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using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.LightweightPipeline
public class SetupLightweightConstanstPass : ScriptableRenderPass
public static class LightConstantBuffer
public static int _MainLightPosition;
public static int _MainLightColor;
public static int _AdditionalLightCount;
public static int _AdditionalLightPosition;
public static int _AdditionalLightColor;
public static int _AdditionalLightAttenuation;
public static int _AdditionalLightSpotDir;
public static int _LightIndexBuffer;
const string k_SetupLightConstants = "Setup Light Constants";
MixedLightingSetup m_MixedLightingSetup;
Vector4 k_DefaultLightPosition = new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
Vector4 k_DefaultLightColor = Color.black;
Vector4 k_DefaultLightAttenuation = new Vector4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
Vector4 k_DefaultLightSpotDirection = new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
Vector4[] m_LightPositions;
Vector4[] m_LightColors;
Vector4[] m_LightAttenuations;
Vector4[] m_LightSpotDirections;
private int maxVisibleLocalLights { get; set; }
private ComputeBuffer perObjectLightIndices { get; set; }
public SetupLightweightConstanstPass()
LightConstantBuffer._MainLightPosition = Shader.PropertyToID("_MainLightPosition");
LightConstantBuffer._MainLightColor = Shader.PropertyToID("_MainLightColor");
LightConstantBuffer._AdditionalLightCount = Shader.PropertyToID("_AdditionalLightCount");
LightConstantBuffer._AdditionalLightPosition = Shader.PropertyToID("_AdditionalLightPosition");
LightConstantBuffer._AdditionalLightColor = Shader.PropertyToID("_AdditionalLightColor");
LightConstantBuffer._AdditionalLightAttenuation = Shader.PropertyToID("_AdditionalLightAttenuation");
LightConstantBuffer._AdditionalLightSpotDir = Shader.PropertyToID("_AdditionalLightSpotDir");
LightConstantBuffer._LightIndexBuffer = Shader.PropertyToID("_LightIndexBuffer");
m_LightPositions = new Vector4[0];
m_LightColors = new Vector4[0];
m_LightAttenuations = new Vector4[0];
m_LightSpotDirections = new Vector4[0];
public void Setup(int maxVisibleLocalLights, ComputeBuffer perObjectLightIndices)
this.maxVisibleLocalLights = maxVisibleLocalLights;
this.perObjectLightIndices = perObjectLightIndices;
if (m_LightColors.Length != maxVisibleLocalLights)
m_LightPositions = new Vector4[maxVisibleLocalLights];
m_LightColors = new Vector4[maxVisibleLocalLights];
m_LightAttenuations = new Vector4[maxVisibleLocalLights];
m_LightSpotDirections = new Vector4[maxVisibleLocalLights];
void InitializeLightConstants(List<VisibleLight> lights, int lightIndex, out Vector4 lightPos, out Vector4 lightColor, out Vector4 lightAttenuation, out Vector4 lightSpotDir)
lightPos = k_DefaultLightPosition;
lightColor = k_DefaultLightColor;
lightAttenuation = k_DefaultLightAttenuation;
lightSpotDir = k_DefaultLightSpotDirection;
float subtractiveMixedLighting = 0.0f;
// When no lights are visible, main light will be set to -1.
// In this case we initialize it to default values and return
if (lightIndex < 0)
VisibleLight lightData = lights[lightIndex];
if (lightData.lightType == LightType.Directional)
Vector4 dir = -lightData.localToWorld.GetColumn(2);
lightPos = new Vector4(dir.x, dir.y, dir.z, 0.0f);
Vector4 pos = lightData.localToWorld.GetColumn(3);
lightPos = new Vector4(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 0.0f);
// VisibleLight.finalColor already returns color in active color space
lightColor = lightData.finalColor;
// Directional Light attenuation is initialize so distance attenuation always be 1.0
if (lightData.lightType != LightType.Directional)
// Light attenuation in lightweight matches the unity vanilla one.
// attenuation = 1.0 / distanceToLightSqr
// We offer two different smoothing factors.
// The smoothing factors make sure that the light intensity is zero at the light range limit.
// The first smoothing factor is a linear fade starting at 80 % of the light range.
// smoothFactor = (lightRangeSqr - distanceToLightSqr) / (lightRangeSqr - fadeStartDistanceSqr)
// We rewrite smoothFactor to be able to pre compute the constant terms below and apply the smooth factor
// with one MAD instruction
// smoothFactor = distanceSqr * (1.0 / (fadeDistanceSqr - lightRangeSqr)) + (-lightRangeSqr / (fadeDistanceSqr - lightRangeSqr)
// distanceSqr * oneOverFadeRangeSqr + lightRangeSqrOverFadeRangeSqr
// The other smoothing factor matches the one used in the Unity lightmapper but is slower than the linear one.
// smoothFactor = (1.0 - saturate((distanceSqr * 1.0 / lightrangeSqr)^2))^2
float lightRangeSqr = lightData.range * lightData.range;
float fadeStartDistanceSqr = 0.8f * 0.8f * lightRangeSqr;
float fadeRangeSqr = (fadeStartDistanceSqr - lightRangeSqr);
float oneOverFadeRangeSqr = 1.0f / fadeRangeSqr;
float lightRangeSqrOverFadeRangeSqr = -lightRangeSqr / fadeRangeSqr;
float oneOverLightRangeSqr = 1.0f / Mathf.Max(0.0001f, lightData.range * lightData.range);
// On mobile: Use the faster linear smoothing factor.
// On other devices: Use the smoothing factor that matches the GI.
lightAttenuation.x = Application.isMobilePlatform ? oneOverFadeRangeSqr : oneOverLightRangeSqr;
lightAttenuation.y = lightRangeSqrOverFadeRangeSqr;
subtractiveMixedLighting = 1.0f;
if (lightData.lightType == LightType.Spot)
Vector4 dir = lightData.localToWorld.GetColumn(2);
lightSpotDir = new Vector4(-dir.x, -dir.y, -dir.z, 0.0f);
// Spot Attenuation with a linear falloff can be defined as
// (SdotL - cosOuterAngle) / (cosInnerAngle - cosOuterAngle)
// This can be rewritten as
// invAngleRange = 1.0 / (cosInnerAngle - cosOuterAngle)
// SdotL * invAngleRange + (-cosOuterAngle * invAngleRange)
// If we precompute the terms in a MAD instruction
float cosOuterAngle = Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * lightData.spotAngle * 0.5f);
// We neeed to do a null check for particle lights
// This should be changed in the future
// Particle lights will use an inline function
float cosInnerAngle;
if (lightData.light != null)
cosInnerAngle = Mathf.Cos(LightmapperUtils.ExtractInnerCone(lightData.light) * 0.5f);
cosInnerAngle = Mathf.Cos((2.0f * Mathf.Atan(Mathf.Tan(lightData.spotAngle * 0.5f * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * (64.0f - 18.0f) / 64.0f)) * 0.5f);
float smoothAngleRange = Mathf.Max(0.001f, cosInnerAngle - cosOuterAngle);
float invAngleRange = 1.0f / smoothAngleRange;
float add = -cosOuterAngle * invAngleRange;
lightAttenuation.z = invAngleRange;
lightAttenuation.w = add;
Light light = lightData.light;
// TODO: Add support to shadow mask
if (light != null && light.bakingOutput.mixedLightingMode == MixedLightingMode.Subtractive && light.bakingOutput.lightmapBakeType == LightmapBakeType.Mixed)
if (m_MixedLightingSetup == MixedLightingSetup.None && lightData.light.shadows != LightShadows.None)
m_MixedLightingSetup = MixedLightingSetup.Subtractive;
subtractiveMixedLighting = 0.0f;
// Use the w component of the light position to indicate subtractive mixed light mode.
// The only directional light is the main light, and the rest are punctual lights.
// The main light will always have w = 0 and the additional lights have w = 1.
lightPos.w = subtractiveMixedLighting;
void SetupShaderLightConstants(CommandBuffer cmd, ref LightData lightData)
// Clear to default all light constant data
for (int i = 0; i < maxVisibleLocalLights; ++i)
InitializeLightConstants(lightData.visibleLights, -1, out m_LightPositions[i],
out m_LightColors[i],
out m_LightAttenuations[i],
out m_LightSpotDirections[i]);
m_MixedLightingSetup = MixedLightingSetup.None;
// Main light has an optimized shader path for main light. This will benefit games that only care about a single light.
// Lightweight pipeline also supports only a single shadow light, if available it will be the main light.
SetupMainLightConstants(cmd, ref lightData);
SetupAdditionalLightConstants(cmd, ref lightData);
void SetupMainLightConstants(CommandBuffer cmd, ref LightData lightData)
Vector4 lightPos, lightColor, lightAttenuation, lightSpotDir;
InitializeLightConstants(lightData.visibleLights, lightData.mainLightIndex, out lightPos, out lightColor, out lightAttenuation, out lightSpotDir);
cmd.SetGlobalVector(LightConstantBuffer._MainLightPosition, lightPos);
cmd.SetGlobalVector(LightConstantBuffer._MainLightColor, lightColor);
void SetupAdditionalLightConstants(CommandBuffer cmd, ref LightData lightData)
List<VisibleLight> lights = lightData.visibleLights;
if (lightData.totalAdditionalLightsCount > 0)
int localLightsCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < lights.Count && localLightsCount < maxVisibleLocalLights; ++i)
VisibleLight light = lights[i];
if (light.lightType != LightType.Directional)
InitializeLightConstants(lights, i, out m_LightPositions[localLightsCount],
out m_LightColors[localLightsCount],
out m_LightAttenuations[localLightsCount],
out m_LightSpotDirections[localLightsCount]);
cmd.SetGlobalVector(LightConstantBuffer._AdditionalLightCount, new Vector4(lightData.pixelAdditionalLightsCount,
lightData.totalAdditionalLightsCount, 0.0f, 0.0f));
// if not using a compute buffer, engine will set indices in 2 vec4 constants
// unity_4LightIndices0 and unity_4LightIndices1
if (perObjectLightIndices != null)
cmd.SetGlobalBuffer(LightConstantBuffer._LightIndexBuffer, perObjectLightIndices);
cmd.SetGlobalVector(LightConstantBuffer._AdditionalLightCount, Vector4.zero);
cmd.SetGlobalVectorArray(LightConstantBuffer._AdditionalLightPosition, m_LightPositions);
cmd.SetGlobalVectorArray(LightConstantBuffer._AdditionalLightColor, m_LightColors);
cmd.SetGlobalVectorArray(LightConstantBuffer._AdditionalLightAttenuation, m_LightAttenuations);
cmd.SetGlobalVectorArray(LightConstantBuffer._AdditionalLightSpotDir, m_LightSpotDirections);
void SetShaderKeywords(CommandBuffer cmd, ref CameraData cameraData, ref LightData lightData, ref ShadowData shadowData)
int vertexLightsCount = lightData.totalAdditionalLightsCount - lightData.pixelAdditionalLightsCount;
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(cmd, LightweightKeywordStrings.AdditionalLights, lightData.totalAdditionalLightsCount > 0);
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(cmd, LightweightKeywordStrings.MixedLightingSubtractive, m_MixedLightingSetup == MixedLightingSetup.Subtractive);
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(cmd, LightweightKeywordStrings.VertexLights, vertexLightsCount > 0);
List<VisibleLight> visibleLights = lightData.visibleLights;
// If shadows were resolved in screen space we don't sample shadowmap in lit shader. In that case we just set softDirectionalShadows to false.
bool softDirectionalShadows = shadowData.renderDirectionalShadows && !shadowData.requiresScreenSpaceShadowResolve &&
shadowData.supportsSoftShadows && lightData.mainLightIndex != -1 &&
visibleLights[lightData.mainLightIndex].light.shadows == LightShadows.Soft;
bool softLocalShadows = false;
if (shadowData.renderLocalShadows && shadowData.supportsSoftShadows)
List<int> visibleLocalLightIndices = lightData.visibleLocalLightIndices;
for (int i = 0; i < visibleLocalLightIndices.Count; ++i)
if (visibleLights[visibleLocalLightIndices[i]].light.shadows == LightShadows.Soft)
softLocalShadows = true;
// Currently shadow filtering keyword is shared between local and directional shadows.
bool hasSoftShadows = softDirectionalShadows || softLocalShadows;
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(cmd, LightweightKeywordStrings.DirectionalShadows, shadowData.renderDirectionalShadows);
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(cmd, LightweightKeywordStrings.LocalShadows, shadowData.renderLocalShadows);
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(cmd, LightweightKeywordStrings.SoftShadows, hasSoftShadows);
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(cmd, LightweightKeywordStrings.CascadeShadows, shadowData.directionalLightCascadeCount > 1);
// TODO: Remove this. legacy particles support will be removed from Unity in 2018.3. This should be a shader_feature instead with prop exposed in the Standard particles shader.
CoreUtils.SetKeyword(cmd, LightweightKeywordStrings.SoftParticles, cameraData.requiresSoftParticles);
public override void Execute(ScriptableRenderer renderer, ScriptableRenderContext context, ref RenderingData renderingData)
CommandBuffer cmd = CommandBufferPool.Get(k_SetupLightConstants);
SetupShaderLightConstants(cmd, ref renderingData.lightData);
SetShaderKeywords(cmd, ref renderingData.cameraData, ref renderingData.lightData, ref renderingData.shadowData);