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using UnityEngine.Assertions;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering
public class BC6H
static readonly int _Source = Shader.PropertyToID("_Source");
static readonly int _Target = Shader.PropertyToID("_Target");
readonly ComputeShader m_Shader;
readonly int m_KernelEncodeFast;
readonly int[] m_KernelEncodeFastGroupSize;
public BC6H(ComputeShader shader)
m_Shader = shader;
m_KernelEncodeFast = m_Shader.FindKernel("KEncodeFast");
uint x, y, z;
m_Shader.GetKernelThreadGroupSizes(m_KernelEncodeFast, out x, out y, out z);
m_KernelEncodeFastGroupSize = new[] { (int)x, (int)y, (int)z };
public RenderTexture InstantiateTarget(int sourceWidth, int sourceHeight)
int targetWidth, targetHeight;
CalculateOutputSize(sourceWidth, sourceHeight, out targetWidth, out targetHeight);
var t = new RenderTexture(targetWidth, targetHeight, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBFloat, RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear);
t.enableRandomWrite = true;
return t;
// Only use mode11 of BC6H encoding
public void EncodeFast(CommandBuffer cmb, RenderTargetIdentifier source, int sourceWidth, int sourceHeight, RenderTargetIdentifier target)
int targetWidth, targetHeight;
CalculateOutputSize(sourceWidth, sourceHeight, out targetWidth, out targetHeight);
cmb.SetComputeTextureParam(m_Shader, m_KernelEncodeFast, _Source, source);
cmb.SetComputeTextureParam(m_Shader, m_KernelEncodeFast, _Target, target);
cmb.DispatchCompute(m_Shader, m_KernelEncodeFast, targetWidth / m_KernelEncodeFastGroupSize[0], targetHeight / m_KernelEncodeFastGroupSize[1], 1);
static void CalculateOutputSize(int swidth, int sheight, out int twidth, out int theight)
// BC6H encode 4x4 blocks of 32bit in 128bit
twidth = swidth >> 2;
theight = sheight >> 2;