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using System;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
// TEMPORARY, minimalist post-processing stack until the fully-featured framework is ready
namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline
using GradingType = PostProcessing.ColorGradingSettings.GradingType;
using EyeAdaptationType = PostProcessing.EyeAdaptationSettings.EyeAdaptationType;
public sealed class PostProcessing : MonoBehaviour
public sealed class ColorGradingSettings
public enum GradingType
public GradingType type = GradingType.None;
public float exposure = 0f;
public Texture logLut = null;
[Range(-0.10f, 0.1f)] public float neutralBlackIn = 0.02f;
[Range( 1.00f, 20.0f)] public float neutralWhiteIn = 10f;
[Range(-0.09f, 0.1f)] public float neutralBlackOut = 0f;
[Range( 1.00f, 19.0f)] public float neutralWhiteOut = 10f;
[Range( 0.10f, 20.0f)] public float neutralWhiteLevel = 5.3f;
[Range( 1.00f, 10.0f)] public float neutralWhiteClip = 10f;
public sealed class EyeAdaptationSettings
public enum EyeAdaptationType
public bool enabled = false;
public bool showDebugHistogramInGameView = true;
[Range(1f, 99f)] public float lowPercent = 65f;
[Range(1f, 99f)] public float highPercent = 95f;
public float minLuminance = 0.03f;
public float maxLuminance = 2f;
public float exposureCompensation = 0.5f;
public EyeAdaptationType adaptationType = EyeAdaptationType.Progressive;
public float speedUp = 2f;
public float speedDown = 1f;
[Range(-16, -1)] public int logMin = -8;
[Range( 1, 16)] public int logMax = 4;
public EyeAdaptationSettings eyeAdaptation = new EyeAdaptationSettings();
public ColorGradingSettings colorGrading = new ColorGradingSettings();
Material m_EyeAdaptationMaterial;
Material m_FinalPassMaterial;
ComputeShader m_EyeCompute;
ComputeBuffer m_HistogramBuffer;
readonly RenderTexture[] m_AutoExposurePool = new RenderTexture[2];
int m_AutoExposurePingPing;
RenderTexture m_CurrentAutoExposure;
RenderTexture m_DebugHistogram = null;
static uint[] s_EmptyHistogramBuffer = new uint[k_HistogramBins];
bool m_FirstFrame = true;
// Don't forget to update 'EyeAdaptation.cginc' if you change these values !
const int k_HistogramBins = 64;
const int k_HistogramThreadX = 16;
const int k_HistogramThreadY = 16;
void OnEnable()
m_FinalPassMaterial = Utilities.CreateEngineMaterial("Hidden/HDRenderPipeline/FinalPass");
m_EyeAdaptationMaterial = Utilities.CreateEngineMaterial("Hidden/HDRenderPipeline/EyeAdaptation");
m_EyeCompute = Resources.Load<ComputeShader>("EyeHistogram");
m_HistogramBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(k_HistogramBins, sizeof(uint));
m_AutoExposurePool[0] = new RenderTexture(1, 1, 0, RenderTextureFormat.RFloat);
m_AutoExposurePool[1] = new RenderTexture(1, 1, 0, RenderTextureFormat.RFloat);
m_FirstFrame = true;
void OnDisable()
foreach (var rt in m_AutoExposurePool)
public void Render(Camera camera, ScriptableRenderContext context, RenderTargetIdentifier source, RenderTargetIdentifier destination)
m_FinalPassMaterial.shaderKeywords = null;
var cmd = new CommandBuffer { name = "Final Pass" };
if (eyeAdaptation.enabled)
int tempRt = Shader.PropertyToID("_Source");
// Downscale the framebuffer, we don't need an absolute precision for auto exposure
// and it helps making it more stable - should be using a previously downscaled pass
var scaleOffsetRes = GetHistogramScaleOffsetRes(camera);
cmd.GetTemporaryRT(tempRt, (int)scaleOffsetRes.z, (int)scaleOffsetRes.w, 0, FilterMode.Bilinear, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf);
cmd.Blit(source, tempRt);
// Clears the buffer on every frame as we use it to accumulate luminance values on each frame
// Gets a log histogram
int kernel = m_EyeCompute.FindKernel("KEyeHistogram");
cmd.SetComputeBufferParam(m_EyeCompute, kernel, "_Histogram", m_HistogramBuffer);
cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(m_EyeCompute, kernel, "_Source", tempRt);
cmd.SetComputeVectorParam(m_EyeCompute, "_ScaleOffsetRes", scaleOffsetRes);
cmd.DispatchCompute(m_EyeCompute, kernel, Mathf.CeilToInt(scaleOffsetRes.z / (float)k_HistogramThreadX), Mathf.CeilToInt(scaleOffsetRes.w / (float)k_HistogramThreadY), 1);
// Cleanup
// Make sure filtering values are correct to avoid apocalyptic consequences
const float kMinDelta = 1e-2f;
eyeAdaptation.highPercent = Mathf.Clamp(eyeAdaptation.highPercent, 1f + kMinDelta, 99f);
eyeAdaptation.lowPercent = Mathf.Clamp(eyeAdaptation.lowPercent, 1f, eyeAdaptation.highPercent - kMinDelta);
// Compute auto exposure
m_EyeAdaptationMaterial.SetBuffer("_Histogram", m_HistogramBuffer);
m_EyeAdaptationMaterial.SetVector("_Params", new Vector4(eyeAdaptation.lowPercent * 0.01f, eyeAdaptation.highPercent * 0.01f, eyeAdaptation.minLuminance, eyeAdaptation.maxLuminance));
m_EyeAdaptationMaterial.SetVector("_Speed", new Vector2(eyeAdaptation.speedDown, eyeAdaptation.speedUp));
m_EyeAdaptationMaterial.SetVector("_ScaleOffsetRes", scaleOffsetRes);
m_EyeAdaptationMaterial.SetFloat("_ExposureCompensation", eyeAdaptation.exposureCompensation);
if (m_FirstFrame || !Application.isPlaying)
// We don't want eye adaptation when not in play mode because the GameView isn't
// animated, thus making it harder to tweak. Just use the final audo exposure value.
m_CurrentAutoExposure = m_AutoExposurePool[0];
cmd.Blit(null, m_CurrentAutoExposure, m_EyeAdaptationMaterial, (int)EyeAdaptationType.Fixed);
// Copy current exposure to the other pingpong target on first frame to avoid adapting from black
cmd.Blit(m_AutoExposurePool[0], m_AutoExposurePool[1]);
} else
int pp = m_AutoExposurePingPing;
var src = m_AutoExposurePool[++pp % 2];
var dst = m_AutoExposurePool[++pp % 2];
cmd.Blit(src, dst, m_EyeAdaptationMaterial, (int)eyeAdaptation.adaptationType);
m_AutoExposurePingPing = ++pp % 2;
m_CurrentAutoExposure = dst;
m_FinalPassMaterial.SetTexture("_AutoExposure", m_CurrentAutoExposure);
// Debug histogram visualization
if (eyeAdaptation.showDebugHistogramInGameView)
if (m_DebugHistogram == null || !m_DebugHistogram.IsCreated())
m_DebugHistogram = new RenderTexture(256, 128, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32)
filterMode = FilterMode.Point,
wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp
m_EyeAdaptationMaterial.SetFloat("_DebugWidth", m_DebugHistogram.width);
cmd.Blit(null, m_DebugHistogram, m_EyeAdaptationMaterial, 2);
m_FirstFrame = false;
float ev = Mathf.Exp(colorGrading.exposure * 0.6931471805599453f);
m_FinalPassMaterial.SetFloat("_Exposure", ev);
if (colorGrading.type == GradingType.Neutral)
const float kScaleFactor = 20f;
const float kScaleFactorHalf = kScaleFactor * 0.5f;
float inBlack = colorGrading.neutralBlackIn * kScaleFactor + 1f;
float outBlack = colorGrading.neutralBlackOut * kScaleFactorHalf + 1f;
float inWhite = colorGrading.neutralWhiteIn / kScaleFactor;
float outWhite = 1f - colorGrading.neutralWhiteOut / kScaleFactor;
float blackRatio = inBlack / outBlack;
float whiteRatio = inWhite / outWhite;
const float a = 0.2f;
float b = Mathf.Max(0f, Mathf.LerpUnclamped(0.57f, 0.37f, blackRatio));
float c = Mathf.LerpUnclamped(0.01f, 0.24f, whiteRatio);
float d = Mathf.Max(0f, Mathf.LerpUnclamped(0.02f, 0.20f, blackRatio));
const float e = 0.02f;
const float f = 0.30f;
m_FinalPassMaterial.SetVector("_NeutralTonemapperParams1", new Vector4(a, b, c, d));
m_FinalPassMaterial.SetVector("_NeutralTonemapperParams2", new Vector4(e, f, colorGrading.neutralWhiteLevel, colorGrading.neutralWhiteClip / kScaleFactorHalf));
else if (colorGrading.type == GradingType.Custom)
if (colorGrading.logLut != null)
var lut = colorGrading.logLut;
m_FinalPassMaterial.SetTexture("_LogLut", lut);
m_FinalPassMaterial.SetVector("_LogLut_Params", new Vector3(1f / lut.width, 1f / lut.height, lut.height - 1f));
cmd.Blit(source, destination, m_FinalPassMaterial, 0);
Vector4 GetHistogramScaleOffsetRes(Camera camera)
float diff = eyeAdaptation.logMax - eyeAdaptation.logMin;
float scale = 1f / diff;
float offset = -eyeAdaptation.logMin * scale;
return new Vector4(scale, offset, Mathf.Floor(camera.pixelWidth / 2f), Mathf.Floor(camera.pixelHeight / 2f));
void OnGUI()
if (!eyeAdaptation.enabled || !eyeAdaptation.showDebugHistogramInGameView || m_DebugHistogram == null || !m_DebugHistogram.IsCreated())
var rect = new Rect(8f, 8f, m_DebugHistogram.width, m_DebugHistogram.height);
GUI.DrawTexture(rect, m_DebugHistogram);