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using GameplayIngredients;
using GameplayIngredients.Events;
using NaughtyAttributes;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.VFX;
using UnityEngine.VFX.Utility;
public class OnShakeEvent : EventBase
public float maxDelay = 0.25f;
[Header("Rigid Body Interactions")]
[ReorderableList, NonNullCheck]
public Rigidbody[] rigidBodies;
public float impulseGain = 1.0f;
[Header("VisualEffect Interactions")]
[ReorderableList, NonNullCheck]
public VisualEffect[] visualEffects;
public string eventName = "OnPlay";
public string stopEventName = "OnStop";
public bool playOnlyIfVisible = true;
public float disableAfterDelay = 1.0f;
[Tooltip("Sets the impact position to position attribute")]
public bool setPositionAttribute = false;
[Tooltip("Sets the impact strength to size attribute")]
public bool setSizeAttribute = false;
[Tooltip("Sets the impact force to velocity attribute")]
public bool setVelocityAttribute = false;
public Callable[] OnShake;
private void OnEnable()
eventAttributes = new Dictionary<VisualEffect, VFXEventAttribute>();
private void OnDisable()
Dictionary<VisualEffect, VFXEventAttribute> eventAttributes;
ExposedProperty position = "position";
ExposedProperty size = "size";
ExposedProperty velocity = "velocity";
Coroutine shakeCoroutine;
public void Shake(ShakeManager.Settings shake, float attenuation)
if (shakeCoroutine != null)
shakeCoroutine = StartCoroutine(ShakeCoroutine(shake, attenuation));
public IEnumerator ShakeCoroutine(ShakeManager.Settings shake, float attenuation)
float dist = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, shake.Position);
//float intensity = shake.Intensity / Mathf.Pow(dist + 1, attenuation);
float intensity = shake.Intensity;
Vector3 forceVector = Vector3.Normalize(transform.position - shake.Position) * intensity;
if(maxDelay > 0.0f)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(Random.Range(0.0f,maxDelay));
if (rigidBodies != null)
foreach(var rb in rigidBodies)
if (rb == null) continue;
rb.AddForce(forceVector * impulseGain, ForceMode.Impulse);
if(visualEffects != null)
foreach(var vfx in visualEffects)
if (vfx == null || (playOnlyIfVisible && vfx.culled))
if (!eventAttributes.ContainsKey(vfx))
eventAttributes.Add(vfx, vfx.CreateVFXEventAttribute());
eventAttributes[vfx].SetVector3(position, shake.Position);
if(setSizeAttribute && eventAttributes[vfx].HasFloat(size))
eventAttributes[vfx].SetFloat(size, intensity);
eventAttributes[vfx].SetVector3(velocity, forceVector);
vfx.SendEvent(eventName, eventAttributes[vfx]);
if (visualEffects.Length > 0 && disableAfterDelay > 0.0f)
if(stopVFXCoroutine != null)
stopVFXCoroutine = StartCoroutine(StopAfter());
Coroutine stopVFXCoroutine;
IEnumerator StopAfter()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(disableAfterDelay);
foreach (var vfx in visualEffects)
if (vfx == null || (playOnlyIfVisible && vfx.culled))