
Updated RM with version numbers

GitHub 6 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 9 次插入84 次删除
  1. 93


This project is a library of different custom shaders created using [Unity 2018.1's Shader Graph feature](https://forum.unity.com/threads/feedback-wanted-shader-graph.511960/). All of the shaders are compatible for the [Lightweight Scriptable Render Pipeline](https://forum.unity.com/threads/feedback-wanted-scriptable-render-pipelines.470095/).
This project is a library of different custom shaders created using [Unity's Shader Graph feature](https://forum.unity.com/threads/feedback-wanted-shader-graph.511960/). All of the shaders are compatible for the [Lightweight Scriptable Render Pipeline](https://forum.unity.com/threads/feedback-wanted-scriptable-render-pipelines.470095/).
The current list of Shader Graphs included:
Contains examples for:
- Mesh Renderers/Skinned Mesh Renderers (located in ExampleScene-Player)
- Simple Particles
- Procedural Graphs and Animations (Using no Textures)
- Sprites
- Some 'Scenarios' such as Triplanar Grass and Vertex Offset Sine Wave
Mesh Renderer:
- Colored Rim
- Scrolling Texture Overlay
- Colored Gradient
- Sliced (Inspired by
[Sliced Shader in Surface Shader Documentation](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/SL-SurfaceShaderExamples.html))
- Snow
- Toon Ramp (No Lighting Data so I used a manual Vector 3 property for Light Direction)
- Texture Dissolve (With Colored Edge)
- Hologram (Using Screen Position)
- Colored Ghost Noise
- Phase In And Out (Split with a Colored Edge)
- Basic Solid Circle
- Basic Soft Circle
- Spiral
- Basic Sprite (Simple)
- Basic Sprite (Sub Graph)
- Hologram Overlay
- Glowing
- Gradient
- Normal Map
- Shape Ellipse
- Shape Rectangle
- Shape Rounded Rectangle
- Shape Polygon
- Shape Ring
- Shape Multiple
- Shape Multiple Different Colors
- Shape Inverted
- Shape Tiled
- UV Offset Ping Pong
- UV Auto Rotation
- UV Auto Scroll
- UV Auto Orbit
- UV Warped
- UV Warped Ping Pong
- UV Spherized Ping Pong
- UV Shape Scale Ping Pong
- UV Auto Transforms Combined
- Color Ping Pong
- Color Random Flicker
- Color Linear Gradient
- Color Radial Gradient
- Color Split
- Color Split Ping Pong
- Color Soft Split
- Color Soft Split Ping Pong
- Pattern Stripes
- Pattern Checkerboard
- Pattern Shatter
- Pattern Shatter Auto Rotation
- Pattern Rings
- Pattern Rings Auto Scroll
- Pattern Spiral
- Pattern Spiral Auto Rotation
- Pattern Fish Eye
- Noise Color Blend
- Noise Color Blend Auto Scroll
- Noise Color Split
- Noise Color Split Ping Pong
- Noise Color Split Waves
- Noise Circle
- Noise Circle Auto Scroll
- Noise Voronoi
- Noise Voronoi Shuffle
<<<<<<< HEAD
Unity 2018.1.5
Package: com.unity.render-pipelines.lightweight: 1.1.10-preview
Unity 2018.2b7
Package: com.unity.render-pipelines.lightweight: 2.0.3-preview
>>>>>>> 2018.2
- Version: Unity 2018.3.0f2
- Package: com.unity.render-pipelines.lightweight: 4.6.0-preview
**Known Issues**
