using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.AI; namespace UnityRoyale { //humanoid or anyway a walking placeable public class Unit : ThinkingPlaceable { //data coming from the PlaceableData private float speed; private Animator animator; private NavMeshAgent navMeshAgent; private void Awake() { pType = Placeable.PlaceableType.Unit; //find references to components animator = GetComponent(); navMeshAgent = GetComponent(); //will be disabled until Activate is called } //called by GameManager when this Unit is played on the play field public void Activate(Faction pFaction, PlaceableData pData) { faction = pFaction; hitPoints = pData.hitPoints; targetType = pData.targetType; attackRange = pData.attackRange; attackRatio = pData.attackRatio; speed = pData.speed; damage = pData.damagePerAttack; attackAudioClip = pData.attackClip; dieAudioClip = pData.dieClip; //TODO: add more as necessary navMeshAgent.speed = speed; animator.SetFloat("MoveSpeed", speed); //will act as multiplier to the speed of the run animation clip state = States.Idle; navMeshAgent.enabled = true; } public override void SetTarget(ThinkingPlaceable t) { base.SetTarget(t); } //Unit moves towards the target public override void Seek() { if(target == null) return; base.Seek(); navMeshAgent.SetDestination(target.transform.position); navMeshAgent.isStopped = false; animator.SetBool("IsMoving", true); } //Unit has gotten to its target. This function puts it in "attack mode", but doesn't delive any damage (see DealBlow) public override void StartAttack() { base.StartAttack(); navMeshAgent.isStopped = true; animator.SetBool("IsMoving", false); } //Starts the attack animation, and is repeated according to the Unit's attackRatio public override void DealBlow() { base.DealBlow(); animator.SetTrigger("Attack"); transform.forward = (target.transform.position - transform.position).normalized; //turn towards the target } public override void Stop() { base.Stop(); navMeshAgent.isStopped = true; animator.SetBool("IsMoving", false); } protected override void Die() { base.Die(); navMeshAgent.enabled = false; animator.SetTrigger("IsDead"); } } }