done by the operation. Represents the method that will handle the event. The instance of the object for which to invoke this method. The that specifies the reason the event was invoked. Represents information about a WMI property. Gets a value indicating whether the property is an array. Returns a value indicating whether the property is an array. Gets a value indicating whether the property has been defined in the current WMI class. Returns a value indicating whether the property has been defined in the current WMI class. Gets the name of the property. Returns a value containing the property name. Gets the name of the WMI class in the hierarchy in which the property was introduced. Returns a value containing the name of the WMI class in the hierarchy in which the property was introduced. Gets the set of qualifiers defined on the property. Returns a containing the set of qualifiers defined on the property. Gets the CIM type of the property. Returns a enumeration value representing the CIM type of the property. Gets or sets the current value of the property. Returns an value representing the value of the property. Represents the set of properties of a WMI object. Adds a new with no assigned value. The name of the property. The Common Information Model (CIM) type of the property. true to specify that the property is an array type; otherwise, false. Adds a new with the specified value. The value cannot be null and must be convertible to a Common Information Model (CIM) type. The name of the new property. The value of the property (cannot be null). Adds a new with the specified value and Common Information Model (CIM) type. The name of the property. The value of the property (which can be null). The CIM type of the property. Copies the into an array. The array to which to copy the . The index from which to start copying. Copies the to a specialized object array. The destination array to contain the copied . The index in the destination array from which to start copying. Gets the number of objects in the . Returns an value representing the number of objects in the collection. Returns the enumerator for this . An that can be used to iterate through the collection. Gets a value indicating whether the object is synchronized. Returns a value indicating whether the object is synchronized. Gets the specified property from the , using [] syntax. This property is the indexer for the class. Returns a containing the data for a specified property in the collection. The name of the property to retrieve. Removes a from the . The name of the property to be removed. Gets the object to be used for synchronization. Returns an value containing the object to be used for synchronization. Returns an that iterates through the . An for the . Represents the enumerator for objects in the . Gets the current in the enumeration. The current element in the collection. Moves to the next element in the enumeration. true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. Resets the enumerator to the beginning of the enumeration. Gets the current object in the collection. Returns the current element in the collection. The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. Specifies options for committing management object changes. Initializes a new instance of the class for put operations, using default values. This is the default constructor. Initializes a new instance of the class for committing a WMI object, using the specified provider-specific context. A provider-specific, named-value pairs context object to be passed through to the provider. Initializes a new instance of the class for committing a WMI object, using the specified option values. A provider-specific, named-value pairs object to be passed through to the provider. The length of time to let the operation perform before it times out. The default is . true if the returned objects should contain amended (locale-aware) qualifiers; otherwise, false. The type of commit to be performed (update or create). Returns a copy of the object. The cloned object. Gets or sets the type of commit to be performed for the object. Returns a enumeration value representing the type of commit to be performed for the object. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the objects returned from WMI should contain amended information. Typically, amended information is localizable information attached to the WMI object, such as object and property descriptions. Returns a value indicating whether the objects returned from WMI should contain amended information. Describes the possible effects of saving an object to WMI when using . No change. Updates an existing object only; does not create a new object. Creates an object only; does not update an existing object. Saves the object, whether updating an existing object or creating a new object. Contains information about a WMI qualifier. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the qualifier is amended. Returns a value indicating whether the qualifier is amended. Gets a value indicating whether the qualifier has been defined locally on this class or has been propagated from a base class. Returns a value indicating whether the qualifier has been defined locally on this class or has been propagated from a base class. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the value of the qualifier can be overridden when propagated. Returns a value indicating whether the value of the qualifier can be overridden when propagated. Represents the name of the qualifier. Returns a value containing the name of the qualifier. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the qualifier should be propagated to instances of the class. Returns a value indicating whether the qualifier should be propagated to instances of the class. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the qualifier should be propagated to subclasses of the class. Returns a value indicating whether the qualifier should be propagated to subclasses of the class. Gets or sets the value of the qualifier. Returns an value containing the value of the qualifier. Represents a collection of objects. Adds a to the . This overload specifies the qualifier name and value. The name of the to be added to the . The value for the new qualifier. Adds a to the . This overload specifies all property values for a . The qualifier name. The qualifier value. true to specify that this qualifier is amended (); otherwise, false. true to propagate this qualifier to instances; otherwise, false. true to propagate this qualifier to subclasses; otherwise, false. true to specify that this qualifier's value is overridable in instances of subclasses; otherwise, false. Copies the into an array. The array to which to copy the . The index from which to start copying. Copies the into a specialized array. The specialized array of objects to which to copy the . The index from which to start copying. Gets the number of objects in the . Returns an value representing the number of objects in the collection. Returns an enumerator for the . This method is strongly typed. An that can be used to iterate through the collection. Gets a value indicating whether the object is synchronized. Returns a value indicating whether the object is synchronized. Gets the specified from the . Returns a containing the data for a specified qualifier in the collection. The name of the to access in the . Removes a from the by name. The name of the to remove. Gets the object to be used for synchronization. Returns an value to be used for synchronization. Returns an that iterates through the . An for the . Represents the enumerator for objects in the . Gets or sets the current in the enumeration. The current element in the collection. Moves to the next element in the enumeration. true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. Resets the enumerator to the beginning of the enumeration. Gets the current object in the collection. Returns the current element in the collection. The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. Represents a WQL ASSOCIATORS OF data query. It can be used for both instances and schema queries. Initializes a new instance of the class. This is the default constructor. Initializes a new instance of the class for a schema query using the given set of parameters. This constructor is used for schema queries only: the first parameter must be set to true . true to indicate that this is a schema query; otherwise, false . The path of the source class. The related objects' required base class. The relationship type. The qualifier required to be present on the related objects. The qualifier required to be present on the relationships. The role that the related objects are required to play in the relationship. The role that the source class is required to play in the relationship. Initializes a new instance of the class. If the specified string can be successfully parsed as a WQL query, it is considered to be the query string; otherwise, it is assumed to be the path of the source object for the query. In this case, the query is assumed to be an instance query. The query string or the path of the source object. Initializes a new instance of the class for the given source object and related class. The query is assumed to be an instance query (as opposed to a schema query). The path of the source object for this query. The related objects' class. Initializes a new instance of the class for the given set of parameters. The query is assumed to be an instance query (as opposed to a schema query). The path of the source object. The related objects' required class. The relationship type. The qualifier required to be present on the related objects. The qualifier required to be present on the relationships. The role that the related objects are required to play in the relationship. The role that the source object is required to play in the relationship. true to return only the class definitions of the related objects; otherwise, false . Builds the query string according to the current property values. Gets or sets a value indicating that for all instances that adhere to the query, only their class definitions be returned. This parameter is only valid for instance queries. Returns a value indicating that for all instances that adhere to the query, only their class definitions are to be returned. Creates a copy of the object. The copied object. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is a schema query or an instance query. Returns a value indicating whether this is a schema query. Parses the query string and sets the property values accordingly. The query string to be parsed. Gets or sets the class of the endpoint objects (the related class). Returns a value containing the related class name. Gets or sets a qualifier required to be defined on the related objects. Returns a value containing the name of the qualifier required on the related object. Gets or sets the role that the related objects returned should be playing in the relationship. Returns a value containing the role of the related objects. Gets or sets the type of relationship (association). Returns a value containing the relationship class name. Gets or sets a qualifier required to be defined on the relationship objects. Returns a value containing the name of the qualifier required on the relationship objects. Gets or sets the source object to be used for the query. For instance queries, this is typically an instance path. For schema queries, this is typically a class name. Returns a value containing the path of the object to be used for the query. Gets or sets the role that the source object should be playing in the relationship. Returns a value containing the role of this object. Represents a WQL REFERENCES OF data query. Initializes a new instance of the class. This is the default constructor. Initializes a new instance of the class for a schema query using the given set of parameters. This constructor is used for schema queries only, so the first parameter must be true. true to indicate that this is a schema query; otherwise, false. The path of the source class for this query. The type of relationship for which to query. A qualifier required to be present on the relationship class. The role that the source class is required to play in the relationship. Initializes a new instance of the class. If the specified string can be successfully parsed as a WQL query, it is considered to be the query string; otherwise, it is assumed to be the path of the source object for the query. In this case, the query is assumed to be an instances query. The query string or the class name for this query. Initializes a new instance of the class for the given source object and relationship class. The query is assumed to be an instance query (as opposed to a schema query). The path of the source object for this query. The type of relationship for which to query. Initializes a new instance of the class for the given set of parameters. The query is assumed to be an instance query (as opposed to a schema query). The path of the source object for this query. The type of relationship for which to query. A qualifier required to be present on the relationship object. The role that the source object is required to play in the relationship. When this method returns, it contains a Boolean that indicates that only class definitions for the resulting objects are returned. Builds the query string according to the current property values. Gets or sets a value indicating that only the class definitions of the relevant relationship objects be returned. Returns a value indicating that only the class definitions of the relevant relationship objects be returned. Creates a copy of the object. The copied object. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this query is a schema query or an instance query. Returns a value indicating whether this query is a schema query. Parses the query string and sets the property values accordingly. The query string to be parsed. Gets or sets the class of the relationship objects wanted in the query. Returns a value containing the relationship class name. Gets or sets a qualifier required on the relationship objects. Returns a value containing the name of the qualifier required on the relationship objects. Gets or sets the source object for this query. Returns a value containing the path of the object to be used for the query. Gets or sets the role of the source object in the relationship. Returns a value containing the role of this object. Represents a WQL SELECT data query. Initializes a new instance of the class. This is the default constructor. Initializes a new instance of the class for a schema query, optionally specifying a condition. true to indicate that this is a schema query; otherwise, false. A false value is invalid in this constructor. The condition to be applied to form the result set of classes. Initializes a new instance of the class for the specified query or the specified class name. The entire query or the class name to use in the query. The parser in this class attempts to parse the string as a valid WQL SELECT query. If the parser is unsuccessful, it assumes the string is a class name. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified class name and condition. The name of the class to select in the query. The condition to be applied in the query. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified class name and condition, selecting only the specified properties. The name of the class from which to select. The condition to be applied to instances of the selected class. An array of property names to be returned in the query results. Builds the query string according to the current property values. Gets or sets the class name to be selected from in the query. Returns a value containing the name of the class in the query. Creates a copy of the object. The copied object. Gets or sets the condition to be applied in the SELECT query. Returns a value containing the condition to be applied to the SELECT query. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this query is a schema query or an instances query. Returns a value indicating whether the query is a schema query. Parses the query string and sets the property values accordingly. The query string to be parsed. Gets or sets the query in the object, in string form. Returns a value containing the query. Ggets or sets an array of property names to be selected in the query. Returns a containing the names of the properties to be selected in the query. Holds event data for the event. Gets the completion status of the operation. Returns a containing the status of the operation. Represents the method that will handle the event. The instance of the object for which to invoke this method. The that specifies the reason the event was invoked. Describes the possible text formats that can be used with . Managed Object Format XML DTD that corresponds to CIM DTD version 2.0. XML WMI DTD that corresponds to CIM DTD version 2.0. Using this value enables a few WMI-specific extensions, like embedded objects. Represents a WMI event query in WQL format. Initializes a new instance of the class. This is the default constructor. Initializes a new instance of the class based on the given query string or event class name. The string representing either the entire event query or the name of the event class to query. The object will try to parse the string as a valid event query. If unsuccessful, the parser will assume that the parameter represents an event class name. Initializes a new instance of the class for the specified event class name, with the specified condition. The name of the event class to query. The condition to apply to events of the specified class. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified event class name, condition, and grouping interval. The name of the event class to query. The condition to apply to events of the specified class. The specified interval at which WMI sends one , rather than many events. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified event class name, condition, grouping interval, and grouping properties. The name of the event class to query. The condition to apply to events of the specified class. The specified interval at which WMI sends one , rather than many events. The properties in the event class by which the events should be grouped. Initializes a new instance of the class for the specified event class, with the specified latency time. The name of the event class to query. A value specifying the latency acceptable for receiving this event. This value is used in cases where there is no explicit event provider for the query requested, and WMI is required to poll for the condition. This interval is the maximum amount of time that can pass before notification of an event must be delivered. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified event class name, polling interval, and condition. The name of the event class to query. A value specifying the latency acceptable for receiving this event. This value is used in cases where there is no explicit event provider for the query requested and WMI is required to poll for the condition. This interval is the maximum amount of time that can pass before notification of an event must be delivered. The condition to apply to events of the specified class. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified event class name, condition, grouping interval, grouping properties, and specified number of events. The name of the event class on which to be queried. A value specifying the latency acceptable for receiving this event. This value is used in cases where there is no explicit event provider for the query requested, and WMI is required to poll for the condition. This interval is the maximum amount of time that can pass before notification of an event must be delivered. The condition to apply to events of the specified class. The specified interval at which WMI sends one , rather than many events. The properties in the event class by which the events should be grouped. The condition to apply to the number of events. Builds the query string according to the current property values. Creates a copy of the object. The copied object. Gets or sets the condition to be applied to events of the specified class. Returns a value containing the condition or conditions in the event query. Gets or sets the event class to query. Returns a value containing the name of the event class in the event query. Gets or sets properties in the event to be used for grouping events of the same type. Returns a containing the properties in the event to be used for grouping events of the same type. Gets or sets the interval to be used for grouping events of the same type. Returns a value containing the interval used for grouping events of the same type. Gets or sets the condition to be applied to the aggregation of events, based on the number of events received. Returns a value containing the condition applied to the aggregation of events, based on the number of events received. Parses the query string and sets the property values accordingly. The query string to be parsed. Gets the language of the query. Returns a value that contains the query language that the query is written in. Gets or sets the string representing the query. Returns a value containing the query. Gets or sets the polling interval to be used in this query. Returns a value containing the polling interval used in the event query. Represents a WMI data query in WQL format. Initializes a new instance of the class. This is the default constructor. Initializes a new instance of the class initialized to the specified query. The representation of the data query. Creates a copy of the object. The copied object. Gets the language of the query. Returns a value containing the language of the query. Creates a new ConnectionOption. The locale to be used for the connection. The user name to be used for the connection. If null, the credentials of the currently logged-on user are used. The password for the given user name. If the user name is also null, the credentials used will be those of the currently logged-on user. The authority to be used to authenticate the specified user. The COM impersonation level to be used for the connection. The COM authentication level to be used for the connection. true to enable special user privileges; otherwise, false. This parameter should only be used when performing an operation that requires special Windows NT user privileges. A provider-specific, named value pairs object to be passed through to the provider. Reserved for future use. Sets the password for the specified user. Returns a SecureString value used for the password in a connection to WMI. Releases all resources used by the Component. Represents classes derived from that are known to be management event classes. These derived classes inherit an implementation of that allows events to be fired through the method. Initializes a new instance of the class. Raises a management event. Installs an instrumented assembly. To use this default project installer, derive a class from inside the assembly. No methods need to be overridden. Initializes a new instance of the class. This is the default constructor. Specifies a source of a management instrumentation event. Objects that implement this interface are known to be sources of management instrumentation events. Classes that do not derive from should implement this interface instead. Raises a management event. Causes the associated member of an instrumented class to be ignored by management instrumentation. Initializes a new instance of the class Specifies a source of a management instrumentation instance. Objects that implement this interface are known to be sources of management instrumentation instances. Classes that do not derive from should implement this interface instead. Gets or sets a value indicating whether instances of classes that implement this interface are visible through management instrumentation. Returns a value indicating whether instances of classes that implement this interface are visible through management instrumentation. Represents derived classes known to be management instrumentation instance classes. These derived classes inherit an implementation of that allows instances to be published through the property. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets a value indicating whether instances of classes that implement this interface are visible through management instrumentation. Returns a value indicating whether instances of classes that implement this interface are visible through management instrumentation. Provides helper functions for exposing events and data for management. There is a single instance of this class per application domain. Initializes a new instance of the class. Raises a management event. The object that determines the class, properties, and values of the event. Determines if the instrumentation schema of the specified assembly has already been correctly registered with WMI. true if the instrumentation schema in the specified assembly is registered with WMI; otherwise, false. The containing instrumentation instance or event types. Makes an instance visible through management instrumentation. The object that is to be visible through management instrumentation. Registers the management instance or event classes in the specified assembly with WMI. This ensures that the instrumentation schema is accessible to client applications. The containing instrumentation instance or event types. Makes an instance that was previously published through the method no longer visible through management instrumentation. The object to remove from visibility for management instrumentation. Specifies the maximum number of objects of the specified type to be provided at a time. The class for which the batch size is being set. The maximum number of objects to be provided at a time. Specifies that a class provides event or instance instrumentation. Initializes a new instance of the class that is used if this type is derived from another type that has the attribute, or if this is a top-level instrumentation class (for example, an instance or abstract class without a base class, or an event derived from __ExtrinsicEvent). The type of instrumentation provided by this class. Initializes a new instance of the class that has schema for an existing base class. The class must contain proper member definitions for the properties of the existing WMI base class. The type of instrumentation provided by this class. The name of the base class. Gets or sets the type of instrumentation provided by this class. Returns an enumeration value containing the type of instrumentation provided by this class. Gets or sets the name of the base class of this instrumentation class. Returns a value containing the name of the base class of this instrumentation class. Specifies the type of instrumentation provided by a class. The class provides instances for management instrumentation. The class provides events for management instrumentation. The class defines an abstract class for management instrumentation. Specifies that this assembly provides management instrumentation. This attribute should appear one time per assembly. Initializes a new instance of the class that is set for the root\default namespace. This is the default constructor. Initializes a new instance of the class that is set to the specified namespace for instrumentation within this assembly. The namespace for instrumentation instances and events. Initializes a new instance of the class that is set to the specified namespace and security settings for instrumentation within this assembly. The namespace for instrumentation instances and events. A security descriptor that allows only the specified users or groups to run applications that provide the instrumentation supported by this assembly. Gets or sets the namespace for instrumentation instances and events in this assembly. Returns a value containing the name of the namespace for instrumentation instances and events in this assembly. Gets or sets a security descriptor that allows only the specified users or groups to run applications that provide the instrumentation supported by this assembly. Returns a value containing the security descriptor that allows only the specified users or groups to run applications that provide the instrumentation supported by this assembly. Allows an instrumented class, or member of an instrumented class, to present an alternate name through management instrumentation. Initializes a new instance of the class that allows the alternate name to be specified for the type, field, property, method, or parameter to which this attribute is applied. The alternate name for the type, field, property, method, or parameter to which this attribute is applied. Gets the name of the managed entity. Returns a T:System.String value containing the name of the managed entity. Installs instrumented assemblies. Include an instance of this installer class in the project installer for an assembly that includes instrumentation. Initializes a new instance of the class. Commits the assembly to the operation. The state of the assembly. Gets or sets installer options for this class. Returns a value containing the installer options for this class. Installs the assembly. The state of the assembly. Rolls back the state of the assembly. The state of the assembly. Uninstalls the assembly. The state of the assembly.