您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

1391 行
59 KiB

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using UnityEditor.Graphing;
using UnityEditor.Graphing.Util;
using UnityEditorInternal;
using UnityEngine;
using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug;
using System.Reflection;
namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph
// a structure used to track active variable dependencies in the shader code
// (i.e. the use of uv0 in the pixel shader means we need a uv0 interpolator, etc.)
public struct Dependency
public string name; // the name of the thing
public string dependsOn; // the thing above depends on this -- it reads it / calls it / requires it to be defined
public Dependency(string name, string dependsOn)
this.name = name;
this.dependsOn = dependsOn;
public class InterpolatorPack : System.Attribute
public InterpolatorPack()
// attribute used to flag a field as needing an HLSL semantic applied
// i.e. float3 position : POSITION;
// ^ semantic
public class Semantic : System.Attribute
public string semantic;
public Semantic(string semantic)
this.semantic = semantic;
// attribute used to flag a field as being optional
// i.e. if it is not active, then we can omit it from the struct
public class Optional : System.Attribute
public Optional()
// attribute used to override the HLSL type of a field with a custom type string
public class OverrideType : System.Attribute
public string typeName;
public OverrideType(string typeName)
this.typeName = typeName;
// attribute used to disable a field using a preprocessor #if
public class PreprocessorIf : System.Attribute
public string conditional;
public PreprocessorIf(string conditional)
this.conditional = conditional;
public static class ShaderSpliceUtil
private static int GetFloatVectorCount(string typeName)
if (typeName.Equals("Vector4"))
return 4;
else if (typeName.Equals("Vector3"))
return 3;
else if (typeName.Equals("Vector2"))
return 2;
else if (typeName.Equals("Single"))
return 1;
return 0;
private static string[] vectorTypeNames =
private static char[] channelNames =
{ 'x', 'y', 'z', 'w' };
private static string GetChannelSwizzle(int firstChannel, int channelCount)
System.Text.StringBuilder result = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
int lastChannel = System.Math.Min(firstChannel + channelCount - 1, 4);
for (int index = firstChannel; index <= lastChannel; index++)
return result.ToString();
private static bool ShouldSpliceField(System.Type parentType, FieldInfo field, HashSet<string> activeFields, out bool isOptional)
bool fieldActive = true;
isOptional = field.IsDefined(typeof(Optional), false);
if (isOptional)
string fullName = parentType.Name + "." + field.Name;
if (!activeFields.Contains(fullName))
// not active, skip the optional field
fieldActive = false;
return fieldActive;
private static string GetFieldSemantic(FieldInfo field)
string semanticString = null;
object[] semantics = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Semantic), false);
if (semantics.Length > 0)
Semantic firstSemantic = (Semantic)semantics[0];
semanticString = " : " + firstSemantic.semantic;
return semanticString;
private static string GetFieldType(FieldInfo field, out int floatVectorCount)
string fieldType;
object[] overrideType = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(OverrideType), false);
if (overrideType.Length > 0)
OverrideType first = (OverrideType)overrideType[0];
fieldType = first.typeName;
floatVectorCount = 0;
// TODO: handle non-float types
floatVectorCount = GetFloatVectorCount(field.FieldType.Name);
fieldType = vectorTypeNames[floatVectorCount];
return fieldType;
private static bool IsFloatVectorType(string type)
return GetFloatVectorCount(type) != 0;
private static string GetFieldConditional(FieldInfo field)
string conditional = null;
object[] overrideType = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PreprocessorIf), false);
if (overrideType.Length > 0)
PreprocessorIf first = (PreprocessorIf)overrideType[0];
conditional = first.conditional;
return conditional;
public static void BuildType(System.Type t, HashSet<string> activeFields, ShaderGenerator result)
result.AddShaderChunk("struct " + t.Name + " {");
foreach (FieldInfo field in t.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public))
if (field.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field)
bool isOptional;
if (ShouldSpliceField(t, field, activeFields, out isOptional))
string semanticString = GetFieldSemantic(field);
int floatVectorCount;
string fieldType = GetFieldType(field, out floatVectorCount);
string conditional = GetFieldConditional(field);
if (conditional != null)
result.AddShaderChunk("#if " + conditional);
string fieldDecl = fieldType + " " + field.Name + semanticString + ";" + (isOptional ? " // optional" : string.Empty);
if (conditional != null)
result.AddShaderChunk("#endif // " + conditional);
object[] packAttributes = t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(InterpolatorPack), false);
if (packAttributes.Length > 0)
BuildPackedType(t, activeFields, result);
public static void BuildPackedType(System.Type unpacked, HashSet<string> activeFields, ShaderGenerator result)
// for each interpolator, the number of components used (up to 4 for a float4 interpolator)
List<int> packedCounts = new List<int>();
ShaderGenerator packer = new ShaderGenerator();
ShaderGenerator unpacker = new ShaderGenerator();
ShaderGenerator structEnd = new ShaderGenerator();
string unpackedStruct = unpacked.Name.ToString();
string packedStruct = "Packed" + unpacked.Name;
string packerFunction = "Pack" + unpacked.Name;
string unpackerFunction = "Unpack" + unpacked.Name;
// declare struct header:
// struct packedStruct {
result.AddShaderChunk("struct " + packedStruct + " {");
// declare function headers:
// packedStruct packerFunction(unpackedStruct input)
// {
// packedStruct output;
packer.AddShaderChunk(packedStruct + " " + packerFunction + "(" + unpackedStruct + " input)");
packer.AddShaderChunk(packedStruct + " output;");
// unpackedStruct unpackerFunction(packedStruct input)
// {
// unpackedStruct output;
unpacker.AddShaderChunk(unpackedStruct + " " + unpackerFunction + "(" + packedStruct + " input)");
unpacker.AddShaderChunk(unpackedStruct + " output;");
// TODO: this could do a better job packing
// especially if we allowed breaking up fields across multiple interpolators (to pack them into remaining space...)
// though we would want to only do this if it improves final interpolator count, and is worth it on the target machine
foreach (FieldInfo field in unpacked.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public))
if (field.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field)
bool isOptional;
if (ShouldSpliceField(unpacked, field, activeFields, out isOptional))
string semanticString = GetFieldSemantic(field);
int floatVectorCount;
string fieldType = GetFieldType(field, out floatVectorCount);
string conditional = GetFieldConditional(field);
if ((semanticString != null) || (conditional != null) || (floatVectorCount == 0))
// not a packed value
if (conditional != null)
structEnd.AddShaderChunk("#if " + conditional);
packer.AddShaderChunk("#if " + conditional);
unpacker.AddShaderChunk("#if " + conditional);
structEnd.AddShaderChunk(fieldType + " " + field.Name + semanticString + "; // unpacked");
packer.AddShaderChunk("output." + field.Name + " = input." + field.Name + ";");
unpacker.AddShaderChunk("output." + field.Name + " = input." + field.Name + ";");
if (conditional != null)
structEnd.AddShaderChunk("#endif // " + conditional);
packer.AddShaderChunk("#endif // " + conditional);
unpacker.AddShaderChunk("#endif // " + conditional);
// pack float field
// super simple packing: use the first interpolator that has room for the whole value
int interpIndex = packedCounts.FindIndex(x => (x + floatVectorCount <= 4));
int firstChannel;
if (interpIndex < 0)
// allocate a new interpolator
interpIndex = packedCounts.Count;
firstChannel = 0;
// pack into existing interpolator
firstChannel = packedCounts[interpIndex];
packedCounts[interpIndex] += floatVectorCount;
// add code to packer and unpacker -- packed data declaration is handled later
string packedChannels = GetChannelSwizzle(firstChannel, floatVectorCount);
packer.AddShaderChunk(string.Format("output.interp{0:00}.{1} = input.{2};", interpIndex, packedChannels, field.Name));
unpacker.AddShaderChunk(string.Format("output.{0} = input.interp{1:00}.{2};", field.Name, interpIndex, packedChannels));
// add packed data declarations to struct, using the packedCounts
for (int index = 0; index < packedCounts.Count; index++)
int count = packedCounts[index];
result.AddShaderChunk(string.Format("{0} interp{1:00} : TEXCOORD{1}; // auto-packed", vectorTypeNames[count], index));
// add unpacked data declarations to struct (must be at end)
// close declarations
packer.AddShaderChunk("return output;");
unpacker.AddShaderChunk("return output;");
// combine all of the code into the result
// returns the offset of the first non-whitespace character, in the range [start, end] inclusive ... will return end if none found
private static int SkipWhitespace(string str, int start, int end)
int index = start;
while (index < end)
char c = str[index];
if (!Char.IsWhiteSpace(c))
return index;
public class TemplatePreprocessor
// inputs
HashSet<string> activeFields;
Dictionary<string, string> namedFragments;
string templatePath;
bool debugOutput;
string buildTypeAssemblyNameFormat;
// intermediates
HashSet<string> includedFiles;
// outputs
ShaderStringBuilder result;
List<string> sourceAssetDependencyPaths;
public TemplatePreprocessor(HashSet<string> activeFields, Dictionary<string, string> namedFragments, bool debugOutput, string templatePath, List<string> sourceAssetDependencyPaths, string buildTypeAssemblyNameFormat, ShaderStringBuilder outShaderCodeResult = null)
this.activeFields = activeFields;
this.namedFragments = namedFragments;
this.debugOutput = debugOutput;
this.templatePath = templatePath;
this.sourceAssetDependencyPaths = sourceAssetDependencyPaths;
this.buildTypeAssemblyNameFormat = buildTypeAssemblyNameFormat;
this.result = outShaderCodeResult ?? new ShaderStringBuilder();
includedFiles = new HashSet<string>();
public ShaderStringBuilder GetShaderCode()
return result;
public void ProcessTemplateFile(string filePath)
if (File.Exists(filePath) &&
if (sourceAssetDependencyPaths != null)
string[] templateLines = File.ReadAllLines(filePath);
foreach (string line in templateLines)
ProcessTemplateLine(line, 0, line.Length);
private struct Token
public string s;
public int start;
public int end;
public Token(string s, int start, int end)
this.s = s;
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
public static Token Invalid()
return new Token(null, 0, 0);
public bool IsValid()
return (s != null);
public bool Is(string other)
int len = end - start;
return (other.Length == len) && (0 == string.Compare(s, start, other, 0, len));
public string GetString()
int len = end - start;
if (len > 0)
return s.Substring(start, end - start);
return null;
public void ProcessTemplateLine(string line, int start, int end)
bool appendEndln = true;
int cur = start;
while (cur < end)
// find an escape code '$'
int dollar = line.IndexOf('$', cur, end - cur);
if (dollar < 0)
// no escape code found in the remaining code -- just append the rest verbatim
AppendSubstring(line, cur, true, end, false);
// found $ escape sequence
Token command = ParseIdentifier(line, dollar+1, end);
if (!command.IsValid())
Error("ERROR: $ must be followed by a command string (if, splice, or include)", line, dollar+1);
if (command.Is("include"))
ProcessIncludeCommand(command, end);
break; // include command always ignores the rest of the line, error or not
else if (command.Is("splice"))
if (!ProcessSpliceCommand(command, end, ref cur))
// error, skip the rest of the line
else if (command.Is("buildType"))
ProcessBuildTypeCommand(command, end);
break; // buildType command always ignores the rest of the line, error or not
// let's see if it is a predicate
Token predicate = ParseUntil(line, dollar + 1, end, ':');
if (!predicate.IsValid())
Error("ERROR: unrecognized command: " + command.GetString(), line, command.start);
if (!ProcessPredicate(predicate, end, ref cur, ref appendEndln))
break; // skip the rest of the line
if (appendEndln)
private void ProcessIncludeCommand(Token includeCommand, int lineEnd)
if (Expect(includeCommand.s, includeCommand.end, '('))
Token param = ParseString(includeCommand.s, includeCommand.end + 1, lineEnd);
if (!param.IsValid())
Error("ERROR: $include expected a string file path parameter", includeCommand.s, includeCommand.end + 1);
var includeLocation = Path.Combine(templatePath, param.GetString());
if (!File.Exists(includeLocation))
Error("ERROR: $include cannot find file : " + includeLocation, includeCommand.s, param.start);
// skip a line, just to be sure we've cleaned up the current line
result.AppendLine("// TEMPLATE INCLUDE : " + param.GetString());
result.AppendLine("// END TEMPLATE INCLUDE : " + param.GetString());
private bool ProcessSpliceCommand(Token spliceCommand, int lineEnd, ref int cur)
if (!Expect(spliceCommand.s, spliceCommand.end, '('))
return false;
Token param = ParseUntil(spliceCommand.s, spliceCommand.end + 1, lineEnd, ')');
if (!param.IsValid())
Error("ERROR: splice command is missing a ')'", spliceCommand.s, spliceCommand.start);
return false;
// append everything before the beginning of the escape sequence
AppendSubstring(spliceCommand.s, cur, true, spliceCommand.start-1, false);
// find the named fragment
string name = param.GetString(); // unfortunately this allocates a new string
string fragment;
if ((namedFragments != null) && namedFragments.TryGetValue(name, out fragment))
// splice the fragment
// no named fragment found
result.Append("/* WARNING: $splice Could not find named fragment '{0}' */", name);
// advance to just after the ')' and continue parsing
cur = param.end + 1;
return true;
private void ProcessBuildTypeCommand(Token command, int endLine)
if (Expect(command.s, command.end, '('))
Token param = ParseUntil(command.s, command.end + 1, endLine, ')');
if (!param.IsValid())
Error("ERROR: buildType command is missing a ')'", command.s, command.start);
string typeName = param.GetString();
string assemblyQualifiedTypeName = string.Format(buildTypeAssemblyNameFormat, typeName);
Type type = Type.GetType(assemblyQualifiedTypeName);
if (type == null)
Error("ERROR: buildType could not find type : " + typeName, command.s, param.start);
result.AppendLine("// Generated Type: " + typeName);
ShaderGenerator temp = new ShaderGenerator();
BuildType(type, activeFields, temp);
result.AppendLine(temp.GetShaderString(0, false));
private bool ProcessPredicate(Token predicate, int endLine, ref int cur, ref bool appendEndln)
// eval if(param)
string fieldName = predicate.GetString();
int nonwhitespace = SkipWhitespace(predicate.s, predicate.end + 1, endLine);
if (activeFields.Contains(fieldName))
// predicate is active
// append everything before the beginning of the escape sequence
AppendSubstring(predicate.s, cur, true, predicate.start-1, false);
// continue parsing the rest of the line, starting with the first nonwhitespace character
cur = nonwhitespace;
return true;
// predicate is not active
if (debugOutput)
// append everything before the beginning of the escape sequence
AppendSubstring(predicate.s, cur, true, predicate.start-1, false);
// append the rest of the line, commented out
result.Append("// ");
AppendSubstring(predicate.s, nonwhitespace, true, endLine, false);
// don't append anything
appendEndln = false;
return false;
private Token ParseIdentifier(string code, int start, int end)
if (start < end)
char c = code[start];
if (Char.IsLetter(c) || (c == '_'))
int cur = start + 1;
while (cur < end)
c = code[cur];
if (!(Char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) || (c == '_')))
return new Token(code, start, cur);
return Token.Invalid();
private Token ParseString(string line, int start, int end)
if (Expect(line, start, '"'))
return ParseUntil(line, start + 1, end, '"');
return Token.Invalid();
private Token ParseUntil(string line, int start, int end, char endChar)
int cur = start;
while (cur < end)
if (line[cur] == endChar)
return new Token(line, start, cur);
return Token.Invalid();
private bool Expect(string line, int location, char expected)
if ((location < line.Length) && (line[location] == expected))
return true;
Error("Expected '" + expected + "'", line, location);
return false;
private void Error(string error, string line, int location)
// append the line for context
result.Append("// ");
AppendSubstring(line, 0, true, line.Length, false);
// append the location marker, and error description
result.Append("// ");
result.Append("^ ");
// an easier to use version of substring Append() -- explicit inclusion on each end, and checks for positive length
private void AppendSubstring(string str, int start, bool includeStart, int end, bool includeEnd)
if (!includeStart)
if (!includeEnd)
int count = end - start + 1;
if (count > 0)
result.Append(str, start, count);
public static void ApplyDependencies(HashSet<string> activeFields, List<Dependency[]> dependsList)
// add active fields to queue
Queue<string> fieldsToPropagate = new Queue<string>();
foreach (string f in activeFields)
// foreach field in queue:
while (fieldsToPropagate.Count > 0)
string field = fieldsToPropagate.Dequeue();
if (activeFields.Contains(field)) // this should always be true
// find all dependencies of field that are not already active
foreach (Dependency[] dependArray in dependsList)
foreach (Dependency d in dependArray.Where(d => (d.name == field) && !activeFields.Contains(d.dependsOn)))
// activate them and add them to the queue
public static class GraphUtil
internal static string ConvertCamelCase(string text, bool preserveAcronyms)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
return string.Empty;
StringBuilder newText = new StringBuilder(text.Length * 2);
for (int i = 1; i < text.Length; i++)
if (char.IsUpper(text[i]))
if ((text[i - 1] != ' ' && !char.IsUpper(text[i - 1])) ||
(preserveAcronyms && char.IsUpper(text[i - 1]) &&
i < text.Length - 1 && !char.IsUpper(text[i + 1])))
newText.Append(' ');
return newText.ToString();
public static void GenerateApplicationVertexInputs(ShaderGraphRequirements graphRequiements, ShaderStringBuilder vertexInputs)
vertexInputs.AppendLine("struct GraphVertexInput");
using (vertexInputs.BlockSemicolonScope())
vertexInputs.AppendLine("float4 vertex : POSITION;");
vertexInputs.AppendLine("float3 normal : NORMAL;");
vertexInputs.AppendLine("float4 tangent : TANGENT;");
if (graphRequiements.requiresVertexColor)
vertexInputs.AppendLine("float4 color : COLOR;");
foreach (var channel in graphRequiements.requiresMeshUVs.Distinct())
vertexInputs.AppendLine("float4 texcoord{0} : TEXCOORD{0};", (int)channel);
static void Visit(List<INode> outputList, Dictionary<Guid, INode> unmarkedNodes, INode node)
if (!unmarkedNodes.ContainsKey(node.guid))
foreach (var slot in node.GetInputSlots<ISlot>())
foreach (var edge in node.owner.GetEdges(slot.slotReference))
var inputNode = node.owner.GetNodeFromGuid(edge.outputSlot.nodeGuid);
Visit(outputList, unmarkedNodes, inputNode);
public static GenerationResults GetShader(this AbstractMaterialGraph graph, AbstractMaterialNode node, GenerationMode mode, string name)
// ----------------------------------------------------- //
// SETUP //
// ----------------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------
// String builders
var finalShader = new ShaderStringBuilder();
var results = new GenerationResults();
bool isUber = node == null;
var shaderProperties = new PropertyCollector();
var functionBuilder = new ShaderStringBuilder();
var functionRegistry = new FunctionRegistry(functionBuilder);
var vertexDescriptionFunction = new ShaderStringBuilder(0);
var surfaceDescriptionInputStruct = new ShaderStringBuilder(0);
var surfaceDescriptionStruct = new ShaderStringBuilder(0);
var surfaceDescriptionFunction = new ShaderStringBuilder(0);
var vertexInputs = new ShaderStringBuilder(0);
// -------------------------------------
// Get Slot and Node lists
var activeNodeList = ListPool<INode>.Get();
if (isUber)
var unmarkedNodes = graph.GetNodes<INode>().Where(x => !(x is IMasterNode)).ToDictionary(x => x.guid);
while (unmarkedNodes.Any())
var unmarkedNode = unmarkedNodes.FirstOrDefault();
Visit(activeNodeList, unmarkedNodes, unmarkedNode.Value);
NodeUtils.DepthFirstCollectNodesFromNode(activeNodeList, node);
var slots = new List<MaterialSlot>();
foreach (var activeNode in isUber ? activeNodeList.Where(n => ((AbstractMaterialNode)n).hasPreview) : ((INode)node).ToEnumerable())
if (activeNode is IMasterNode || activeNode is SubGraphOutputNode)
// -------------------------------------
// Get Requirements
var requirements = ShaderGraphRequirements.FromNodes(activeNodeList, ShaderStageCapability.Fragment);
// -------------------------------------
// Add preview shader output property
results.outputIdProperty = new Vector1ShaderProperty
displayName = "OutputId",
generatePropertyBlock = false,
value = -1
if (isUber)
// ----------------------------------------------------- //
// ----------------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------
// Generate Vertex Description function
vertexDescriptionFunction.AppendLine("GraphVertexInput PopulateVertexData(GraphVertexInput v)");
using (vertexDescriptionFunction.BlockScope())
vertexDescriptionFunction.AppendLine("return v;");
// ----------------------------------------------------- //
// ----------------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------
// Generate Input structure for Surface Description function
// Surface Description Input requirements are needed to exclude intermediate translation spaces
surfaceDescriptionInputStruct.AppendLine("struct SurfaceDescriptionInputs");
using (surfaceDescriptionInputStruct.BlockSemicolonScope())
ShaderGenerator.GenerateSpaceTranslationSurfaceInputs(requirements.requiresNormal, InterpolatorType.Normal, surfaceDescriptionInputStruct);
ShaderGenerator.GenerateSpaceTranslationSurfaceInputs(requirements.requiresTangent, InterpolatorType.Tangent, surfaceDescriptionInputStruct);
ShaderGenerator.GenerateSpaceTranslationSurfaceInputs(requirements.requiresBitangent, InterpolatorType.BiTangent, surfaceDescriptionInputStruct);
ShaderGenerator.GenerateSpaceTranslationSurfaceInputs(requirements.requiresViewDir, InterpolatorType.ViewDirection, surfaceDescriptionInputStruct);
ShaderGenerator.GenerateSpaceTranslationSurfaceInputs(requirements.requiresPosition, InterpolatorType.Position, surfaceDescriptionInputStruct);
if (requirements.requiresVertexColor)
surfaceDescriptionInputStruct.AppendLine("float4 {0};", ShaderGeneratorNames.VertexColor);
if (requirements.requiresScreenPosition)
surfaceDescriptionInputStruct.AppendLine("float4 {0};", ShaderGeneratorNames.ScreenPosition);
if (requirements.requiresFaceSign)
surfaceDescriptionInputStruct.AppendLine("float {0};", ShaderGeneratorNames.FaceSign);
results.previewMode = PreviewMode.Preview3D;
if (!isUber)
foreach (var pNode in activeNodeList.OfType<AbstractMaterialNode>())
if (pNode.previewMode == PreviewMode.Preview3D)
results.previewMode = PreviewMode.Preview3D;
foreach (var channel in requirements.requiresMeshUVs.Distinct())
surfaceDescriptionInputStruct.AppendLine("half4 {0};", channel.GetUVName());
// -------------------------------------
// Generate Output structure for Surface Description function
GenerateSurfaceDescriptionStruct(surfaceDescriptionStruct, slots, !isUber);
// -------------------------------------
// Generate Surface Description function
outputIdProperty: results.outputIdProperty);
// ----------------------------------------------------- //
// ----------------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------
// Generate Input structure for Vertex shader
GenerateApplicationVertexInputs(requirements, vertexInputs);
// ----------------------------------------------------- //
// ----------------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------
// Build final shader
finalShader.AppendLine(@"Shader ""{0}""", name);
using (finalShader.BlockScope())
using (finalShader.BlockScope())
finalShader.AppendLine("#define USE_LEGACY_UNITY_MATRIX_VARIABLES");
finalShader.AppendLine(@"#include ""CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/Common.hlsl""");
finalShader.AppendLine(@"#include ""CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/Packing.hlsl""");
finalShader.AppendLine(@"#include ""CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl""");
finalShader.AppendLine(@"#include ""CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/UnityInstancing.hlsl""");
finalShader.AppendLine(@"#include ""CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/EntityLighting.hlsl""");
finalShader.AppendLine(@"#include ""ShaderGraphLibrary/ShaderVariables.hlsl""");
finalShader.AppendLine(@"#include ""ShaderGraphLibrary/ShaderVariablesFunctions.hlsl""");
finalShader.AppendLine(@"#include ""ShaderGraphLibrary/Functions.hlsl""");
finalShader.AppendLines(ShaderGenerator.GetPreviewSubShader(node, requirements));
// -------------------------------------
// Finalize
results.configuredTextures = shaderProperties.GetConfiguredTexutres();
ShaderSourceMap sourceMap;
results.shader = finalShader.ToString(out sourceMap);
results.sourceMap = sourceMap;
return results;
public static void GenerateSurfaceDescriptionStruct(ShaderStringBuilder surfaceDescriptionStruct, List<MaterialSlot> slots, bool isMaster, string structName = "SurfaceDescription", HashSet<string> activeFields = null)
surfaceDescriptionStruct.AppendLine("struct {0}", structName);
using (surfaceDescriptionStruct.BlockSemicolonScope())
if (isMaster)
foreach (var slot in slots)
string hlslName = NodeUtils.GetHLSLSafeName(slot.shaderOutputName);
surfaceDescriptionStruct.AppendLine("{0} {1};",
NodeUtils.ConvertConcreteSlotValueTypeToString(AbstractMaterialNode.OutputPrecision.@float, slot.concreteValueType),
if (activeFields != null)
activeFields.Add(structName + "." + hlslName);
surfaceDescriptionStruct.AppendLine("float4 PreviewOutput;");
if (activeFields != null)
activeFields.Add(structName + ".PreviewOutput");
public static void GenerateSurfaceDescriptionFunction(
List<INode> activeNodeList,
AbstractMaterialNode masterNode,
AbstractMaterialGraph graph,
ShaderStringBuilder surfaceDescriptionFunction,
FunctionRegistry functionRegistry,
PropertyCollector shaderProperties,
ShaderGraphRequirements requirements,
GenerationMode mode,
string functionName = "PopulateSurfaceData",
string surfaceDescriptionName = "SurfaceDescription",
Vector1ShaderProperty outputIdProperty = null,
IEnumerable<MaterialSlot> slots = null,
string graphInputStructName = "SurfaceDescriptionInputs")
if (graph == null)
GraphContext graphContext = new GraphContext(graphInputStructName);
graph.CollectShaderProperties(shaderProperties, mode);
surfaceDescriptionFunction.AppendLine(String.Format("{0} {1}(SurfaceDescriptionInputs IN)", surfaceDescriptionName, functionName), false);
using (surfaceDescriptionFunction.BlockScope())
ShaderGenerator sg = new ShaderGenerator();
surfaceDescriptionFunction.AppendLine("{0} surface = ({0})0;", surfaceDescriptionName);
foreach (var activeNode in activeNodeList.OfType<AbstractMaterialNode>())
if (activeNode is IGeneratesFunction)
functionRegistry.builder.currentNode = activeNode;
(activeNode as IGeneratesFunction).GenerateNodeFunction(functionRegistry, graphContext, mode);
if (activeNode is IGeneratesBodyCode)
(activeNode as IGeneratesBodyCode).GenerateNodeCode(sg, mode);
if (masterNode == null && activeNode.hasPreview)
var outputSlot = activeNode.GetOutputSlots<MaterialSlot>().FirstOrDefault();
if (outputSlot != null)
sg.AddShaderChunk(String.Format("if ({0} == {1}) {{ surface.PreviewOutput = {2}; return surface; }}", outputIdProperty.referenceName, activeNode.tempId.index, ShaderGenerator.AdaptNodeOutputForPreview(activeNode, outputSlot.id, activeNode.GetVariableNameForSlot(outputSlot.id))), false);
// In case of the subgraph output node, the preview is generated
// from the first input to the node.
if (activeNode is SubGraphOutputNode)
var inputSlot = activeNode.GetInputSlots<MaterialSlot>().FirstOrDefault();
if (inputSlot != null)
var foundEdges = graph.GetEdges(inputSlot.slotReference).ToArray();
string slotValue = foundEdges.Any() ? activeNode.GetSlotValue(inputSlot.id, mode) : inputSlot.GetDefaultValue(mode);
sg.AddShaderChunk(String.Format("if ({0} == {1}) {{ surface.PreviewOutput = {2}; return surface; }}", outputIdProperty.referenceName, activeNode.tempId.index, slotValue), false);
activeNode.CollectShaderProperties(shaderProperties, mode);
functionRegistry.builder.currentNode = null;
if (masterNode != null)
if (masterNode is IMasterNode)
var usedSlots = slots ?? masterNode.GetInputSlots<MaterialSlot>();
foreach (var input in usedSlots)
if (input != null)
var foundEdges = graph.GetEdges(input.slotReference).ToArray();
if (foundEdges.Any())
surfaceDescriptionFunction.AppendLine("surface.{0} = {1};", NodeUtils.GetHLSLSafeName(input.shaderOutputName), masterNode.GetSlotValue(input.id, mode));
surfaceDescriptionFunction.AppendLine("surface.{0} = {1};", NodeUtils.GetHLSLSafeName(input.shaderOutputName), input.GetDefaultValue(mode));
else if (masterNode.hasPreview)
foreach (var slot in masterNode.GetOutputSlots<MaterialSlot>())
surfaceDescriptionFunction.AppendLine("surface.{0} = {1};", NodeUtils.GetHLSLSafeName(slot.shaderOutputName), masterNode.GetSlotValue(slot.id, mode));
surfaceDescriptionFunction.AppendLine("return surface;");
const string k_VertexDescriptionStructName = "VertexDescription";
public static void GenerateVertexDescriptionStruct(ShaderStringBuilder builder, List<MaterialSlot> slots, string structName = k_VertexDescriptionStructName, HashSet<string> activeFields = null)
builder.AppendLine("struct {0}", structName);
using (builder.BlockSemicolonScope())
foreach (var slot in slots)
string hlslName = NodeUtils.GetHLSLSafeName(slot.shaderOutputName);
builder.AppendLine("{0} {1};",
NodeUtils.ConvertConcreteSlotValueTypeToString(AbstractMaterialNode.OutputPrecision.@float, slot.concreteValueType),
if (activeFields != null)
activeFields.Add(structName + "." + hlslName);
public static void GenerateVertexDescriptionFunction(
AbstractMaterialGraph graph,
ShaderStringBuilder builder,
FunctionRegistry functionRegistry,
PropertyCollector shaderProperties,
GenerationMode mode,
List<INode> nodes,
List<MaterialSlot> slots,
string graphInputStructName = "VertexDescriptionInputs",
string functionName = "PopulateVertexData",
string graphOutputStructName = k_VertexDescriptionStructName)
if (graph == null)
GraphContext graphContext = new GraphContext(graphInputStructName);
graph.CollectShaderProperties(shaderProperties, mode);
builder.AppendLine("{0} {1}({2} IN)", graphOutputStructName, functionName, graphInputStructName);
using (builder.BlockScope())
ShaderGenerator sg = new ShaderGenerator();
builder.AppendLine("{0} description = ({0})0;", graphOutputStructName);
foreach (var node in nodes.OfType<AbstractMaterialNode>())
var generatesFunction = node as IGeneratesFunction;
if (generatesFunction != null)
functionRegistry.builder.currentNode = node;
generatesFunction.GenerateNodeFunction(functionRegistry, graphContext, mode);
var generatesBodyCode = node as IGeneratesBodyCode;
if (generatesBodyCode != null)
generatesBodyCode.GenerateNodeCode(sg, mode);
node.CollectShaderProperties(shaderProperties, mode);
foreach (var slot in slots)
var isSlotConnected = slot.owner.owner.GetEdges(slot.slotReference).Any();
var slotName = NodeUtils.GetHLSLSafeName(slot.shaderOutputName);
var slotValue = isSlotConnected ? ((AbstractMaterialNode)slot.owner).GetSlotValue(slot.id, mode) : slot.GetDefaultValue(mode);
builder.AppendLine("description.{0} = {1};", slotName, slotValue);
builder.AppendLine("return description;");
public static GenerationResults GetPreviewShader(this AbstractMaterialGraph graph, AbstractMaterialNode node)
return graph.GetShader(node, GenerationMode.Preview, String.Format("hidden/preview/{0}", node.GetVariableNameForNode()));
public static GenerationResults GetUberColorShader(this AbstractMaterialGraph graph)
return graph.GetShader(null, GenerationMode.Preview, "hidden/preview");
static Dictionary<SerializationHelper.TypeSerializationInfo, SerializationHelper.TypeSerializationInfo> s_LegacyTypeRemapping;
public static Dictionary<SerializationHelper.TypeSerializationInfo, SerializationHelper.TypeSerializationInfo> GetLegacyTypeRemapping()
if (s_LegacyTypeRemapping == null)
s_LegacyTypeRemapping = new Dictionary<SerializationHelper.TypeSerializationInfo, SerializationHelper.TypeSerializationInfo>();
foreach (var assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
foreach (var type in assembly.GetTypesOrNothing())
if (type.IsAbstract)
foreach (var attribute in type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FormerNameAttribute), false))
var legacyAttribute = (FormerNameAttribute)attribute;
var serializationInfo = new SerializationHelper.TypeSerializationInfo { fullName = legacyAttribute.fullName };
s_LegacyTypeRemapping[serializationInfo] = SerializationHelper.GetTypeSerializableAsString(type);
return s_LegacyTypeRemapping;
/// <summary>
/// Sanitizes a supplied string such that it does not collide
/// with any other name in a collection.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="existingNames">
/// A collection of names that the new name should not collide with.
/// </param>
/// <param name="duplicateFormat">
/// The format applied to the name if a duplicate exists.
/// This must be a format string that contains `{0}` and `{1}`
/// once each. An example could be `{0} ({1})`, which will append ` (n)`
/// to the name for the n`th duplicate.
/// </param>
/// <param name="name">
/// The name to be sanitized.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// A name that is distinct form any name in `existingNames`.
/// </returns>
internal static string SanitizeName(IEnumerable<string> existingNames, string duplicateFormat, string name)
if (!existingNames.Contains(name))
return name;
string escapedDuplicateFormat = Regex.Escape(duplicateFormat);
// Escaped format will escape string interpolation, so the escape caracters must be removed for these.
escapedDuplicateFormat = escapedDuplicateFormat.Replace(@"\{0}", @"{0}");
escapedDuplicateFormat = escapedDuplicateFormat.Replace(@"\{1}", @"{1}");
var baseRegex = new Regex(string.Format(escapedDuplicateFormat, @"^(.*)", @"(\d+)"));
var baseMatch = baseRegex.Match(name);
if (baseMatch.Success)
name = baseMatch.Groups[1].Value;
string baseNameExpression = string.Format(@"^{0}", Regex.Escape(name));
var regex = new Regex(string.Format(escapedDuplicateFormat, baseNameExpression, @"(\d+)") + "$");
var existingDuplicateNumbers = existingNames.Select(existingName => regex.Match(existingName)).Where(m => m.Success).Select(m => int.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value)).Where(n => n > 0).Distinct().ToList();
var duplicateNumber = 1;
if (existingDuplicateNumbers.Any() && existingDuplicateNumbers.First() == 1)
duplicateNumber = existingDuplicateNumbers.Last() + 1;
for (var i = 1; i < existingDuplicateNumbers.Count; i++)
if (existingDuplicateNumbers[i - 1] != existingDuplicateNumbers[i] - 1)
duplicateNumber = existingDuplicateNumbers[i - 1] + 1;
return string.Format(duplicateFormat, name, duplicateNumber);
public static bool WriteToFile(string path, string content)
File.WriteAllText(path, content);
return true;
catch (Exception e)
return false;
public static void OpenFile(string path)
if (!File.Exists(Path.GetFullPath(path)))
Debug.LogError(string.Format("Path {0} doesn't exists", path));
string file = Path.GetFullPath(path);
ProcessStartInfo pi = new ProcessStartInfo(file);
pi.Arguments = Path.GetFileName(file);
pi.UseShellExecute = true;
pi.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(file);
pi.FileName = ScriptEditorUtility.GetExternalScriptEditor();
pi.Verb = "OPEN";