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197 行
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197 行
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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.PostProcessing;
namespace UnityEditor.PostProcessing
using Settings = MotionBlurModel.Settings;
public class MotionBlurModelEditor : PostProcessingModelEditor
SerializedProperty m_ShutterAngle;
SerializedProperty m_SampleCount;
SerializedProperty m_FrameBlending;
GraphDrawer m_GraphDrawer;
class GraphDrawer
const float k_Height = 32f;
Texture m_BlendingIcon;
GUIStyle m_LowerCenterStyle;
GUIStyle m_MiddleCenterStyle;
Color m_ColorDark;
Color m_ColorGray;
Vector3[] m_RectVertices = new Vector3[4];
public GraphDrawer()
m_BlendingIcon = EditorResources.Load<Texture>("UI/MotionBlendingIcon.png");
m_LowerCenterStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.miniLabel) { alignment = TextAnchor.LowerCenter };
m_MiddleCenterStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.miniLabel) { alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter };
if (EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin)
m_ColorDark = new Color(0.18f, 0.18f, 0.18f);
m_ColorGray = new Color(0.43f, 0.43f, 0.43f);
m_ColorDark = new Color(0.64f, 0.64f, 0.64f);
m_ColorGray = new Color(0.92f, 0.92f, 0.92f);
public void DrawShutterGraph(float angle)
var center = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(128, k_Height).center;
// Parameters used to make transitions smooth.
var zeroWhenOff = Mathf.Min(1f, angle * 0.1f);
var zeroWhenFull = Mathf.Min(1f, (360f - angle) * 0.02f);
// Shutter angle graph
var discCenter = center - new Vector2(k_Height * 2.4f, 0f);
// - exposure duration indicator
DrawDisc(discCenter, k_Height * Mathf.Lerp(0.5f, 0.38f, zeroWhenFull), m_ColorGray);
// - shutter disc
DrawDisc(discCenter, k_Height * 0.16f * zeroWhenFull, m_ColorDark);
// - shutter blade
DrawArc(discCenter, k_Height * 0.5f, 360f - angle, m_ColorDark);
// - shutter axis
DrawDisc(discCenter, zeroWhenOff, m_ColorGray);
// Shutter label (off/full)
var labelSize = new Vector2(k_Height, k_Height);
var labelOrigin = discCenter - labelSize * 0.5f;
var labelRect = new Rect(labelOrigin, labelSize);
if (Mathf.Approximately(angle, 0f))
GUI.Label(labelRect, "Off", m_MiddleCenterStyle);
else if (Mathf.Approximately(angle, 360f))
GUI.Label(labelRect, "Full", m_MiddleCenterStyle);
// Exposure time bar graph
var outerBarSize = new Vector2(4.75f, 0.5f) * k_Height;
var innerBarSize = outerBarSize;
innerBarSize.x *= angle / 360f;
var barCenter = center + new Vector2(k_Height * 0.9f, 0f);
var barOrigin = barCenter - outerBarSize * 0.5f;
DrawRect(barOrigin, outerBarSize, m_ColorDark);
DrawRect(barOrigin, innerBarSize, m_ColorGray);
var barText = "Exposure time = " + (angle / 3.6f).ToString("0") + "% of ΔT";
GUI.Label(new Rect(barOrigin, outerBarSize), barText, m_MiddleCenterStyle);
public void DrawBlendingGraph(float strength)
var center = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(128, k_Height).center;
var iconSize = new Vector2(k_Height, k_Height);
var iconStride = new Vector2(k_Height * 0.9f, 0f);
var iconOrigin = center - iconSize * 0.5f - iconStride * 2f;
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
var weight = BlendingWeight(strength, i / 60f);
var rect = new Rect(iconOrigin + iconStride * i, iconSize);
var color = m_ColorGray;
color.a = weight;
GUI.color = color;
GUI.Label(rect, m_BlendingIcon);
GUI.color = Color.white;
GUI.Label(rect, (weight * 100).ToString("0") + "%", m_LowerCenterStyle);
// EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin
// Weight function for multi frame blending
float BlendingWeight(float strength, float time)
if (strength > 0f || Mathf.Approximately(time, 0f))
return Mathf.Exp(-time * Mathf.Lerp(80f, 10f, strength));
return 0;
// Draw a solid disc in the graph rect.
void DrawDisc(Vector2 center, float radius, Color fill)
Handles.color = fill;
Handles.DrawSolidDisc(center, Vector3.forward, radius);
// Draw an arc in the graph rect.
void DrawArc(Vector2 center, float radius, float angle, Color fill)
var start = new Vector2(
-Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * angle / 2f),
Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * angle / 2f)
Handles.color = fill;
Handles.DrawSolidArc(center, Vector3.forward, start, angle, radius);
// Draw a rectangle in the graph rect.
void DrawRect(Vector2 origin, Vector2 size, Color color)
var p0 = origin;
var p1 = origin + size;
m_RectVertices[0] = p0;
m_RectVertices[1] = new Vector2(p1.x, p0.y);
m_RectVertices[2] = p1;
m_RectVertices[3] = new Vector2(p0.x, p1.y);
Handles.color = Color.white;
Handles.DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline(m_RectVertices, color, Color.clear);
public override void OnEnable()
m_ShutterAngle = FindSetting((Settings x) => x.shutterAngle);
m_SampleCount = FindSetting((Settings x) => x.sampleCount);
m_FrameBlending = FindSetting((Settings x) => x.frameBlending);
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
if (m_GraphDrawer == null)
m_GraphDrawer = new GraphDrawer();
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Shutter Speed Simulation", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Multiple Frame Blending", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
float fbValue = m_FrameBlending.floatValue;
if (fbValue > 0f)
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Multi-Frame Blending lowers precision of the final picture for optimization purposes.", MessageType.Info);