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// SurfaceData and BSDFData
// SurfaceData is defined in Fabric.cs which generates Fabric.cs.hlsl
#include "Fabric.cs.hlsl"
// Those define allow to include desired SSS/Transmission functions
#include "HDRP/Material/SubsurfaceScattering/SubsurfaceScattering.hlsl"
#include "HDRP/Material/NormalBuffer.hlsl"
#include "CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/VolumeRendering.hlsl"
// Texture and constant buffer declaration
#include "HDRP/Material/LTCAreaLight/LTCAreaLight.hlsl"
#include "HDRP/Material/PreIntegratedFGD/PreIntegratedFGD.hlsl"
// Helper functions/variable specific to this material
// Assume bsdfData.normalWS is init
void FillMaterialAnisotropy(float anisotropy, float3 tangentWS, float3 bitangentWS, inout BSDFData bsdfData)
bsdfData.anisotropy = anisotropy;
bsdfData.tangentWS = tangentWS;
bsdfData.bitangentWS = bitangentWS;
// This function is use to help with debugging and must be implemented by any lit material
// Implementer must take into account what are the current override component and
// adjust SurfaceData properties accordingdly
void ApplyDebugToSurfaceData(float3x3 worldToTangent, inout SurfaceData surfaceData)
// NOTE: THe _Debug* uniforms come from /HDRP/Debug/DebugDisplay.hlsl
// Override value if requested by user
// this can be use also in case of debug lighting mode like diffuse only
bool overrideAlbedo = _DebugLightingAlbedo.x != 0.0;
bool overrideSmoothness = _DebugLightingSmoothness.x != 0.0;
bool overrideNormal = _DebugLightingNormal.x != 0.0;
if (overrideAlbedo)
float3 overrideAlbedoValue = _DebugLightingAlbedo.yzw;
surfaceData.baseColor = overrideAlbedoValue;
if (overrideSmoothness)
float overrideSmoothnessValue = _DebugLightingSmoothness.y;
surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness = overrideSmoothnessValue;
if (overrideNormal)
surfaceData.normalWS = worldToTangent[2];
// This function is similar to ApplyDebugToSurfaceData but for BSDFData
// Note: This will be available and used in ShaderPassForward.hlsl since in Fabric.shader,
// just before including the core code of the pass (ShaderPassForward.hlsl) we include
// Material.hlsl (or Lighting.hlsl which includes it) which in turn includes us,
// Fabric.shader, via the #if defined(UNITY_MATERIAL_*) glue mechanism.
void ApplyDebugToBSDFData(inout BSDFData bsdfData)
// Override value if requested by user
// this can be use also in case of debug lighting mode like specular only
bool overrideSpecularColor = _DebugLightingSpecularColor.x != 0.0;
if (overrideSpecularColor)
float3 overrideSpecularColor = _DebugLightingSpecularColor.yzw;
bsdfData.fresnel0 = overrideSpecularColor;
NormalData ConvertSurfaceDataToNormalData(SurfaceData surfaceData)
NormalData normalData;
normalData.normalWS = surfaceData.normalWS;
normalData.perceptualRoughness = PerceptualSmoothnessToPerceptualRoughness(surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness);
return normalData;
// conversion function for forward
BSDFData ConvertSurfaceDataToBSDFData(uint2 positionSS, SurfaceData surfaceData)
BSDFData bsdfData;
// IMPORTANT: In case of foward or gbuffer pass all enable flags are statically know at compile time, so the compiler can do compile time optimization
bsdfData.materialFeatures = surfaceData.materialFeatures;
bsdfData.diffuseColor = surfaceData.baseColor;
bsdfData.specularOcclusion = surfaceData.specularOcclusion;
bsdfData.normalWS = surfaceData.normalWS;
bsdfData.perceptualRoughness = PerceptualSmoothnessToPerceptualRoughness(surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness);
bsdfData.ambientOcclusion = surfaceData.ambientOcclusion;
bsdfData.fuzzTint = surfaceData.fuzzTint;
bsdfData.fresnel0 = DEFAULT_SPECULAR_VALUE;
// Note: we have ZERO_INITIALIZE the struct so bsdfData.anisotropy == 0.0
// In forward everything is statically know and we could theorically cumulate all the material features. So the code reflect it.
// However in practice we keep parity between deferred and forward, so we should constrain the various features.
// The UI is in charge of setuping the constrain, not the code. So if users is forward only and want unleash power, it is easy to unleash by some UI change
// Assign profile id and overwrite fresnel0
FillMaterialSSS(surfaceData.diffusionProfile, surfaceData.subsurfaceMask, bsdfData);
if (HasFlag(surfaceData.materialFeatures, MATERIALFEATUREFLAGS_FABRIC_TRANSMISSION))
// Assign profile id and overwrite fresnel0
FillMaterialTransmission(surfaceData.diffusionProfile, surfaceData.thickness, bsdfData);
if (!HasFlag(surfaceData.materialFeatures, MATERIALFEATUREFLAGS_FABRIC_COTTON_WOOL))
FillMaterialAnisotropy(surfaceData.anisotropy, surfaceData.tangentWS, cross(surfaceData.normalWS, surfaceData.tangentWS), bsdfData);
// roughnessT and roughnessB are clamped, and are meant to be used with punctual and directional lights.
// perceptualRoughness is not clamped, and is meant to be used for IBL.
// perceptualRoughness can be modify by FillMaterialClearCoatData, so ConvertAnisotropyToClampRoughness must be call after
ConvertAnisotropyToClampRoughness(bsdfData.perceptualRoughness, bsdfData.anisotropy, bsdfData.roughnessT, bsdfData.roughnessB);
return bsdfData;
// Debug method (use to display values)
// This function call the generated debug function and allow to override the debug output if needed
void GetSurfaceDataDebug(uint paramId, SurfaceData surfaceData, inout float3 result, inout bool needLinearToSRGB)
GetGeneratedSurfaceDataDebug(paramId, surfaceData, result, needLinearToSRGB);
// This function call the generated debug function and allow to override the debug output if needed
void GetBSDFDataDebug(uint paramId, BSDFData bsdfData, inout float3 result, inout bool needLinearToSRGB)
GetGeneratedBSDFDataDebug(paramId, bsdfData, result, needLinearToSRGB);
// PreLightData
// Make sure we respect naming conventions to reuse ShaderPassForward as is,
// ie struct (even if opaque to the ShaderPassForward) name is PreLightData,
// GetPreLightData prototype.
// Precomputed lighting data to send to the various lighting functions
struct PreLightData
float NdotV; // Could be negative due to normal mapping, use ClampNdotV()
float partLambdaV;
// IBL
float3 iblR; // Reflected specular direction, used for IBL in EvaluateBSDF_Env()
float iblPerceptualRoughness;
float3 specularFGD; // Store preintegrated BSDF for both specular and diffuse
float diffuseFGD;
// This function is call to precompute heavy calculation before lightloop
PreLightData GetPreLightData(float3 V, PositionInputs posInput, inout BSDFData bsdfData)
PreLightData preLightData;
// Don't init to zero to allow to track warning about uninitialized data
float3 N = bsdfData.normalWS;
preLightData.NdotV = dot(N, V);
preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness = bsdfData.perceptualRoughness;
float NdotV = ClampNdotV(preLightData.NdotV);
float unused;
float3 iblN;
// Reminder: This is a static if resolve at compile time
if (HasFlag(bsdfData.materialFeatures, MATERIALFEATUREFLAGS_FABRIC_SILK))
GetPreIntegratedFGDGGXAndDisneyDiffuse(NdotV, preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness, bsdfData.fresnel0, preLightData.specularFGD, preLightData.diffuseFGD, unused);
float TdotV = dot(bsdfData.tangentWS, V);
float BdotV = dot(bsdfData.bitangentWS, V);
preLightData.partLambdaV = GetSmithJointGGXAnisoPartLambdaV(TdotV, BdotV, NdotV, bsdfData.roughnessT, bsdfData.roughnessB);
// perceptualRoughness is use as input and output here
GetGGXAnisotropicModifiedNormalAndRoughness(bsdfData.bitangentWS, bsdfData.tangentWS, N, V, bsdfData.anisotropy, preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness, iblN, preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness);
preLightData.partLambdaV = 0.0;
iblN = N;
GetPreIntegratedFGDCharlieAndFabricLambert(NdotV, preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness, bsdfData.fresnel0, preLightData.specularFGD, preLightData.diffuseFGD, unused);
preLightData.iblR = reflect(-V, iblN);
return preLightData;
// bake lighting function
// This define allow to say that we implement a ModifyBakedDiffuseLighting function to be call in PostInitBuiltinData
void ModifyBakedDiffuseLighting(float3 V, PositionInputs posInput, SurfaceData surfaceData, inout BuiltinData builtinData)
// To get the data we need to do the whole process - compiler should optimize everything
BSDFData bsdfData = ConvertSurfaceDataToBSDFData(posInput.positionSS, surfaceData);
PreLightData preLightData = GetPreLightData(V, posInput, bsdfData);
// Add GI transmission contribution to bakeDiffuseLighting, we then drop backBakeDiffuseLighting (i.e it is not used anymore, this save VGPR)
builtinData.bakeDiffuseLighting += builtinData.backBakeDiffuseLighting * bsdfData.transmittance;
// For SSS we need to take into account the state of diffuseColor
bsdfData.diffuseColor = GetModifiedDiffuseColorForSSS(bsdfData);
// Premultiply (back) bake diffuse lighting information with diffuse pre-integration
builtinData.bakeDiffuseLighting *= preLightData.diffuseFGD * bsdfData.diffuseColor;
// light transport functions
LightTransportData GetLightTransportData(SurfaceData surfaceData, BuiltinData builtinData, BSDFData bsdfData)
LightTransportData lightTransportData;
// DiffuseColor for lightmapping
lightTransportData.diffuseColor = bsdfData.diffuseColor;
lightTransportData.emissiveColor = builtinData.emissiveColor;
return lightTransportData;
// LightLoop related function (Only include if required)
// HAS_LIGHTLOOP is define in Lighting.hlsl
// For /Lighting/LightEvaluation.hlsl:
#define USE_DEFERRED_DIRECTIONAL_SHADOWS // Deferred shadows are always enabled for opaque objects
#include "HDRP/Material/MaterialEvaluation.hlsl"
#include "HDRP/Lighting/LightEvaluation.hlsl"
// BSDF share between directional light, punctual light and area light (reference)
// Ref: https://www.slideshare.net/jalnaga/custom-fabric-shader-for-unreal-engine-4
// For Fabric we have two type of BRDF
// Non-Metal: Cotton, deim, flax and common fabrics
// Cotton: Roughness of 1.0 (unless wet) - Fuzz rim - specular color is white but is looked like desaturated.
// Metal: Silk, satin, velvet, nylon and polyester
// Silk: Roughness 0.3 - 0.7 - anisotropic - varying specular color
// This function apply BSDF. Assumes that NdotL is positive.
void BSDF( float3 V, float3 L, float NdotL, float3 positionWS, PreLightData preLightData, BSDFData bsdfData,
out float3 diffuseLighting,
out float3 specularLighting)
float LdotV, NdotH, LdotH, NdotV, invLenLV;
GetBSDFAngle(V, L, NdotL, preLightData.NdotV, LdotV, NdotH, LdotH, NdotV, invLenLV);
// Fabric are dieletric but we simulate forward scattering effect with colored specular (fuzz tint term)
float3 F = F_Schlick(bsdfData.fresnel0, LdotH);
if (HasFlag(bsdfData.materialFeatures, MATERIALFEATUREFLAGS_FABRIC_COTTON_WOOL))
float D = D_Charlie(NdotH, bsdfData.roughnessT);
// V_Charlie is expensive, use approx with V_Ashikhmin instead
// float Vis = V_Charlie(NdotL, NdotV, bsdfData.roughness);
float Vis = V_Ashikhmin(NdotL, NdotV);
specularLighting = F * Vis * D;
// Note: diffuseLighting is multiply by color in PostEvaluateBSDF
diffuseLighting = FabricLambert(bsdfData.roughnessT);
// For silk we just use a tinted anisotropy
float3 H = (L + V) * invLenLV;
// For anisotropy we must not saturate these values
float TdotH = dot(bsdfData.tangentWS, H);
float TdotL = dot(bsdfData.tangentWS, L);
float BdotH = dot(bsdfData.bitangentWS, H);
float BdotL = dot(bsdfData.bitangentWS, L);
// TODO: Do comparison between this correct version and the one from isotropic and see if there is any visual difference
float DV = DV_SmithJointGGXAniso( TdotH, BdotH, NdotH, NdotV, TdotL, BdotL, NdotL,
bsdfData.roughnessT, bsdfData.roughnessB, preLightData.partLambdaV);
specularLighting = F * DV;
// Note: diffuseLighting is multiply by color in PostEvaluateBSDF
diffuseLighting = DisneyDiffuse(NdotV, NdotL, LdotV, bsdfData.perceptualRoughness);
specularLighting *= bsdfData.fuzzTint;
// EvaluateBSDF_Directional
DirectLighting EvaluateBSDF_Directional(LightLoopContext lightLoopContext,
float3 V, PositionInputs posInput, PreLightData preLightData,
DirectionalLightData lightData, BSDFData bsdfData,
BuiltinData builtinData)
DirectLighting lighting;
ZERO_INITIALIZE(DirectLighting, lighting);
float3 L = -lightData.forward;
float3 N = bsdfData.normalWS;
float NdotL = dot(N, L);
float3 transmittance = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// Caution: This function modify N and contactShadowIndex
transmittance = PreEvaluateDirectionalLightTransmission(NdotL, lightData, bsdfData, N, lightData.contactShadowIndex); // contactShadowIndex is only modify for the code of this function
float3 color;
float attenuation;
EvaluateLight_Directional(lightLoopContext, posInput, lightData, builtinData, N, L, color, attenuation);
float intensity = max(0, attenuation * NdotL); // Warning: attenuation can be greater than 1 due to the inverse square attenuation (when position is close to light)
UNITY_BRANCH if (intensity > 0.0)
BSDF(V, L, NdotL, posInput.positionWS, preLightData, bsdfData, lighting.diffuse, lighting.specular);
lighting.diffuse *= intensity * lightData.diffuseScale;
lighting.specular *= intensity * lightData.specularScale;
// The mixed thickness mode is not supported by directional lights due to poor quality and high performance impact.
float NdotV = ClampNdotV(preLightData.NdotV);
float LdotV = dot(L, V);
// We use diffuse lighting for accumulation since it is going to be blurred during the SSS pass.
lighting.diffuse += EvaluateTransmission(bsdfData, transmittance, NdotL, NdotV, LdotV, attenuation * lightData.diffuseScale);
// Save ALU by applying light and cookie colors only once.
lighting.diffuse *= color;
lighting.specular *= color;
// Only lighting, not BSDF
lighting.diffuse = color * intensity * lightData.diffuseScale;
return lighting;
// EvaluateBSDF_Punctual (supports spot, point and projector lights)
DirectLighting EvaluateBSDF_Punctual(LightLoopContext lightLoopContext,
float3 V, PositionInputs posInput,
PreLightData preLightData, LightData lightData, BSDFData bsdfData, BuiltinData builtinData)
DirectLighting lighting;
ZERO_INITIALIZE(DirectLighting, lighting);
float3 L;
float3 lightToSample;
float4 distances; // {d, d^2, 1/d, d_proj}
GetPunctualLightVectors(posInput.positionWS, lightData, L, lightToSample, distances);
float3 N = bsdfData.normalWS;
float NdotL = dot(N, L);
float3 transmittance = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// Caution: This function modify N and lightData.contactShadowIndex
transmittance = PreEvaluatePunctualLightTransmission(lightLoopContext, posInput, distances.x, NdotL, L, bsdfData, N, lightData);
float3 color;
float attenuation;
EvaluateLight_Punctual(lightLoopContext, posInput, lightData, builtinData, N, L,
lightToSample, distances, color, attenuation);
float intensity = max(0, attenuation * NdotL); // Warning: attenuation can be greater than 1 due to the inverse square attenuation (when position is close to light)
UNITY_BRANCH if (intensity > 0.0)
// Simulate a sphere light with this hack
// Note that it is not correct with our pre-computation of PartLambdaV (mean if we disable the optimization we will not have the
// same result) but we don't care as it is a hack anyway
bsdfData.roughnessT = max(bsdfData.roughnessT, lightData.minRoughness);
bsdfData.roughnessB = max(bsdfData.roughnessB, lightData.minRoughness);
BSDF(V, L, NdotL, posInput.positionWS, preLightData, bsdfData, lighting.diffuse, lighting.specular);
lighting.diffuse *= intensity * lightData.diffuseScale;
lighting.specular *= intensity * lightData.specularScale;
// Save ALU by applying light and cookie colors only once.
lighting.diffuse *= color;
lighting.specular *= color;
float NdotV = ClampNdotV(preLightData.NdotV);
float LdotV = dot(L, V);
// We use diffuse lighting for accumulation since it is going to be blurred during the SSS pass.
lighting.diffuse += EvaluateTransmission(bsdfData, transmittance, NdotL, NdotV, LdotV, attenuation * lightData.diffuseScale);
// Only lighting, not BSDF
lighting.diffuse = color * intensity * lightData.diffuseScale;
return lighting;
// EvaluateBSDF_Line
DirectLighting EvaluateBSDF_Line( LightLoopContext lightLoopContext,
float3 V, PositionInputs posInput,
PreLightData preLightData, LightData lightData, BSDFData bsdfData, BuiltinData builtinData)
DirectLighting lighting;
ZERO_INITIALIZE(DirectLighting, lighting);
return lighting;
// EvaluateBSDF_Rect
DirectLighting EvaluateBSDF_Rect( LightLoopContext lightLoopContext,
float3 V, PositionInputs posInput,
PreLightData preLightData, LightData lightData, BSDFData bsdfData, BuiltinData builtinData)
DirectLighting lighting;
ZERO_INITIALIZE(DirectLighting, lighting);
return lighting;
DirectLighting EvaluateBSDF_Area(LightLoopContext lightLoopContext,
float3 V, PositionInputs posInput,
PreLightData preLightData, LightData lightData,
BSDFData bsdfData, BuiltinData builtinData)
if (lightData.lightType == GPULIGHTTYPE_LINE)
return EvaluateBSDF_Line(lightLoopContext, V, posInput, preLightData, lightData, bsdfData, builtinData);
return EvaluateBSDF_Rect(lightLoopContext, V, posInput, preLightData, lightData, bsdfData, builtinData);
// EvaluateBSDF_SSLighting for screen space lighting
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
IndirectLighting EvaluateBSDF_SSLighting(LightLoopContext lightLoopContext,
float3 V, PositionInputs posInput,
PreLightData preLightData, BSDFData bsdfData,
EnvLightData envLightData,
int GPUImageBasedLightingType,
inout float hierarchyWeight)
IndirectLighting lighting;
ZERO_INITIALIZE(IndirectLighting, lighting);
return lighting;
// EvaluateBSDF_Env
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// _preIntegratedFGD and _CubemapLD are unique for each BRDF
IndirectLighting EvaluateBSDF_Env( LightLoopContext lightLoopContext,
float3 V, PositionInputs posInput,
PreLightData preLightData, EnvLightData lightData, BSDFData bsdfData,
int influenceShapeType, int GPUImageBasedLightingType,
inout float hierarchyWeight)
IndirectLighting lighting;
ZERO_INITIALIZE(IndirectLighting, lighting);
return lighting;
float3 envLighting;
float3 positionWS = posInput.positionWS;
float weight = 1.0;
float3 R = preLightData.iblR;
if ((lightData.envIndex & 1) == ENVCACHETYPE_CUBEMAP)
R = GetSpecularDominantDir(bsdfData.normalWS, R, preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness, ClampNdotV(preLightData.NdotV));
// When we are rough, we tend to see outward shifting of the reflection when at the boundary of the projection volume
// Also it appear like more sharp. To avoid these artifact and at the same time get better match to reference we lerp to original unmodified reflection.
// Formula is empirical.
float roughness = PerceptualRoughnessToRoughness(preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness);
R = lerp(R, preLightData.iblR, saturate(smoothstep(0, 1, roughness * roughness)));
// Note: using influenceShapeType and projectionShapeType instead of (lightData|proxyData).shapeType allow to make compiler optimization in case the type is know (like for sky)
EvaluateLight_EnvIntersection(positionWS, bsdfData.normalWS, lightData, influenceShapeType, R, weight);
float iblMipLevel;
// TODO: We need to match the PerceptualRoughnessToMipmapLevel formula for planar, so we don't do this test (which is specific to our current lightloop)
// Specific case for Texture2Ds, their convolution is a gaussian one and not a GGX one - So we use another roughness mip mapping.
#if !defined(SHADER_API_METAL)
if (IsEnvIndexTexture2D(lightData.envIndex))
// Empirical remapping
iblMipLevel = PositivePow(preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness, 0.8) * uint(max(_ColorPyramidScale.z - 1, 0));
iblMipLevel = PerceptualRoughnessToMipmapLevel(preLightData.iblPerceptualRoughness);
float4 preLD = SampleEnv(lightLoopContext, lightData.envIndex, R, iblMipLevel);
weight *= preLD.a; // Used by planar reflection to discard pixel
envLighting = preLightData.specularFGD * preLD.rgb;
UpdateLightingHierarchyWeights(hierarchyWeight, weight);
envLighting *= weight * lightData.multiplier;
lighting.specularReflected = envLighting;
return lighting;
// PostEvaluateBSDF
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void PostEvaluateBSDF( LightLoopContext lightLoopContext,
float3 V, PositionInputs posInput,
PreLightData preLightData, BSDFData bsdfData, BuiltinData builtinData, AggregateLighting lighting,
out float3 diffuseLighting, out float3 specularLighting)
AmbientOcclusionFactor aoFactor;
GetScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionMultibounce(posInput.positionSS, preLightData.NdotV, bsdfData.perceptualRoughness, bsdfData.ambientOcclusion, bsdfData.specularOcclusion, bsdfData.diffuseColor, bsdfData.fresnel0, aoFactor);
ApplyAmbientOcclusionFactor(aoFactor, builtinData, lighting);
// Subsurface scattering mode
float3 modifiedDiffuseColor = GetModifiedDiffuseColorForSSS(bsdfData);
// Apply the albedo to the direct diffuse lighting (only once). The indirect (baked)
// diffuse lighting has already multiply the albedo in ModifyBakedDiffuseLighting().
diffuseLighting = modifiedDiffuseColor * lighting.direct.diffuse + builtinData.bakeDiffuseLighting + builtinData.emissiveColor;
specularLighting = lighting.direct.specular + lighting.indirect.specularReflected;
// TODO: Multiscattering for cloth?
PostEvaluateBSDFDebugDisplay(aoFactor, builtinData, lighting, bsdfData.diffuseColor, diffuseLighting, specularLighting);
#endif // #ifdef HAS_LIGHTLOOP