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// Fill SurfaceData/Builtin data function
#include "../MaterialUtilities.hlsl"
void GetSurfaceAndBuiltinData(FragInputs input, float3 V, inout PositionInputs posInput, out SurfaceData surfaceData, out BuiltinData builtinData)
ApplyDoubleSidedFlipOrMirror(input); // Apply double sided flip on the vertex normal
// For now, just use the interpolated vertex normal. This has been normalized in the initial fragment interpolators unpacking.
// Eventually, we want to share all the LitData LayerTexCoord (and surface gradient frame + uv, planar, triplanar, etc.) logic, also
// spread in LitDataIndividualLayer and LitDataMeshModification.
surfaceData.normalWS = input.worldToTangent[2].xyz;
float2 baseColorMapUv = TRANSFORM_TEX(input.texCoord0, _BaseColorMap);
surfaceData.baseColor = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_BaseColorMap, sampler_BaseColorMap, baseColorMapUv).rgb * _BaseColor.rgb;
float alpha = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_BaseColorMap, sampler_BaseColorMap, baseColorMapUv).a * _BaseColor.a;
//NEWLITTODO: Once we include those passes in the main StackLit.shader, add handling of CUTOFF_TRANSPARENT_DEPTH_PREPASS and _POSTPASS
// and the related properties (in the .shader) and uniforms (in the StackLitProperties file) _AlphaCutoffPrepass, _AlphaCutoffPostpass
DoAlphaTest(alpha, _AlphaCutoff);
#if defined(DEBUG_DISPLAY)
surfaceData.color = GetTextureDataDebug(_DebugMipMapMode, baseColorMapUv, _BaseColorMap, _BaseColorMap_TexelSize, _BaseColorMap_MipInfo, surfaceData.color);
// Builtin Data
// NEWLITTODO: for all BuiltinData, might need to just refactor and use a comon function like that
// contained in LitBuiltinData.hlsl
builtinData.opacity = alpha;
builtinData.bakeDiffuseLighting = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// Emissive Intensity is only use here, but is part of BuiltinData to enforce UI parameters as we want the users to fill one color and one intensity
builtinData.emissiveIntensity = _EmissiveIntensity;
builtinData.emissiveColor = _EmissiveColor * builtinData.emissiveIntensity * lerp(float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), surfaceData.baseColor.rgb, _AlbedoAffectEmissive);
builtinData.emissiveColor *= SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_EmissiveColorMap, sampler_EmissiveColorMap, TRANSFORM_TEX(input.texCoord0, _EmissiveColorMap)).rgb;
builtinData.velocity = float2(0.0, 0.0);
//NEWLITTODO: shader feature SHADOWS_SHADOWMASK not there yet.
builtinData.shadowMask0 = 0.0;
builtinData.shadowMask1 = 0.0;
builtinData.shadowMask2 = 0.0;
builtinData.shadowMask3 = 0.0;
float3 distortion = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_DistortionVectorMap, sampler_DistortionVectorMap, input.texCoord0).rgb;
distortion.rg = distortion.rg * _DistortionVectorScale.xx + _DistortionVectorBias.xx;
builtinData.distortion = distortion.rg * _DistortionScale;
builtinData.distortionBlur = clamp(distortion.b * _DistortionBlurScale, 0.0, 1.0) * (_DistortionBlurRemapMax - _DistortionBlurRemapMin) + _DistortionBlurRemapMin;
builtinData.distortion = float2(0.0, 0.0);
builtinData.distortionBlur = 0.0;
builtinData.depthOffset = 0.0;