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# ⚡ Unity Bolt Samples
A collection of Unity packages featuring Bolt Visual Scripting samples. Each sample demonstrates how to work with Unity editor features, game logic, & more without having to write a single line of code. **All packages can be found in this repo's [Releases section](https://github.com/avashly/Unity-BoltKit-Samples/releases).**
A collection of Unity packages featuring Bolt Visual Scripting samples. Each sample demonstrates how to work with Unity editor features, game logic, & more without having to write a single line of code. **All samples can be found in this repo's [Releases section](https://github.com/avashly/Unity-BoltKit-Samples/releases).**
**NOTE:** A Unity 2019.4 LTS project with [Bolt](https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/visual-scripting/bolt-163802) pre-installed is required to use these samples.
**NOTE:** A Unity 2019.4 LTS or 2020.1 project with the [Universal Render Pipeline](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal@8.2/manual/InstallingAndConfiguringURP.html) pre-installed is required to use these samples.
1. Download the .unitypackage you want from the samples below.
1. Download the most recent version of the Unity Bolt Samples from the [Releases section](https://github.com/avashly/Unity-BoltKit-Samples/releases).
2. Use the [Unity Hub](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/GettingStartedInstallingHub.html) to open a new Unity 2019.4 LTS project using the Universal Render Pipeline template.
2. Use the [Unity Hub](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/GettingStartedInstallingHub.html) to open a new Unity 2019.4 LTS or 2020.1 project using the Universal Render Pipeline template.
3. Get Bolt from the Unity Asset Store & add it to your project. ([Bolt Installation Guide](https://docs.unity3d.com/bolt/1.4/manual/bolt-installation.html))
4. In the menu bar, navigate to Assets > Import Package > Custom Package & select the package you downloaded earlier.
3. In the menu bar, navigate to Assets > Import Package > Custom Package & select the package you downloaded earlier to import it into your project.

**Download: [BoltKit_ThirdPerson_Samples.unitypackage](https://github.com/avashly/Unity-BoltKit-Samples/releases/download/v0.1/BoltKit_ThirdPerson_Samples.unitypackage)**
### 🏃🏽‍♀️ Endless Runner Game
A basic example of a 2D endless runner game that uses flow graphs & state graphs. Includes Bolt graphs that handle basic physics, scoring, UI updates, & animations. Bolt macro graphs are located within BoltSamples_2_EndlessRunner > Macros. Additional Bolt embed graphs are on the Game Manager object in the EndlessRunner scene
This project is an extension of the [Bolt Kit: Third Person for Unity](https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/templates/tutorials/bolt-kit-third-person-for-unity-167662) template - which uses 2D &amp; 3D assets by [Kenney](https://www.kenney.nl/).
Some of the samples in this project is use the [Bolt Kit: Third Person for Unity](https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/templates/tutorials/bolt-kit-third-person-for-unity-167662) template - which uses 2D &amp; 3D assets by [Kenney](https://www.kenney.nl/).