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// Fill SurfaceData/Builtin data function
#include "CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/Sampling/SampleUVMapping.hlsl"
#include "../MaterialUtilities.hlsl"
// Texture Mapping (think of LayerTexCoord as simply TexCoordMappings,
// ie no more layers here - cf Lit materials)
// For easier copying of code for now use a LayerTexCoord wrapping struct.
// We don't have details yet.
// NEWLITTODO: Eventually, we could quickly share GetBuiltinData of LitBuiltinData.hlsl
// in our GetSurfaceAndBuiltinData( ) here, since we will use the LayerTexCoord identifier,
// and an identical ComputeLayerTexCoord( ) prototype
struct LayerTexCoord
UVMapping base;
UVMapping details;
// Store information that will be share by all UVMapping
float3 vertexNormalWS; // TODO: store also object normal map for object triplanar
// Want to use only one sampler for normalmap/bentnormalmap either we use OS or TS. And either we have normal map or bent normal or both.
// Note (compared to Lit shader):
// We don't have a layered material with which we are sharing code here like the LayeredLit shader, but we can also save a couple of
// samplers later if we use bentnormals.
// _IDX suffix is meaningless here, could use the name SAMPLER_NORMALMAP_ID instead of SAMPLER_NORMALMAP_IDX and replace all
// indirect #ifdef _NORMALMAP_TANGENT_SPACE_IDX #ifdef and _NORMALMAP_IDX tests with the more direct
// shader_feature keywords _NORMALMAP_TANGENT_SPACE and _NORMALMAP.
// (Originally in the LayeredLit shader, shader_feature keywords like _NORMALMAP become _NORMALMAP0 but since files are shared,
// LitDataIndividualLayer will use a generic _NORMALMAP_IDX defined before its inclusion by the client LitData or LayeredLitData.
// That way, LitDataIndividualLayer supports multiple inclusions)
#if defined(_NORMALMAP)
#define SAMPLER_NORMALMAP_ID sampler_NormalMap
// TODO:
//#elif defined(_BENTNORMALMAP)
//#define SAMPLER_NORMALMAP_ID sampler_BentNormalMap
// TODO:
//#if defined(_NORMALMAP)
//#define SAMPLER_NORMALMAP_ID sampler_NormalMapOS
//#elif defined(_BENTNORMALMAP)
//#define SAMPLER_NORMALMAP_ID sampler_BentNormalMapOS
void ComputeLayerTexCoord( // Uv related parameters
float2 texCoord0, float2 texCoord1, float2 texCoord2, float2 texCoord3, float4 uvMappingMask,
// scale and bias for base
float2 texScale, float2 texBias,
// mapping type and output
int mappingType, inout LayerTexCoord layerTexCoord)
//TODO: Planar, Triplanar, detail map, surface_gradient.
// Handle uv0, uv1, uv2, uv3 based on _UVMappingMask weight (exclusif 0..1)
float2 uvBase = uvMappingMask.x * texCoord0 +
uvMappingMask.y * texCoord1 +
uvMappingMask.z * texCoord2 +
uvMappingMask.w * texCoord3;
// Copy data in uvmapping fields: used by generic sampling code (see especially SampleUVMappingNormalInternal.hlsl)
layerTexCoord.base.mappingType = mappingType;
layerTexCoord.base.normalWS = layerTexCoord.vertexNormalWS;
// Apply tiling options
layerTexCoord.base.uv = uvBase * texScale + texBias;
float3 GetNormalTS(FragInputs input, LayerTexCoord layerTexCoord, float3 detailNormalTS, float detailMask)
// TODO: different spaces (eg #ifdef _NORMALMAP_TANGENT_SPACE #elif object space, SURFACE_GRADIENT, etc.)
// and use detail map
float3 normalTS;
// Note we don't use the _NORMALMAP_IDX mechanism of the Lit shader, since we don't have "layers", we can
// directly use the shader_feature keyword:
normalTS = SAMPLE_UVMAPPING_NORMALMAP(_NormalMap, SAMPLER_NORMALMAP_ID, layerTexCoord.base, _NormalScale);
normalTS = float3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
return normalTS;
// This maybe call directly by tessellation (domain) shader, thus all part regarding surface gradient must be done
// in function with FragInputs input as parameters
// layerTexCoord must have been initialize to 0 outside of this function
void GetLayerTexCoord(float2 texCoord0, float2 texCoord1, float2 texCoord2, float2 texCoord3,
float3 positionWS, float3 vertexNormalWS, inout LayerTexCoord layerTexCoord)
layerTexCoord.vertexNormalWS = vertexNormalWS;
// TODO:
//layerTexCoord.triplanarWeights = ComputeTriplanarWeights(vertexNormalWS);
int mappingType = UV_MAPPING_UVSET;
// Be sure that the compiler is aware that we don't use UV1 to UV3 for main layer so it can optimize code
ComputeLayerTexCoord( texCoord0, texCoord1, texCoord2, texCoord3, _UVMappingMask, /* TODO _UVDetailsMappingMask, */
_BaseColorMap_ST.xy, _BaseColorMap_ST.zw, /* TODO _DetailMap_ST.xy, _DetailMap_ST.zw, 1.0, _LinkDetailsWithBase,
/* TODO positionWS, _TexWorldScale, */
mappingType, layerTexCoord);
// This is call only in this file
// layerTexCoord must have been initialize to 0 outside of this function
void GetLayerTexCoord(FragInputs input, inout LayerTexCoord layerTexCoord)
//GenerateLayerTexCoordBasisTB(input, layerTexCoord);
GetLayerTexCoord( input.texCoord0, input.texCoord1, input.texCoord2, input.texCoord3,
input.positionWS, input.worldToTangent[2].xyz, layerTexCoord);
// ...Texture Mapping
// cf with
// LitData.hlsl:GetSurfaceAndBuiltinData()
// LitDataIndividualLayer.hlsl:GetSurfaceData( )
// LitBuiltinData.hlsl:GetBuiltinData()
// Here we can combine them
void GetSurfaceAndBuiltinData(FragInputs input, float3 V, inout PositionInputs posInput, out SurfaceData surfaceData, out BuiltinData builtinData)
ApplyDoubleSidedFlipOrMirror(input); // Apply double sided flip on the vertex normal
LayerTexCoord layerTexCoord;
ZERO_INITIALIZE(LayerTexCoord, layerTexCoord);
GetLayerTexCoord(input, layerTexCoord);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Surface Data:
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// We perform the conversion to world of the normalTS outside of the GetSurfaceData
// so it allow us to correctly deal with detail normal map and optimize the code for the layered shaders
float3 normalTS;
// TODO: Those are only needed once we handle specular occlusion and optionnally bent normal maps.
// Also, for the builtinData part, use bentnormal to sample diffuse GI
//float3 bentNormalTS;
//float3 bentNormalWS;
//float alpha = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_BaseColorMap, sampler_BaseColorMap, baseColorMapUv).a * _BaseColor.a;
float alpha = SAMPLE_UVMAPPING_TEXTURE2D(_BaseColorMap, sampler_BaseColorMap, layerTexCoord.base).a * _BaseColor.a;
//NEWLITTODO: Once we include those passes in the main StackLit.shader, add handling of CUTOFF_TRANSPARENT_DEPTH_PREPASS and _POSTPASS
// and the related properties (in the .shader) and uniforms (in the StackLitProperties file) _AlphaCutoffPrepass, _AlphaCutoffPostpass
DoAlphaTest(alpha, _AlphaCutoff);
// TODO detail map:
float3 detailNormalTS = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
float detailMask = 0.0;
//TODO remove the following and use fetching macros that use uvmapping :
//float2 baseColorMapUv = TRANSFORM_TEX(input.texCoord0, _BaseColorMap);
//surfaceData.baseColor = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_BaseColorMap, sampler_BaseColorMap, baseColorMapUv).rgb * _BaseColor.rgb;
surfaceData.baseColor = SAMPLE_UVMAPPING_TEXTURE2D(_BaseColorMap, sampler_BaseColorMap, layerTexCoord.base).rgb * _BaseColor.rgb;
//surfaceData.normalWS = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
normalTS = GetNormalTS(input, layerTexCoord, detailNormalTS, detailMask);
//TODO: bentNormalTS
#if defined(_MASKMAPA)
surfaceData.perceptualSmoothnessA = SAMPLE_UVMAPPING_TEXTURE2D(_MaskMapA, sampler_MaskMapA, layerTexCoord.base).a;
surfaceData.perceptualSmoothnessA = lerp(_SmoothnessARemapMin, _SmoothnessARemapMax, surfaceData.perceptualSmoothnessA);
surfaceData.perceptualSmoothnessA = _SmoothnessA;
#if defined(_MASKMAPB)
surfaceData.perceptualSmoothnessB = SAMPLE_UVMAPPING_TEXTURE2D(_MaskMapB, sampler_MaskMapB, layerTexCoord.base).a;
surfaceData.perceptualSmoothnessB = lerp(_SmoothnessBRemapMin, _SmoothnessBRemapMax, surfaceData.perceptualSmoothnessB);
surfaceData.perceptualSmoothnessB = _SmoothnessB;
// TODOSTACKLIT: lobe weighting
surfaceData.lobeMix = _LobeMix;
// MaskMapA is RGBA: Metallic, Ambient Occlusion (Optional), detail Mask (Optional), Smoothness
// TODO: Ambient occlusion, detail mask.
#ifdef _MASKMAPA
surfaceData.metallic = SAMPLE_UVMAPPING_TEXTURE2D(_MaskMapA, sampler_MaskMapA, layerTexCoord.base).r;
surfaceData.metallic = 1.0;
surfaceData.metallic *= _Metallic;
// These static material feature allow compile time optimization
// TODO: As we add features, or-set the flags eg MATERIALFEATUREFLAGS_LIT_* with #ifdef
// on corresponding _MATERIAL_FEATURE_* shader_feature kerwords (set by UI) so the compiler
// knows the value of surfaceData.materialFeatures.
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Surface Data Part 2 (outsite GetSurfaceData( ) in Lit shader):
// -------------------------------------------------------------
GetNormalWS(input, V, normalTS, surfaceData.normalWS); // MaterialUtilities.hlsl
// TODO: decal etc.
#if defined(DEBUG_DISPLAY)
surfaceData.baseColor = GetTextureDataDebug(_DebugMipMapMode, layerTexCoord.base.uv, _BaseColorMap, _BaseColorMap_TexelSize, _BaseColorMap_MipInfo, surfaceData.baseColor);
surfaceData.metallic = 0;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Builtin Data:
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// NEWLITTODO: for all BuiltinData, might need to just refactor and use a comon function like that
// contained in LitBuiltinData.hlsl
builtinData.opacity = alpha;
builtinData.bakeDiffuseLighting = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// Emissive Intensity is only use here, but is part of BuiltinData to enforce UI parameters as we want the users to fill one color and one intensity
builtinData.emissiveIntensity = _EmissiveIntensity; // We still store intensity here so we can reuse it with debug code
builtinData.emissiveColor = _EmissiveColor * builtinData.emissiveIntensity * lerp(float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), surfaceData.baseColor.rgb, _AlbedoAffectEmissive);
builtinData.emissiveColor *= SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_EmissiveColorMap, sampler_EmissiveColorMap, TRANSFORM_TEX(input.texCoord0, _EmissiveColorMap)).rgb;
builtinData.velocity = float2(0.0, 0.0);
//NEWLITTODO: shader feature SHADOWS_SHADOWMASK not there yet.
builtinData.shadowMask0 = 0.0;
builtinData.shadowMask1 = 0.0;
builtinData.shadowMask2 = 0.0;
builtinData.shadowMask3 = 0.0;
float3 distortion = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_DistortionVectorMap, sampler_DistortionVectorMap, input.texCoord0).rgb;
distortion.rg = distortion.rg * _DistortionVectorScale.xx + _DistortionVectorBias.xx;
builtinData.distortion = distortion.rg * _DistortionScale;
builtinData.distortionBlur = clamp(distortion.b * _DistortionBlurScale, 0.0, 1.0) * (_DistortionBlurRemapMax - _DistortionBlurRemapMin) + _DistortionBlurRemapMin;
builtinData.distortion = float2(0.0, 0.0);
builtinData.distortionBlur = 0.0;
builtinData.depthOffset = 0.0;