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#error SHADERPASS_is_not_correctly_define
// Available semantic start from TEXCOORD4
struct AttributesPass
float3 previousPositionOS : TEXCOORD4; // Contain previous transform position (in case of skinning for example)
struct VaryingsPassToPS
// Note: Z component is not use currently
// This is the clip space position. Warning, do not confuse with the value of positionCS in PackedVarying which is SV_POSITION and store in positionSS
float4 positionCS;
float4 previousPositionCS;
// Available interpolator start from TEXCOORD8
struct PackedVaryingsPassToPS
// Note: Z component is not use
float3 interpolators0 : TEXCOORD8;
float3 interpolators1 : TEXCOORD9;
PackedVaryingsPassToPS PackVaryingsPassToPS(VaryingsPassToPS input)
PackedVaryingsPassToPS output;
output.interpolators0 = float3(input.positionCS.xyw);
output.interpolators1 = float3(input.previousPositionCS.xyw);
return output;
VaryingsPassToPS UnpackVaryingsPassToPS(PackedVaryingsPassToPS input)
VaryingsPassToPS output;
output.positionCS = float4(input.interpolators0.xy, 0.0, input.interpolators0.z);
output.previousPositionCS = float4(input.interpolators1.xy, 0.0, input.interpolators1.z);
return output;
// Available interpolator start from TEXCOORD4
// Same as ToPS here
#define VaryingsPassToDS VaryingsPassToPS
#define PackedVaryingsPassToDS PackedVaryingsPassToPS
#define PackVaryingsPassToDS PackVaryingsPassToPS
#define UnpackVaryingsPassToDS UnpackVaryingsPassToPS
VaryingsPassToDS InterpolateWithBaryCoordsPassToDS(VaryingsPassToDS input0, VaryingsPassToDS input1, VaryingsPassToDS input2, float3 baryCoords)
VaryingsPassToDS output;
TESSELLATION_INTERPOLATE_BARY(previousPositionCS, baryCoords);
return output;
#define VaryingsPassType VaryingsPassToDS
#define VaryingsPassType VaryingsPassToPS
// We will use custom attributes for this pass
#include "VertMesh.hlsl"
// Transforms normal from object to world space
float3 TransformPreviousObjectToWorldNormal(float3 normalOS)
return normalize(mul((float3x3)unity_MatrixPreviousM, normalOS));
// Normal need to be multiply by inverse transpose
// mul(IT_M, norm) => mul(norm, I_M) => {dot(norm, I_M.col0), dot(norm, I_M.col1), dot(norm, I_M.col2)}
return normalize(mul(normalOS, (float3x3)unity_MatrixPreviousMI));
// Transforms local position to camera relative world space
float3 TransformPreviousObjectToWorld(float3 positionOS)
float4x4 previousModelMatrix = ApplyCameraTranslationToMatrix(unity_MatrixPreviousM);
return mul(previousModelMatrix, float4(positionOS, 1.0)).xyz;
void VelocityPositionZBias(VaryingsToPS input)
#if defined(UNITY_REVERSED_Z)
input.vmesh.positionCS.z -= unity_MotionVectorsParams.z * input.vmesh.positionCS.w;
input.vmesh.positionCS.z += unity_MotionVectorsParams.z * input.vmesh.positionCS.w;
PackedVaryingsType Vert(AttributesMesh inputMesh,
AttributesPass inputPass)
VaryingsType varyingsType;
varyingsType.vmesh = VertMesh(inputMesh);
#if !defined(TESSELLATION_ON)
// It is not possible to correctly generate the motion vector for tesselated geometry as tessellation parameters can change
// from one frame to another (adaptative, lod) + in Unity we only receive information for one non tesselated vertex.
// So motion vetor will be based on interpolate previous position at vertex level instead.
varyingsType.vpass.positionCS = mul(_NonJitteredViewProjMatrix, float4(varyingsType.vmesh.positionRWS, 1.0));
// Note: unity_MotionVectorsParams.y is 0 is forceNoMotion is enabled
bool forceNoMotion = unity_MotionVectorsParams.y == 0.0;
if (forceNoMotion)
varyingsType.vpass.previousPositionCS = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
bool hasDeformation = unity_MotionVectorsParams.x > 0.0; // Skin or morph target
// Need to apply any vertex animation to the previous worldspace position, if we want it to show up in the velocity buffer
AttributesMesh previousMesh = inputMesh;
if (hasDeformation)
previousMesh.positionOS = inputPass.previousPositionOS;
previousMesh = ApplyMeshModification(previousMesh);
float3 previousPositionRWS = TransformPreviousObjectToWorld(previousMesh.positionOS);
float3 previousPositionRWS = TransformPreviousObjectToWorld(hasDeformation ? inputPass.previousPositionOS : inputMesh.positionOS);
float3 normalWS = TransformPreviousObjectToWorldNormal(inputMesh.normalOS);
float3 normalWS = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
ApplyVertexModification(inputMesh, normalWS, previousPositionRWS, _LastTime);
varyingsType.vpass.previousPositionCS = mul(_PrevViewProjMatrix, float4(previousPositionRWS, 1.0));
return PackVaryingsType(varyingsType);
PackedVaryingsToPS VertTesselation(VaryingsToDS input)
VaryingsToPS output;
output.vmesh = VertMeshTesselation(input.vmesh);
output.vpass.positionCS = input.vpass.positionCS;
output.vpass.previousPositionCS = input.vpass.previousPositionCS;
return PackVaryingsToPS(output);
#include "TessellationShare.hlsl"
void Frag( PackedVaryingsToPS packedInput,
out float4 outColor : SV_Target0
, out float outputDepth : SV_Depth
FragInputs input = UnpackVaryingsMeshToFragInputs(packedInput.vmesh);
// input.positionSS is SV_Position
PositionInputs posInput = GetPositionInput(input.positionSS.xy, _ScreenSize.zw, input.positionSS.z, input.positionSS.w, input.positionRWS);
float3 V = GetWorldSpaceNormalizeViewDir(input.positionRWS);
// Unused
float3 V = float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // Avoid the division by 0
// Perform alpha testing + get velocity
SurfaceData surfaceData;
BuiltinData builtinData;
GetSurfaceAndBuiltinData(input, V, posInput, surfaceData, builtinData);
VaryingsPassToPS inputPass = UnpackVaryingsPassToPS(packedInput.vpass);
inputPass.positionCS.w += builtinData.depthOffset;
inputPass.previousPositionCS.w += builtinData.depthOffset;
// TODO: How to allow overriden velocity vector from GetSurfaceAndBuiltinData ?
float2 velocity = CalculateVelocity(inputPass.positionCS, inputPass.previousPositionCS);
// Convert from Clip space (-1..1) to NDC 0..1 space.
// Note it doesn't mean we don't have negative value, we store negative or positive offset in NDC space.
// Note: ((positionCS * 0.5 + 0.5) - (previousPositionCS * 0.5 + 0.5)) = (velocity * 0.5)
EncodeVelocity(velocity * 0.5, outColor);
// Note: unity_MotionVectorsParams.y is 0 is forceNoMotion is enabled
bool forceNoMotion = unity_MotionVectorsParams.y == 0.0;
if (forceNoMotion)
outColor = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
outputDepth = posInput.deviceDepth;