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#include "LightLoop.cs.hlsl"
#include "../../Sky/SkyVariables.hlsl"
StructuredBuffer<uint> g_vLightListGlobal; // don't support Buffer yet in unity
#define DWORD_PER_TILE 16 // See dwordsPerTile in LightLoop.cs, we have roomm for 31 lights and a number of light value all store on 16 bit (ushort)
#define MAX_ENV2D_LIGHT 32
uint _NumTileFtplX;
uint _NumTileFtplY;
// these uniforms are only needed for when OPAQUES_ONLY is NOT defined
// but there's a problem with our front-end compilation of compute shaders with multiple kernels causing it to error
float4x4 g_mInvScrProjection; // TODO: remove, unused in HDRP
float g_fClustScale;
float g_fClustBase;
float g_fNearPlane;
float g_fFarPlane;
int g_iLog2NumClusters; // We need to always define these to keep constant buffer layouts compatible
uint g_isLogBaseBufferEnabled;
uint _NumTileClusteredX;
uint _NumTileClusteredY;
StructuredBuffer<uint> g_vLayeredOffsetsBuffer; // don't support Buffer yet in unity
StructuredBuffer<float> g_logBaseBuffer; // don't support Buffer yet in unity
StructuredBuffer<uint> g_TileFeatureFlags;
StructuredBuffer<DirectionalLightData> _DirectionalLightDatas;
StructuredBuffer<LightData> _LightDatas;
StructuredBuffer<EnvLightData> _EnvLightDatas;
StructuredBuffer<ShadowData> _ShadowDatas;
// Used by directional and spot lights
// Used by point lights
// Use texture array for reflection (or LatLong 2D array for mobile)
float4x4 _Env2DCaptureVP[MAX_ENV2D_LIGHT];
// XRTODO: Need to stereo-ize access
uint _DirectionalLightCount;
uint _PunctualLightCount;
uint _AreaLightCount;
uint _EnvLightCount;
uint _EnvProxyCount;
int _EnvLightSkyEnabled; // TODO: make it a bool
// LightLoopContext is not visible from Material (user should not use these properties in Material file)
// It allow the lightloop to have transmit sampling information (do we use atlas, or texture array etc...)
struct LightLoopContext
int sampleReflection;
ShadowContext shadowContext;
float contactShadow; // Currently we support only one contact shadow per view
// Cookie sampling functions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Used by directional and spot lights.
float3 SampleCookie2D(LightLoopContext lightLoopContext, float2 coord, int index, bool repeat)
if (repeat)
// TODO: add MIP maps to combat aliasing?
return SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD(_CookieTextures, s_linear_repeat_sampler, coord, index, 0).rgb;
else // clamp
// TODO: add MIP maps to combat aliasing?
return SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD(_CookieTextures, s_linear_clamp_sampler, coord, index, 0).rgb;
// Used by point lights.
float3 SampleCookieCube(LightLoopContext lightLoopContext, float3 coord, int index)
// TODO: add MIP maps to combat aliasing?
return SAMPLE_TEXTURECUBE_ARRAY_LOD_ABSTRACT(_CookieCubeTextures, s_linear_clamp_sampler, coord, index, 0).rgb;
// Reflection probe / Sky sampling function
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The EnvLightData of the sky light contains a bunch of compile-time constants.
// This function sets them directly to allow the compiler to propagate them and optimize the code.
EnvLightData InitSkyEnvLightData(int envIndex)
EnvLightData output;
ZERO_INITIALIZE(EnvLightData, output);
output.influenceShapeType = ENVSHAPETYPE_SKY;
// 31 bit index, 1 bit cache type
output.envIndex = ENVCACHETYPE_CUBEMAP | (envIndex << 1);
output.influenceForward = float3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
output.influenceUp = float3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
output.influenceRight = float3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
output.influencePositionRWS = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
output.weight = 1.0;
output.multiplier = 1.0;
// proxy
output.proxyForward = float3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
output.proxyUp = float3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
output.proxyRight = float3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
output.minProjectionDistance = 65504.0f;
return output;
bool IsEnvIndexCubemap(int index) { return (index & 1) == ENVCACHETYPE_CUBEMAP; }
bool IsEnvIndexTexture2D(int index) { return (index & 1) == ENVCACHETYPE_TEXTURE2D; }
// Note: index is whatever the lighting architecture want, it can contain information like in which texture to sample (in case we have a compressed BC6H texture and an uncompressed for real time reflection ?)
// EnvIndex can also be use to fetch in another array of struct (to atlas information etc...).
// Cubemap : texCoord = direction vector
// Texture2D : texCoord = projectedPositionWS - lightData.capturePosition
float4 SampleEnv(LightLoopContext lightLoopContext, int index, float3 texCoord, float lod)
// 31 bit index, 1 bit cache type
uint cacheType = index & 1;
index = index >> 1;
float4 color = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
// This code will be inlined as lightLoopContext is hardcoded in the light loop
if (lightLoopContext.sampleReflection == SINGLE_PASS_CONTEXT_SAMPLE_REFLECTION_PROBES)
//_Env2DCaptureVP is in capture space
float3 ndc = ComputeNormalizedDeviceCoordinatesWithZ(texCoord, _Env2DCaptureVP[index]);
color.rgb = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD(_Env2DTextures, s_trilinear_clamp_sampler, ndc.xy, index, lod).rgb;
color.a = any(ndc.xyz < 0) || any(ndc.xyz > 1) ? 0.0 : 1.0;
else if (cacheType == ENVCACHETYPE_CUBEMAP)
color.rgb = SAMPLE_TEXTURECUBE_ARRAY_LOD_ABSTRACT(_EnvCubemapTextures, s_trilinear_clamp_sampler, texCoord, index, lod).rgb;
color.rgb = SampleSkyTexture(texCoord, lod).rgb;
return color;
// Single Pass and Tile Pass
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Calculate the offset in global light index light for current light category
int GetTileOffset(PositionInputs posInput, uint lightCategory)
uint2 tileIndex = posInput.tileCoord;
return (tileIndex.y + lightCategory * _NumTileFtplY) * _NumTileFtplX + tileIndex.x;
void GetCountAndStartTile(PositionInputs posInput, uint lightCategory, out uint start, out uint lightCount)
const int tileOffset = GetTileOffset(posInput, lightCategory);
// The first entry inside a tile is the number of light for lightCategory (thus the +0)
lightCount = g_vLightListGlobal[DWORD_PER_TILE * tileOffset + 0] & 0xffff;
start = tileOffset;
uint GetTileSize()
void GetCountAndStart(PositionInputs posInput, uint lightCategory, out uint start, out uint lightCount)
GetCountAndStartTile(posInput, lightCategory, start, lightCount);
uint FetchIndex(uint tileOffset, uint lightIndex)
const uint lightIndexPlusOne = lightIndex + 1; // Add +1 as first slot is reserved to store number of light
// Light index are store on 16bit
return (g_vLightListGlobal[DWORD_PER_TILE * tileOffset + (lightIndexPlusOne >> 1)] >> ((lightIndexPlusOne & 1) * DWORD_PER_TILE)) & 0xffff;
#include "ClusteredUtils.hlsl"
uint GetTileSize()
float GetLightClusterMinLinearDepth(uint2 tileIndex, uint clusterIndex)
float logBase = g_fClustBase;
if (g_isLogBaseBufferEnabled)
// XRTODO: Stereo-ize access to g_logBaseBuffer
logBase = g_logBaseBuffer[tileIndex.y * _NumTileClusteredX + tileIndex.x];
return ClusterIdxToZFlex(clusterIndex, logBase, g_isLogBaseBufferEnabled != 0);
uint GetLightClusterIndex(uint2 tileIndex, float linearDepth)
float logBase = g_fClustBase;
if (g_isLogBaseBufferEnabled)
const uint logBaseIndex = GenerateLogBaseBufferIndex(tileIndex, _NumTileClusteredX, _NumTileClusteredY, unity_StereoEyeIndex);
logBase = g_logBaseBuffer[logBaseIndex];
return SnapToClusterIdxFlex(linearDepth, logBase, g_isLogBaseBufferEnabled != 0);
void GetCountAndStartCluster(uint2 tileIndex, uint clusterIndex, uint lightCategory, out uint start, out uint lightCount)
int nrClusters = (1 << g_iLog2NumClusters);
const int idx = GenerateLayeredOffsetBufferIndex(lightCategory, tileIndex, clusterIndex, _NumTileClusteredX, _NumTileClusteredY, nrClusters, unity_StereoEyeIndex);
uint dataPair = g_vLayeredOffsetsBuffer[idx];
start = dataPair & 0x7ffffff;
lightCount = (dataPair >> 27) & 31;
void GetCountAndStartCluster(PositionInputs posInput, uint lightCategory, out uint start, out uint lightCount)
// Note: XR depends on unity_StereoEyeIndex already being defined,
// which means ShaderVariables.hlsl needs to be defined ahead of this!
uint2 tileIndex = posInput.tileCoord;
uint clusterIndex = GetLightClusterIndex(tileIndex, posInput.linearDepth);
GetCountAndStartCluster(tileIndex, clusterIndex, lightCategory, start, lightCount);
void GetCountAndStart(PositionInputs posInput, uint lightCategory, out uint start, out uint lightCount)
GetCountAndStartCluster(posInput, lightCategory, start, lightCount);
uint FetchIndex(uint tileOffset, uint lightIndex)
return g_vLightListGlobal[tileOffset + lightIndex];
uint GetTileSize()
return 1;
uint FetchIndex(uint globalOffset, uint lightIndex)
return globalOffset + lightIndex;
uint FetchIndexWithBoundsCheck(uint start, uint count, uint i)
if (i < count)
return FetchIndex(start, i);
return UINT_MAX;
LightData FetchLight(uint start, uint i)
int j = FetchIndex(start, i);
return _LightDatas[j];
EnvLightData FetchEnvLight(uint start, uint i)
int j = FetchIndex(start, i);
return _EnvLightDatas[j];
// We always fetch the screen space shadow texture to reduce the number of shader variant, overhead is negligible,
// it is a 1x1 white texture if deferred directional shadow and/or contact shadow are disabled
// We perform a single featch a the beginning of the lightloop
float InitContactShadow(PositionInputs posInput)
// For now we only support one contact shadow
// Contactshadow is store in Green Channel of _DeferredShadowTexture
return LOAD_TEXTURE2D(_DeferredShadowTexture, posInput.positionSS).y;
float GetContactShadow(LightLoopContext lightLoopContext, int contactShadowIndex)
return contactShadowIndex >= 0 ? lightLoopContext.contactShadow : 1.0;