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#define FLT_EPSILON 1.192092896e-07f
float GetScaleFromBase(float base)
const float C = (float)(1 << g_iLog2NumClusters);
const float geomSeries = (1.0 - pow(base, C)) / (1 - base); // geometric series: sum_k=0^{C-1} base^k
return geomSeries / (g_fFarPlane - g_fNearPlane);
int SnapToClusterIdxFlex(float z_in, float suggestedBase, bool logBasePerTile)
float z = z_in;
float z = -z_in;
float userscale = g_fClustScale;
if (logBasePerTile)
userscale = GetScaleFromBase(suggestedBase);
// using the inverse of the geometric series
const float dist = max(0, z - g_fNearPlane);
return (int)clamp(log2(dist * userscale * (suggestedBase - 1.0f) + 1) / log2(suggestedBase), 0.0, (float)((1 << g_iLog2NumClusters) - 1));
int SnapToClusterIdx(float z_in, float suggestedBase)
bool logBasePerTile = true; // resolved compile time
bool logBasePerTile = false;
return SnapToClusterIdxFlex(z_in, suggestedBase, logBasePerTile);
float ClusterIdxToZFlex(int k, float suggestedBase, bool logBasePerTile)
float res;
float userscale = g_fClustScale;
if (logBasePerTile)
userscale = GetScaleFromBase(suggestedBase);
float dist = (pow(suggestedBase, (float)k) - 1.0) / (userscale * (suggestedBase - 1.0f));
res = dist + g_fNearPlane;
return res;
return -res;
float ClusterIdxToZ(int k, float suggestedBase)
bool logBasePerTile = true; // resolved compile time
bool logBasePerTile = false;
return ClusterIdxToZFlex(k, suggestedBase, logBasePerTile);
// generate a log-base value such that half of the clusters are consumed from near plane to max. opaque depth of tile.
float SuggestLogBase50(float tileFarPlane)
const float C = (float)(1 << g_iLog2NumClusters);
float normDist = clamp((tileFarPlane - g_fNearPlane) / (g_fFarPlane - g_fNearPlane), FLT_EPSILON, 1.0);
float suggested_base = pow((1.0 + sqrt(max(0.0, 1.0 - 4.0 * normDist * (1.0 - normDist)))) / (2.0 * normDist), 2.0 / C); //
return max(g_fClustBase, suggested_base);
// generate a log-base value such that (approximately) a quarter of the clusters are consumed from near plane to max. opaque depth of tile.
float SuggestLogBase25(float tileFarPlane)
const float C = (float)(1 << g_iLog2NumClusters);
float normDist = clamp((tileFarPlane - g_fNearPlane) / (g_fFarPlane - g_fNearPlane), FLT_EPSILON, 1.0);
float suggested_base = pow((1 / 2.3) * max(0.0, (0.8 / normDist) - 1), 4.0 / (C * 2)); // approximate inverse of d*x^4 + (-x) + (1-d) = 0 - d is normalized distance
return max(g_fClustBase, suggested_base);