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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline;
enum ChangeType
public class MaterialEmissionOverride : MonoBehaviour
public int materialID = 0; //which material ID to modify? (typically, set to 0)
public Color color = Color.white;
public float intensity = 1f;
string emissiveColorName = "_EmissionColor";
string emissiveIntensityName = "_EmissiveIntensity";
public float emissiveDimmer = 1.0f;
public bool driveEmissiveWithLight = true;
public HDAdditionalLightData additionalLight;
private Renderer rend;
private MaterialPropertyBlock mpb;
private Light drivingLight;
private Color _oldColor;
private Color _originalColor;
private float _oldIntensity;
private float _originalIntensity;
private void OnEnable()
if (rend == null)
rend = GetComponent<Renderer>();
_originalColor = rend.sharedMaterial.GetColor(emissiveColorName).gamma;
_originalIntensity = rend.sharedMaterial.GetFloat(emissiveIntensityName);
if (driveEmissiveWithLight && additionalLight != null)
drivingLight = additionalLight.GetComponent<Light>();
if (driveEmissiveWithLight && additionalLight == null)
Debug.LogWarning(gameObject.name + "'s emissive tries to read a light's intensity but the reference is null.");
_oldColor = _originalColor;
_oldIntensity = _originalIntensity;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (additionalLight != null && driveEmissiveWithLight)
if (!additionalLight.gameObject.activeInHierarchy || !drivingLight.enabled)
emissiveDimmer = 0.0f;
emissiveDimmer = additionalLight.lightDimmer;
if (drivingLight != null)
color = drivingLight.color;
//Change to HDR color, intensity is in the color now
var finalColor = _originalColor * color;
var finalIntensity = _originalIntensity * intensity * emissiveDimmer;
if(finalColor != _oldColor && finalIntensity != _oldIntensity)
SetPropertyBlock(ChangeType.Both, finalColor, finalIntensity);
//update color if the value has changed
else if (_oldColor != finalColor)
SetPropertyBlock(ChangeType.Color, finalColor, finalIntensity);
//update intensity if the value has changed
else if (_oldIntensity != finalIntensity)
SetPropertyBlock(ChangeType.Intensity, finalColor, finalIntensity);
void SetPropertyBlock(ChangeType type, Color color, float intensity)
//ensure a renderer is available
if (rend == null)
rend = GetComponent<Renderer>();
if (rend != null)
//create a new material property block
mpb = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
//get material property block
rend.GetPropertyBlock(mpb, materialID);
//change color
if (type == ChangeType.Color)
mpb.SetColor(emissiveColorName, color);
//change intensity
if (type == ChangeType.Intensity)
mpb.SetFloat(emissiveIntensityName, intensity);
//set material property block
rend.SetPropertyBlock(mpb, materialID);
_oldColor = color;
_oldIntensity = intensity;