Bolt.Flow.Runtime Provides enumerated values to use to set evaluation options. Specifies that no options are set. Specifies case-insensitive matching. No-cache mode. Ingores any pre-compiled expression in the cache. Treats parameters as arrays and result a set of results. When using Round(), if a number is halfway between two others, it is rounded toward the nearest number that is away from zero. Textual representation of the expression to evaluate. Pre-compiles the expression in order to check syntax errors. If errors are detected, the Error property contains the message. True if the expression syntax is correct, otherwise false Removes unused entries from cached compiled expression. Creates a struct with its default initializer. The entry point to create the struct. You can still get the return value without connecting this port. The action to call once the struct has been created. The created struct. Selects a value from a set by matching it with an input flow. Triggered when any selector is entered. The selected value. Toggles the control flow with on and off triggers. Whether the toggle should start in the on state. Entry point to the toggle. Trigger to turn on the flow through the toggle. Trigger to turn off the flow through the toggle. Trigger to toggle the flow through the toggle. Triggered on entry if the flow is on. Triggered on entry if the flow is off. Triggered when the flow gets turned on. Triggered when the flow gets turned off. Whether the flow is currently on. Toggles between two values with on and off triggers. Whether the toggle should start in the on state. Trigger to turn on the toggle. Trigger to turn off the toggle. Trigger to toggle the state of the toggle. The value to return if the toggle is on. The value to return if the toggle is off. Triggered when the flow gets turned on. Triggered when the flow gets turned off. Whether the flow is currently on. The value of the toggle selected depending on the state. The event data. Called when the cancel button is pressed. Called on the drag object when dragging is about to begin. When draging is occuring this will be called every time the cursor is moved. Called on a target that can accept a drop. Called on the drag object when a drag finishes. Called when a move event occurs. The axis event data. Called when a mouse wheel scrolls. Called when the submit button is pressed. The pointer event data. Runs a cooldown timer to throttle flow and outputs remaining measurements. The moment at which to try using the cooldown. Trigger to force reset the cooldown. The total duration of the cooldown. Whether to ignore the time scale. Called upon entry when the cooldown is ready. Called upon entry when the cooldown is not yet ready. Called each frame while the cooldown timer is active. Called when the cooldown timer reaches zero. The number of seconds remaining until the cooldown is ready. The proportion of the duration remaining until the cooldown is ready (0-1). Executes an action only once, and a different action afterwards. The entry point for the action. Trigger to reset the once check. The action to execute the first time the unit is entered. The action to execute subsequently. Throws an exception. Whether a custom exception object should be specified manually. The entry point to throw the exception. The message of the exception. The exception to throw. Runs a timer and outputs elapsed and remaining measurements. The moment at which to start the timer. If the timer is already started, this will reset it. If the timer is paused, this will resume it. Trigger to pause the timer. Trigger to resume the timer. Trigger to toggle the timer. If it is idle, it will start. If it is active, it will pause. If it is paused, it will resume. The total duration of the timer. Whether to ignore the time scale. Called when the timer is Called each frame while the timer is active. Called when the timer completes. The number of seconds elapsed since the timer started. The proportion of the duration that has elapsed (0-1). The number of seconds remaining until the timer is elapsed. The proportion of the duration remaining until the timer is elapsed (0-1). Handles an exception if it occurs. The entry point for the try-catch block. The action to attempt. The action to execute if an exception is thrown. The action to execute afterwards, regardless of whether there was an exception. The exception that was thrown in the try block. Called by the Animator Component immediately before it updates its internal IK system. This callback can be used to set the positions of the IK goals and their respective weights. The index of the layer on which the IK solver is called. Called at each frame after the state machines and the animations have been evaluated, but before On Animator IK. This callback can be used for processing animation movements for modifying root motion. Run this event in a coroutine, enabling asynchronous flow like wait units. Checks whether a dictionary contains the specified key. The dictionary. The key. Whether the list contains the item. Checks whether a list contains the specified item. The list. The item. Whether the list contains the item. Executes the output ports in order. The entry point for the sequence. Delays flow by waiting until the end of the frame. Delays flow by waiting until multiple input flows have been executed. Whether the activation status should be reset on exit. Trigger to reset the activation status. Triggered after all inputs have been entered at least once. Delays flow by waiting until the next frame. Delays flow by waiting a specified number of seconds. The number of seconds to await. Whether to ignore the time scale. The moment at which to start the delay. The action to execute after the delay has elapsed. Delays flow by waiting until a condition becomes true. The condition to await. Delays flow by waiting while a condition is true. The condition to check. Called when an animation event points to TriggerAnimationEvent. The string parameter passed to the event. The float parameter passed to the event. The integer parameter passed to the function. The Unity object parameter passed to the function. Called when an animation event points to TriggerAnimationEvent. This version allows you to use the string parameter as the event name. The name of the event. The event will only trigger if this value is equal to the string parameter passed in the animation event. The float parameter passed to the event. The integer parameter passed to the function. The Unity object parameter passed to the function. Called when a UnityEvent points to TriggerUnityEvent. The name of the event. The event will only trigger if this value is equal to the string parameter passed in the UnityEvent. Called when the pointer deselects the GUI element. Use to draw immediate mode GUI components. Called when the pointer clicks the GUI element. Called when the pointer presses the GUI element. Called when the pointer enters the GUI element. Called when the pointer exits the GUI element. Called when the pointer releases the GUI element. Called when the pointer selects the GUI element. Called when the current value of the toggle has changed. The new boolean value of the toggle. The collider we hit. The contact points generated by the physics engine. The total impulse applied to this contact pair to resolve the collision. The relative linear velocity of the two colliding objects. The complete collision data object. The collider we hit. The contact points generated by the physics engine. The relative linear velocity of the two colliding objects. Whether the collision was enabled or not. The complete collision data object. Called every fixed framerate frame. Called every frame after all update functions have been called. Called when the application gains focus. Called when the application loses focus. Called when the application pauses. Called when the application quits. Called when the application resumes. Called when the renderer is no longer visible by any camera. Called when the renderer became visible by any camera. Called when a user clicks the button and releases it. A configurable event to handle global button input. The name of the button that received input. The type of input. Called when this collider / rigidbody has begun touching another rigidbody / collider. Called when an incoming collider makes contact with this object's collider. Called when this collider / rigidbody has stopped touching another rigidbody / collider. Called when a collider on another object stops touching this object's collider. Called once per frame for every collider / rigidbody that is touching rigidbody / collider. Called each frame where a collider on another object is touching this object's collider. Called when the controller hits a collider while performing a move. The collider that was hit by the controller. The controller that hit the collider. The direction the CharacterController was moving in when the collision occured. How far the character has travelled until it hit the collider. The normal of the surface we collided with in world space. The impact point in world space. The impact point in world space. Called when the nav mesh agent comes within a certain threshold of its destination. The threshold for the remaining distance. Whether the event should only trigger when the path is not partial or invalid. Called before the machine is destroyed. Called when the machine becomes disabled or inactive. Use to draw gizmos that are always drawn in the editor. Use to draw gizmos that are drawn in the editor when the object is selected. Called when the current value of the dropdown has changed. The index of the newly selected option. The text of the newly selected option. Called when the machine becomes enabled and active. Called when the user finishes editing the text content either by submitting or by clicking somewhere that removes the focus from the input field. The new text content of the input field. Called when the text content of the input field has changed. The new text content of the input field. Called when a joint attached to the same game object broke. The force that was applied for this joint to break. Called when a joint attached to the same game object broke. The force that needs to be applied for the joint that broke to break. The torque that needs to be applied for the joint that broke to break. The 2D rigidbody to which the other end of the joint is attached (ie, the object without the joint component). The reaction force of the joint that broke. The reaction torque of the joint that broke. The joint that broke. A configurable event to handle global keyboard input. The key that received input. The type of input. Called when the user has pressed the mouse button while over the GUI element or collider. Called when the user has clicked on the GUI element or collider and is still holding down the mouse. Called when the mouse enters the GUI element or collider. Called when the mouse is not any longer over the GUI element or collider. A configurable event to handle global mouse input. The mouse button that received input. The type of input. Called every frame while the mouse is over the GUI element or collider. Called when the user has released the mouse button. Called when the mouse is released over the same GUI element or collider as it was pressed. Called when a particle hits a collider. A game object with an attached collider struck by the particle system. The particle collision events. Called when the current value of the scrollbar has changed. The new position value of the scrollbar. Called when the current value of the scrollbar has changed. The new scroll position of the scroll rect. Called when the current value of the slider has changed. The new numeric value of the slider. Called when the list of children of the transform of the game object has changed. Called when the parent property of the transform of the game object has changed. Called when a collider enters the trigger. Called when a collider enters the trigger. Called when a collider exits the trigger. Called when a collider exits the trigger. Called once per frame for every collider that is touching the trigger. Called once per frame for every collider that is touching the trigger. Called the first time a machine is enabled before any update method. Triggers a custom event. The entry point to trigger the event. The name of the event. The target of the event. The action to do after the event has been triggered. The other collider involved in the collision. The other collider involved in the collision. Called every frame. A special named event with any amount of parameters called manually with the 'Trigger Custom Event' unit. The name of the event. Called when a specified number of seconds has elapsed. The number of seconds to await. Whether to ignore the time scale. The game object that listens for the event. Compares two numbers to determine if they are approximately equal (disregarding floating point precision errors). The first number. The second number. Whether A is approximately equal to B. Compares two inputs. The first input. The second input. Whether the compared inputs are numbers. Whether A is less than B. Whether A is less than or equal to B. Whether A is equal to B. Whether A is not equal to B. Whether A is greater than or equal to B. Whether A is greater than B. Compares two inputs to determine whether they are equal. Whether A is equal to B. Compares two inputs to determine whether the first is greater than the second. Whether A is greater than B. Compares two inputs to determine whether the first is greater than or equal to the second. Whether A is greater than or equal to B. Compares two inputs to determine whether the first is less than the second. Whether A is less than B. Compares two inputs to determine whether the first is less than or equal to the second. Whether A is greater than or equal to B. Compares two numbers to determine if they are not approximately equal (disregarding floating point precision errors). The first number. The second number. Whether A is not approximately equal to B. Compares two inputs to determine whether they are not equal. Whether A is different than B. The first input. The second input. Whether the compared inputs are numbers. Returns the sum of two objects. Returns the quotient of two objects. Returns the remainder of the division of two objects. Returns the product of two objects. Returns the difference between two objects. Returns the unit length version of a scalar. Checks whether a variable is defined. Whether the variable is defined. Gets the value of a graph variable. Gets the value of a variable. The value of the variable. The value to return if the variable is not defined. Whether a fallback value should be provided if the variable is not defined. Checks if a graph variable is defined. Sets the value of a graph variable. Forces saved variables to be saved to the PlayerPrefs. This is useful on WebGL where automatic save on quit is not supported. Assigns the value of a variable. The entry point to assign the variable. The value to assign to the variable. The action to execute once the variable has been assigned. The value assigned to the variable. The kind of variable. The name of the variable. The source of the variable. Caches the input so that all nodes connected to the output retrieve the value only once. The moment at which to cache the value. The output value will only get updated when this gets triggered. The value to cache when the node is entered. The cached value, as it was the last time this node was entered. The action to execute once the value has been cached. Exposes all members of the type. The instance of the exposed type. Gets the value of a field or property via reflection. Invokes a method or a constructor via reflection. Whether the target should be output to allow for chaining. The target object used when setting the value. The target object. Sets the value of a field or property via reflection. Whether the target should be output to allow for chaining. The target object used when setting the value. Counts all items in a collection or enumeration. The collection. The number of items contained in the collection. Adds an item to a dictionary. The entry point for the node. The dictionary. The dictionary with the added element. Note that the input dictionary is modified directly then returned. The key of the item to add. The value of the item to add. The action to execute once the item has been added. Clears all items from a dictionary. The entry point for the node. The dictionary. The cleared dictionary. Note that the input dictionary is modified directly and then returned. The action to execute once the dictionary has been cleared. Creates an empty dictionary. The new empty dictionary. Gets a dictionary item with the specified key. The dictionary. The key of the item. The value of the item. Merges two or more dictionaries together. If the same key is found more than once, only the value of the first dictionary with this key will be used. The merged dictionary. Removes a dictionary item with a specified key. The entry point for the node. The dictionary. The dictionary without the removed item. Note that the input dictionary is modified directly and then returned. The key of the item to remove. The action to execute once the item has been removed. Sets the value of a dictionary item with the specified key. The entry point for the node. The dictionary. The key of the item to set. The value to assign to the item. The action to execute once the item has been assigned. Returns the first item in a collection or enumeration. The collection. The first item of the collection. Returns the first item in a collection or enumeration. The collection. The last item of the collection. Adds an item to a list. The entry point for the node. The list. The list with the added element. Note that the input list is modified directly and then returned, except if it is an array, in which case a new array with the added element is returned instead. The item to add. The action to execute once the item has been added. Clears all items from a list. The entry point for the node. The list. The cleared list. Note that the input list is modified directly and then returned, except if it is an array, in which case a new empty array is returned instead. The action to execute once the list has been cleared. Creates a list from a number of item inputs. The created list. Gets the item at the specified index of a list. The list. The zero-based index. The item. Inserts an item in a list at a specified index. The entry point for the node. The list. The list with the added element. Note that the input list is modified directly and then returned, except if it is an array, in which case a new array with the added element is returned instead. The zero-based index at which to insert the item. The item to insert. The action to execute once the item has been inserted. Merges two or more lists together. The merged list. Removes the specified item from a list. The entry point for the node. The list. The list without the removed item. Note that the input list is modified directly and then returned, except if it is an array, in which case a new array without the item is returned instead. The item to remove. The action to execute once the item has been removed. Removes the item at the specified index of a list. The entry point for the node. The list. The list without the removed item. Note that the input list is modified directly and then returned, except if it is an array, in which case a new array without the item is returned instead. The zero-based index. The action to execute once the item has been removed. Sets the item at the specified index of a list. The entry point for the node. The list. The zero-based index. The item. The action to execute once the item has been assigned. Branches flow by checking if a condition is true or false. The entry point for the branch. The condition to check. The action to execute if the condition is true. The action to execute if the condition is false. Selects a value from a set by switching over an enum. The value on which to select. The selected value. Selects a value from a set by switching over an integer. Selects a value from a set by switching over a string. Selects a value from a set by checking if a condition is true or false. The condition to check. The value to return if the condition is true. The value to return if the condition is false. The returned value. The value on which to select. The output value to return if the selector doesn't match any other option. The selected value. Branches flow by switching over an enum. The entry point for the switch. The enum value on which to switch. Branches flow by switching over an integer. Branches flow by switching over a string. The entry point for the switch. The value on which to switch. The branch to take if the input value does not match any other option. Evaluates a mathematical or logical formula with multiple arguments. A mathematical or logical expression tree. Whether input arguments should only be fetched once and then reused. The result of the calculation or evaluation. Returns a constant value defined from the editor. Returns true if both inputs are true. The first boolean. The second boolean. True if A and B are both true; false otherwise. Compares two inputs to determine if they are equal or not equal. The first input. The second input. Whether A is equal to B. Whether A is different than B. Returns true if one input is true and the other is false. The first boolean. The second boolean. True if either A or B is true but not the other; false otherwise. Inverts the value of a boolean. The input boolean. True if the input is false, false if the input is true. Compares two numeric inputs. The first input. The second input. Whether A is less than B. Whether A is less than or equal to B. Whether A is equal to B. Whether A is greater than or equal to B. Whether A is greater than B. Returns true if either input is true. The first boolean. The second boolean. True if either A or B is true; false otherwise. Stops the execution of the current loop. The entry point for the break. Loops between a first and last index at a specified step. The index at which to start the loop (inclusive). The index at which to end the loop (exclusive). The value by which the index will be incremented (or decremented, if negative) after each loop. The current index of the loop. Loops over each element of a collection. The collection over which to loop. The current index of the loop. The key of the current item of the loop. The current item of the loop. The entry point for the loop. The action to execute after the loop has been completed or broken. The action to execute at each loop. Loops as long as a given condition is true. The condition to check at each iteration to determine whether the loop should continue. Fetches input values from the parent super unit for this graph. Passes output values from this graph to the parent super unit. The value to make positive. The positive value. The first value. The second value. The sum of A and B. The first vector. The second vector. The angle between A and B. The average. The first vector. The second vector. The cross product of A and B. The first vector. The second vector. The distance between A and B. The dividend (or numerator). The divisor (or denominator). The quotient of the dividend and divisor (numerator / denominator). The first vector. The second vector. The dot product of A and B. The first value. The second value. The interpolation value. The linear interpolation between A and B at T. The maximum. The minimum. The dividend (or numerator). The divisor (or denominator). The remainder of the division of dividend and divison (numerator / denominator). The current value. The target value. The maximum scalar increment between values. The incremented value. The first value. The second value. The product of A and B. The vector to normalize. The normalized vector. The input value. The framerate-normalized value (multiplied by delta time). The vector to project. The vector on which to project. The projection of A on B. The rounding mode. The value to round. The rounded value. Returns the positive version of a scalar. Returns the sum of two scalars. Returns the average of two or more scalars. Returns the quotient of two scalars. Returns the power of a base and exponent. The base. The exponent. The power of base elevated to exponent. Returns the linear interpolation between two scalars. Returns the maximum between two or more scalars. Returns the minimum between two or more scalars. Returns the remainder of the division of two scalars. Moves a scalar towards a target. Returns the product of two scalars. Returns the framerate-normalized value of a scalar. Returns the root at the nth degree of a radicand. The radicand. The degree. The nth degree root of the radicand. Rounds a decimal number to return an integer. Returns the difference between two scalars. Returns the sum of two or more scalars. The first value (minuend). The second value (subtrahend). The difference, that is the minuend minus the subtrahend. The sum. Returns a version of a 2D vector where each component is positive. Returns the sum of two 2D vectors. Returns the angle between two 2D vectors in degrees. Returns the average of two or more 2D vectors. Returns the distance between two 2D vectors. Returns the component-wise quotient of two 2D vectors. Returns the dot product of two 2D vectors. Returns the linear interpolation between two 2D vectors. Returns the component-wise maximum between two or more 2D vectors. Returns the component-wise minimum between two or more 2D vectors. Returns the remainder of the component-wise division of two 2D vectors. Moves a 2D vector towards a target. Returns the component-wise product of two 2D vectors. Returns the unit length version of a 2D vector. Returns the framerate-normalized value of a 2D vector. Returns the projection of a 2D vector on another. Rounds each component of a 2D vector. Returns the difference between two 2D vectors. Returns the sum of two or more 2D vectors. Returns a version of a 3D vector where each component is positive. Returns the sum of two 3D vectors. Returns the angle between two 3D vectors in degrees. Returns the average of two or more 3D vectors. Returns the cross product of two 3D vectors. Returns the distance between two 3D vectors. Returns the component-wise quotient of two 3D vectors. Returns the dot product of two 3D vectors. Returns the linear interpolation between two 3D vectors. Returns the component-wise maximum between two or more 3D vectors. Returns the component-wise minimum between two or more 3D vectors. Returns the remainder of the component-wise division of two 3D vectors. Moves a 3D vector towards a target. Returns the component-wise product of two 3D vectors. Returns the unit length version of a 3D vector. Returns the framerate-normalized value of a 3D vector. Returns the projection of a 3D vector on another. Rounds each component of a 3D vector. Returns the difference between two 3D vectors. Returns the sum of two or more 3D vectors. Returns a version of a 4D vector where each component is positive. Returns the sum of two 4D vectors. Returns the average of two or more 4D vectors. Returns the distance between two 4D vectors. Returns the component-wise quotient of two 4D vectors. Returns the dot product of two 4D vectors. Returns the linear interpolation between two 4D vectors. Returns the component-wise maximum between two or more 4D vectors. Returns the component-wise minimum between two or more 4D vectors. Returns the remainder of the component-wise division of two 4D vectors. Moves a 4D vector towards a target. Returns the component-wise product of two 4D vectors. Returns the unit length version of a 4D vector. Returns the framerate-normalized value of a 4D vector. Rounds each component of a 4D vector. Returns the difference between two 4D vectors. Returns the sum of two or more 4D vectors. Returns a null value. A null value. Branches flow depending on whether the input is null. The input. The entry point for the null check. The action to execute if the input is not null. The action to execute if the input is null. Provides a fallback value if the input value is null. The value. The fallback to use if the value is null. The returned value. Returns the current game object. The current game object. Gets the value of an application variable. Gets the value of an object variable. The source of the variable. Gets the value of a saved variable. Gets the value of a scene variable. The value of the variable. Checks if an application variable is defined. Checks if an object variable is defined. The source of the variable. Checks if a saved variable is defined. Checks if a scene variable is defined. Whether the variable is defined. Sets the value of an application variable. Sets the value of an object variable. The source of the variable. Sets the value of a saved variable. Sets the value of a scene variable. The entry point to assign the variable reference. The value to assign to the variable. The action to execute once the variable has been assigned. The value assigned to the variable. The name of the variable. Triggering the destination may fetch the source value. Getting the value of the destination may fetch the value of the source. Triggering the source may assign the destination value on the flow. Triggering the source may trigger the destination.